Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
Christmas doesn't come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more...For the majority of people winter is synonymous of bitter cold nightmare, endless suffering and depression. Most of them wish it would never exist and fear it like the pest as during this contemplative period reality tends to look even grimmer and lack of activity forces them reflect on their existence. Artificiality and shameless consumption is what gets them through this difficult period (a form of escapism), hence if it were not for the overly unspiritual end-of-year craze disguised as religious and social celebration which takes place in December, many of them would blow a gasket.
- Dr. Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Me on the other hand, I love absolutely everything about the white season, however I don't place importance on such hollow festivities. I know that my straight-forward affirmations might sound a little harsh and nuts to you, but I'd rather stay away from the whole modern time Xmas commercial shebang and be warmly packed in a few layers of clothes than glorifying consumption and sweating like a pig in a blanket! Heat and meaningless jubilations kill me whereas honest meditation and low temperatures fill my soul with light as well as envigorate and stimulate me.
And it's not because I reject what our contemporary society outrageously worships and have heathen-style beliefs (however, I don't belong to any movement) that I can be hastily categorized as an individual who is hopeless, lost, frustrated, cynical or bitter. I mean, why should I accept rapacious greed, bleak materialism, repugnating fakeness and hideous vacuity when these are all negative "values" which dangerously threaten our civilization and are the reason for the human race's deplorable downfall? I could never forgive myself for following the masses and tolerating a way of life that is contrary to (my true) nature and totally disharmonious.
Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't feel. Just because I don't believe doesn't mean I don't understand.Don't misunderstand me, though. Like each of you, I take immense pleasure in covering my loved ones and friends with gifts, spending hours in the kitchen baking cookies as well as cooking up a storm and feasting on good food. I'd be a hypocrite to declare the contrary. It's just that I am less superficial and have a different and more reflective approach to Yuletide than highly conforming folks (read this post and this one to learn more about what it represents to me).
- IAMX, The Unfied Field
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,For me Yule, which coincides with the winter solstice (midwinter), is primeraly a day during which we begin a mystical journey into our inner self and are reminded of the Universe's greatness and of our humble place in it. This is a moment when we should all refocus on our true essence and remember that we are not at the center of everything and that the world doesn't revolve around us. Mankind is not almighty; we are an integral part of the cosmos and occupy a tiny, tiny part in the Grand Design of things. Hence, we cannot "play God" and live like careless inhabitants on this planet or else the cosmic balance will be broken and sooner or later we'll have to face the consequences of our actions...
The flying cloud, the frosty light;
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.
Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
- Alfred Lord Tennyson, Ring Out, Wild Bells
In my house, nothing exhuberant happens, but joy is at the rendez-vous, Jack Frost is glorified, the return of light is blessed and relaxed birthday carousing takes place. P. and I light candles, rejoice over our traditional English Christmas meal (bacon-basted turkey, Brussel sprouts, sage and onion bread stuffing, creamy mashed spuds and real gravy) and exchange a few presents. A peaceful, intimate and casual fete that reflects my personality.
So, being a person who enjoys simplicity and doesn't need luxury or pompousness to feel fulfilled and overjoyed, the holiday dessert I am presenting here today is in my image too; a graceful combination of sophistication and sobriety. This refined and ambrosial, yet modest as well as fuss-free sweet treat is just perfect for ending a feast on a fresh, light, fruity, gleeful and magical note.
The wish is old, the wish is true: A merry Christmas to you my friends!
White Wine & Tonka Poached Pears With Sablés Bretons And Butterscotch Sauce
Recipe for the "White Wine Poached Pears" as well as the "Butterscotch Sauce" by Rosa Mayland, November/December 2012 and recipe for the "Sablés Bretons" adapted from "La Cuisine De Mercotte".
Serves 6.
Ingredients For The "Poached Pears":
6 Pears, peeled & cored (from the base)
1200ml Water
250ml White wine (sweet or dry)
1 3/4 Cups Castor sugar
1/3 Tsp Ground tonka
2 Tsp Pure vanilla extract (or 1 vanilla bean, splitted)
Ingredients For The "Sablés Bretons":
75g Powder sugar
2 Egg yolks
75g Unsalted butter, at room temperature and softened
100g Flour, sieved
5g Baking powder
A pinch of fine sea salt
Ingredients For The "Butterscotch Sauce":
1 Quantity Butterscotch sauce (recipe here)
Method For The "Poached Pears":
1. In a big pan, combine the water, wine, sugar, tonka and vanilla.
2. Bring to a gentle simmer while stirring.
3. Place the pears in the poaching liquid and cover with a circle of baking paper (with a hole in the center - to let the steam escape) that fits snugly over the fruits.
4. Reduce the heat to a low simmer and cook for 20 minutes or until the pears are tender.
5. Remove the pan from the heat and let the pears cool in their liquid.
Method For The "Sablés Bretons":
6. Using a hand whisk, beat the sugar together with the yolks, until the mixture is foamy, pale yellow and falls from the beater in a ribbon.
7. Add the softened butter and whisk in order to obtain a smooth mixture.
8. With the help of a spatula, incorporate the flour and baking powder and salt (the mixture should be homogenous and ressemble a paste).
9. In plastic wrap, roughly flatten the dough to a thickness of 1/2 cm (0.2 inches) and refrigerate for several hours (at least 2 hours).
10. Cut out 8 rounds of pastry using 7cm (2.8 inches) non-buttered/greased stainless steel rings.
11. Place each pastry round on a baking tray covered with baking paper or a silpat and bake with the rings (!!!) at 170° C (338° F) for about 20 minutes.
12. Cool on a rack and then carefully unmold.
Method For "Assembling The Dessert":
13. Put one shortbread on each plate, then place a drained pear on top of it and drizzle with lukewarm butterscotch sauce.
14. Serve.
I used "Belle Hélène" pears, but you can also use "Bosc" or "Anjou" pears.
White wines such as "Gewurzraminer", "Riesling", "Sauvignon Blanc", "Champagne", "Clairette De Die" or "Sauterne" are perfect for paoching the pears.
The "Sablés Bretons" MUST be made by hand - no electric mixer should be employed.
The characteristic look of "Sablés Bretons" is obtained by not buttering/greasing the molds.
There is an excess of two "Sablés Bretons". Those might come in handy if one shortbread happens to get broken or looks not very presentable.
Serve the finished dessert immediately, otherwise the "Sablés Bretons" will get soggy.
Serving suggestions:
Serve at the end of your meal with dessert wine (Sauternes, Muscat, Tokaji, etc...) or spakling wine (Champagne, Clairette de Die, Moscato d'Asti, etc...).
Poires Pochées Au Vin Blanc Et A La Fève Tonka, Sablés Bretons Et Sauce Anglaise Au Caramel
Recette pour les "Poires Pochées Au Vin Blanc Et A la Fève Tonka" ainsi que pour la "Butterscotch Sauce" par
Rosa Mayland, novembre/décember 2102 et la recette pour les "Sablés Bretons" adaptée de "La Cuisine De Mercotte".Pour 6 personnes.
Ingrédients Pour Les "Poires Pochées":
6 Poires, pelées et évidées (depuis la base)
1200ml d'Eau
250ml de Vin blanc (doux ou sec)
210g de Sucre cristallisé
1/3 CC de Fève de tonka moulue
2 CC d'Extrait de vanille pure (ou une gousse de vanille ouverte)
Ingrédients Pour Les "SabLés Bretons":
75g de Sucre en poudre
2 Jaunes d'oeufs
75g de Beurre non-salé, à température ambiante et en pommade
100g de Farine, tamisée
5g de Poudre à lever/pâte
Une pincée de sel de mer fin
Ingredients Pour La "Butterscotch Sauce":
1 Quantité de Butterscotch sauce (recette ici)
Méthode Pour Les "Poires Pochées":
1. Dans une grande casserole, mélanger ensemble l'eau, le vin, le sucre, la vanille et la poudre de fève tonka.
2. Amener à ébullition tout en remuant.
3. Placer les poires dans le liquide de pochage et recouvrir les fruits avec un disque de papier sulfurisé (avec un trou en son centre afin de laisser la vapeur s'échapper).
4. Faire mijoter à feu doux et laisser cuire pendant 20 minutes, ou jusqu'à ce que les poires soient tendres.
5. Retirer la casserole du feu et laisser refroidir les poires dans leur liquide.
Méthode Pour Les "SabLés Bretons":
7. Au fouet et à la main (très important!), blanchir les jaunes d'oeufs avec le sucre en poudre jusqu'à obtention d'un appareil blanc et onctueux.
8. Incorporer le beurre pommade et lisser le mélange.
9. Tamiser dessus la farine et la levure chimique, puis ajouter une pincée de sel et travailler à la spatule pour obtenir une pâte homogène.
10. Aplatir la pâte grossièrement sur une épaisseur d’1/2 cm dans du papier film ou du papier guitare et laisser reposer au réfrigérateur pendant quelques heures (au moins 2 heures).
11. Détailler 8 disques de 7 cm de diamètre à l’aide de cercles à pâtisserie non beurrés et cuire ces sablés avec les cercles pendant environ 20 minutes à 170° C.
12. Laisser tiédir sur grille puis les démouler délicatement .
Méthode Pour "L'assemblage Du Dessert"":
13. Poser un sablé sur chaque assiette, puis déposer une poire égouttés sur celui-ci et arroser de butterscotch sauce tiède.
14. Servir.
Pour la confection de ce dessert j'ai utilisé des poires "Belle Hélène", mais vous pouvez aussi utiliser des poires "Bosc" ou "Anjou".
Des vins blancs tels que le "Gewurzraminer", "Riesling", "Sauvignon Blanc", "Champagne", la "Clairette De Die" ou le "Sauternes" sont parfaits pour pocher vos poires.
Les "Sablés Bretons" DOIVENT être préparés à la main - pas de batteur électrique doit être employé.
Le fait de ne pas beurrer les moules va donner ce look si caractéristique des sablés bretons.
Vous obtiendrez deux "Sablés Bretons" excédentaires. Ce n'est pas grave car ils pourraient vous être utiles si l'un de vos shortbreads venait à se casser ou à n'être pas très présentable.
Une fois le dessert assemblé, servir immédiatement car il y a un risque que les "Sablés Bretons" se ramollissent sous l'effet de l'humidité de la poire.
Suggestions d'accompagnement:
Servir à la fin de votre repas avec un vin de dessert (Sauternes, Muscat, Tokaji, etc ..) ou du vin mousseux (Champagne, Clairette de Die, Moscato d'Asti, etc ..).
Posted by
Rosa's Yummy Yums
5:20 PM
Berner Oberland,
Sablés Bretons,

Friday, December 14, 2012
A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety.Soon it'll be the 25th of December and the 1st of January, and I'm pretty sure most of you have already been meticulously planning their Christmas as well as New Year meals weeks if not months in advance. Whilst a majority of people are as organized as a five star soldier on a critical mission and ready to throw a memorable party, a small minority of "flunkees" like me are still scratching their heads and trying to figure out what they could possibly serve their guests on D Day (in my case, there will be no visitors coming over for lunch or supper, so that simplifies things considerably, but I still want to prepare a scrumptious dinner for my birthday and the year's end).
- Aesop
Unpreparedness always generates a lot of anxiety, thus we generally start freaking out at the prospect of hosting the celebrations and the immense pressure that comes together with that makes us run around spaztically like headless chickens on psychedelic drugs. Not a pretty sight if you ask me!
So, whether you are a big fan of those festivities or a rebel soul like me (either an anti-consumerist, a nonreligious individual or a heathen) with a soft spot for bouncy bashes, I have no doubt that you don't want to let your chaotic lack of method, explosive anxiety and procrastinative attitude get in the way and spoil the fete.
We all want to have a bedazzling and
richly decorated table graced with lots of mouthwatering dishes and spend
some valuable moments with those who hold a special place in our hearts, hence there is no way we want our family reunion or social gathering to get ruined by our disastrous and incompetent planning. This is why, in order to avoid panic attacks, unnecessary drama, last-minute breakdowns and seeing your risk of having a heart failure rise, I thought that I'd share with you my holiday recipe roundup which I have minutiously compiled here for your comfort.
Hopefully it'll come in handy, take some weight off your shoulders and help you reduce your stress level. Who knows? You might very well find something interesting and save some precious time by creating a menu which you have put together thanks this post. Take it easy and don't wrack your brains, it's not worth endagering your health for a few hours of short-lived joy - nobody will express their gratitude if you end up in the emergency departement.
The lucky winner of "An Edible Mosaic" coobook (see giveaway) is Kulsum at "Journey Kitchen". Congratulations!!!
Hopefully it'll come in handy, take some weight off your shoulders and help you reduce your stress level. Who knows? You might very well find something interesting and save some precious time by creating a menu which you have put together thanks this post. Take it easy and don't wrack your brains, it's not worth endagering your health for a few hours of short-lived joy - nobody will express their gratitude if you end up in the emergency departement.
The lucky winner of "An Edible Mosaic" coobook (see giveaway) is Kulsum at "Journey Kitchen". Congratulations!!!
Apperitive Food & Starters:
Brazilian Toasts (see recipe)
Caribbean Banana Soup (see recipe)
Caribbean Banana Soup (see recipe)
Chedar, Bacon & Egg Scone Sandwiches (see recipe)
Chopped Liver (see recipe)
Curried Parsnip And Apple Soup (see recipe)
Falafels (see recipe)
Foie Gras Terrine (see recipe)
Flammeküche Pizza (see recipe)
Fried Ricotta (see recipe)
Gravlax - Salt Cured Salmon (see recipe)
Ham And Parmesan Cake (see recipe)
Italian Wine Biscuits (see recipe)
Kipper Rillettes (see recipe)
Lavash Crackers (see recipe)
Lemon Parmesan Dip (see recipe)
Chopped Liver (see recipe)
Curried Parsnip And Apple Soup (see recipe)
Falafels (see recipe)
Foie Gras Terrine (see recipe)
Flammeküche Pizza (see recipe)
Fried Ricotta (see recipe)
Gravlax - Salt Cured Salmon (see recipe)
Ham And Parmesan Cake (see recipe)
Italian Wine Biscuits (see recipe)
Kipper Rillettes (see recipe)
Lavash Crackers (see recipe)
Lemon Parmesan Dip (see recipe)
Lobster Salad (see recipe)
Oat Cakes (see recipe)
Ostrich Steak Tartar (see recipe)
Parmesan And Gorgonzola Cheesecake (see recipe)
Parmesan And Italian Herbs Shortbread Cookies (see recipe)
Potato Chips/Crisps (see recipe)
Ricotta With Za'Atar (see recipe)
Smoked Haddock And Gruyère Tartlets (see recipe)
Smoked Salmon And Cream Cheese Bagels (see recipe)
Smoky Chili Crackers (see recipe)
Spicy Roasted Chickpeas (see recipe)
Spinach And Feta Strudel (see recipe)
Spicy Syrian-Style Lentil Soup (see recipe)
Sweet And Savory Italian Meatballs (see recipe)
Tahitian Poisson Cru Made With Salmon (see recipe)
Tiny Curry Scones (see recipe)
Vietnamese Chicken And Grapefruit Salad (see recipe)

Main Courses:
Blueberry Pork Chops (see recipe)
Brazilian Xinxim De Galinha (see recipe)
Chicken And Mushrooms In Saint Marcellin Sauce (see recipe)
Chicken In Vanilla Sauce (see recipe)
Chinese Lemon Chicken (see recipe)
Greek Pork Stew With Quinces (see recipe)
Oat Cakes (see recipe)
Ostrich Steak Tartar (see recipe)
Parmesan And Gorgonzola Cheesecake (see recipe)
Parmesan And Italian Herbs Shortbread Cookies (see recipe)
Potato Chips/Crisps (see recipe)
Ricotta With Za'Atar (see recipe)
Smoked Haddock And Gruyère Tartlets (see recipe)
Smoked Salmon And Cream Cheese Bagels (see recipe)
Smoky Chili Crackers (see recipe)
Spicy Roasted Chickpeas (see recipe)
Spinach And Feta Strudel (see recipe)
Spicy Syrian-Style Lentil Soup (see recipe)
Sweet And Savory Italian Meatballs (see recipe)
Tahitian Poisson Cru Made With Salmon (see recipe)
Tiny Curry Scones (see recipe)
Vietnamese Chicken And Grapefruit Salad (see recipe)
Main Courses:
Blueberry Pork Chops (see recipe)
Brazilian Xinxim De Galinha (see recipe)
Chicken And Mushrooms In Saint Marcellin Sauce (see recipe)
Chicken In Vanilla Sauce (see recipe)
Chinese Lemon Chicken (see recipe)
Greek Pork Stew With Quinces (see recipe)
Lasagne (see recipe)
Lemony Beef And Potato Tajine (see recipe)
Lump Egg Pasta With Saffron Sauce (see recipe)
Meatballs Brazilian Style (see recipe)
Pulled Pork (see recipe)
Raclette (see recipe)
Stuffed Quinces (see recipe)
Swiss Fondue (see recipe)
Lemony Beef And Potato Tajine (see recipe)
Lump Egg Pasta With Saffron Sauce (see recipe)
Meatballs Brazilian Style (see recipe)
Pulled Pork (see recipe)
Raclette (see recipe)
Stuffed Quinces (see recipe)
Swiss Fondue (see recipe)
Side Dishes & Accompaniments:
Almond And Curry Bread (see recipe)
Barberry Pilaf (see recipe)
Greek Lemon Roasted Potatoes (see recipe)
Homemade Orecchiette Pasta (see recipe)
Hot Italian-Style Tagliatelle (see recipe)
Jerusalem Artichoke Gratins (see recipe)
Maluns (see recipe)
Maple Glazed Brussel Sprouts And Potatoes (see recipe)
Homemade Orechiette (see recipe)
Parsnip Puree (see recipe)
Potato Kugel (see recipe)
Potatoes Baked With Parmiggiano (see recipe)
Pumpkin Latkes (see recipe)
Sauerkraut, Potato And Cheddar Pasties (see recipe)
Spätzlis (see recipe)
Homemade Orecchiette Pasta (see recipe)
Hot Italian-Style Tagliatelle (see recipe)
Jerusalem Artichoke Gratins (see recipe)
Maluns (see recipe)
Maple Glazed Brussel Sprouts And Potatoes (see recipe)
Homemade Orechiette (see recipe)
Parsnip Puree (see recipe)
Potato Kugel (see recipe)
Potatoes Baked With Parmiggiano (see recipe)
Pumpkin Latkes (see recipe)
Sauerkraut, Potato And Cheddar Pasties (see recipe)
Spätzlis (see recipe)
Tahini, Pomegranate & Coriander Salad (see recipe)
Toad In The Hole (see recipe)
Warm Beetroot With Sour Cream (see recipe)
Warm Beetroot With Sour Cream (see recipe)
Festive Desserts, Cakes, Breads & Cookies:
Almond Cake From Reims (see recipe)
Alsatian New Year Chocolate Chip Brioche (see recipe)
Amaretti, Apricot Jam & Coconut Bars (see recipe)
Apple Challah (see recipe)
Apple Latkes (see recipe)
Apple Tart With Hazelnut Frangipani (see recipe)
Artisanal Oreos (see recipe)
Bakewell Tart (see recipe)
Banana Bread Pudding (see recipe)
Banana Walnut Bread (see recipe)
Basboussa - Egyptian Syrup Cake (see recipe)
Basler Brunsli Cookies (see recipe)
Birnenbrot (see recipe)
Bostoni Cream Pie (see recipe)
Brazilian Coffee Cookies (see recipe)
Butterscotch Sauce (see recipe)
Canoli (see recipe)
Cantuccini - Biscotti Cookies (see recipe)
Caramel Cake With Caramelized Butter Fosting (see recipe)
Almond Cake From Reims (see recipe)
Alsatian New Year Chocolate Chip Brioche (see recipe)
Amaretti, Apricot Jam & Coconut Bars (see recipe)
Apple Challah (see recipe)
Apple Latkes (see recipe)
Apple Tart With Hazelnut Frangipani (see recipe)
Artisanal Oreos (see recipe)
Bakewell Tart (see recipe)
Banana Bread Pudding (see recipe)
Banana Walnut Bread (see recipe)
Basboussa - Egyptian Syrup Cake (see recipe)
Basler Brunsli Cookies (see recipe)
Birnenbrot (see recipe)
Bostoni Cream Pie (see recipe)
Brazilian Coffee Cookies (see recipe)
Butterscotch Sauce (see recipe)
Canoli (see recipe)
Cantuccini - Biscotti Cookies (see recipe)
Caramel Cake With Caramelized Butter Fosting (see recipe)
Caramel Walnut Tart (see recipe)
Caraway Seed Cake (see recipe)
Cardamom Crumb Cake (see recipe)
Cardamom Orange Brioche Bread (see recipe)
Cardamom, Matcha & Chestnut Mont Blancs (see recipe)
Carrot Bundt Cake (see recipe)
Challah Bread (see recipe 1 & recipe 2)
Cheesecake & Jelly (see recipe)
Cheesecake Marbled Brownies (see recipe)
Cherry Delights (see recipe)
Chestnut Bites (see recipe)
Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies (see recipe)
Caraway Seed Cake (see recipe)
Cardamom Crumb Cake (see recipe)
Cardamom Orange Brioche Bread (see recipe)
Cardamom, Matcha & Chestnut Mont Blancs (see recipe)
Carrot Bundt Cake (see recipe)
Challah Bread (see recipe 1 & recipe 2)
Cheesecake & Jelly (see recipe)
Cheesecake Marbled Brownies (see recipe)
Cherry Delights (see recipe)
Chestnut Bites (see recipe)
Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies (see recipe)
Chocolate & Pistachio Tartlets (see recipe)
Chocolate Cinnamon Bundt Cake (see recipe)
Chocolate Eclairs (see recipe)
Chocolate Ganache-Glazed Hazelnut Cake (see recipe)
Chocolate Intensity Cake (see recipe)
Chocolate Mousse/Delight (see recipe 1 & recipe 2)
Chocolate Pavlovas (see recipe)
Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies (see recipe)
Chocolate Cinnamon Bundt Cake (see recipe)
Chocolate Eclairs (see recipe)
Chocolate Ganache-Glazed Hazelnut Cake (see recipe)
Chocolate Intensity Cake (see recipe)
Chocolate Mousse/Delight (see recipe 1 & recipe 2)
Chocolate Pavlovas (see recipe)
Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies (see recipe)
Chocolate Valentino (see recipe)
Chocolate Salted Whoopie Pies (see recipe)
Chocolate Walnut Fudge (see recipe)
Cinnamon And Tahinomelo Smorhorns (see recipe)
Cinnamon Chestnut Persimmon Muffins (see recipe)
Cinnamon Granola (see recipe)
Cinnamon Sugar Doughnuts (see recipe)
Coffee Kisses Cookies (see recipe)
Croquembouche (see recipe)
Cuchaule (see recipe)
Danish Braid (see recipe)
Dark Chocolate & Peanut Butter Cupcakes (see recipe)
Dark Chocolate Tart (see recipe)
Chocolate Walnut Fudge (see recipe)
Cinnamon And Tahinomelo Smorhorns (see recipe)
Cinnamon Chestnut Persimmon Muffins (see recipe)
Cinnamon Granola (see recipe)
Cinnamon Sugar Doughnuts (see recipe)
Coffee Kisses Cookies (see recipe)
Croquembouche (see recipe)
Cuchaule (see recipe)
Danish Braid (see recipe)
Dark Chocolate & Peanut Butter Cupcakes (see recipe)
Dark Chocolate Tart (see recipe)
Date Bars (see recipe)
Deadly Blondies (see recipe)
Decorated Cookies (see recipe)
Deadly Blondies (see recipe)
Decorated Cookies (see recipe)
Deluxe Traditional English Trifle (see recipe)
Dobos Torte (see recipe)
Dream Bars (see recipe)
Drop Dead Chocolate Cake (see recipe)
Earl Grey Chocolate Mousse (see recipe)
Eggnog Mousse (see recipe)
English Tea And Fruit Loaf (see recipe)
Festive Winter Challah (see recipe)
Filbert Cake (see recipe)
Five Spice Ice Cream petits Fours (see recipe)
Fragrant Swedish Rye Bread (see recipe)
Frosted Spicy Rock Cakes (see recipe)
Fudgy Low-Fat Cocoa Cookies (see recipe)
Ginger Flavored Banana Cake (see recipe)
Gingerbread House (see recipe)
Gingered Carrot Cake Cookies (see recipe)
Grittibänz Breads (see recipe)
Hazelnut Nougatine (see recipe)
Dobos Torte (see recipe)
Dream Bars (see recipe)
Drop Dead Chocolate Cake (see recipe)
Earl Grey Chocolate Mousse (see recipe)
Eggnog Mousse (see recipe)
English Tea And Fruit Loaf (see recipe)
Festive Winter Challah (see recipe)
Filbert Cake (see recipe)
Five Spice Ice Cream petits Fours (see recipe)
Fragrant Swedish Rye Bread (see recipe)
Frosted Spicy Rock Cakes (see recipe)
Fudgy Low-Fat Cocoa Cookies (see recipe)
Ginger Flavored Banana Cake (see recipe)
Gingerbread House (see recipe)
Gingered Carrot Cake Cookies (see recipe)
Grittibänz Breads (see recipe)
Hazelnut Nougatine (see recipe)
Honey & Coffee Panna Cotta (see recipe)
Honey Cinnamon Graham Cookies (see recipe)
Ice Cream Cake (see recipe)
Italian Ricotta Cookies (see recipe)
Honey Cinnamon Graham Cookies (see recipe)
Ice Cream Cake (see recipe)
Italian Ricotta Cookies (see recipe)
Kalbura Basti (see recipe)
Koulourakia - Greek Cookies (see recipe)
Kriegskuchen/War Cake (see recipe)
Koulourakia - Greek Cookies (see recipe)
Kriegskuchen/War Cake (see recipe)
Lamingtons (see recipe)
Lemon Buttermilk Tart (see recipe)
Lemon Curd (see recipe)
Lemon Honey Cookies (see recipe)
Lemon Mousse Verrines (see recipe)
Luscious Lemon Bars (see recipe)
Luscious Pumpkin Jam (see recipe)
Macadamia Nut Cookies (see recipe)
Macarons With Chocolate & Peanut Better Ganache (see recipe)
Magenbrot Cookies (see recipe)
Mallows (see recipe)
Melting Moments Cookies (see recipe)
Milanais/Mailänderli Cookies (see recipe)
Milk Chocolate And Caramel Tart (see recipe)
Mincemeat For mince Pies (see recipe)
Lemon Buttermilk Tart (see recipe)
Lemon Curd (see recipe)
Lemon Honey Cookies (see recipe)
Lemon Mousse Verrines (see recipe)
Luscious Lemon Bars (see recipe)
Luscious Pumpkin Jam (see recipe)
Macadamia Nut Cookies (see recipe)
Macarons With Chocolate & Peanut Better Ganache (see recipe)
Magenbrot Cookies (see recipe)
Mallows (see recipe)
Melting Moments Cookies (see recipe)
Milanais/Mailänderli Cookies (see recipe)
Milk Chocolate And Caramel Tart (see recipe)
Mincemeat For mince Pies (see recipe)
Mince pies (see recipe)
Moist Orange Syrup Cake (see recipe)
Moroccan-Jewish Truffles (see recipe)
Mouhalabieh (see recipe)
Namoura (see recipe)
Nanaimo Bars (see recipe)
Nian-Gao (see recipe)
Norwegian Mountain Bread (see recipe)
Oatmeal Coconut Cookies (see recipe)
Moist Orange Syrup Cake (see recipe)
Moroccan-Jewish Truffles (see recipe)
Mouhalabieh (see recipe)
Namoura (see recipe)
Nanaimo Bars (see recipe)
Nian-Gao (see recipe)
Norwegian Mountain Bread (see recipe)
Oatmeal Coconut Cookies (see recipe)
Oatmeal Florentines (see recipe)
Opéra Cake (see recipe)
Orange Cornmeal Cake (see recipe)
Opéra Cake (see recipe)
Orange Cornmeal Cake (see recipe)
Orange Tian (see recipe)
Panettone (see recipe)
Pecan Pie Thumbprint Cookies (see recipe)
Perfect Party Cake (see recipe)
Pfeffernüsse Cookies (see recipe)
Portuguese Sweet Bread/Massa Sovada (see recipe)
Panettone (see recipe)
Pecan Pie Thumbprint Cookies (see recipe)
Perfect Party Cake (see recipe)
Pfeffernüsse Cookies (see recipe)
Portuguese Sweet Bread/Massa Sovada (see recipe)
Praliné Chocolates (see recipe)
Profiteroles (see recipe)
Pumpkin Apple Bread (see recipe)
Pumpkin Bread Pudding With Caramel Sauce (see recipe)
Pumpkin Challah (see recipe)
Peanut Butter & Tonka Ice Cream (see recipe)
Pecan Sandies (see recipe)
Pfeffernüsse Cookies (see recipe)
Profiteroles (see recipe)
Quarktorte With Raisins (see recipe)
Rose And Honey Madeleines (see recipe)
Rosemary And Vinefruit Bloomer (see recipe)
Rum Balls (see recipe)
Salée A La crème (see recipe)
Scones (see recipe)
Sesame Cookies (see recipe)
Sienese Panforte (see recipe)
Suet Pudding (see recipe)
Swiss Brunslis (see recipe)
Swiss Mailänderli - Milan Cookies (see recipe)
Swiss Saffron Bread (see recipe)
Swiss Zimsterne (see recipe)
Profiteroles (see recipe)
Pumpkin Apple Bread (see recipe)
Pumpkin Bread Pudding With Caramel Sauce (see recipe)
Pumpkin Challah (see recipe)
Peanut Butter & Tonka Ice Cream (see recipe)
Pecan Sandies (see recipe)
Pfeffernüsse Cookies (see recipe)
Profiteroles (see recipe)
Quarktorte With Raisins (see recipe)
Rose And Honey Madeleines (see recipe)
Rosemary And Vinefruit Bloomer (see recipe)
Rum Balls (see recipe)
Salée A La crème (see recipe)
Scones (see recipe)
Sesame Cookies (see recipe)
Sienese Panforte (see recipe)
Suet Pudding (see recipe)
Swiss Brunslis (see recipe)
Swiss Mailänderli - Milan Cookies (see recipe)
Swiss Saffron Bread (see recipe)
Swiss Zimsterne (see recipe)
Tartine Bakery Pumpkin Pie (see recipe)
Tahinomelo Spread With Mahlab (see recipe)
Tahinopitta - Tahini Cake (see recipe)
Tiramisù (see recipe)
Tiramisù Mousse & Lemon Curd Tart (see recipe)
Tiramisù Mousse & Lemon Curd Verrine (see recipe)
Triflemisù (see recipe)
Tuiles With Orange Praline Filling (see recipe)
Upside-Down Honey Cheescakes (see recipe)
Vanilla And Lemon Cupcakes With Buttercream Frosting (see recipe)
Victoria Sandwich (see recipe)
Vols-Au-Vent (see recipe)
Walnut Ma'amouls (see recipe)
Walnut Tart (see recipe)
Wesh Cakes (see recipe)
Wicked Bacon And Turkish Coffee Brownies (see recipe)
Yule Log (see recipe)
Zesty Ricotta Tart (see recipe)
Recipes From The Net
Cardamom Crèmes Brûlées (see recipe)
Carrots And Parsnips With Maple And Orange Glaze (see recipe)
Cavalucci (see recipe)
Chocolate Chestnut Fondant (see recipe)
Christmas Cake Tray Bake (see recipe)
Christmas Pie (see recipe)
Christmas Pudding Strudel (see recipe)
Christmas Stollen Cake (see recipe)
Citrus Craberry Layer Cake (see recipe)
Crisp Honey Mustard Parsnips (see recipe)
Cranberry Panna Cotta (see recipe)
Crispy Hedgehog Spuds With Sage (see recipe)
Dried Fruit Biscuits (see recipe)
Duck Liver And Gin Parfaits (see recipe)
Fragrant Mango And Apple Chutney (see recipe)
Frozen Mocha Cake With Chocolate Ganache Glaze (see recipe)
Fyrstekake or Norwegian Cardamom-Almond Tart (see recipe)
Gordon's Rustic Pâté (see recipe)
Green Tea And white Chocolate Cookies (see recipe)
Ham Hock And Mustard Terrine (see recipe)
Hazelnut Frangipane Tart With Quince Hazelnut Mincemeat (see recipe)
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's Gravy (see recipe)
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's Last-Minute Canapés (see recipe)
Lamb With Christmas Spices (see recipe)
Layered Squash, Barley And Spinach Pie (see recipe)
Lobster Stew (see recipe)
Mascarpone And Raspberry Trifle Terrine (see recipe)
Merunki Matcha Polvorones (see recipe)
Moroccan Spiced Pie (see recipe)
Mushroom Rice Stuffing (see recipe)
Nigel Slater's Alternative Birds (see recipe)
Nigel Slater's Mincemeat Cheesecake (see recipe)
Nigella's Raspberry Chocolate Brownie Trifle (see recipe)
Orange, Chocolate And Coconut Cookies (see recipe)
Orange Marmalade, Date, Fig And Quark Stollen (see recipe)
Paul Hollywood's Christmas Buns (see recipe)
Parsnip, Cranberry And Chestnut Loaf (see recipe)
Perfect Bread Sauce (see recipe)
Roasted Squash With Lemon-Tahini Sauce (see recipe)
Roasted Vegetable Mega Mix (see recipe)
Sausage, Sage And Onion Stuffing (see recipe)
Stir-Fried red Cabbage With Juniper And Pears (see recipe)
Swedish Dream Cookies (see recipe)
Swedish Meatballs With Mashed Potatoes (see recipe)
Turkey And squash Casserole (see recipe)
Ukrainian Christmas Cake (see recipe)
White Chocolate Cream Mousse (see recipe)
Wild Rice, chestnu And squash Stuffing (see recipe)
Yotam Ottolenghi's Roasted Brussels Sprouts With Hoisin Sauce (see recipe)
Tahinomelo Spread With Mahlab (see recipe)
Tahinopitta - Tahini Cake (see recipe)
Tiramisù (see recipe)
Tiramisù Mousse & Lemon Curd Tart (see recipe)
Tiramisù Mousse & Lemon Curd Verrine (see recipe)
Triflemisù (see recipe)
Tuiles With Orange Praline Filling (see recipe)
Upside-Down Honey Cheescakes (see recipe)
Vanilla And Lemon Cupcakes With Buttercream Frosting (see recipe)
Victoria Sandwich (see recipe)
Vols-Au-Vent (see recipe)
Walnut Ma'amouls (see recipe)
Walnut Tart (see recipe)
Wesh Cakes (see recipe)
Wicked Bacon And Turkish Coffee Brownies (see recipe)
Yule Log (see recipe)
Zesty Ricotta Tart (see recipe)
Recipes From The Net
Cardamom Crèmes Brûlées (see recipe)
Carrots And Parsnips With Maple And Orange Glaze (see recipe)
Cavalucci (see recipe)
Chocolate Chestnut Fondant (see recipe)
Christmas Cake Tray Bake (see recipe)
Christmas Pie (see recipe)
Christmas Pudding Strudel (see recipe)
Christmas Stollen Cake (see recipe)
Citrus Craberry Layer Cake (see recipe)
Crisp Honey Mustard Parsnips (see recipe)
Cranberry Panna Cotta (see recipe)
Crispy Hedgehog Spuds With Sage (see recipe)
Dried Fruit Biscuits (see recipe)
Duck Liver And Gin Parfaits (see recipe)
Fragrant Mango And Apple Chutney (see recipe)
Frozen Mocha Cake With Chocolate Ganache Glaze (see recipe)
Fyrstekake or Norwegian Cardamom-Almond Tart (see recipe)
Gordon's Rustic Pâté (see recipe)
Green Tea And white Chocolate Cookies (see recipe)
Ham Hock And Mustard Terrine (see recipe)
Hazelnut Frangipane Tart With Quince Hazelnut Mincemeat (see recipe)
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's Gravy (see recipe)
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's Last-Minute Canapés (see recipe)
Lamb With Christmas Spices (see recipe)
Layered Squash, Barley And Spinach Pie (see recipe)
Lobster Stew (see recipe)
Mascarpone And Raspberry Trifle Terrine (see recipe)
Merunki Matcha Polvorones (see recipe)
Moroccan Spiced Pie (see recipe)
Mushroom Rice Stuffing (see recipe)
Nigel Slater's Alternative Birds (see recipe)
Nigel Slater's Mincemeat Cheesecake (see recipe)
Nigella's Raspberry Chocolate Brownie Trifle (see recipe)
Orange, Chocolate And Coconut Cookies (see recipe)
Orange Marmalade, Date, Fig And Quark Stollen (see recipe)
Paul Hollywood's Christmas Buns (see recipe)
Parsnip, Cranberry And Chestnut Loaf (see recipe)
Perfect Bread Sauce (see recipe)
Roasted Squash With Lemon-Tahini Sauce (see recipe)
Roasted Vegetable Mega Mix (see recipe)
Sausage, Sage And Onion Stuffing (see recipe)
Stir-Fried red Cabbage With Juniper And Pears (see recipe)
Swedish Dream Cookies (see recipe)
Swedish Meatballs With Mashed Potatoes (see recipe)
Turkey And squash Casserole (see recipe)
Ukrainian Christmas Cake (see recipe)
White Chocolate Cream Mousse (see recipe)
Wild Rice, chestnu And squash Stuffing (see recipe)
Yotam Ottolenghi's Roasted Brussels Sprouts With Hoisin Sauce (see recipe)
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Rosa's Yummy Yums
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