"She sent out for one of those short, plump little cakes called petites madeleines, which look as though they had been moulded in the fluted scallop of a pilgrim's shell. And soon, mechanically, weary after a dull day with the prospect of a depressing morrow, I raised to my lips a spoonful of the tea in which I had soaked a morsel of the cake. No sooner had the warm liquid, and the crumbs with it, touched my palate than a shudder ran through my whole body, and I stopped, intent upon the extraordinary changes that were taking place…at once the vicissitudes of life had become indifferent to me, its disasters innocuous, its brevity illusory…"
- Except taken from Marcel Proust's "In Search Of Lost Time" -
There is definitely something magical to that lovely and elegant treat. Whether it has something to do with it's cute shell shape or it's size, Madeleines will not leave you indifferent. They definitely have an attractive aspect and a winning pedigree!

Well, after having finaly bought a Madeleine pan, I thought that it was about time for me to stop dreaming about them and start experimenting with them. So, on Monday, I made the Génoise-style batter and waited for the next day to bravely get out my mould in order to bake my first batch of close to perfect Madeleines.
After some researching on the net, I decided to make Claudia Flemming's recipe which I freely adapted according to my cravings for spring-like flavors. Originally, her Madeleines are made with chestnut honey, but since I had none I used a normal type of runny honey. And as I wanted to add an extra dimension to them, I ground a few dried rosebuds that I added to the pastry.
Those "Rose & Honey Madeleines" are very easy to make and taste so good. Texture-wise they are very moist, tender on the inside and slighty crispy on the outside. Taste-wise they have an extremely exhalirating and delicate flowery fragrance as well as a divinely sweet and pungent honey flavor. To die for and a perfect addition to your Easter table!

Recipe taken from Claudia Fleming's "The Last Course" and adapted by Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums 2010.
Yields 2 dozen madeleines.
12 Tbsp (180g/1.5 sticks) Unsalted butter, plus additional softened butter for the moulds
4 Large eggs
1/2 Cup Granulated sugar
2 Tbsp Firmly packed dark brown sugar
1/4 Cup Runny honey (strong flavored)
1 Cup All purpose flour
1/2 Cup Cake flour
2 Tsp Baking powder
1/4 Tsp Sea salt
2 Dried rosebuds, ground
Confectioners' sugar for dusting

2. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, beat the eggs, both sugars, and honey until pale and foamy, 2-3 minutes.
3. Sift both flours, the baking powder, ground rosebuds and salt over the egg mixture and use a rubber spatula to gently fold in. Fold in the browned butter. Cover the batter and refrigerate for at least 8 hours, or overnight.
4. Preheat the oven to 200° c (400° F). Liberally butter the madeleine molds. Spoon or pipe the batter evenly into the molds. Bake for 5-7 minutes, until golden brown.
5. Transfer the pans to a wire rack to cool for 5 minutes then unmold the cakes and let them cool completely on the rack. Dust with confectioners' sugar before serving.
I recommend that you butter the pans, then dust them with flour and put them in the freezer for a short while before you pipe the batter in the moulds.
Serving suggestions:
Eat those Madeleines whenever you feel like it and don't forget to accompany them with a good cup of tea.

Recette tirée du livre "The Last Course" de Claudia Fleming et adaptée par Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums 2010.
Pour 2 douzaines de madeleines.
180g de Beurre non-salé, plus un peu de beurre ramolli pour beurrer les moules
4 Gros oeufs
105g de Sucre cristallisé
2 CS de Sucre brun clair
60g de Miel (au goût prononcé)
127.5g de Farine blanche
64g de Farine à gâteau
2 CC de Poudre à lever
1/4 CC de Sel de mer
2 Boutons de roses séchées, réduits en poudre
Sucre en poudre pour saupoudrer

1. Dans une petite poêle faire fondre le beurre à température moyenne. Continuer à cuire le beurre pendant 5 minutes jusqu'à ce que le lactose se teinte (couleur noisette) et tombe au fond de la poêle. Filtrer le beurre et réserver.
2. Dans le bol d'un robot, battre (avec le fouet pendant 2-3 minutes) les oeufs, les sucres et le miel jusqu'à obtention d'une mousse pâle.
3. Tamiser les farines avec la poudre à lever, la poudre de boutons de roses et le sel et ajouter à la mixture aux oeufs. Incorporer délicatement avec une spatule et laisser reposer au frigo pendant tout une nuit (ou 8 heures au moins).
4. Péchauffer le four à 200° C. Beurrer généreusement les moules à madeleines. Les remplir avec la pâte à l'aide d'une cuillèere ou d'une poche à douille. Cuire 5-7 minutes, jusqu'à ce que les madeleines soient dorées.
5. Transférer le moule sur une grille et laisser refroidir pendant 5 minutes avant de les démouler et de les faire refroidir complètement. Saupoudrer avec du sucre glace.
Je vous recommande de bien beurrer les moules et de les saupoudrer avec de la farine, puis de les mettre un petit moment au congélateur avant de les remplir.
Idées de présentation:
Mangez-les à toutes heures de la journée et n'oubliez pas de les accompagner d'une bonne tasse de thé.

quelles belles photos Rosa !!! superbe post :) Merci !
Rosa, just gorgeous. And you have the requisite little lump on the back, too! :)
ReplyDeleteYou've turned an indulgence into a work of art. Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteOuah tes photos sont trop belles!! ;)
ReplyDeleteJe t'en piquerai bien quelques unes!
Bravo!! :)
Bisous & Bonne journée
Gorgeous madeleines! A fabulous treat!!
ReplyDeletesalut rosda j'adore les madeleines mais en ce moment j'adore les versions salées !! bizz et bonjour à la Suisse ! Pierre
ReplyDeleteHi Rosa
ReplyDeleteYour work is getting better and better and better.
Congratulations, everything put together with so much panache.
Please keep up your work, awesome and delightful x
so beautiful and so yummy, wish i could have this one....
ReplyDeleteProust would be proud.
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful Rosa !! I can almost smell them ! Happy Easter !
ReplyDeleteComme c'est joli et délicat!
ReplyDeleteEt ça doit être plus subtil que de les parfumer à l'eau de rose???
J'en ferai pour maman.
To lose oneself in a warm bite of madeleines soaked in tea is truly a life stopping moment. Yours are perfectly crusted with rose and honey tucked inside.
ReplyDeleteDear Rosa these madeleines look Heavenly absolutely beauty. I love your pictures, Have a nice Easter, gloria
ReplyDeleteDelicious pics u have here Rosa and wishing u a fantastic easter dear !!!!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful little cakes. I think I will try these for one of my church catering receptions.
ReplyDeleteDelicious pics u have here ....rocking treat for easter aint it.....feliz Pascoa :-)))
ReplyDeleteLove the addition of the rose buds. How fragrant, and scrumptious!
These do look delicious Rosa...have a wonderful weekend!!
ReplyDeleteI look at the madeleine pans in the kitchen store and am often tempted but I think, do I really need another pan to fit in the cupboard if I only make them once in a while?, and pass them by. But after this recipe, maybe, just maybe, I'll have to break down and buy one. They look and sound so good.
ReplyDeleteje suis en admiration devant tes photos et tes madeleines qui ont lair super super moelleuses!
ReplyDeleteMiel et rose en madeleines,
ReplyDeletec'est original et surement très savoureux!!
ottima idea di infilare delle rose in questo impasto che io ne adoro il profumo...quasi come un bel dono di Pasqua. Serena pasqua a te e alla tua famiglia.
Your Madeleine's came our beautiful. Just perfect for Easter. They have the Rosa twist with the Rose and honey. The sugar dusting is a nice touch too! xo
ReplyDeleteDélicieuses madeleines et quelle belle idée de les mettre en brochette..Bisous.
ReplyDeleteJust gorgeous. I love the flavor combination here too. Makes them so much more yummy!
ReplyDeletewhat a gorgeous treat my friend
ReplyDeleteyour Madeleine are delicious with the flavour of the roses and honey.
what can be better..
The photos are awesome
Gorgeous and scrumptious. Great photos!
ReplyDeleteOh what I wouldn't do to be able to make such dainty delights of beauty. Perhaps some day...
ReplyDeleteI actually had a Madeleine pan in my hands today but reluctantly put it down. Maybe I should have kept it.
Thank you so much for sharing Rosa. Wishing you a heavenly Easter...
Wow! Dried rosebuds in a recipe! How romantic. Your madeleines are simply beautiful, Rosa.
ReplyDeleteWow, those are beautiful. Definitely yummy :)
ReplyDeleteein luftiger Ostertraum ! Ein schönes Osterfest wünscht Euch, Robert
ReplyDeleteQuelle superbe association!!!Tes madeleines sont magnifiques.
ReplyDeleteJoyeuses Pâques.
Those look so pretty and delicate, I really need to try making these.
ReplyDeleteOoooh, those look positively addictive...
ReplyDeleteOh Rosa, what a work of art! Every photo is exquisite and I can only imagine how amazing they taste. Plus, you quoted Proust, one of my favourite writers. Thanks for sharing these special moments, you've convinced me it's time to get a madeleine pan. Happy Easter!
ReplyDeleteTrès tentantes tes madeleines... je te souhaite une belle journée de Pâques.
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter Rosa. Your madeleines sound perfect and I can imagine how wonderful they taste with the rosebuds.
ReplyDeleteJe ne connaissais pas l'origine merci pour la petite histoire. Comme toi, pas fan des madeleines insdutrielles surtout après avoir goûté à celles fait maison.
definitely Rosa's Rose & Honey Madeleines, looks so groovy! :)
ReplyDeleteThese are pretty and so elegant, Rosa! The combination of rose and honey sounds so delicate and delicious!
ReplyDeletedes madeleines qui donnent envie
ReplyDeleteyour photos are so lovely, and your description makes me want to eat one now!
ReplyDeleteYour gorgeous madeleines are making my mouth water!
ReplyDeleteWow the pics are gorgeous... Liked the pink bowl one and the wire rack shot!!!. Always wanted to make madelines never got to trying it. Bookmarked it!.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful madeleines! Love the pictures and the flavours.
ReplyDeleteYour photographs are brilliant! Very innovative and well shot. Fab job with these rose and honey madeleines.
ReplyDeletecan you believe i've never eaten or made madeleines? it's tragic. yours look completely perfect, and the combination of flavors is so unique and appealing!
ReplyDeleteYour madeleines look great! They're such delicious, little cakes, and your flavorings are great choices.
ReplyDeleteUn vrai délice surtout pour ma petite princesse, les tiens sont trés réussies, bravo .
ReplyDeleteBeautiful madeleines, such an amazing flavor with rose & honey and they sound simply heavenly!
ReplyDeletewoman, these are just so gorgeous! great to just look at all day and be enticed....
ReplyDeleteThese are so delicate. Almost too delicate to eat. I can imagine them floating in my mouth!
ReplyDeleteAdorables petits gateaux, et adorables photos surtout - une belle lumiere douce.
ReplyDeleteOK..I don't usually like the flavor of flower in anything I ingest, but my god..those look so lovely and delicious, I think I may need to try them. Gorgeous photos as always. Oh..also love your Easter ideas!
ReplyDeleteA classic that will never go out of style...hope you had a fab Easter!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful madelines! I love the flavor combination. Thanks for the recipe.
ReplyDeleteTrès jolies madeleines !
ReplyDeleteJe te souhaite une très bonne soirée,
Bisous, Doria
What a lovely flavor combination Rosa!
ReplyDeletei love madeleines..your looks yummy and the photos are gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteTes madeleines ont l'air fabuleuses. Les photos sont en plus tellement jolies.
ReplyDeletebises Rosa
Like always - goegeous. But i have question - what is cake flour? Is it self raising flour? We don't have anythink like that here in Lithuania. You can choose flour follow number only (405, 550 etc.).
ReplyDeleteWhat a great blog you have here, I loved all the recipes, beautiful :)))
These look lovely, light and oh-so girly. Hope you had a wonderful Easter filled with all manner of great treats.
ReplyDeleterose and honey..how lovely I love your shots..so pretty little cakes
De belles photos et l'évocation de la madeleine de Proust est bien sûr de mise! j'adore ton idée de mettre de la rose et du miel dans tes madeleines c'est un mariage très réussi!
ReplyDeleteRose and Honey, what a lovely combination. I will have to try this combination the next time I make madeleines.
ReplyDeleteC'est toujours un plaisir de passer sur tes pages, tes photos sont superbes :-)
Elles ont l'air délicieuses et les photos donnent envie de tester la recette ! Une recette à essayer sans aucun doute :3
ReplyDeleteAmazing Madeleines. I love the flavours, they remember me some I have tasted a while ago when i was in Strasbourg. And as I can from the "Pays de la Madeleine", and as there's no madeleine where I live, I will have to do your recipe :)Thankfully i've brought my mould here!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous madeleines, Rosa! Great job. I still haven't made them myself. I should give them a go.
ReplyDeleteThey look amazing! I've never made madeleines myself but this flavor combo sounds divine!
ReplyDeleteOh, Rosa, they are perfect little Madeleines! Light and fluffy and the flavor sounds enchanting! Gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteLovely photos!
ReplyDeleteMagnifique comme d'habitude !
ReplyDeleteQuelle superbe association!!!Tes madeleines sont magnifiques.
ReplyDeleteJoyeuses Pâques.
Ahh so summery and light :)
ReplyDeleteJ'aimerai :
ReplyDelete1.connaître la différence entre la farine blanche et la farine à gâteau ;
2. savoir où l'on peut trouver de la poudre de boutons de roses (à Paris). Merci d'avance.
J'ai hâte d'essayer cette nouvelle recette car j'adore les madeleines.
ANYNYMOUS: Merci pour votre message et passage sur mon blog.
ReplyDelete1. Le farine blanche est appelée farine T55 en France. Ce n'est pas de la farine à gâteau qui contient de la poudre à lever.
2. Vous trouverez des boutons de roses à Fauchon ou chez n'importe quelle magasin d'alimentation marocaine.
3. En ce qui concerne la poudre, c'est à vous de moudre les boutons dans un mortier.
J'espère que mes réponses vous seront utiles et que vous adorerez cette recette.
Bises, Rosa.
Merci Rosa pour ta réponse si rapide. Je vais me régaler sans modération. Bises de C..... Rose !
ReplyDeleteC: De rien! J'espère que ces madeleines seront à ton goût... Bises.
ReplyDeleteLook so Delicious but it more delicious to cook this one ! Busana Wanita Online