Since I don't own a BBQ, I believed that I would never be able to make "Pulled Pork" at home, but then I stumbled upon a crockpot recipe on Bridget's great blog "The Way The Cookie Crumbles" and realized that I would finally be able to taste that irresistible speciality.
The next day, I went hunting for real BBQ sauce and to my astonishment I found a bottle of Stubb's legendary Texas "Smokey Mesquite Bar-B-Q Sauce" in my local Coop supermarket. As you can imagine, the gourmet in love with US food that I am was so excited that I could have performed the raindance through the aisles of the store!
I had all the necessary ingredients and was going to prepare that dish without using any substitutes. What great news! My "Pulled Pork" would be a 100% genuine and have the true Dixie flavor. And, boy, it tasted ever so good that you'd sell your soul to the Devil in order to get a morsel of that succulent treat!
I served my "Pulled Pork" wrapped in lusciously smooth homemade "Tortilla Sheets" and added some refreshing "Tomato Salsa" and thinly-sliced onion rings for more flavor. The meat was so tender, delightfully moist and mouth-smackingly flavorful that it felt as if I had entered food heaven after having died due to reaching summits of intense gustatory pleasure!
So, if you want a damn mean and dirty dish from the deep and mystical South, then you've found the right place. The combination of the flatbreads, salsa and onions was incredibly wicked. I could not stop from frantically scarfing down those malicious wraps like some starved and underfed beast!
That dish would be perfect for your summer potlucks, picnics, BBQs or for your 4th of July (Independance Day) celebration.

Adapted from "Cook's Illustrated".
1 Tbs ground black pepper
1-2 Tsp Cayenne pepper
2 Tbs Chili powder
2 Tbs Ground cumin
2 Tbs Dark brown sugar
1 Tbs Dried oregano
4 Tbs Paprika
2 Tbs Table salt
1 Tbs Granulated sugar
1 Tbs Ground white pepper
1 (3-4 kgs/6-8 pound) Bone-in pork shoulder (see remarks)
1/2 Tsp Liquid smoke (optional)
2 Cups BBQ sauce

1. Mix all spice rub ingredients (1-10) in a small bowl.
2. Massage spice rub into meat. Wrap tightly in double layer of plastic wrap; refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
3. Unwrap roast and place it in slow cooker liner. Add liquid smoke, if using, and 1/4 cup water. Turn slow cooker to low and cook for 8-10 hours, until meat is fork-tender.
4. Transfer roast to cutting board; discard liquid in liner. “Pull” by tearing meat into thin shreds with two forks or your fingers. Discard fat.
5. Place shredded meat back in slow cooker liner; toss with 1 cup barbecue sauce, and heat on low for 30-60 minutes, until hot.
6. Serve with additional barbecue sauce (if needed).

I used boneless pork neck for this recipe and it was perfect, but you can also use pork butt.
For stronger flavor, the roast can be refrigerated and left to marinade for up to 3 days.
While the meat isslowly cooking, if necessary, add more water 1/3 cup at a time (the meat should not cook without liquid).
Serving suggestions:
Serve with "Tortillas", "Tomato Salsa" and onion rings or with "Hamburger Buns" as well as with "Hot Dog Rolls".

Recette adaptée du magazine "Cook's Illustrated".
1 CS de Poivre noir, fraîchement moulu
1-2 CC de Poivre de Cayenne
2 CS de Piment en poudre
2 CS de Cumin en poudre
2 CS de Sucre brun foncé
1 CS d'Origan séché
4 CS de Paprika
2 CS de Sel
1 CS de Sucre cristallisé
1 CS de Poivre blanc, fraîchement moulu
3-4 kgs d'Epaule de porc sur l'os (voir remarques)
1/2 CC de Liquid smoke (en option)
2 Tasses de Sauce pour barbecue

1. Mélanger toutes les épices (1-10) dans un bol.
2. Masser la viande avec ce mélange et l'emballer avec du film plastique, puis la mettre au frigo pendant au moins 3 heures.
3. Enlever le film plastique et mettre la viande dans une casserole en fonte (type Le Creuset). Ajouter le "liquid smoke" et 1/2 tasse d'eau. Cuire à feu doux pendant 8-10 heures, jusqu'à ce que la viande soit tendre et se défasse.
4. Mettre la viande sur une planche à découper et l'émietter/la défaire à l'aide de 2 fourchettes ou de vos doigts.
5. Retourner la vainde dans la casserole, ajouter 1 tasse de sauce pour BBQ, bien mélanger et cuire à feu doux pendant 30-60 minutes, jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit chaude.
6. Servir avec le restant de sauce pour BBQ (si nécessaire).

J'ai utilisé du cou de porc (sans os) et c'était parfait.
Pour plus de saveur, la viande peut être laissée à mariner pendant 3 jours.
Durant la cuisson, rajouter de l'eau - 1/3 de tasse à la fois - si nécessaire (il faut que la viande ait assez de liquide pour cuire).
Idées de présentation:
Servir avec des "Tortillas", de la "Salsa Aux Tomates" et des rondelles d'oignons ou des "Pains A Hamburgers" ou des "Pains A Hot Dog".

Très originale, cette façon de procéder, et le résultat est appétissant! Je sens que je vais te l'emprunter, cette recette!
ReplyDeleteBonne journée!
Cool, schöne Fotos und ein leckeres Essen. :)
ReplyDeleteI love pork!! This looks soooooo good Rosa! And I love the pics! Beautiful as always!! :)
ReplyDeleteRosa, I never heard of Pulled Pork before but I love pork and this is definitely a keeper recipe. I have to look for some of that sauce.
ReplyDeleteAvec la marinade, la viande doit être bien parfumée !
ReplyDeleteBien tentant ton boeuf...
ReplyDeleteI love pulled pork, even if I don't like very much pork. Your recipe is perfect, Rosa!
ReplyDeletePlat appétissant et magnifiques photos!
ReplyDeletecomme toujours ...
Rosa I have also wondered what pulled pork would taste like too, well now I can try your recipe - yippee!! Your pork looks utterly delicious - *slurp* :09
ReplyDeleteGee whiz, Rosa! I usually do not eat pork, but the way you describe the outcome has got me drooling here! Sounds fantastic and devilishly delish!
ReplyDeleteJAMIE: thanks! I guess you could replace it with beef...
ReplyDeleteCa me plait beaucoup!! Surtout servi avec des petites crêpes!
ReplyDeleteA very authentic dish Roas. Good for you for trying it:D
ReplyDelete..miamm..pour moi ce sera;tortillas..avec une belle salsa de tomates!!mmm que de plaisir en bouche;)
ReplyDelete..bo mercredi ma chère Rosa..ici c'est la fête du Canada;)
~nancy xx
pulled pork is delicious--I love it with cole slaw.
ReplyDeletecuite à l'étouffé cette viande doit etre très tendre !!
ReplyDeletecette facon de présenter la viande est originale.
Ton plat a lair vraiment délicieux!!
ReplyDeleteI don't eat pork but it looks mouthwatering good! I'll just pretend its chicken..:)
ReplyDeleteYUM! I've been having a huge craving for pulled pork - I must have some asap!
ReplyDeleteTu me rapelles beaucoup de souvenirs ce matin, je suis à moitié italienne et mon arrière grand-mère préparait tous les lundis un "pulled porc". Elle fustigeait toujours contre les Américains qui ne savaient pas se nourrir, mais si on lui disait" Nonna, c'est de la cuisine américaine le "pulled porc". Elle répondait toujours: "Non, pas du tout, c'est de la vraie cuisine italienne, c'est moi qui l'ai préparé"! Elle est morte il y a 8 ans, et je m'ennuie toujours de l'odeur qu'il y avait lorsqu'elle le préparait. Tiens,je vais en cuisiner en sa mémoire. Mille grazie! Magnifiques photographies, comme toujours! Et c'est encore plus délicieux avec une sauce BBQ maison. Bonne journée
ReplyDeleteAllo Rosa,
ReplyDeleteJe connais pas du tout cette recette,c'est une découverte.Cela doit être bon dans un sandwich chaud ou un fajitas.
Bon week-end!
Mmm I bet it tastes irrisistble!
ReplyDeleteBeautifully done Rosa! Looks delicious.
ReplyDeleteUn plat des plus succulent et sans aucun doute très savoureux :)
ReplyDeleteBon mercredi Chère Rosa!! xxx
I never made pull pork before, and never made my own tortilla either. Maybe one day ...
ReplyDeleteLooks really delicious!
That looks unbelievably good. Girl, it's not even 8 am here and I'm drooling for a plate of your pork! Imagine finding that bbq sauce at your local coop too...
ReplyDeleteThat pulled pork looks magnificent and i love your photos!
ReplyDeleteUne recette extra a adopter !
I adore this pork recipe as well as the gorgeous photos taken.
ReplyDeleteI’ll try it soon! A savory pleasure :)
All the best,
I love pulled pork and this looks sooooo good, Rosa!
ReplyDeleteYummy ! I love this tasty recipe very Delicious pork!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your recipe:)
Have a Grand Happy Day~
oh Rosa, I've never seen this fabulous dish before, to whom may I sell my soul ?
ReplyDeleteGreat meal. I love the tomatoes in your photos!
ReplyDeleteLooks like you did a great job! I'm so excited you found Stubb's sauce. Have you ever visited the US south?
ReplyDeleteLISAISCOOKING: Thanks! I was so excited to have found this sauce here! Of course, it is quite expensive... No, I have never visited the US, but I'd love to.
ReplyDeleteI've never had pulled pork before but definitely want to try it! The slow cooker definitely sounds like the best way!
ReplyDeleteGreat photos and I love your description! This is one of my husbands favorite things and I had never made it at home.
ReplyDeleteThat's one meaty mound of tasty goodness!
ReplyDeleteYum! I have my own recipe for this, but am intrigued by this one and will certainly try it and see which one I like best! I love the pics, they definitely capture how good pulled pork is!
ReplyDeleteUne très belle recette !
Oh how I love pulled pork! This looks fantastic. It's one of the guilty pleasures I can't give up.
ReplyDeleteJe choisis en temps normal des plat de côtes (boeuf) mais avec du porc pourquoi pas surtout si il n'y a pas d'os. La viande fond dans la bouche. J'aime beaucoup en tortilla ou dans un cottage pie. C'est vraiment excellent et bon marché.
ReplyDeleteelle est super interessante cette recette, ça me plait beaucoup! merci!
Mmmm, I love pulled pork! It's so tender and delicious.
ReplyDeleteC'est très parfumé !!! Une belle recette que tu me fais découvrir !
ReplyDeleteBisous, Doria
Very appetizing, Rosa! Love the photos, too.
je ne connaissais pas , c'est original et ça me parait bien bon
ReplyDeleteaprès tant d'heyres de cuisson , la viande doit être très tendre
I love pulled pork. I don't know why I've never thought to make it at home. I'm bookmarking this recipe! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteNow here's a subject dear to my heart. I live in Alabama or what we refer to as the Deep South (U.S.). BBQ (or barbecue) is a diet staple. Texans like beef but we prefer pork and everyone has an opinion on how to cook it, how to eat it, and which restaurant serves the best.
ReplyDeleteI will post my favorites on our national holiday of July 4th.
Great job, Rosa!
ricetta elaborata, per la lunga cottura ma ne vale la pena, mi piace molto perché amo la carne ben saporita e questa me la riservo in caso di cenetta con amici...bravissima!
I am in love with this pulled pork!
ReplyDeleteOh la la,je raffole de la sauce barbecue et ta recette a tout pour me plaire!!!
I'm from the deep south and very impressed with your presentation. One question. WHERE'S THE SWEET TEA?
ReplyDeleteThe music was a really fun surprise. I think it woke my neighbors...down the street.
It looks exactly right, Rosa! I'm glad you were able to taste this "delicacy".
ReplyDeleteBTW... I left you a little something on my blog on Monday.
Ah, that sounds perfect right about now!
ReplyDeleteQuelle jolie recette!
ReplyDeleteJe mets de côté pour les journées moins chaudes...
Cette recette est très intéressante!!!
ReplyDeleteUne recette bien parfumée que je testerai avec plaisir.
ReplyDeleteYumm, I love pulled pork! Nice recipe :)
ReplyDeleteI love pulled pork and this looks like a delicious recipe!
ReplyDeletelovely pork recipe. specially pulled pork. a must try for the weekends.
Merci pour la superbe ballade ainsi que pour cette délicieuse recette je viens de passer un agréable moment avec elles deux
ReplyDeleteBon week-end
That pulled pork looks so good! I have been wanting to try making pulled pork and now that I have a slow cooker I am going to have to make it this Summer.
ReplyDeleteLOl, laughed reading this post. Pulled pork is darn good isn't it?! Glad to hear you loved it!
un peu de patience pour un résultat qui semble savoureux !
ReplyDeleteRosa, I LOVE LOVE LOVE pulled pork, and yours looks unbelievably juicy and mouth watering! Bookmarked!
ReplyDeletesuoerbe recette et photos (elles donnent envie!)
ReplyDeleteA pulled pork sandwich is one of food's best delights...I could eat three!
ReplyDeletea very well organised blog!!!!with detailed photos..and many html texts!! bravo and keep it up.
ReplyDeleteWow, you have made so many nice food, now catching up in your blog. I have never tried Pulled Pork and have to come back for the recipe. Nice you can find the BBQ sauce in COOP, I have to check it out too. Will pop over to learn what is liquid smoke, learn sth new today. I am drooling....