Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Posted by
Rosa's Yummy Yums
10:25 AM
New Year,

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Although, I am always hyper stressed when I get to discover our monthly challenge, I nonetheless obstinately force myself to not get influenced by the sheer task that awaits me. And, I can tell you, that I need to gather a hell of a lot of courage in order to start baking without listening to those terrible demons of doubt whispering discouraging messages in my ear and telling me to quit because I don't have the capacity to go through it all without ending up feeling desperate and in tears!

So, it is with not much confidence, but with a lot of willpower that I started to organize myself and to concentrate on the work to be done. After making all six different elements, I finally assembled my log with an immense feeling of relief and pride.
At the end of the day, I was kippered! Not only had I to go through the process of making the log, but I also had to wash dozens and dozens of dishes as well as ustensils as well as to put away things, so that my kitchen would not look like a crime scene anymore... I can tell you that, this evening, I slept like a little baby!
I won't say that this "French Yule Log" is really difficult to make as all elements demand no special skills, but it sure requires a considerable amount of organization and time, extreme patience and the adequate ustensils, as putting this treat together is quite a finicky and tricky task.
Anyway, once I had a good night's sleep, I was ready to enjoy the fruit of my labor. And, boy oh boy, it was worth every hour spent sweating, stressing and cursing in the kitchen as this marvelously luscious log is truly heavenly. A frozen chocolate delight that'll get you hooked!
I really want to thank Hilda from "Saffron And Blueberry" (France) and Marion at "Il en Faut Peu Pour Etre Heureux" (France) - trop bien ce challenge! - for having chosen that fantastic recipe!
See the past challenges here.

Recipe by Flore from "Florilege Gourmand" (France).
Preparation time:
10 minutes + 15 minutes for baking
2 mixing bowls, hand or stand mixer with whisk attachment, spatula, baking pan such as a 10”x15” jelly-roll pan, parchment paper
You can use the Dacquoise for the bottom of your Yule Log only, or as bottom and top layers, or if using a Yule log mold (half-pipe) to line your entire mold with the biscuit. Take care to spread the Dacquoise accordingly. Try to bake the Dacquoise the same day you assemble the log to keep it as moist as possible.
2.8 oz (3/4cup + 1Tbsp / 80g) Almond meal
1.75 oz (1/2 cup / 50g) Confectioner’s sugar
2Tbsp (15g) All-purpose flour
3.5oz (100g / ~100ml) or about
3 Medium egg whites
1.75 oz (4 Tbsp / 50g) Granulated sugar
1. Finely mix the almond meal and the confectioner's sugar. (If you have a mixer, you can use it by pulsing the ingredients together for no longer than 30 seconds).
2. Sift the flour into the mix.
3. Beat the eggs whites, gradually adding the granulated sugar until stiff.
4. Pour the almond meal mixture into the egg whites and blend delicately with a spatula.
5. Grease a piece of parchment paper and line your baking pan with it.
6. Spread the batter on a piece of parchment paper to an area slightly larger than your desired shape (circle, long strip etc...) and to a height of 1/3 inches (8mm).
7. Bake at 350°F (180°C) for approximately 15 minutes (depends on your oven), until golden. 8. Let cool and cut to the desired shape.

Preparation time:
20 minutes.
Stand or hand mixer with whisk attachment, thermometer, double boiler or equivalent, spatula.
You will see that a Pate a Bombe is mentioned in this recipe. A Pate a Bombe is a term used for egg yolks beaten with a sugar syrup, then aerated. It is the base used for many mousse and buttercream recipes. It makes mousses and buttercreams more stable, particularly if they are to be frozen, so that they do not melt as quickly or collapse under the weight of heavier items such as the crème brulee insert.
2.5 Sheets gelatin or 5g / 1 + 1/4 Tsp powdered gelatin
1.5 oz (3 Tbsp / 40g) Granulated sugar
1 1/2 Tsp (10g) Glucose or thick corn syrup
0.5 oz (15g) Water
50g Egg yolks (about 3 medium)
6.2 oz (175g) Dark chocolate, coarsely chopped
1.5 Cups (350g) Heavy cream (35% fat content)
1. Soften the gelatin in cold water (If using powdered gelatin, follow the directions on the package).
2. Make a Pate a Bombe: Beat the egg yolks until very light in colour (approximately 5 minutes until almost white).
2a. Cook the sugar, glucose syrup and water on medium heat for approximately 3 minutes (if you have a candy thermometer, the mixture should reach 244°F/118°C. If you do not have a candy thermometer, test the sugar temperature by dipping the tip of a knife into the syrup then into a bowl of ice water, if it forms a soft ball in the water then you have reached the correct temperature).
2b. Add the sugar syrup to the beaten yolks carefully by pouring it into the mixture in a thin stream while continuing to beat the yolks. You can do this by hand but it’s easier to do this with an electric mixer.
2c. Continue beating until cool (approximately 5 minutes). The batter should become thick and foamy.
3. In a double boiler or equivalent, heat 2 tablespoons (30g) of cream to boiling. Add the chopped chocolate and stir until melted and smooth.
4. Whip the remainder of cream until stiff.
5. Pour the melted chocolate over the softened gelatin, mixing well. Let the gelatin and chocolate cool slightly and then stir in ½ cup (100g) of whipped cream to temper. Add the Pate a Bombe.
6. Add in the rest of the Whipped cream (220g) mixing gently with a spatula.

Preparation time:
10 minutes.
Pan, whisk. If you have plunging mixer (a vertical hand mixer used to make soups and other liquids), it comes in handy.
Because the ganache hardens as it cools, you should make it right before you intend to use it to facilitate piping it onto the log during assembly. Please be careful when caramelizing the sugar and then adding the cream. It may splatter and boil.
1.75 oz (4 Tbsp / 50g) Granulated sugar
4.5oz (2/3 cup – 1 Tbsp/ 135g) Heavy cream (35% fat content)
5 oz (135g) Dark chocolate, finely chopped
3Tbsp + 1/2tsp (45g) Unsalted butter softened
1. Make a caramel: Using the dry method, melt the sugar by spreading it in an even layer in a small saucepan with high sides. Heat over medium-high heat, watching it carefully as the sugar begins to melt. Never stir the mixture. As the sugar starts to melt, swirl the pan occasionally to allow the sugar to melt evenly. Cook to dark amber color (for most of you that means darker than last month’s challenge).
2. While the sugar is melting, heat the cream until boiling. Pour cream into the caramel and stir thoroughly. Be very careful as it may splatter and boil.
3. Pour the hot caramel-milk mixture over the dark chocolate. Wait 30 seconds and stir until smooth.
4. Add the softened butter and whip hard and fast (if you have a plunging mixer use it). The chocolate should be smooth and shiny.

Preparation time:
10 minutes.
Small saucepan, baking sheet (if you make lace crepes). Double boiler (or one small saucepan in another), wax paper, rolling pin (or I use an empty bottle of olive oil).
Feuillete means layered (as in with leaves) so a Praline Feuillete is a Praline version of a delicate crisp.
3.5 oz (100g) Milk chocolate
1 2/3 Tbsp (25g) Unsalted butter
2 Tbsp (1 oz / 30g) Praline (see recipe here)
2.1oz (60g) Rice krispies or corn flakes or Special K
1. Melt the chocolate and butter in a double boiler.
2. Add the praline and the coarsely crushed lace crepes. Mix quickly to thoroughly coat with the chocolate.
3. Spread between two sheets of wax paper to a size slightly larger than your desired shape. Refrigerate until hard.

Preparation time:
15 minutes + 1h infusing + 1h baking.
Small saucepan, mixing bowl, baking mold, wax paper.
The vanilla crème brulée can be flavored differently by simply replacing the vanilla with something else e.g. cardamom, lavender, etc...
1/2 Cup (115g) Heavy cream (35% fat content)
1/2 Cup (115g) Whole milk
4 Medium-sized (72g) egg yolks
0.75 oz (2 Tbsp / 25g) Granulated sugar
1 Vanilla bean
1. Heat the milk, cream, and scraped vanilla bean to just boiling. Remove from the stove and let the vanilla infuse for about 1 hour.
2. Whisk together the sugar and egg yolks (but do not beat until white).
3. Pour the vanilla-infused milk over the sugar/yolk mixture. Mix well.
4. Wipe with a very wet cloth and then cover your baking mold (whatever shape is going to fit on the inside of your Yule log/cake) with parchment paper. Pour the cream into the mold and bake at 210°F (100°C) for about 1 hour or until firm on the edges and slightly wobbly in the center (You can bake it without a water bath since it is going to go inside the log - the aesthetics of it won't matter as much since it will be covered with other things - nonetheles it would be recommendable to use a water bath for the following reasons: you will get a much nicer mouth feel when it is done, you will be able to control its baking point and desired consistency much better - it bakes for such a long time that I fear it will get overdone without a water bath. Since it is baked in a pan and it is sometimes difficult to find another large pan to set it in for a water bath, even a small amount of water in your water bath will help the heat be distributed evenly in the baking process. Even as little as 1 inch will help).
5. Let cool and put in the freezer for at least 1 hour to firm up and facilitate the final assembly.

Preparation time:
25 minutes (10 minutes if you don’t count softening the gelatin).
Small bowl, small saucepan.
Because the icing gelifies quickly, you should make it at the last minute. For other gelatin equivalencies or gelatin to agar-agar equivalencies, look at the notes for the mousse component.
I doubled the quantity.
4g / 1/2 Tbsp Powdered gelatin or 2 sheets gelatin
1/4 Cup (60g) heavy cream (35 % fat content)
2.1 oz (5 Tbsp / 60g) Granulated sugar
1/4 Cup (50g) Water 1/3 Cup (30g) unsweetened cocoa powder
1. Soften the gelatin in cold water for 15 minutes.
2. Boil the rest of the ingredients and cook an additional 3 minutes after boiling.
3. Add gelatin to the chocolate mixture. Mix well
4. Let cool while checking the texture regularly. As soon as the mixture is smooth and coats a spoon well (it is starting to gelify), use immediately.

When doing the assembly upside down with two pieces of Dacquoise, the order is:
1) Dacquoise
2) Mousse
3) Creme Brulee Insert
4) Mousse
5) Praline/Crisp Insert
6) Mousse
7) Ganache Insert
8) Dacquoise
A) Cut the Dacquoise into a shape fitting your mold and set it in there. If you are using an actual Yule mold which is in the shape of a half-pipe, you want the Dacquoise to cover the entire half-pipe portion of the mold.
B) Pipe one third of the Mousse component on the Dacquoise.
C) Take the Creme Brulee Insert out of the freezer at the last minute and set on top of the mousse. Press down gently to slightly ensconce it in the mousse.
D) Pipe second third of the Mousse component around and on top of the Creme Brulee Insert. E) Cut the Praline/Crisp Insert to a size slightly smaller than your mold so that it can be surrounded by mousse. Lay it on top of the mousse you just piped into the mold.
F) Pipe the last third of the Mousse component on top of the Praline Insert.
G) Freeze for a few hours to set. Take out of the freezer.
H) Pipe the Ganache Insert onto the frozen mousse leaving a slight eidge so that ganache doesn’t seep out when you set the Dacquoise on top.
I) Close with the last strip of Dacquoise.
J) Freeze until the next day.
The next day:
1. Unmold the cake/log/whatever and set on a wire rack over a shallow pan.
2. Cover the cake with the icing. Let set.
3. Return to the freezer (You may decorate your cake however you wish. The decorations can be set in the icing after it sets but before you return the cake to the freezer or you may attach them on top using extra ganache or leftover mousse, etc...).
4. Transfer to the refrigerator no longer than 1/2 hour before serving as it may start to melt quickly depending on the elements you chose.
5. Serve

C'est pourquoi je vous suggère de vous rendre sur les blogs mentionnés ci-dessous. Vous y trouverez cette recette en version française.
Chez Vibi de "La Casserole Carée" (Canada) - A different version
Chez Isa de "Les Gourmandises d'Isa" (Canada)
Posted by
Rosa's Yummy Yums
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
This week, "Mr Tigger & The M-Cats Club" (USA) are happy to announce that they are hosting Weekend Cat Blogging #185...
To submit your kitty picture(s), you can either leave a message in their blog's comment section (with your permalinks) or contact them via e-mail without forgetting to give all the needed information.
To submit your kitty picture(s), you can either leave a message in their blog's comment section (with your permalinks) or contact them via e-mail without forgetting to give all the needed information.
Posted by
Rosa's Yummy Yums
Friday, December 19, 2008
Although most of Switzerland is covered with a thick layer of snow, the Geneva area only got a thin coat of white...
It is quite rare to have snow in this part of the country, so I was very happy to see that, this time, Veyrier hadn't been spared. So, last Sunday, I took my camera and went around the countryside in search of good shots. Enjoy!

It is quite rare to have snow in this part of the country, so I was very happy to see that, this time, Veyrier hadn't been spared. So, last Sunday, I took my camera and went around the countryside in search of good shots. Enjoy!

Posted by
Rosa's Yummy Yums
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"Pecan Sandies" (the homemade version of that store-bought American favorite), also known as "Pecan Shortbread Cookies" or "Butter Pecan Cookies", are little Christmas gems which contain both very finely ground and coarsely chopped pecan nuts.
Those delicate and fantastically addictive cookies are melt-in-your-mouth, crumbly as well as sandy in texture. Taste-wise, they are wonderfully buttery, exquisitely aromatized with vannilla, lightly sweet and have rich as well as an ambrosial pecan flavor. It is the kind of treat which will have you and you whole family fighting over the cookie jar!
They make a great Christmas treat, but can also be enjoyed at any time of the year.

Recipe by Tish Boyle, "The Good Cookie".
Makes about 28 cookies.
1 1/2 Cups All-purpose flour
1/2 Cup Pecans, finely ground in a food processor
1 Cup Pecans, coarsely chopped
3/4 Tsp Salt
1 Cup (240g/2 sticks) Unsalted butter, softened
3/4 Cup Firmly packed light brown sugar
1 Large egg (~63g)
1 Tsp Vanilla extract (see remarks)
1. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, ground pecans and salt. Set Aside.
2. In the bowl of an electric mixer, using the paddle attachment (or by hand), beat the butter at medium spead until creamy, about 1 minute.
3. Gradually add the light brown sugar. Scrapedown the sides of the bowl, and beat at medium-high speed for 2 minutes, until light and fluffy.
4. Beat in the egg and vanilla extract, scraping down the sides of the bowl as necessary.
5. Reduce the speed to low and add the flour mixture, in two additions, mixing until blended.

7. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and chill the dough for 1 hour.
8. Position two racks near the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 180° C (350° F).
9. Shape the dough into 1 1/4-inch balls and arrange on the baking sheets (see remarks).
10. Moisten your palm to prevent sticking and flatten each cookie into a 2-inch disk.
11. Bake the cookies, two sheets at a time (see remarks), for 8-10 minutes, switching the position of the sheets halfway through baking, until they are lightly browned around the edges.
12. Let the cookies cool for 10 minutes on the baking sheets, then transfer them to a wire rack to cool completely.
Instead of vanilla extract, I used 1 Tsp pure vanilla paste.
You could also replace the pecan nuts with walnuts. As the cookies will not spread, you don't need to leave much space between them.
I baked my cookies only one sheet at a time.
Store those cookies in an airtight container, at room temperature for up to a week, or freeze for up to a month.
Serving suggestions:
Eat those cookies at any time of the day or night, with a glass of cold milk, a cup of tea or coffee.

Recette par Tish Boyle, "The Good Cookie".
Pour environ 28 sablés.
1 1/2 Tasse (190g) de Farine blache
1/2 Tasse (56g) de Noix de pécan, finement moulues dans un mixer
1 Tasse (113g) de Noix de pécan, hâchées grossièrement
3/4 CC de Sel
240g de Beurre non-salé
3/4 Tasse (180g) de Sucre brun clair, tassé
1 Gros oeuf (~63g)
1 CC d'Extrait de Vanille (voir remarques)
1. Dans un bol moyen, mélanger ensemble la farine, les noix de pécan moulues et le sel. Mettre de côté.
2. Dans le bol d'un batteur (ou à la main), battre le beurre en jusqu'à consistance crémeuse, à vitesse moyenne et pendant 1 minute.
3. Graduellement ajouter le sucre. Bien nettoyer les bords du bol et battre, a vitesse moyennement élevée pendant 2 minutes, jusqu'à ce que le mélange soit léger et mousseux.
4. Ajouter l'oeuf et la vanille, et bien battre, en nettoyant les bords du bol si nécessaire.

6. Ajouter les noix hachées et bien incorporer.
7. Couvrir le bol avec du plastique alimentaire et mettre au réfrigérateur pendant 1 heure.
8. Positionner deux grilles au centre du four et préchauffer à 180° C.
9. Former des boules de 3cm avec la pâte et les arranger sur vos plaques (voir remarques).
10. Himidifier vos mains et applatir chaque sablé avec la palme de votre main afin d'obtenir un disque de 5cm de diamètre.
11. Cuire les biscuits, deux plaques à la fois (voire remarques), pendant 8 à 10 minutes, en les changeant de position après 4 minutes, jusqu'à ce que les rebords des sablés soient dorés.
12. Faire refroidir les sablés pendant 10 minutes sur les plaques, puis les transférer sur une grille afin qu'ils refroidissent complètement.
Au lieu d'utiliser de l'extrait de vanille, j'ai utilisé 1 CC de pâte de vanille pure.
Vous pouvez remplacer les noix de pécan par des noix de Grenoble.
Etant donné que les sablés ne s'étalent pas trop, vous n'avez pas besoin de trop les espacer.
J'ai cuit mes sablés une plaque à la fois.
Conservez-les dans une boîte hermétique, à température ambiante pendant une semaine, ou un mois au congélateur.

Mangez ces sablés à toute heure de la journée ou de la nuit, avec un verre de lait froid, une tasse de thé, un café au lait ou une tasse de café.
Posted by
Rosa's Yummy Yums
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas and New Year are magical times during which we love to cook scrumptious meals and bake delicious treats. Everybody wants to have a pretty table with lots of beautiful festive foods as well as a good time with their loved ones...
If you want to have a stress free end of the year, please have a look at my recipes. You might find something interesting and will not lose any precious time thinking about your menu. Take it easy and don't wrack your brains!
Apperitive Food & Starters:
Brazilian Toasts (see recipe)
Caribbean Banana Soup (see recipe)
Chopped Liver (see recipe)
Fried Ricotta (see recipe)
Gravlax - Salt Cured Salmon (see recipe)
Ham And Parmesan Cake (see recipe)
Hawaiian Salmon Poke (see recipe)
Oat Cakes (see recipe)
Ostrich Steak Tartar (see recipe)
Parmesan And Gorgonzola Cheesecake (see recipe)
Potato Chips/Crisps (see recipe)
Smoked Salmon And Cream Cheese Bagels (see recipe)
Smoky Chili Crackers (see recipe)
Spicy Roasted Chickpeas (see recipe)
Sweet And Savory Italian Meatballs (see recipe)
Tiny Curry Scones (see recipe)
Vietnamese Chicken And Grapefruit Salad (see recipe)
Main Courses:
Blueberry Pork Chops (see recipe)
Brazilian Xinxim De Galinha (see recipe)
Chicken And Mushrooms In Saint Marcellin Sauce (see recipe)
Chicken In Vanilla Sauce (see recipe)
Chinese Lemon Chicken (see recipe)
Cheese Fondue (see recipe)
Fish Rendang (see recipe)
Greek Pork Stew With Quinces (see recipe)
Lemony Beef And Potato Tajine (see recipe)
Lump Egg Pasta With Saffron Sauce (see recipe)
Meatballs Brazilian Style (see recipe)
Raclette (see recipe)
Side Dishes & Accompaniments:
Almond And Curry Bread (see recipe)
Greek Lemon Roasted Potatoes (see recipe)
Homemade Orecchiette Pasta (see recipe)
Hot Italian-Style Tagliatelle (see recipe)
Jerusalem artichoke Gratins (see recipe)
Maluns (see recipe)
Maple Glazed Brussel Sprouts And Potatoes (see recipe)
Homemade Orechiette (see recipe)
Parsnip Puree (see recipe)
Potato Kugel (see recipe)
Potatoes Baked With Parmiggiano (see recipe)
Pumpkin Latkes (see recipe)
Spätzlis (see recipe)
Warm Beetroot With Sour Cream (see recipe)
Festive Desserts, Breads & Cookies:
Alsatian New Year Chocolate Chip Brioche (see recipe)
Apple Latkes (see recipe)
Banana Bread Pudding (see recipe)
Banana Walnut Bread (see recipe)
Basler Brunsli Cookies (see recipe)
Birnenbrot (see recipe)
Bostoni Cream Pie (see recipe)
Brazilian Coffee Cookies (see recipe)
Cantuccini - Biscotti Cookies (see recipe)
Caramel Cake With Caramelized Butter Fosting (see recipe)
Challah Bread (see recipe 1 & recipe 2)
Cheesecake Marbled Brownies (see recipe)
Chestnut Bites (see recipe)
Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies (see recipe)
Chocolate Intensity Cake (see recipe)
Chocolate Mousse/Delight (see recipe)
Chocolate Walnut Fudge (see recipe)
Cinnamon Chestnut Persimmon Muffins (see recipe)
Cinnamon Granola (see recipe)
Danish Braid (see recipe)
Dark Chocolate & Peanut Butter Cupcakes (see recipe)
Deadly Blondies (see recipe)
Dream Bars (see recipe)
Earl Grey Chocolate Mousse (see recipe)
Festive Winter Challah (see recipe)
Fragrant Swedish Rye Bread (see recipe)
Fudgy Low-Fat Cocoa Cookies (see recipe)
Ginger Flavored Banana Cake (see recipe)
Grittibänz Breads (see recipe)
Hazelnut Nougatine (see recipe)
Honey Cinnamon Graham Cookies (see recipe)
Italian Ricotta Cookies (see recipe)
Kriegskuchen/War Cake (see recipe)
Lamingtons (see recipe)
Lemon Curd (see recipe)
Lemon Honey Cookies (see recipe)
Lemon Mousse Verrines (see recipe)
Luscious Lemon Bars (see recipe)
Luscious Pumpkin Jam (see recipe)
Macadamia Nut Cookies (see recipe)
Macarons With Chocolate & Peanut Better Ganache (see recipe)
Magenbrot Cookies (see recipe)
Maple Glazed Brussel Sprouts And Potatoes (see recipe)
Milanais/Mailänderli Cookies (see recipe)
Milk Chocolate And Caramel Tart (see recipe)
Moist Orange Syrup Cake (see recipe)
Moroccan-Jewish Truffles (see recipe)
Nian-Gao (see recipe)
Opéra Cake (see recipe)
Orange Cornmeal Cake (see recipe)
Panettone (see recipe)
Perfect Party Cake (see recipe)
Pfeffernüsse Cookies (see recipe)
Portuguese Sweet Bread/Massa Sovada (see recipe)
Profiteroles (see recipe)
Pumpkin Apple Bread (see recipe)
Pumpkin Bread Pudding With Caramel Sauce (see recipe)
Pumpkin Challah (see recipe)
Orange Cornmeal Cake (see recipe)
Salée A La crème (see recipe)
Scones (see recipe)
Sesame Cookies (see recipe)
Sienese Panforte (see recipe)
Swiss Brunslis (see recipe)
Swiss Mailänderli - Milan Cookies (see recipe)
Swiss Saffron Bread (see recipe)
Swiss Zimsterne (see recipe)
Tahinopitta - Tahini Cake (see recipe)
Tiramisù Mousse & Lemon Curd Tart (see recipe)
Tiramisù Mousse & Lemon Curd Verrine (see recipe)
Triflemisù (see recipe)
Vanilla And Lemon Cupcakes With Buttercream Frosting (see recipe)
Yule Log (see recipe)
Zesty Ricotta Tart (see recipe)
If you want to have a stress free end of the year, please have a look at my recipes. You might find something interesting and will not lose any precious time thinking about your menu. Take it easy and don't wrack your brains!

Brazilian Toasts (see recipe)
Caribbean Banana Soup (see recipe)
Chopped Liver (see recipe)
Fried Ricotta (see recipe)
Gravlax - Salt Cured Salmon (see recipe)
Ham And Parmesan Cake (see recipe)
Hawaiian Salmon Poke (see recipe)
Oat Cakes (see recipe)
Ostrich Steak Tartar (see recipe)
Parmesan And Gorgonzola Cheesecake (see recipe)
Potato Chips/Crisps (see recipe)
Smoked Salmon And Cream Cheese Bagels (see recipe)
Smoky Chili Crackers (see recipe)
Spicy Roasted Chickpeas (see recipe)
Sweet And Savory Italian Meatballs (see recipe)
Tiny Curry Scones (see recipe)
Vietnamese Chicken And Grapefruit Salad (see recipe)

Blueberry Pork Chops (see recipe)
Brazilian Xinxim De Galinha (see recipe)
Chicken And Mushrooms In Saint Marcellin Sauce (see recipe)
Chicken In Vanilla Sauce (see recipe)
Chinese Lemon Chicken (see recipe)
Cheese Fondue (see recipe)
Fish Rendang (see recipe)
Greek Pork Stew With Quinces (see recipe)
Lemony Beef And Potato Tajine (see recipe)
Lump Egg Pasta With Saffron Sauce (see recipe)
Meatballs Brazilian Style (see recipe)
Raclette (see recipe)
Side Dishes & Accompaniments:
Almond And Curry Bread (see recipe)
Greek Lemon Roasted Potatoes (see recipe)
Homemade Orecchiette Pasta (see recipe)
Hot Italian-Style Tagliatelle (see recipe)
Jerusalem artichoke Gratins (see recipe)
Maluns (see recipe)
Maple Glazed Brussel Sprouts And Potatoes (see recipe)
Homemade Orechiette (see recipe)
Parsnip Puree (see recipe)
Potato Kugel (see recipe)
Potatoes Baked With Parmiggiano (see recipe)
Pumpkin Latkes (see recipe)
Spätzlis (see recipe)
Warm Beetroot With Sour Cream (see recipe)

Alsatian New Year Chocolate Chip Brioche (see recipe)
Apple Latkes (see recipe)
Banana Bread Pudding (see recipe)
Banana Walnut Bread (see recipe)
Basler Brunsli Cookies (see recipe)
Birnenbrot (see recipe)
Bostoni Cream Pie (see recipe)
Brazilian Coffee Cookies (see recipe)
Cantuccini - Biscotti Cookies (see recipe)
Caramel Cake With Caramelized Butter Fosting (see recipe)
Challah Bread (see recipe 1 & recipe 2)
Cheesecake Marbled Brownies (see recipe)
Chestnut Bites (see recipe)
Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies (see recipe)
Chocolate Intensity Cake (see recipe)
Chocolate Mousse/Delight (see recipe)
Chocolate Walnut Fudge (see recipe)
Cinnamon Chestnut Persimmon Muffins (see recipe)
Cinnamon Granola (see recipe)
Danish Braid (see recipe)
Dark Chocolate & Peanut Butter Cupcakes (see recipe)
Deadly Blondies (see recipe)
Dream Bars (see recipe)
Earl Grey Chocolate Mousse (see recipe)
Festive Winter Challah (see recipe)
Fragrant Swedish Rye Bread (see recipe)
Fudgy Low-Fat Cocoa Cookies (see recipe)
Ginger Flavored Banana Cake (see recipe)
Grittibänz Breads (see recipe)
Hazelnut Nougatine (see recipe)
Honey Cinnamon Graham Cookies (see recipe)
Italian Ricotta Cookies (see recipe)
Kriegskuchen/War Cake (see recipe)

Lemon Curd (see recipe)
Lemon Honey Cookies (see recipe)
Lemon Mousse Verrines (see recipe)
Luscious Lemon Bars (see recipe)
Luscious Pumpkin Jam (see recipe)
Macadamia Nut Cookies (see recipe)
Macarons With Chocolate & Peanut Better Ganache (see recipe)
Magenbrot Cookies (see recipe)
Maple Glazed Brussel Sprouts And Potatoes (see recipe)
Milanais/Mailänderli Cookies (see recipe)
Milk Chocolate And Caramel Tart (see recipe)
Moist Orange Syrup Cake (see recipe)
Moroccan-Jewish Truffles (see recipe)
Nian-Gao (see recipe)
Opéra Cake (see recipe)
Orange Cornmeal Cake (see recipe)
Panettone (see recipe)
Perfect Party Cake (see recipe)
Pfeffernüsse Cookies (see recipe)
Portuguese Sweet Bread/Massa Sovada (see recipe)
Profiteroles (see recipe)
Pumpkin Apple Bread (see recipe)
Pumpkin Bread Pudding With Caramel Sauce (see recipe)
Pumpkin Challah (see recipe)
Orange Cornmeal Cake (see recipe)
Salée A La crème (see recipe)
Scones (see recipe)
Sesame Cookies (see recipe)
Sienese Panforte (see recipe)
Swiss Brunslis (see recipe)
Swiss Mailänderli - Milan Cookies (see recipe)
Swiss Saffron Bread (see recipe)
Swiss Zimsterne (see recipe)
Tahinopitta - Tahini Cake (see recipe)
Tiramisù Mousse & Lemon Curd Tart (see recipe)
Tiramisù Mousse & Lemon Curd Verrine (see recipe)
Triflemisù (see recipe)
Vanilla And Lemon Cupcakes With Buttercream Frosting (see recipe)
Yule Log (see recipe)
Zesty Ricotta Tart (see recipe)

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