While going through my much-loved copy of Dorie Greenspan's "Baking Fom My Home To Yours", a streusel-topped cake attracted my attention with it's interesting combination of flavors and moist texture. It looked and sounded so good. I knew that I had to try it!
Although, at first glance, this crumb-topped coffee cake looks somehow plain, I wasn't at all disappointed as it is really not just an ordinary baked good. From afar, it looks just like any other cake and seems not to be too special, but once you take a bite from it, you immediately realise that it is unique and soul-upliftingly divine.
Dorie Greenspan's "Cardamom Crumb Cake" is heavenly. The unusual combination of cardamom, coffee, walnuts, vanilla and orange zest is just mindblowingly fantastic, and it's smooth as well as moist inside pairs perfectly well with the generous layer of cardamom-spiced, walnut-dotted crunchy topping.
A delicious cake for all occasions!

Recipe from Dorie Greenspan's "Baking From My Home To Yours" and adapted by Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums.
Makes one cake or 8 servings.
Ingredients for the "Crumbs":
1/2 Cup (64g) All purpose flour
1/2 Cup (60g) Coarsely chopped walnuts
1/3 Cup (70g) Castor sugar
1 Tbs Grated orange zest
1/2 Tsp Instant espresso powder
1/2 Tsp Ground cardamom
1/2 Stick (4 tbsp/60g) Unsalted butter, cut into 8 pieces, at room temperature
Ingredients for the "Cake":
2 Cups (255g) All purpose flour
2 Tsps Baking powder
1/2 Tsp Salt
1 1/4 Tsps Ground cardamom
1 Tsp Instant espresso powder
2/3 Cup (140g) Castor sugar
2 Tbs Finely grated orange zest
1 Stick (8 tbsp/120g) Unsalted butter, melted and cooled
2 Large Eggs (~63g)
1/2 Cup (120g/ml) Whole milk
1/2 Cup (120g/ml) Strong coffee, cooled
1 1/2 Tsp Pure vanilla extract or paste

1. Put all the ingredients except the butter in a bowl and toss them together with a spatula just to blend.
2. Add the butter and, using your fingers or the spatula, mix everything together until you have crumbs of different sizes.
3. Set the crumbs aside.
Method for the "Cake":
4. Center a rack in the oven and preheat to 200° C (400° F).
5. Butter an 20x20cm (8 inch square) pan, dust the inside with flour and tap out the excess. Put the pan on a baking sheet.
6. Whisk together the flour, baking powder, salt, cardamom, and espresso powder in a large bowl.
7. Turn the dry ingredients out onto a sheet of wax paper and put the sugar and zest in the bowl. Rub them together with your fingers until the sugar is moist and the fragrance of orange strong, then return the dry ingredients to the bowl and whisk to blend.
8. Put the remaining ingredients in another bowl and whisk them to blend.
9. Pour the wet ingredients over the dry and stir - don't beat - to mix.
10. Scrape the batter into the prepared pan and top with a thick, even layer of the crumbs. 11. Pat the crumbs ever so gently into the batter.
12. Bake for 30-35 minutes, or until the cake has risen (it will crown), the crumbs are golden and a thin knife inserted in the center comes out clean.
13. Transfer to a rack to cool.

Why not replace the walnuts by pecans?
When mixing the butter with the dry crumb ingredients, remember that it's nice to have a few big pieces, so don't overdo it.
The crumbs can be made up to 3 days ahead, covered, and refrigerated.
When mixing the wet ingrdients with the dry ones, stir only until you've got an evenly moistened batter.
Cut the cake in the pan, otherwise, if you transfer it to a serving plate, you'll lose some of the crumbs when you turn it over.
This cake is best served on the day it is made, but it can be airtight wrapped and frozen up to 2 months (once it defrosts, it benefits from a quick warm-up in a 180° C/350° F oven).
Serving suggestions:
Serve warm or at room temperature for breakfast, lunch, brunch or dessert. You can even drizzle some flavored (cardamom, coffee or vanilla) glazing over the cake.

Recette tirée du livre de Dorie Greenspan's "Baking From My Home To Yours" et adaptée par Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums.
pour 1 cake ou 8 parts.
Ingrédients pour le "Streusel":
1/2 Tasse (60g) de Farine blanche/fleur
1/2 Tasse (60g) de Noix de Grenoble grossièrement hachées
1/3 de Tasse (70g) de Sucre cristallisé
1 CC de Zeste d'orange
1/2 CC de Poudre à café (espresso) soluble
1/2 CC de Cardamome en poudre
60g de Beurre non-salé, coupé en 8 morceaux, à température ambiante
Ingrédients pour le "Cake":
2 Tasses (255g) de Farine blanche/fleur
2 CC de Poudre à gâteau/lever
1/2 CC de Sel
1 1/4 de CC de Cardamome en poudre
1 CC de Poudre à café (espresso) soluble
2/3 de Tasse (140g) de Sucre cristallisé
2 CS de Zeste d'orange
120g Beurre non-salé, fondu et à température ambiante
2 Gros oeufs (~63g)
1/2 Tasse (120g/ml) de Lait entier
1/2 Tasse (120g/ml)de Café fort, à température ambiante
1 1/2 CC d'Extrait ou de pâte de vanille pure
Méthode pour le "Streusel":
1. Mettre tous les ingrédients sauf le beurre dans un bol et bien mélanger.
2. Ajouter le beurre et, en utilisant les doigts, bien incorporer le beurre afin d'obtenir une texture grossière s'apparentant à du sable grossier (grains de différentes tailles).
3. Mettre ce mélange de côté.

4. Mettre une grille au centre du four et préchauffer à 200° C (400° F).
5. Beurrer un moule carré de 20x20cm et le saupoudrer de farine, puis enlever l'excédent en tapant sur le dos moule.
6. dans un grand bol, mélanger ensemble la farine, la poudre à lever, le sel, la cardamome et la poudre de café soluble.
7. Mettre le sucre et le zeste d'orange dans un petit bol et les frotter ensemble avec les doigts afin que les zestes libèrent toutes leur saveur, puis transférer ce mélange dans le grand bol et bien mélanger.
8. Mettre tous les ingrédients restants dans un bol moyen et battre légèrement afin d'obtenir un mélange homogène.
9. Verser le mélange liquide sur le mélange sec et incorporer délicatement (sans battre ni trop mélanger) afin d'obtenir une pâte.
10. Verser la pâte dans le moule et saupoudrer avec le "streusel".
11. Appuyer légèrement sur le "streusel" afin qu'il adhère/colle bien à la pâte.
12. Cuire pendant 30-35 minutes, ou jusqu'à ce que la lame d'en couteau inséré dans le cake en ressorte propre.
13. Mettre sur une grille et laisser le cake refroidir.
Pourquoi ne pas remplacer les noix de Grenoble par des noix de pécan?
Quand vous incorporez le beurre au mélange sec pour le streusel, faites-le tout en faisant un sorte que le streusel soit pas trop fin.
Le streusel peut être fait 3 jours à l'avance et conservé au frigo dans un récipient bien étanche.
Quand vous incorporez les ingrédients mouillés aux ingrédients secs, ne mélangez pas trop - juste suffisamment afin que ça forme une pâte.
Coupez ce cake dans le moule. Si vous le transférez, vous risquez de perdre une grande quantité de streusel au cours de l'opération.
Ce cake est meilleur lorsqu'il est mangé le même jour. Par contre, il peur être bien emballé et congelé (pas plus de deux mois et, une fois, dégelé, passé au four à 180° C).

Servir ce cake tiède ou à température ambiante, pour le petit-déjeuner, le brunch, le slunch, les quatre heures ou pour le dessert.
Vous pouvez même le servir avec un glaçage (qui fera office de sauce) à la cardamome, au café ou à la vanille.
I've made this recipe from Dorie several times. It's d'lish!
ReplyDeleteMmmh... cette recette a l'air d'être très gourmande !
ReplyDeleteMerci !
Ja'ime beaucoup ton cake mais aussi la clareté sur la photo, c'est très reussi...
Un gâteau à la cardamome, c'est pour moi... j'arrive.
ReplyDeleteLa photo est superbe mais le gâteau l'est encore plus! Bravo
ReplyDeleteComme mon addiction à la cardamome ne se dément pas, je vais essayer ton gâteau très très vite!!! Et tes photos sont magnifiques!
ReplyDeleteWow spicy and nutty......Looks yummylicious....
ReplyDeleteLa cardamome c'est délicieux dans les gâteaux et avec ce croustillant sur le dessus, on est en plein dans la gourmandise!
ReplyDeleteDelicious Rosa! I love the cardamom addition to this cake.
ReplyDeleteHi Rosa,
ReplyDeleteHow many awards you've got! Looking at them, I said this woman has so many fans! I wish you all the best luck for all you do.
Sans nul doute, ce cake sera testé car j'adore le goût de la cardamome et le petit côté croustillant j'adore!!
Love cardamom a lot! This must be so good!
ReplyDeleteCardamom is such a wonderful spice and I can just imagine the aromatic flavor it gives to this cake! Yum!
ReplyDelete..une belle recette Rosa..et tes photos sont magnifiques comme toujours;)
ReplyDelete..bonne journée et merci..
Looks great Rosa
ReplyDeleteLe côté crunchy m'interpelle
Comment veux-tu que je perde mes kilos superflus si tu me mets sous les yeux ce genre de chose. Le dessus me semble su crunchy.
ReplyDeleteBon je file vite.
A delicious cake Rosa - beautiful texture and depth!
ReplyDeleteBookmarked for later :)
ReplyDeleteLooks great Rosa!
Un cake à la cardamome, ça ne peut être délicieux!
ReplyDeleteoooh, rien que l'idee, et la liste des ingredients, il me plait celui-la.
ReplyDeleteso perfect!!
ReplyDeleteCardamon in a cake, what more could I ask for. Delicious.
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried this one yet. I am a slacker! It looks wonderful!! I love a good crumb!
ReplyDeletetrès très sympa ce cake, original et au bon goût de cardamone !
ReplyDeleteYay, I've been waiting to be inspired to use my new stash of cardamom. You've convinced me that I need this cake! Though the look of the crumb topping might have done it as well.
Mmmm.. I love cardamom - looks like a great cake! For dessert or even breakie the next day.
ReplyDeleteJe connais la cardamone depuis peu. 1 an 1/2 peut-être mais depuis je regrette de ne pas l'avoir connue plus tôt tellement j'aime son goût si particulier.
ReplyDeleteJ'adopte donc ce joli cake.
un cake plien de savuers et de textures comme j'aime
ReplyDeleteWe love cardamom! If only we had more capacity for goodies. I still have goodies left over in the freezer from Christmas. At our age ... all the sweets go straight to the waistline! And I don't even think we are that old!!
ReplyDeleteCardamom is one of my favorite spice, I love the fragrant and give a very distinct flavor to the food. It certainly work very well for sweet dessert.
ReplyDeleteI post it my tag today, and thanks for tagging me. It's on my cooking site.
Nice! I love anything with cardamom in it!
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous looking crumb cake! I love cardamom!
ReplyDeletevery intersting cake...
ReplyDeleteCe que j'aime ton imagination dans la réalisation de tes recettes. J'aime beaucoup le goût de la cardamome et ce je trouve ce cake vraiment exquis avec les ingrédients que tu as mis.
ReplyDeleteBisous, Doria
wunderbar in einem Cake, Kardamom ist ein köstliches Gewürz. lg Robert
ReplyDeleteThis is a great cake. I love the crumb on top.
ReplyDeleteIl a l'air excellent ton cake! Le côté crumble me fait craquer! Et les photos de fleurs du billet précédent sont vraiment super jolies. Bravo!
ReplyDeleteMmmm! J'adore la cardamome ...
ReplyDeleteCe cake est forcément pour moi ...
This has been the week of cardamom! Everywhere we look, it is there. We could easily eat this in a day.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pictures as usual... and mmm, cardamom spice in a cake? Sign me up now!
ReplyDeletelooks excellent!
ReplyDeleteI think it's the first time I see cardamom in a cake and I can only imagine how scrumptious it is.
ReplyDeletemmm...I love cooking with cardamom. This looks like something I should definitely try out!
ReplyDeletePerfect for a rainy day , cuddled up watching TV.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds amazing!!!! I may just have to give it a try!!!!
ReplyDeleteHave a great day!
PS - I posted some Montana photos from near yellowstone... you may like them.
I forgotto mention... for some really YUMMY YUM recipes - go to Calcaf.com. I worked at this restraunt for 6 years, and the food was amazing. Check out the recipe section. They share...
ReplyDeleteI am a fiend for cardamom. I only realized recently why that is. It's in the ginger family. And I'm an even bigger fiend for ginger. ;)
ReplyDeleteHi Rosa! I'm catching up on your last few posts today! :-) This cake looks wonderful, and its so pretty on your lovely pink plate...great photos! I don't have this Dorie Greenspan book...but I'm definitely getting it this week. I hear too many good things about it...and this cake seals the deal!
ReplyDeleteSounds delicious! I too love cardamom. Haven't had too much time to bake on the weekends recently but I'll have to bookmark this recipe!
ReplyDeleteYum! My friend Jennifer makes a similar cake but with apples in it - soooo goood!
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous looking crumb cake! I like cardamom flavoured cakes too. Well done :)
ReplyDeleteThis cake looks wonderful! I really need to make more things with cardamom!
ReplyDeleteHey Rosa, I just want to know anyone helps you finish the cakes that you bake? So nice!!
ReplyDeleteThis looks great! I love cardamom, I think it's an underutilized spice.
ReplyDeleteDelicious! I love anything with a crumb topping.
ReplyDeleteOh, looks so delicious! I just noticed my Penzey's cardamom is a bit old...must go and get more and make this!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou took such beautiful photos of a delicious looking cake!
ReplyDeleteCaio ! This cake must be wonderful ! I love cardamom in sweets and the crumb on top !! Grazie !
ReplyDeleteJ'ai tout ce qu'il me faut et je le trouve superbe, j'ai juste une tite question : les noix de grenoble ce sont les noix classiques ?
ReplyDeleteBises & Bonne journée
God it looks delicious!
ReplyDeleteCan I steel the recipe?
Tres sympa cette recette !
Ecco un'altra tua tentazione...dove c'é profumo di spezie io vado....
Superbe ton cake ! toutes ces associations de saveurs sont tout à fait à mon goût, j'en salive devant mon écran
ReplyDeleteCe cake à tout pour me plaire;)
ReplyDeleteBon jeudi à toi Charmante Rosa!! xxx
Well, there's no need to twist my arm.[G]
ReplyDeleteRosa, I think I've mentioned before that I've had Dorie's book for quite some time, and have yet to open it.
But, your thoughts on this treat, plus the yummy pictures, have certainly sold me.
Damned!! Tous ces bons cakes alors qu'il n'y a plus une once de beurre sur l'île..Terrible... A garder précieusement pour des jours meilleurs!
ReplyDeleteSHIONGE: My boyfriend ;-P!
ReplyDeleteCHOUYA: Merci! Oui, ce sont les noix classiques...
BABETH: Thanks! Yes, of course!
Moi aussi j'aime beaucoup la cardamone, j'adorerais ton cake.
ReplyDeletethe flavors are just amazing... lovely... :)
ReplyDeleteThat crumb coffeecake looks good. I really like the sound of the orange, coffee and cardamom combo! I have been enjoying discovering new ways to use cardamom.
ReplyDeleteOoh, cardamom is one of my favorite spices. I love to make simple sweets to veg out on during the weekend too. Your cake is scrumptious!
ReplyDeleteVoilà un cake que je suis sure d'adorer!
j'aime la cardamome et...les cakes..miammm!!!
ReplyDeleteTon cake était tellement appétissant que je n'ai pu résister à l'envie de réaliser ta recette, en l'adaptant un peu. C'est délicieux, aussi bon que beau ! Voici ma recette : http://e-miettes.blogspot.com/2009/02/cupcakes-au-crumble-ou-crumbcakes-ou.html
Encore merci Rosa !
J'imagine le parfum de la cardamone dans ce cake et j'en salive !!!
ReplyDeleteExcellent looking cake Rosa.
ReplyDeleteRosie x
This looks great Rosa. I think served warm with vanilla icecream, it would be fantastic.
ReplyDeletec'est tellement bon, la cardamome! je decouvre seulement, j'avais un peu peur du gout avant.
ReplyDeletesuperbe cake, Rosa!
J'aime le gout de la cardamome et ton cake est bien tentant , encore une belle recette à réaliser ; merci
ReplyDeleteBon week-end
I love cardamom in baked goods.. the aroma is so heady.
ReplyDeleteCiel de la cardamome !! j'arrive en courant , et suite à cette lecture, j'achète de suite !! excellent !! bravo ! rendez vous assez vite avec mon interprétation !
ReplyDeleterosa, I am also looking for some easy-breezy recipe so than I can more relax during the weekend. How nice I see your gorgeous cake... got to do it now :)
ReplyDeleteIl a l'air absolument divin ce cake !
ReplyDeleteJe tenterai bien mais il y a tout un tas d'ingrédients que je ne possède pas !
oooh, je raffole de la cardamome dans la pâtisserie et le pain, alors je ne résiste pas à ton beau cake si appêtissant !!!
ReplyDeleteça a l'air excellent et je n'ai toujours pas essayé la cardamone (que j'adore !) dans des recettes sucrées : il faut que je me lance
ReplyDeletebisous rosa !
I have a lot of cardamon at home and does not know what to make other than curry. Would be nice to try to make something sweet, your yummy cake!
ReplyDeleteJe crois que je vais tester pour le goûter.
ReplyDeleteCe cake doit etre extra pour le petit déjeuner!!
ReplyDeleteWhoa, did you ever hit this one out of the park! Cardamom is underused in the west...bring on the recipes with cardamom!
ReplyDeletelooks yummy.
Cardamon sounds wonderful in this! Yummy!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous cake Rosa I love cardamon. :-)
ReplyDeletevery nice blog!
cardamom is one spice I don't use enough. This looks delicious!
ReplyDeleteThis is making me DROOL all over my keyboard! :) I've had curry and cardamom shortbread cookies before and they were luscious - I can only imagine this cake is outstanding!
ReplyDeletej'adore la cardamone. Ce doit être à tomber ce cake.
ReplyDeleteDorie, cardamom, coffee, walnuts: no doubt this cake is a winner!
ReplyDeleteHey those Cardamom Crumb Cake look yummi, I love eating breakfast and always try new fast food recipes. I would love to try the Cardamom Crumb Cake for breakfast. that looks Scrumptious. Crumb Cake is also a snacks food option and can make a satisfying breakfast. The Photos are amazing... I am already feeling hungry.thank you for shearing your post.
ReplyDeleteRUMELA: Thanks! I hope you'll like this recipe...