Have you ever taken a closer look at a lobster? Oh, what a beautiful, fascinating and photogenic creature it is...
This crustacean is so complex and majestic looking, cute and fierce at the same time with their threateningly powerful claws, graceful ballerina legs, elegant fan-like tails, tiny naive black eyes, harmoniously aerodynamic bodies and their bionic/Gigeresque (see H.R. Giger) exoskeleton. A real piece of art!
Apart from being considered a delicacy, this sea-dwelling animal also commands respect and admiration. They can live as long as 100 years and are similar to knights in armor. Their exterior skeleton is made of 21 different pieces and is a real shield that protects them from agressions.
Did you know that this decapod sheds it's shell frequently while young and less frequently as it grows? Once it has molted, the lobster is helpless and cannot defend itself against predators. The only way to not get attacked by it's enemies is to hide under rocks, reefs, caves, and any other structure that will shield him, and wait until the new shell hardens. If a lobster loses a leg or a claw, it is capable of growing a new one. Intriguing! No?
Molting is very important for lobsters as it is the only way they can grow since they are somehow trapped in their exoskeletons considering the fact that their shell cannot get any bigger than it is. In order for it's body to grow larger, it must shed it's shell and replace it with a bigger one.
To get out of it's exoskeleton, a lobster has to shrink it's muscles in its limbs by releasing fluid out of the tissues. This helps it release it's appendages from the surrounding shell which cracks open to release the entire body. Very disturbing, but so praiseworthy at the same time.
Therefore it is such a pity to see how they are treated once they have been captured. Since our modern world (globalisation) demands drastic actions and measures to fulfill our exagerated needs, lobsters (amongst other animals) are victims of our propensity for constently wanting what cannot be found where we live.
Most of lobsters are shipped living (apart from those which have been cooked and frozen beforehand) to far away countries, travel in terrible conditions and are sold piled up, with broken antennas and trapped by restraints. Apart from those offered on seaside markets (or in stores situated close to the seaside), most of them suffer hell for many hours or days before meeting their death, sometimes in a dreadful manner (especially when the person in charge doesn't know how to do it correctly - boiling & cutting open).
It seems that certain people see them as critters with less value than other animals that we feed on. They are treated like mere objects without souls or feelings. Just because they are crawlers with whom we cannot socialize or interact we tend to handle them little dignity and fairness compared to mammals. All feelings are denied to them and nobody seems to care about the revoltingly abominable and cruel fashion in which they are dealt with...
Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against eating lobsters and I absolutely don't condemn the consumption of that delightfully tasting shellfish. I only believe that there should be some ethic rules regarding their manipulation (transportation, storing and cooking).
With your cooked lobster, I recommend you to make the following salad (ideal if you love smörgåsbord/Koltbord) - Copyright Rosa's Yummy Yums 2011 :
1. Cut the lobster meat into 1cm (1/2 inch) pieces. Set aside.
2. Make a mayonnaise with mustard and garlic.
3. In a salad bowl, toss together the lobster meat, cubed avocado (not too ripe), a few tablespoons mayonnaise (to taste), chopped fresh tarragon (to taste), a few tablespoons (to taste) lemon or lime juice (to taste), sea salt (to taste).
4. Serve as apperitive with some crackers (Cream Crackers, Krisprolls, Carr's Water Crackers, Wasabröd, Knackerbrod, lavash bread/crackers, toasted pita bread, tortilla chips, Norwegian Mountain Bread, pumpernickel, etc...).
You can also make that salad with shrimps, crab or krayfish.
I used a frozen lobster (I'm too chicken to kill my own and and cannot accept the way they are being treated - all the travelling & hours of suffering in order to be sold living here -, so that's the best solution for me).
Une petite salade à faire avec du homard cuit (parfaite si vous adorez les smörgåsbord/Koltbord) - Copyright par Rosa's Yummy Yums 2011:
1. Couper la chair du homard en petit cubes de 1cm.
2. Faire sa propre mayonnaise avec de la moutarde et de l'ail.
3. Dans un bol à salade, mélanger ensemble le homard, de l'avocat en cubes (pas trop mûr), quelques cuillères à soupe de mayonnaise (selon goût), de l'estragon frais haché (selon goût). quelques cuillères à café de jus de citron ou de lime (selon goût) et du sel de mer (selon goût).
4. Servir en appéritif avec des crackers (Cream Crackers, Carr's Water Crackers, Krisprolls, Wasabröd, knackerbrod, pain lavash (ou lavash crackers), du pain pita toasté, des tortilla chips, du pain de seigle ou du pain norvégien, etc...).
Vous pouvez aussi remplacer le homard par des crevettes, du crabe ou des écrevisses.
J'ai utilisé du homard congelé (je suis pas confortable à l'idée de tuer mon propre homard - je ne serais pas sûre de le faire de la bonne manière - et la façon dont ils sont traités -entre le moment où ils sont capturés et vendus en magasin/toutes ces heures à soufrir et à voyager afin d'attérir vivants sur nos étals - ne me plaît pas).
If you want to know how to kill a lobster the most humanely possible, you might want to read the following articles:
The Independent
Time Magazine
Daily Mail UK
Now you know what to do.
1. Cut the lobster meat into 1cm (1/2 inch) pieces. Set aside.
2. Make a mayonnaise with mustard and garlic.
3. In a salad bowl, toss together the lobster meat, cubed avocado (not too ripe), a few tablespoons mayonnaise (to taste), chopped fresh tarragon (to taste), a few tablespoons (to taste) lemon or lime juice (to taste), sea salt (to taste).
4. Serve as apperitive with some crackers (Cream Crackers, Krisprolls, Carr's Water Crackers, Wasabröd, Knackerbrod, lavash bread/crackers, toasted pita bread, tortilla chips, Norwegian Mountain Bread, pumpernickel, etc...).
You can also make that salad with shrimps, crab or krayfish.
I used a frozen lobster (I'm too chicken to kill my own and and cannot accept the way they are being treated - all the travelling & hours of suffering in order to be sold living here -, so that's the best solution for me).
Une petite salade à faire avec du homard cuit (parfaite si vous adorez les smörgåsbord/Koltbord) - Copyright par Rosa's Yummy Yums 2011:
1. Couper la chair du homard en petit cubes de 1cm.
2. Faire sa propre mayonnaise avec de la moutarde et de l'ail.
3. Dans un bol à salade, mélanger ensemble le homard, de l'avocat en cubes (pas trop mûr), quelques cuillères à soupe de mayonnaise (selon goût), de l'estragon frais haché (selon goût). quelques cuillères à café de jus de citron ou de lime (selon goût) et du sel de mer (selon goût).
4. Servir en appéritif avec des crackers (Cream Crackers, Carr's Water Crackers, Krisprolls, Wasabröd, knackerbrod, pain lavash (ou lavash crackers), du pain pita toasté, des tortilla chips, du pain de seigle ou du pain norvégien, etc...).
Vous pouvez aussi remplacer le homard par des crevettes, du crabe ou des écrevisses.
J'ai utilisé du homard congelé (je suis pas confortable à l'idée de tuer mon propre homard - je ne serais pas sûre de le faire de la bonne manière - et la façon dont ils sont traités -entre le moment où ils sont capturés et vendus en magasin/toutes ces heures à soufrir et à voyager afin d'attérir vivants sur nos étals - ne me plaît pas).
If you want to know how to kill a lobster the most humanely possible, you might want to read the following articles:
The Independent
Time Magazine
Daily Mail UK
Now you know what to do.
Pour cuire son homard de manière plus responsable et humaine, le mettre dans de l'eau froide salée, puis mettre la casserole sur le feu et chauffer doucement jusqu'à ébullition. De cette façon l'animal est anesthésié progressivement et ne souffre pas. Il est aussi recommandé de mettre l'animal 30 minutes au congélateur avant de le cuire...
Apparemment si on utilise un couteau pour fendre la tête en deux cela les fait souffrir et ils ne meurent pas sur le coup. L'électrocution est meilleure (pratiquée dans l'industrie), mais où trouver l'instrument pour faire cela (voir article sur 750g)?
A vous de choisir.
Apparemment si on utilise un couteau pour fendre la tête en deux cela les fait souffrir et ils ne meurent pas sur le coup. L'électrocution est meilleure (pratiquée dans l'industrie), mais où trouver l'instrument pour faire cela (voir article sur 750g)?
A vous de choisir.
Eeek! I woke up early today and went to your post. The image looking back from the computer was better than a strong cup of coffee! Wow!
ReplyDeleteAwake, I read your informative post. You are absolutely correct about the transport. Ironically, a lobster that has been "stressed" doesn't taste as sweet as a "happy" lobster. Therefore, it is in all our best interests to find a better method of transport.
Thank you
Reading this makes me believe that one should eat sustainable produce! Thanks for this information btw! All this while, I thought only poultry, game and bovine are subjected to such treatment!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous photos of a gorgeous animal.
ReplyDeleteWhat a show-stopper!
ReplyDeleteRosa, I'm also a wuss, in regards to 'preparing' lobster. The last time I tried serving a fresh lobster, I panicked, and passed the torch onto my husband, who lacks a conscience. Kidding.
Although, lobster is his favorite food.
In any case, this is a meriting ode—and eye-opening post—of a beautiful sea creature!
hello Mr. Lobster!
ReplyDeleteclicks are very beautiful...
ReplyDeleteOMG Rosa I love lobster, the pics are georgeous!! x gloria
ReplyDeleteWOW!! Lovely pictures!! I have never cooked a lobster before, will probably try with a cooked one first!
ReplyDeleteIt is good to treat all creatures in a humane way! Very interesting to read about the lobster. I've never cooked and probably never will. I'm not a big fan of lobster meat.
ReplyDeleteThis made me a little sad. I feel guilt eating meat enough as it is. I tried to be a vegetarian for a year but being married to a meat-eater I ultimately found it is just easier to cook a mixed diet for both of us. I agree that there should be some rules applied to how these creatures are treated. It is horrifying the way so many creatures are treated, all for our benefit... Thank you for raising awareness. Maybe your words will fall on the right ears and some action can be taken!
ReplyDeleteHave you ever seen Annie Hall and the lobster scene This movie will have you laughing
ReplyDelete(even though you're right)
As much as I like lobster, I don't ever think I could cook them
OMG that looks gorgeous.. u have shooted beautifully.
ReplyDeleteJ'attends toujours que les fêtes soient passées pour que les cours du homard breton baissent et pour pouvoir enfin le cuisiner... un grand moment de bonheur!
ReplyDeleteCiao Rosa è davvero bella l'aragosta e si vede dalle tue foto, la ricetta poi è fantastica mi piace moltissimo questo tuo post ..in tutto , un abbraccio
ReplyDeleteGreat photos! I love lobster!
ReplyDeleteJe viens de ressentir la même chose en face de homards attachés avant d'être cuits à la vapeur... Bon reste à savoir ce que ressentent les homards et si on peut parler de souffrance... Il faut dire que c'est si bon qu'on n'y pense pas toujours... Bonne et belle année et beaucoup de petits bonheurs... Bises
ReplyDeleteWarning Rosa, a lobster look at you with his hypnotic eyes. Thanks for all interesting info about it.
ReplyDeleteJ'en croise fréquemment dans mon île et tu as raison, il faut les traiter avec respect.
Oh my gosh, look at that gorgeous lobster! Feel like kissing it :-)
ReplyDeleteSuch a lovely post... I am a vegetarian myself but your post is beautiful...
ReplyDeleteI have never thought about this before Rosa. We are always told of land animals trials and tribulation, but this never crossed my mind.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info
Your photos are great Rosa! I'm shamed to admit that I've never cooked lobster!
ReplyDeleteOMG, it so pretty, but also yummy :) It's been a while since I have lobster.
ReplyDeleteIt tastes best to steam :-)))
ReplyDeleteThey are rather Gigeresque coming to think of it! But, so, so delicious. Your salad with avocado sounds fantastic!
ReplyDeleteI liked your informative post.It is true that live seafood is sold in the most heartless way in stores.I have seen live crabs piled one on top of the other in the most suffocating way.
ReplyDeleteLove the pictures as usual...gorgeous orange color!
Lovely pictures and descriptions, Rosa! That salad sounds fantastic!
ReplyDeleteDios! que miedo!
ReplyDeleteVisto de esta prespectiva.. aunque cuando más lo miro: más me gusta!
Your lobster salad sounds wonderful and I love the photos!
ReplyDeleteI love lobster! Haven't had it for quite a while though... guess it is a to-eat now!
ReplyDeleteI like lobster but really I don’t like quite the aspect, I prefer it all done on the dish.
ReplyDeleteYou've taken very good pictures, say Hi :)
Have a Great 2011!
I love lobster. I don't usually cook it but eat a lot of it.
ReplyDeleteBonne Année!
Gorgeous orange color..loved reading you post!
ReplyDeleteUS Masala
Hehe sold! I love lobster and this suggestion sounds wonderful :)
ReplyDeleteHey Rosa!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous snaps! I love to eat lobster, but can't kill one. ...I know, I'm a hypocrite. I can live with that! ;)
I 100% agree that anything we consume (creatures, animals) should be protected with the highest ethical standards, chickens, cows, etc. No living creature should have to suffer out of ignorance...
ReplyDeleteI've never cooked or eaten lobster before as it's something very expensive in Greece. I must say that I would hate to put this lovely creature alive in boiling water.
ReplyDeleteThanks for such an informative post. Oh my... I want to eat the lobster now!
ReplyDeleteTres interessant article, meme si je ne mange pas de fruits de mer.
ReplyDeleteTu as lu ou vu le film Julie et Julia ?
Il y a un episode sur la cuisson des
homards !
Le homard est le produit de fêtes par excellence. Nous en avons abusé à Boston.
What a majestic creature!
ReplyDeleteJolies manière de manger les crustacés, nous avons fait de même pour le réveillon avec un joli plat varié que mon fils a gentiment acheté et préparé pour soulager un pau sa "Maman" (lol)
ReplyDeleteBisous et bonne journée.
quel beau homard !!!
ReplyDeleteI've never cooked lobster before so not sure how I'd go when it actually came to killing to poor little thing..... I do love Lobster though :P
ReplyDeleteRosa, I'm with you 100% on the handling of live lobster. It's a real shame.
ReplyDeleteLovely salad and I really like the tarragon in it.
I have never cooked lobster in CH. Seems not so easy to buy here. It's one of my favorite seafood. Can't wait to have this again when i am in HK soon. Your pics are gorgeous, I m drooling.
ReplyDeleteTu as raison, c'est tres perturbant de tuer un homard, meme si c'est magnifiquement bon. Et l'histoire de les mettre au frigo pour les anesthesier est une fable, ce n'est pas efficace, j'ai teste.
ReplyDeleteTes photos sont splendides, et montrent bien ton respect pour l'animal.
Mais tu sais, un homard surgele n'aura jamais, jamais le meme gout que celui qu'on achete sur le port et qu'on fait cuire en suivant. Je prefere m'en passer.
Moi aussi je me suis déjà beaucoup amusé à photographier cette tite bête lol!!
ReplyDeleteBo jeudi Rosa XX
i don't eat shellfish but he looks sooo friendly! ;)
ReplyDeleteWhat a complex and fascinating species! It can grow back limbs...wow...I'm envious ;o)
ReplyDeleteRosa, do you believe in having had different lives at other times? This may sound really strange and out there...however, I sensed an immense connection between yourself and the essence of the lobster. Maybe, who knows, you may have felt mistreated in this way at some point in a past life?!?
All this said, excellent reportage...hopefully a magazine could publish this and sensibilize the population.
Ciao for now,
Sea creatures are so fascinating indeed !
ReplyDeleteAnd the lobster is not only tasteful but very photogenic. Reminds me the scene in the movie 'Julie and Julia' when she has to cook the lobster ;)
Bonne année à toi ...bises
ReplyDeleteA very thoughtful post on lobsters, love your pictures!
ReplyDeleteOoh, that lobster looks pretty scary up close and personal like that. Good thing you made quick work of him. ;)
ReplyDeleteLove, love, love your ode to lobster!
ReplyDeleteThe text is very nicely written, informative and the pictures are (as usual!!) beautiful. I had never seen losbsters as a Giger-style artéfact, there is definitely similarities... ;-)
happy new year! hmm, i've never cooked lobster. or considered it. but i think i will visit a poissonnerie now...! :)
ReplyDeleteJ'aime beaucoup le homard mais je suis comme toi, je serais incapable de le tuer!!!Bisous...
ReplyDeleteYes!! Gigeresque - that's a great way of describing them! Quite sad that they could live to be 100 - unless they run into human company :( Still, they taste so damn good...
ReplyDeleteSpectacular Rosa!
ReplyDeleteI too am salivating over the thought of lobster salad. It's one of things I am missing since my move to Pennsylvania. Living on Long Island in New York, all I ever had to do was either go down to the dock when lobster was in season or to the nearest fish store.
Thanks for sharing...the tarragon is a wonderful addition!!!
Having grown up in New England I adore lobster but you are right to remind us of the cruel treatment these beautiful creatures have to go through to land on our tables.
ReplyDeleteThe most sickening part has been for me to see them in the Metro in their soft shell months and under 750 grams - a real scandal!!
This is a wonderful and thought provoking post Rosa...I eat seafood a few times a month and do enjoy lobster. It is a horrible thought that we as humans can put so little thought into another creatures life or suffering. Lobster is probably one of the worst.
ReplyDeleteThe salad sounds quite lovely :)
Great points and I really appreciated your perspective. Maybe for some people its easier to eat them if they separate the fact that they were once living creatures. I think that's why I appreciate the locaivore food movement so much - the whole aspect of knowing and understanding where your food comes from and treating it respect.
ReplyDeleteThe salad you suggested sounds just delicious.
beautiful ode!:)
ReplyDeleteGorgeous Lobster photos Rosa. I enjoyed a lot of these characters while in Mexico this past week.
ReplyDeletelove this ode to lobster!! gorgeous photos of it too.. i love mine with some lemon and butter please:)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing all this information about the lobster, all of which is new to me. I rarely eat lobster meat, but did have some noodles with lobster just a few days ago. I definitely agree with you about them deserving more humane treatment, along with many other animal that are raised or harvested for human consumption these days. Happy New Year, dear!
ReplyDeleteA very thoughtful and informative post Rosa, and as a scientist I am always fascinated by learning new things about what I eat. i appreciated all the detailed info you gave us, but also the aspect of how the animals are treated. Very true that they are treated much differently than cows or chickens! Maybe that will change in the future...?