Today, I wish to dedicate my post to my beloved English grandmother Jean Margaret Robinson (née Cutts, 13.09.1927-18.02.2011) who passed away peacefully on Friday the 18th of February 2011 at the age of 84, nearly two years after my grandfather death. She was the last of my grandparents and my only link to England, the country where my heart belongs and my second home (I have dual nationality).
I might not have had a very close or deep relationship with her, and although still wonder what she thought of me or if she loved me (unfortunately, the members of my family have never been known for expressing or showing their feelings) she has had a big influence on me as she was an admirable cook and baker who always delighted everybody with her divine creations. Eventhough she was not the attentionate, generous and present grandmother I dreamt of having, I will always remember her for being a remarkable person when it came to handling the pots and pans or to whip up the most palatable Sunday roast.
I particularly respect and thank my Nan for having been extremely talented in the kitchen and for being my culinary guide. She was a person who showed me what traditional British food is supposed to taste like, whose cooking skills I have always wanted to acquire and whom I considered an authority in all things gourmet. She was clearly gifted in that domain (not only though - she also mastered other arts like painting, knitting, working with silver, etc...). I am so glad she indirectly motivated me to develop my craftiness for all things food-related. I really hope that from the heaven's above my granny is happy to see that I have surpassed her as a cook/baker and she is pleased with the adult I have become...
Unfortunately we have not spent much time together. My grandma was never enclined to share a moment of complicity with granddaughter. She rarely showed me how to prepare food and hated having me "in her feet" when she was busy making dishes or baking cakes. In those moments, my grandmother didn't want to have a kid around her.
The only memory I have of me actually baking with my granny is when I begged her to make "Coffee Kisses" cookies with me. As I had a little tantrum and whined a lot, Nana reluctantly gave way to my wish and accepted to show me how to prepare that divine treat. She didn't know that more than 20 years later I'd be blogging about that exceptional event and fondly cherishing that memory...

~ My grandmother and I, Derbyshire summer 1980 ~
RIP Nan.
I would have been extremely happy to hear you say "I love you"
or that you were proud of me,
but sadly I always waited for a sign of recognitions from you.
It is such a pity so many words were unspoken...
Anyway, I wish to thank you for all the good memories.
Love & kisses.
Rosa xxx
My post being about endings and new beginnings, it is all naturally that I will present a recipe which marks the conclusion of wintertime and the commencement of spring. By baking the last "Pumpkin Pie" of the cold season, it is my way of celebrating the circle of life, the endless passing of time and the complimentarity of life and death.
Last October I bought a few pumpkins to decorate my balcony table. They have kept very well and were exposed there until last week. Now that the nights are less cold and the days are a lot warmer, they have started to rot so as I hate to throw away food I decided to use my two small Japanese chestnut pumpkins ("Potimarron" in French) in order to put together a classic American "Pumpkin Pie".
As a child I was not keen on eating my mother's "Pumpkin Tarts" ("Tarte A La Courge", the Swiss equivalent of "Pumpkin Pie"), yet now I am very fond of that speciality. I remember that Fridays were officially called "tart days". A time of the week I particularly looked forward to as the weekend was very close (though I had to go to school on Saturday mornings, till 12pm) and we got to eat yummy stuff then.
My mother's seasonal tarts were always greeted with much excitement, but the only time I was a little less than thrilled by what was awaiting us at the dinner table was when "Pumpkin Tart" was on the menu. One of the reason why I had a certain aversion for that treat is because the pumpkin used wasn't the kind you'd make sweet desserts with, but rather savory dishes. It had too much of a vegetable flavor to be enjoyable. The other reason is that my parents were never big fans of hyper spicy pastries (my mother only incorporated a little nutmeg and cinnamon to her filling) and unlike Americans, they especially disliked using cinnamon with a heavy hand. So even if her tart was made with quality produce (pumpkins from the market) and double cream it lacked a bit of oomph as the filling was not as luscious and rich-tasting as the one of the US "Pumpkin Pie"...
Now that I bake my own "Pumpkin Pies" I can fully enjoy that confection and play around with aromas. A few years ago I blogged about my own adaptation of a recipe I found in the book "Culinaria US" (please forgive the bad picture!) and while it is quite flawless it doesn't mean that I am not interested in trying other recipes. After all I am a foodie who cannot stop being in search of perfection.
So, after having eyed an attractive "Pumpkin Pie" recipe in my new "Tartine" cookbook, I decided to see what it was worth. Well, I wasn't deceived by the end result as my boyfriend and I had no problem polishing off the pie dish within the next 48 hours.
As usual, I adapted it to my taste and replaced the brandy by rum, incorporated more salt to the pastry and added some additional cinnamon to the filling. Needless to say that Tartine Bakery's "Pumpkin Pie" was divine. It was not overly sweet, lusciously custardy, delightfully spicy, pleasantly earthy, wonderfully moist and had a refined flavor as well as a marvelously flaky and buttery pastry. In spite of being gorgeous I must point out that I might surely add a pinch of allspice to the filling the next time I bake this pie...
~ Tartine's Pumpkin Pie ~
Recipe adapted from the book "Tartine" by Elisabeth Prueitt and Chad Robertson.
Makes a 25cm (10-inch) pie.
Ingredients For The "Flaky Pie Crust":
1 1/2 Tsp Fine sea salt
2/3 Cup (150ml) Ice cold water
3 Cups + 2 Tbs (455g) All-purpose flour
1 Cup + 5 Tbs (300g) Chilled butter, cut into small cubes
Ingredients For The "Pumpkin Filling":
2 Cups (510g) Pumpkin purée
3 Large egg
1 Large yolk
1 Cup (250ml) Double cream (35% fat)
2 Tbs Rum
1/2 Cup (100g) Light brown sugar
1 1/2 Tsp Ground cinnamon
1 Tsp Ground ginger
A pinch Ground cloves
A pinch Freshly grated nutmeg
A pinch Freshly ground black pepper
1 Tsp Fine sea salt
Method for the "Flaky Pie Crust":
1. Place the flour and salt in a big bowl.
2. Add the butter.
3. Using a pastry blender, cut the butter into the flour until you obtain a mixture ressembling coarse sand.
4. Pour the water over the crumbly mixture. Stir and toss with the help of a knive until the dough starts to come together.
5. Continue mixing (very gently) until you obtain a ball of dough which is not completely smooth. 6. On a floured surface, divide pastry in two, shape into a 2.5cm (1-inch) thick disk and wrap in plastic film.
7. Put in the fridge and let rest for about 2 hours or overnight.
8. Roll out one of the disks on a lightly floured surface to a thickness of 0.3cm (1/8 inch thickness) and from the center toward the edge in all directions, without forgetting to lift and rotate the pastry a quarter turn every now and then.
9. Once your pastry is a circle 1 1/2 inches larger than the tart pan, carefully transfer it to the buttered pan (folding in half, if necessary).
10. Ease it into the bottom and sides of the pan and pressing into place. Trim the edge with a knife.
11. Prick the bottom of the pastry with a fork, line with baking paper and fill with pie weights or dry beans.
12. Preheat the oven to 190° C (375° F).
13. Bake blind until the surface of the dough looks dry and has no opaque areas left, about 20 minutes.
14. Remove from the oven and remove the paper as well as the weights/beans, then return the shell to the oven for an extra 2-5 minutes (if the center starts to rise, gently pierce with a knife tip).
15. Let cool completely on a wire rack before filling.
1. Preheat the oven to 160°C (325°F).
2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the pumpkin purée, whole eggs, egg yolk, cream and rum until smooth.
3. Add the the sugar, spices and salt. Mix until well blended.
4. Pour the filling into the pie shell and bake for about 1 hour, or until the pie is just set but the center is ever so slightly jiggly (the filling continues to set as it cools).
5. Cool completely on a wire rack.
Make sure that you pumpkin purée is not too wet. Cook it a bit longer to let the liquid evaporate or place in a sieve overnight in order to get rid of the excess moisture.
If you wish you cxan replace the rum by brandy, cognac, whisky or sherry.
You can add a little more sugar to the filling if you find that it is not sweet enough.
Serving suggestions:
Serve at room temperature with whipped cream.
~ Jean & Roy in front of a pub somewhere in Derbyshire in 1998 ~
~ Pumpkin Pie Selon Tartine Bakery ~
Recette adaprée du livre "Tartine" par Elisabeth Prueitt and Chad Robertson.
Pour un pie de 25cm de diamètre.
Ingrédients Pour la "Pâte Brisée":
1 1/2 CC de Sel de mer fin
455g de Farine blanche
300g de Beurre très froid, coupé en petits cubes
Ingrédients Pour La "Garniture":
510g de Purée de potimarron
3 Gros oeufs
1 Jaune d'oeuf
2 CS de Rhum
100g de Sucre brun clair
1 1/2 CC de Cannelle en poudre
1 CC de gingembre en poudre
Une pincée de Clous de girofles en poudre
Une pincée de Noix de muscade fraîchement râpée
Une pincée de Poivre noir fraîchement moulu
1 CC de Sel de mer fin
1. Dans un grand bol, mélanger la farine au sel.
2. Ajouter le beurre.
3. A l'aide d'un malaxeur à pâtisserie, couper le beurre dans la farine jusqu'à obtention d'une mixture ressemblant un crumble.
4. Incorporer l'eau et mélanger à l'aide d'un couteau de table.
5. Continuer à mélanger (délicatement) jusqu'à ce que vous obteniez une boule de pâte (pas trop homogène tout de même).
6. Sur une surface farinée, diviser la pâte en deux portions égales e t les former un deux disques de 2.5cm d'épaisseur, puis les emballer avec du film plastique.
7. Les mettre au frigo (2 heures au minimum ou une nuit).
8. Sur une surface farinée étaler (en allant du centre en direction des bords et en rotatant la pâte de temps en temps) un des disques de pâte à une épaisseur de 0.3cm.
9. Une que que vous aurez obtenu un cercle de pâte de 33cm (plus grand que le moule), le transférer délicatement dans le moule.
10. Garnir le moule avec la pâte et couper les bords.
11. Piquer le fond du pie avec une fourchette, Protéger la pâte piquée avec une feuille de papier sulfurisé découpée à la dimension voulue et remplir avec des billes de cuisson ou des haricots.
12. Préchauffer le four à 190° C.
13. Cuire à blanc pendant 20 minutes, ou jusqu'à ce que la surface de la pâte soit sèche et n'ait plus de zones opaques.
14. Sortir la pâte du four et retirer le papier avec les poids, puis la remettre au four pour 2-5 minutes supplémentaires (si le centre gonfle, piquer la pâte avec la pointe d'un courteau).
5. Laisser refroidir sur une grille avant de remplir avec la garniture.
2. Dans un bol moyen, battre ensemble la purrée de potimarron les oeufs, le jaune d'oeuf, la crème et le rhum afin d'obtenir une masse homogène.
3. Ajouter le sucre, les épices et le sel. Bien incorporer.
4. Verser la garniture dans le moule et cuire pendant 1 heure, ou jusqu'à ce que la garniture soit un peut tremblotante en son centre (elle continuera à se solidifier pendant q u'elle refroidira).
5. Laisser refroidir sur une grille.
Votre purrée de potimarron doit être assez épaisse et ne pas contenir de liquide. Afin de réduire la quantité de liquide, cuire la purrée jusqu'à ce que le liquide se soit évaporé ou mettre la purrée dans une passoire et laisser égoutter pendant toute une nuit.
Vous pouver remplacer le rhum par du sherry, whisky, du brandy ou du co gnac.
Si la garniture n'est pas assez sucrée, il vous est possible d'ajouter plus de sucre.
Idées de présentation:
Servir à température ambiante avec de la crème fouettée.
I'm sorry for your loss and it was interesting to read about your reflections on your relationship with your grandmother. I'm truly sorry that you weren't able to have the relationship that you wished; however, it is clear by some of your memories and the photo you shared, that in some way you were loved and cherished.
ReplyDeleteRecently, I haven't seen any cooking pumpkins around here otherwise I would be rushing out to make this recipe. My girls have been wanting to make a pie, and I've wanted to find a good pumpkin recipe. Perhaps I'll have to break down and purchase the canned stuff.
Thank you for your thoughtful post and your always wonderful photography.
Such sweet and nostalgic family photos....sometimes love is very hard to express in words, so some will remain silent.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful sentiment towards your Nan, and the pie is *perfection*.
a very touching post,i loved a lot my grandparents!:(
ReplyDeleteand your tart is a great way to mark her in peace,Jean Margaret!
Nous partons tous un jour malheureusement... et cette article en son honneur est un bien bel hommage ! En tout cas, cette tarte à l'air vraiment très bonne, et bien épicée :) A bientôt !
ReplyDeleteThis blog really touched me personally- between the music, the disconnect with your grandmother, and your recipe for pumpkin pie. My grandmother was equally distant, but I still cried hard and missed her when she passed- I'm sorry for your loss and I understand the wistfulness for what could have been! As for the pumpkin pie- I have a fall tradition of baking one with my girls, and this recipe looks wonderful, I'm going to give it a try!
ReplyDeleteWarme Worte, die Du für deine Grossmutter fandest ! Darüber geht beinahe die Tarte vergessen.
ReplyDeleteLiebe Grüsse
Very sorry to hear about your grandmother's passing. For what it's worth, many families are either distant and/or messy, mine included, so I can certainly relate.
ReplyDeleteWhat I love most about this post are glimpses of the little you - so adorable - and that you focused on pumpkin, a fall favorite, while everyone else is fast forwarding to spring things. Unseasonably delicious. : )
So sorry to hear of the loss of your Nana :(
ReplyDeleteRosa, your beautiful and honest post meant so much to me today. Mostly because it reflects my feelings about my grandmother who passed away. I longed for her love and affection but received neither. I DID receive her love of split pea soup and homemade bread. And I cherish that. :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post, Rosa...And that pumpkin pie looks heavenly...!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post, to me it seems she was not able to express to you...but you have now truly conquered that with how freely you are able to share.
Superbe tarte gourmande..elle donne très envie de mordre dedans !
ReplyDeleteBisous et bon WE.
Bel hommage Rosa! Il est important de se souvenir de ses racines... comme toi j'ai fait un billet hommage cette semaine à mon père et mes grands parents... souvenirs!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful tribute to your Nana. May she rest in Peace! Every little memory with your Nana is worth to cherish. Not everyone can easily show their affection toward other, even to family member. I am sure you can sense the love that they give. My heart goes with you Rosa.
ReplyDeleteLots of kisses and hugs,
your pumpkin pie sounds as warm as you are :)
Sorry about your loss, this is a very touching post!!
ReplyDeleteYour pumpkin pie is absolutely tempting!! Would love to rry it before the end of winter!!!
Have a great weekend!
What a nostalgic and sweet post! And I do love a pumpkin pie in spring time.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice tribute to your grandmother, and I'm so sorry for your loss. Your pumpkin pie looks divine. I do think pumpkin is my favorite of all pies, and this one looks stellar!
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts are with you during these trying times. I only had regular contact with one grandma so totally understand. Look after yourself and keep the spirits up, and keep smiling.
ReplyDeleteCette génération n'était pas très encline ni à la tendresse ni à la démonstration mais sûrement qu'à sa façon, ta grand-mère t'aimait. Je trouve important de respecter les personnes âgées et ton billet est un joli hommage à une personne de qualité.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very beautiful and fitting tribute to your grandmother. Sorry to hear about the relationship you shared with her when you were's good that you focused on her strong attributes. The pie looks delicious too Rosa.
ReplyDeletebonjour, un blog award t'attend sur mon blog
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you didn't have a closer relationship with your Grandmother. I hardly saw mine but she was the sweetest loving little thing, I don't think anyone could have not loved her. She was a great cook too. That's my Mom's Mom. My Dad's Mom was another story!!!! I think I only saw her about twice in my life and that was enough.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you have loving memories of your grandma anyway!
Your pumpkin pie looks delish.
I am sorry for your loss Rosa. I had a wonderful relationship with my maternal grandmother. Although we shared cooking experiences she was always there for me.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love pumpkin!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for your loss Rosa, and this was a very touching post.
ReplyDeleteLovely recipe! I love that book too!
take care
I know how you feel. . . . .
ReplyDeleteyou always my awesome e-friend Rosa!
I am so sorry for your loss Rosa, but I think your post is very heart-felt and I love that even though your relationship is not what you had wished for, you are able to remember all the good things about her! BIG HUGS
ReplyDeleteA very touching post..really sorry to hear about your loss..and the pumpkin pie looks so beautiful and delicious!
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your grandma. She is a beautiful woman. This is a beautiful post and the pie looks beautiful as well. Your grandma will be so proud.
ReplyDeleteI love Tartine bakery. They have the best bread pudding there. =) Thanks for sharing.
Je t'adore ma belle Rosa XX
ReplyDeleteI am sorry to hear about your loss!! I lost both my granddad long back and both my grand moms are not keeping well and we pray everyday! This pics you shared and the stories are very beautiful...
ReplyDeleteI am very sorry to read that you have lost your grandmother and that you are left with unresolved feelings. My grandmother was very similar in her attitudes toward me. After many years, I am able to be sad for her because she denied herself the joy she could have experienced if she could have expressed her love openly.
ReplyDeleteYou certainly inherited culinary skills and have much to be proud of. I hope with you that your grandmother is looking down on you with pride and love.
I too am so sorry for your loss, dear Rosa. I never knew my maternal grandmother and I have often wondered whether we would have had a "meaningful" relationship. My father's mother only spoke Italian and like your Nan she often told us to get away from under foot, only in Italian...
ReplyDeleteYour Pumpkin Pie is a fine tribute to the changing of the seasons. I admire your prospective and truly appreciate your heartfelt post and "spoken" pictures.
Thank you so much for sharing...
Sometimes people are unable to show love because they were never shown it, so they don't know how. Sadly for your grandmother, she herself was probably denied affection.
ReplyDeleteMy grandmothers never told me they loved me either, but I know they did, especially my dad's mom. She and I had a special connection. Sadly she died before I could really show my culinary skills.
Hugs to you!
I'm sorry for your loss. I'm truly sorry that you weren't able to have the relationship that you wished with her. Family is a complicated subject for me. But looking at your pics, you had some great memories captured with her.
ReplyDeleteLovely pie!
That is such a touching post made me miss my Grandma.. what a beautiful tribute, She must be watching n very proud of you wherever she is!!
ReplyDeleteYour Pie look splendid!!
US Masala
Bel hommage à ta grand-mère... Il y a une chanson récente de Louis Chedid qui doit "On de dit jamais assez aux gens qu'on aime qu'on les aime", il faudrait y penser plus souvent! En tout cas, elle t'a légué son talent, c'est sûr!
ReplyDeleteBe strong! :)
ReplyDeleteUn hommage très émouvant.Il est vrai que les mots sont plus importants...
ReplyDeleteTes photos sont magnifiques ainsi que ta tarte.
A big hug to you dear Rosa; I'm sure your nana would be more than proud of you.
ReplyDeleteLove the pictures of little Rosa.
And btw, whenever you come to England,know that there are still people who will welcome you with open arms :-)
ReplyDeleteI am sorry for ur loss Rosa, I know it's a v difficult stage to go through in life .
ReplyDeletePie Looks absolutely delicious:)
Beautiful post Rosa!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely tribute to your grandmother. I'm sorry for your loss and you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
sorry to read about your Nana, this little hommage you are paying to her is so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteHope sunnier happier days arrive soon.
"Don't cry before it's over. Smile because it happened"
ReplyDeleteWOW. so powerful. Rosa, so sorry to read about your Nan. Hold tight to the good stuff, looks like there was plenty of that. Pumpkin can make anyone smile :) xo
WOW! Rosa, quelle belle tarte. J'adore ce bouquin, il y a toujours de belles choses dedans.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about your Grandmother, Rosa. Such a lovely tribute!
ReplyDeletePowerful post and so heartfelt! I think being a grandmother is such an important role it is too bad a lot of grandparents fail at meeting expectations children place on them; I was lucky to have a wonderful grandmother and wish my children could have had one like her.
ReplyDeleteThis pie is simple and sublime. Love the tartine bakery that I used to go to all the time in SF.
This post was so beautiful and emotional, a piece of writing that I'll remember.
ReplyDeleteThe pie looks velvety and gorgeous :)
Un post molto bello, molto dolce... Un abbraccio. Deborah
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for sharing such special moments of your life.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your grandmother, rest in peace.
Outstanding pie recipe, lovely photos too x
I'm sorry for your loss Rosa!
ReplyDeleteNice recipe..looks so perfect and yummy!!
Rosa, I am so sorry about the loss of your grandmother; you wrote such a lovely tribute to her! I think it is so nice that you have dual citizenship with England. I would love to do that someday with Italy. The pie AND your photos look perfect!!!
ReplyDeleteI hate to be stereotypical but many British families do not wear their hearts on their sleeves. I myself come from a very reserved family. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother. I am sure she loved you and expressed it in her own way. Your poignant post is a good reminder for us all to express oursleves every day!!
ReplyDeleteMy deepest condolences Rosa. May your Nana rest in peace. I spent my entire childhood very close to both my sets of grandparents. I was very fortunate. Even if you did not talk much grandparents always hold a special place for their grandkids and the photographs of you speak a lot!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry hear about your loss Rosa! This is a beautiful dish with a beautiful story...
ReplyDeleteA beautiful pie; and one of my fave bakeries. The bread there is to die for. ;)
ReplyDeleteOuah elle est magnifique! J'ai toujours voulu en faire une et puis j'ai la recette à la maison en plus! lol
ReplyDeleteBise & Bonne journée
Rosa, I'm really sorry for your loss. It's always hard when you lose someone so close to you.You will be in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure your Nana would be more than proud of you. And your lovely tribute!!!
A Big HUG,
I believe our dear ones keep on watching us from Heaven..Your Nana must be so proud of you, bragging in Heaven!!
ReplyDeleteVoilà un bel hommage rendu à ta Grand-Mère, qui ne pourrait qu'être fière de toi !! Merci pour cette jolie recette. Bonne semaine, bises
ReplyDeleteI am sorry for your loss and wish you solace and peace. The pumpkin pie looks fabulous.
ReplyDeleteSorry by your loss my dear Rosa, is a lovely tribute to your grandmother, this recipe look wonderful, I think is perfect Rosa, love ALL your pictures, blessings dear, gloria
ReplyDeleteI am sorry for your loss and I am sure your grandmother would be very proud of you. May she rest in peace.
ReplyDeleteRosa tu post me ha parecido precioso, un bonito homenaje a tu querida abuelita, siento su perdida.
ReplyDeleteLa tarta muy rica, habra que probarla.
Perdona por escribirte en español pero mi ingles esta muy olvidado, lo entiendo pero la verdad es que no me atrevo a escribirlo.
So sorry about your grandma :(, this is a lovely tribute to her. Hope you are ok in this sad time.
ReplyDeleteThe pie you made looks delicious, I would love to try a bit of this as we don't have things such as pumpkin pie in the UK.
A touching tribute to your grandmother, Rosa.
ReplyDeleteAnd while you made your last pumpkin pie of the season, we ate our very first butternut soup of the year down here.
sorry for your loss, dear rosa. i like the photo of the two of you. i love your pumpkin pie.
I adore the recipes from Tartine bakery! Your pumpkie pie looks amazing!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about your grandma. I'm sure she was proud of you! I love tartine bakery, I always make it a point to visit their shop when I'm in San Francisco.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry about your grandmother. This is a beautiful pumpkin pie and a wonderful tribute.
ReplyDeletetres bel hommage a ta grand mere, qui sans aucun doute t'aimait beacoup, mais appartenait a cette generation qui ne montrait pas ses sentiments...un phenomene que je connais helas trop bien .
ReplyDeleteTrès émouvant cette article. Je pense très fort à toi.
ReplyDeleteDes Bises
It looks like a perfect pumpkin pie. Love all the old pictures. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure she couldn't help but be proud of the fabulous cook/baker you've become.
ReplyDeleteHey Rosa, This pie looks sensational!My hubby would be so pleased if I made this for him in March!
ReplyDeleteRosa, you were the cutest little princess on your proud grandmother's lap.
ReplyDeletePlease accept my condolences for the loss of your dear nana. And may this lovely tribute touch her heart, as you have touched ours.
I'm proud of you, and all your accomplishments.
Blood being thicker than water is so true when relating to the how and why of certain family ties...especially when they are so difficult to understand.
ReplyDeleteI lost my Nonna when she was a young 95...a special woman and very influential in my life...she was however not as affectionate as I would have liked.
Rosa, I totally get you. Sorry to read of her passing.
Very warm post by a dear Grandaughter.
Ciao for now,
Dear Rosa, I am so sorry for your loss!!
ReplyDeleteToo bad that she couldn't say: I love you. Maybe she was proud of you in some other way but she wasn't as good to put it into words!
This tarte looks amazing & ooh so fabulous!! I love the specila flavoured crust too! Thanks for sharing this with us!!
Sorry for your loss Rosa! Even though you weren't that close and had some unresolved things, I'm sure she loved you very much!
ReplyDeleteAnd be thankful you had some good memories from her. My dad's parents got divorced when my dad was young and he never saw him again, therefore I never met him either. Always a mystery there!
Thanks for sharing such a beautiful recipe
This is a beautiful post and tribute to your Nana: writing about endings and new beginnings and the link with the pumpkin pie is very touching. My deepest sympathy for your loss.
ReplyDeleteSorry for your loss, Rosa. Deep inside I'm sure she loved you more than you imagine. Your photos are wonderful and the pie looks delicious!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post, so touching. I am sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteHeidi xo
I'm so sorry hear about your loss Rosa. What a lovely tribute to her.
ReplyDeleteRosa, I am sorry for your nice that you dedicated this post to her...we are all different and expression sometimes is very difficult, but from the pictures I am sure that she loved you. The pumpkin tart looks delicious, perfectly baked. Hope you have a great week ahead :-)
ReplyDeletesorry for your loss, a perfect tribute to your nana...i love the last quote!!
ReplyDeletesmile because it happened!!
So very sorry for the loss of your Grandmother Rosa. My Grandma just turned 90, but still know the day she passes will possibly be soon : ( She is one of my best friends. The pie looks amazing! and your photos always amaze me!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for your loss, Rosa. Thank you for sharing your memories of your grandmother and this delicious recipe. I really admire you--you always work so hard on blog and are so dedicated. All the best.
ReplyDeleteSorry for your loss Dear Rosa. Such a lovely post about precious memories!
ReplyDeleteoh j'adore ta tarte !!!! trop tentante !!!!
ReplyDeleteChere Rosa,
ReplyDeleteje me souviens avoir deja lu un texte simailaire a propos de ta grand-mere, mais pas aussi touchant que celui-ci, qui m'a presque tire des larmes. Culturellement, les personnes d'un certain age n'ont pas ete habituees a demontrer leur affection, et certaines considerent encore les petis enfants comme des etre genants et denues de raison. Ca ne veut pas dire qu'elle ne t'aie pas aimee, elle avait certainement des difficultes a l'exprimer. C'est une autre epoque.
Tres beau post en tout cas.
So sorry to hear of the loss of your grandmother. It is sad that some people do not know how to show affection. She probably loved you immensely just never knew how to show it. How could she not? You were adorable:)
ReplyDeleteYour pie looks divine, of course!
lovely remembrance of your grandmother, I love the memorites and old photos - rip to your dear nana. on the other hand, the recipe sounds delicious, a wonderful tribute!
ReplyDeleteUn très bel hommage que tu lui fais ici avec cette jolie recette.
ReplyDeleteC'est peut-être au travers de ta passion pour la cuisine que tu maintiendras le lien avec ta grand-mère, comme moi je le fais avec ma mère.
Et peut-être la passera-t-on à notre tout.
Une pensée pour toi
Sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother but 84 is a very respectable age. She might not have been all that you wanted her to be at least you had she inspired you with cooking! Lovely old photos too!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry Rosa to hear about your grandmother's passing. Thanks for sharing wit us your memories and lovely pictures. She is in a good place right now, with the Angels around her.
ReplyDeleteBe well darling!
Tu ne pouvais pas lui rendre un plus bel hommage Rosa....
ReplyDeleteBises. Marina
What a lovely and touching dedication post. I am sorry to hear that she was not the type to show her affections. I am sure your beautiful talents would make her proud.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry, Rosa. This post makes my heart ache. I have my maternal grandmother and my paternal grandfather still alive so anytime you need or want some love from a grandparent, I am more than willing to share mine. At least you had one cherished moment in the kitchen with your Nan yet you gained immense inspiration and talent from her.
ReplyDeleteYour pie is incredible and is one of my all time favorite pies.
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Rosa because I know how dear your links to Derbyshire are to you. I think of you every time I go through Belper during my visits. What a truly beautiful tribute to your Grandmother and the photos of your pumpkin pie are some of your finest. Take care dear friend in these sad days.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for your loss, Rosa. But at least she passed away peacefully and will live on in your heart. Though she wasn't super close/expressive toward you, it's lovely to hear how she's passed on her love of food and cooking to you and I'm sure she was happy to see that in her heart.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your loss and your reflections remind us how precarious and mixed our relationships are. As we approach my dear late brother's birthday I've been thinking of all of this too, of life and love and family. You have given us a thoughtful, emotional post. Thank you and sending you a huge hug... you are special Rosa, and I count on more years of getting to know you better.
ReplyDeleteAnd a scrumptious pumpkin pie. Funny, my pumpkin pie post was the one I posted after I learned of my brother's illness. It does so much embody autumn and the circle of life, doesn't it?
A very touching post. I'm sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteThe pie looks so delicious. I'd love to take a bite into that warm and spicy pumpkin filling.
So sorry for your loss dear..the post almost brought tears to my ears..hugs!
ReplyDeleteThis pie looks really the color.
I'm sorry for your loss, Rosa. Love your childhood pictures with Nan!
ReplyDeleteThe pie looks absolutely scrumptious.
I also come from a British family and never really knew there was any other way until I met my Italian and Portuguese neighbours parents. We are not known for being openly gregarious and I am sure that it is a trait to look at the world from a distance but I am sure your grandmother loved you, she just didn't know how to show it. Life is what we make it.