"From a commercial point of view, if Christmas did not exist it would be necessary to invent it."
- Katharine Whitehorn
I must say that even if it saddens me not to be surrounded by my kin-folk and to have no contact with the very few relatives left (including my parents and sister - very small family and a lot of psycho-drama and toxic behavior which I prefer to steer clear of if I want to be the master of my life, stay sane and be healthy in body and mind), I have to admit that sometimes there are advantages to leading a lonely existence and not being vampirized by others anymore.
You see, with the level of stress rising in society due to the Christmas preparations and the ominous launch of the end of year festivities (or shall we say madness/frenzy - LOL), I am thankful and happy that I'll be going through that odd period in a pressure-free mode. It is really nice to have no worries and be totally detached from all the fuss as well as the hype that surrounds us constantly. In that manner, it is possible to fully appreciate the magic of Xmas and winter.
I haven't been brought up in a religious environment (I belong to no church nor movement) and my boyfriend P. is also furiously against organized belief systems, so since we believe in other values (the power of the Universe & Nature), we will not be celebrating the 25th of December in a Christian way. In place of that we'll feast and party on the occasion of the winter solstice and of my birthday (I was born on the 25th of December).
"The Christmas season has come to mean the period when the public plays Santa Claus to the merchants."
- John Andrew Holmes
Panicking or nervous breakdowns are not on the program! I have only very few gifts to make or cards to write, have nobody coming home for dinner and don't need to put on a fake smile on my face because I am not forced to attend any freakishly, artificially and kitschily gay/joyful family reunions where everbody is trying to be polite with one another when, in fact, they are just holding back any hard feelings for the sake of this "sacred" day are simply not my cup of tea (I am too honest for that kind of game - either there is a connection or there is none).
"I sometimes think we expect too much of Christmas Day. We try to crowd into it the long arrears of kindliness and humanity of the whole year. As for me, I like to take my Christmas a little at a time, all through the year. And thus I drift along into the holidays--let them overtake me unexpectedly--waking up some fine morning and suddenly saying to myself: 'Why this is Christmas Day!"
- Ray Stannard Baker, pseud. David Grayson (1870-1946), American author, journalist.
Anyhow, no matter how humbly we will be spend this very short weekend (no long weekend for us - in Geneva the 24th and 26th of December are normal working days), I can assure you that we will nonetheless try to make the most of it; we have the intention of organizing a little banquet for two and spending a cosy time together. I plan on making my famous bozy and nutty "Foie Gras Terrine" that we will savor on the 23rd with some homemade bread or crackers, quince jelly and dessert wine (surely a Vin Santo), then on the 24th, as I love to honor my British roots, I'll prepare a 100% English classic Christmas dinner made from scratch and composed of roasted turkey, sage stuffing, buttery mashed potatoes, Brussel sprouts with chestnuts and shallots as well as gravy.
Even if we like to have a traditional fare, the dishes never succeed each other at our table and no sugary treat ends the repast. We don't go crazy. Generally, a small apéro opens the supper, but we seldom ingest more than the bird and its accompaniments. After having stuffed ourselves with such nourishing foods, we rarely have any space left for anything else. How do you guys do to not explode when you stuff yourselves for hours?
Well, this Friday, I have decided to present one of those sweet confections instead of blogging about the usual Yuletide cookies or candy. Don't get me wrong, I am the biggest sucker for those goodies, but in December, magazines and blogs already offer enough recipes for biscuits, bonbons and bars. It is the reason why I thought that it would be great to share something a bit different than what you usually see everywhere when Noël is around the corner.
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In order to update the original recipe and spike it up a little, I added cardamom to the meringue batter, gave the vermicelli additional oomph by incorporating Kirschwasser to the chestnut puree and upgraded the Chantilly by blending some matcha to the cream. Now, that sounds a lot more exciting, don't you think?!
~ Chestnut, Cardamom & Matcha Mont Blancs ~
Recipe for the "Meringues" adapted from "Bon Appétit" magazine. Conception of this dessert as well as the "Chestnut Puree" and "Matcha Cream" recipes by Rosa Mayland, December 2011.
Makes 6 big "Mont Blancs":
4 Large egg whites
1/4 Tsp Cream of tartar
1 Cup (210g) Castor sugar
2 Tsps Cornstarch
1/2 Tsp Apple vinegar
1/2 Tsp Pure vanilla extract
1/4 Tsp Ground cardamom
Ingredients For The "Chestnut Puree":
400g Sweetened chestnut puree (no jam/spread)
3-4 Tbs Kirschwasser
Ingredients for the "Matcha Whipped Cream":
1 Cup (250ml) Double/heavy cream (35%)
2 Tbs Icing/conditioner's sugarIngredients for the "Matcha Whipped Cream":
1 Cup (250ml) Double/heavy cream (35%)
1 Tsp Palais Des Thés "Matcha Pâtissier" (powdered green tea)
Method For The "Meringues":
1. Preheat the oven to 350° F (180° C).
2. Line a large baking tray with baking paper.1. Preheat the oven to 350° F (180° C).
3. Using your stand mixer (or electric mixer + a big bowl), whisk the egg whites for 1 minute. 4. Add the cream of tartar and continue beating until soft peaks appear.
5. Then, gradually incorporate the sugar, while continuously whisking until the whites are thick, really firm and resemble marshmallow creme, about 5 minutes.
6. Beat in the cornstarch, vinegar, vanilla, and cardamom.
7. Drop the heaps of meringue batter onto the prepared sheet (create 6 mounds, spaced 3 inches/8cm apart).
8. Using the back of a tablespoon, make a depression in the center of each meringue.
9. Transfer to the oven and immediately reduce temperature to 250° F (120° C).
10. Bake until the meringues are dry outside (but centers remain soft), have a pale straw color and lift easily from the parchment, about 80 - 110 minutes.
11. Cool completely on a rack.
Method For The "Chestnut Puree":
Method For The "Matcha Whipped Cream":
1. Make sure your stand mixer bowl, beaters and cream are very cold.
2. Add the matcha to the cream and beat until soft peaks form.
3. Then, add the sugar and continue whisking until firm peaks appear.
Method For Assembling The "Mont-Blancs":
1. Arrange the meringues on a serving platter and press the chestnut puree (with a potato press or chestnut puree press) in bird's nest shape around edge and center of the meringue shells.
2. Pipe the whipped cream on top of the puree, piling it high.
3. Sprinkle with edible silver pearls, then serve immediately.
If your chestnut puree already contains some kirsch, then you might want to add less extra kirsch to it.
The meringues can be made a day ahead and kept in an airtight container for about 12-24 hours, at room temperature.
The meringues can be made a day ahead and kept in an airtight container for about 12-24 hours, at room temperature.
The puree can also be made a few days ahead and stored in an airtight container in the fridge.
The whipped cream and assembling can only be made at the last minute.
Serving suggestions:
Serve for dessert or for afternoon tea with some dessert wine, liqueur or a pot of jasmine tea.
Recette pour le "Meringues" adapté du magazine "Bon Appétit" (US). La conception générale du dessert ainsi que les recettes pour la "Purée De Châtaignes" et la "Chantilly Au Matcha" par Rosa Mayland, Décembre 2011.
Pour 6 gros "Mont Blancs".
Ingrédients Pour Les "Meringues":
4 Blancs d'œufs (oeufs de ~63g)
1 CC de Crème de tartre
210g de Sucre cristallisé
2 CC de Fécule de maïs (maizena)
1/2 CC de Vinaigre de pomme
1/2 CC d'Extrait de vanille pure
1/4 de CC de Cardamome en poudre
Ingrédients Pour La "Purée De Châtaignes":
400g de Purée de marrons sucrée/vermicelles (pas de confiture)
3-4 CS de Kirsch
Ingrédients Pour La "Chantilly Au Matcha":
250ml de Crème double (35%)
2 CS de Sucre glace
1 CC de "Matcha Pâtissier" du Palais Des Thés
Méthode Pour Les "Meringues":
1. Préchauffer le four à 350 ° F (180 ° C).
2. Recouvrir une grande plaque à pâtisserie de papier sulfurisé.
3. A l'aide de votre batteur (ou au batteur manuel + un grand bol), fouetter les blancs d'oeufs pendant 1 minute.
4. Ajouter la crème de tartre et continuer de battre jusqu'à formation de pics mous.
5. Puis, incorporer progressivement le sucre, tout en continuant de fouetter pendant encore 5 minutes, jusqu'à ce que les blancs soient épais, très fermes et ressemblent à de la crème de guimauve.
6. Incorporer la fécule de maïs, le vinaigre, la vanille et de cardamome tout en fouettant.
7. Faire des tas avec l'appareil à meringue (créer 6 monticules, à 8cm d'intervalle).
8. Avec le dos d'une cuillère à soupe, faire une dépression au centre de chaque meringue.
9. Enfourner et réduire immédiatement la température à 120 ° C.
10. Cuire jusqu'à ce que les meringues soient sèches à l'extérieur (les centres doivent être mous), aient une couleur jaune paille et se décollent facilement du papier sulfurisé, environ 80-110 minutes.
11. Laisser refroidir complètement sur une grille.
Méthode Pour La "Purée De Châtaignes»:
1. Mélanger la purée avec le kirsch. Mettre de côté.
Méthode Pour La "Chantilly Au Matcha":
1. Assurez-vous que votre bol mélangeur, vos batteurs et votre crème soient très froids.
2. Ajouter le matcha à la crème et battre jusqu'à formation de pics mous.
3. Puis, ajouter le sucre et continuer de fouetter jusqu'à la formation de pics fermes.
Méthode Pour "L'Assemblage Des Mont-Blancs":
1. Disposer les meringues sur une assiette de présentation et garnir le dessus de chaque meringue avec 1/6 de crème de marrons (utiliser un presse pommes de terre ou un appareil spécialisé).
2. Décorer avec la chantilly.
3. Parsemer de perles argentées, puis servir immédiatement.
Si voutre purée de marrons contient déjà du kirsch, alors faites attention de ne pas en rajouter trop.
Les meringues peuvent être faites la veille et conservée pendant pas plus de 24 heures dans une boîte hermétique, à température ambiante.
La purée peut également être faite quelques jours à l'avance et conservées dans un récipient hermétique au réfrigérateur.
La crème fouettée et la chantilly doivent être faites à la dernière minute.
Idées De Présentation:
Servir à l'heure du dessert ou du thé avec un vin liquoureux, une liqueur ou du thé au jasmin.
Ingrédients Pour Les "Meringues":
4 Blancs d'œufs (oeufs de ~63g)
1 CC de Crème de tartre
210g de Sucre cristallisé
2 CC de Fécule de maïs (maizena)
1/2 CC de Vinaigre de pomme
1/2 CC d'Extrait de vanille pure
1/4 de CC de Cardamome en poudre
Ingrédients Pour La "Purée De Châtaignes":
400g de Purée de marrons sucrée/vermicelles (pas de confiture)
3-4 CS de Kirsch
Ingrédients Pour La "Chantilly Au Matcha":
250ml de Crème double (35%)
2 CS de Sucre glace
1 CC de "Matcha Pâtissier" du Palais Des Thés
Méthode Pour Les "Meringues":
1. Préchauffer le four à 350 ° F (180 ° C).
2. Recouvrir une grande plaque à pâtisserie de papier sulfurisé.
3. A l'aide de votre batteur (ou au batteur manuel + un grand bol), fouetter les blancs d'oeufs pendant 1 minute.
4. Ajouter la crème de tartre et continuer de battre jusqu'à formation de pics mous.
5. Puis, incorporer progressivement le sucre, tout en continuant de fouetter pendant encore 5 minutes, jusqu'à ce que les blancs soient épais, très fermes et ressemblent à de la crème de guimauve.
6. Incorporer la fécule de maïs, le vinaigre, la vanille et de cardamome tout en fouettant.
7. Faire des tas avec l'appareil à meringue (créer 6 monticules, à 8cm d'intervalle).
8. Avec le dos d'une cuillère à soupe, faire une dépression au centre de chaque meringue.
9. Enfourner et réduire immédiatement la température à 120 ° C.
10. Cuire jusqu'à ce que les meringues soient sèches à l'extérieur (les centres doivent être mous), aient une couleur jaune paille et se décollent facilement du papier sulfurisé, environ 80-110 minutes.
11. Laisser refroidir complètement sur une grille.
Méthode Pour La "Purée De Châtaignes»:
1. Mélanger la purée avec le kirsch. Mettre de côté.
Méthode Pour La "Chantilly Au Matcha":
1. Assurez-vous que votre bol mélangeur, vos batteurs et votre crème soient très froids.
2. Ajouter le matcha à la crème et battre jusqu'à formation de pics mous.
3. Puis, ajouter le sucre et continuer de fouetter jusqu'à la formation de pics fermes.
Méthode Pour "L'Assemblage Des Mont-Blancs":
1. Disposer les meringues sur une assiette de présentation et garnir le dessus de chaque meringue avec 1/6 de crème de marrons (utiliser un presse pommes de terre ou un appareil spécialisé).
2. Décorer avec la chantilly.
3. Parsemer de perles argentées, puis servir immédiatement.
Si voutre purée de marrons contient déjà du kirsch, alors faites attention de ne pas en rajouter trop.
Les meringues peuvent être faites la veille et conservée pendant pas plus de 24 heures dans une boîte hermétique, à température ambiante.
La purée peut également être faite quelques jours à l'avance et conservées dans un récipient hermétique au réfrigérateur.
La crème fouettée et la chantilly doivent être faites à la dernière minute.
Idées De Présentation:
Servir à l'heure du dessert ou du thé avec un vin liquoureux, une liqueur ou du thé au jasmin.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi....moi aussi je cherche à faire meringues cette année ! mais là ! c'est....Prodigieux !!! sublimés par les photos ces gourmandises nous font saliver....Superbes !
ReplyDeletebises Rosa et merci pour ces belles photos et recettes !!!
Very festive as well as beautiful. I love chestnuts.
ReplyDeleteLove all your photos here :D
ReplyDeletewow ! c'est superbe et très festif ! je suis fan de crème de marrons, alors il est certain que j'adorerai ce dessert :)
ReplyDeleteThese look absolutely gorgeous! I just posted a recipe inspired by mont blancs too - there's no getting away from chestnuts at this time of year. I love the idea of using cardamom in the meringue too - the whole thing is just beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThis post is so beautiful! Your Mont Blanc is mouth-watering! Wish more people in the States would use Chestnut in recipes.
ReplyDeleteChestnut purée with whipped cream is a very popular and traditional dessert in Hungary. I love it so much! It's interesting to add matcha to the whipped cream and sit the whole dessert on meringue.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous autumn, winter photos!
Wow GORGEOUS !!! D'habitude je ne suis pas fan du thé matcha,mais là je suis prête à changer d'avis car ton dessert me fait craquer et je suis sûre qu'il doit être délicieux!!!
ReplyDeleteWowww! C'est magnifique et très gourmand! Je m'invite? Bises et bonne fin de semaine...
ReplyDeleteCardamone, matcha...
ReplyDeleteLook absolument fabuleux...
Love chestnuts but its your pictures that are a true feast! Absolutely stunning!
ReplyDeleteSuperbe dessert gourmand. Hier j'ai fait des muffins garnis à la crème de marrons, un délice à refaire aussi. Tu me tente beaucoup avec la meringues en plus.
I've always loved meringues but have never attempted them. Fabulous job Rosa.
i agree with your philosophy on excessive food and flavors. :)
ReplyDeleteOh Wow! These look incredible! I think you should open a patisserie!
ReplyDeleteUr clicks are simply amazing Rosa...lovley recipe!
ReplyDeleteTes photos me font rêver! Vraiment, cette recette est superbe!
ReplyDeleteThis dessert looks and sounds exquisite! (Love the quotes too.)
ReplyDeleteI agree the photos are so harmonious together.. love them all..I'd love to walk along those roads.And the desserts are super.
ReplyDeleteLove the ethereal shots of Switzerland in the fall Rosa. A cfeative dessert like this seems fitting on a day like today!!
ReplyDeleteAh Rosa, de la cardamomne en plus ...c'est juste superbe
ReplyDeleteRosa--everything is beautiful. The dessert looks dreamy. How festive and romantic!!
ReplyDeleteThese look simply fantastic! I must must try some!
ReplyDeleteI always love you nature pics, and this dessert looks so perfect and so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThis is my favourite winter dessert!!! your version is magic ;))))complimenti!!!
Wow! You are amazing. Such a gorgeous dessert!
ReplyDeleteIl est magnifiquement reussi Rosa, encore plus beau que ceux de chez Angelina (un salon de the parisien fameux pour ses Monts Blancs).
ReplyDeleteQuant a Noel, je partage ton opinion, mais que veux tu, j'ai des enfants, et donc envie de leur faire plaisir - ils sont encore a l'age de la magie de Noel.
Bises et bonne fin de semaine.
I just love Mont Blanc and yours is looking so scrumptious and yummy!!! Amazing pictures as always.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a fantastic weekend.
amazing Rosa, what beautiful picture!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, looks absolutely beautiful, and I am sure it tastes super delicious too. Have a nice weekend
ReplyDeleteMeringue et dessert superbes, les photos sont en plus magnifiques!!
ReplyDeletebon we!!
That's a rich dessert but WTH, it's Christmas!
ReplyDeletewow just speachless - awesome!
ReplyDeleteJe traverse l'écran de ce pas !!! lol
ReplyDeleteJe te souhaite une belle soirée, ici le suberbe marché de Noël de Montbéliard et sous la pluie depuis plusieurs jours, quel dommage !!
Mont-Blanc is one sweet treat that I have yet to tackle. Love this combo that you made. Very festive indeed.
ReplyDeleteWow! What an amazing dessert. Mont Blanc was my grandfather's favorite dessert but we only ate it once a year, for his birthday. I loved the taste of chestnuts. I need to try making it to remember my beloved grandfather, and with macha, a nice updated version. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteGrowing up we only had mont-blanc once a year, on New Year' s Eve and I loved it; I still think it is one of the best desserts, but living in the US, I just forgot about it for years. I just saw crème de marrons at the store here in Beirut and street vendors roasting chestnuts. Your dessert (for someone who is not into Xmas) could not be more joyful or celebratory; the green of the chantilly is fun and says Noel! and the cardamom is a clever marriage of flavors with chestnuts. By the way, I am 100% behind you as far as your thoughts on Xmas, toxic families and the like. Say hello to the kitty for me!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely breathtaking, Rosa! No doubt it is as delicious as it is gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous! I love the tones in these snapshots and the tapestry of the post. Thankyou for visiting my blog.
ReplyDeleteGreat flavor here, lovely inventive gorgeous dessert. I hope you enjoy your birthday and all celebrations!
ReplyDeleteI love that you choose to settle for a cozy Christmas with your partner as opposed to being pressured about celebrating it as the society demands out of you.
ReplyDeleteWishing you a beautiful Christmas a very happy birthday in advance.
The mount blancs look magnificient
may i just tell you, how jealous i am that you get to see these beautiful visions of Nature every day. I live in NYC and I see people. Thank you for sharing these pictures with us!
ReplyDeleteMagnifique ! Si beau et si gourmand. J'ai déjà ma cuillère à la main. Bises et très bon week-end.
ReplyDeleteWonderful mont blancs!!! They 're simply irresistible
ReplyDeletei hear you Dear, it sounds like my family! glad and sad that are we far apart. enjoy your birthday and the special timw with what i always call my "new" family! beautiful remake and pics of this traditional recipe!
ReplyDeleteThat's beautiful, Rosa! I love all those layers of flavor. Chestnut anything is a great favorite in my family!
ReplyDeleteLovely! Would never think of matcha and chestnut together =)
ReplyDeleteWow! I am just sitting back and enjoying the beautiful photography! The dessert looks fabulous and delicious!
ReplyDeleteWhat a glorious and festive dessert...gorgeous post Rosa!
ReplyDeletei never see any chestnut recipes so i'm happy to see this AND in that form! wow. that first photo is stunning Rosa!
ReplyDeletei don't have much family so christmas isn't that stressful for me; but in a way i wish it was.
Sounds like you will be having a very nice holiday, much better than family drama for sure. Your dessert looks wonderful filled with incredible flavors:)
ReplyDeleteThat is a pretty cool day to be born on; happy birthday!
So fabulous how you piped the creams. What a spectacular dessert.
ReplyDeleteIl y a pas si longtemps je cherchais justement quelques idées pour ce dessert "Le Mont Blanc". Je voulais le revisiter ... Je crois que tu l'as fait à merveille avec cette touche de cardamome et de thé matcha !
ReplyDeleteBises & Bon WK
Do you know you've made the prettiest mont blanc I've ever seen? It brings back memories of visits to Angélina's in Paris and a lovely restaurant in Zurich where I ate this wonderful dessert. Love your twist on the original recipe and the little silver balls for decoration are so cute. I can identify with not feeling pressured during Christmas and the dysfunctional family thing. Often I've wished for a large family celebration but it involves a lot of stress and work too. The photos are some of your loveliest.
ReplyDeletewhat an elaborate and elegant creation, rosa!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to see matcha in your dessert too! I'm not a fan of whipped cream, but with matcha I would make an exception. It looks gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteI so love this post of yours. I am not much of a rhetoric, so I rarely (better say never) write about my feelings, experiences in term of december holidays (or any other).Couldn't agree more on this:
ReplyDelete"Panicking or nervous breakdowns are not on the program! I have only very few gifts to make or cards to write, have nobody coming home for dinner and don't need to put on a fake smile on my face because I am not forced to attend any freakishly, artificially and kitschily gay/joyful family reunions where everbody is trying to be polite with one another when, in fact, they are just holding back any hard feelings for the sake of this "sacred" day are simply not my cup of tea (I am too honest for that kind of game - either there is a connection or there is none)."
A few people understand me when I am opening this theme.
By the way, this dessert looks fantastic. I must buy matcha powder.
Wow a treat for eyes ...your first pic take my heart away!Santa too is looking forward to have such yummy festive dessert!
ReplyDeleteLuce hermoso y navideño,bellas fortos de otoño;en mi mesa quiero tener éste exquisito y gourmet postre,tengo que hacer esa combinación,abrazos y saludos,hugs,hugs,
ReplyDeleteWow!! I hope I can enjoy your lovely treat ;) Love your desert and love your photo too!!
ReplyDeleteça a l'air tellement gourmand!!! Bravo Rosa! c'est splendide!Bises.
ReplyDeleteHow sumptuous! It's so nice to see the chestnut purée.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful dessert. Perfect for the holidays.
ReplyDeleteI was in the middle of a move and have missed many posts :(
ReplyDeleteBut it is so nie to come back and see these goegeous pictures and 'feel holiday like;
Happy holidays, Rosa!
Recette gourmande à souhait, tout e que j'aime, meringue, marrons, cardamome et crème fouettée. C'est une jolie variante du mont blanc.
ReplyDeleteEt les photos, superbes comme d'habitude...
Very interesting combination and also looks festive although you're having a quiet dinner :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a stunning post AND blog. The recipe is fantastic - so festive. I've signed up to follow and SO looking forward to more :)
ReplyDeleteMary x
oh..my...goodnes...excellent presentation with fab cliks...:)
ReplyDeleteTasty Appetite
Cette meringue est sublime, une gourmandise sublimée par tes magnifiques photos.
ReplyDeleteRosa, I love your nature pictures, it gives me a peek into the other places..thank you..and the recipe pictures look awesome..that chestnut puree will be soft?..looking at it makes me think of our Indian murukus..:)
ReplyDeleteThree of my fave flavors all swirled into one. Divine! ;)
ReplyDeleteThis looks so good! Probably one of my all time fav desserts because I LOVE chestnut puree. I made some last year but never got around posting the recipe. Shall post a picture later on. Hope you have a wonderful holiday time!
ReplyDeleteOh. my. yes. That's one gorgeous GORGEOUS treat! I want!!
ReplyDeleteRosa..wow, Wow, WOW! I love Mont Blanc, and have been dying to make it. Yours are gorgeous, absoultely stunning - such a perfect'spaghetti' of chestnut! Love the additions of cardamom in the meringue and matcha in the whipped cream!
ReplyDeleteWhat amazing-looking mont blancs! The flavors sound lovely. I have to try some matcha in whipped cream. Happy Birthday, early, and hope you have a fantastic celebration!
ReplyDeleteGreat idea using a potato press to make the strings of chestnut puree!
ReplyDeleteWell said Rosa! The whole excess at Xmas can get very overwhelming! I do love what you have created here though! I had Mont Blanc many years ago in Paris and found it quite indulgent. I also love the different flavours...great idea to use cardamom and matcha!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous photos Rosa.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful autumn pic Rosa. The Mont Blanc is adorable and I love your ingredient additions. You should come to NZ for Christmas...no stress here or obsessive commercialism, well not out where I live anyway. At the beach we slop around in our shorts Christmas day, shell some molluscs, put some meat on the BBQ and a special dessert and champagne :o)
ReplyDeleteI meant to do a Mont-Blanc this year, and here it is. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteDearest Rosa, Wonderful flavor and textures combination! That Mont Blanc dessert looks incredible delicious :)Gorgeous clicks as usual!
ReplyDeleteHUGS <3
I like the twist you gave to this classic dessert Rosa !
ReplyDeleteAnd it looks so festive ;)
Mont Blanc is very popular dessert in Japan and I've seen with matcha too. I love you added my another favorite cardamom in here. As always lovely pictures and I just adore this dessert... I haven't had single one since I moved to the US. I don't think it's popular here...
ReplyDeleteWow, absolument superbe, Rosa!
ReplyDeleteJe te souhaite tous les succès possibles en 2012, tu as des talents tout à fait exceptionnels tant en cuisine qu'en photo. Bravo et chapeau bas!
I'm in love with your photos! They look so sharp and clean. Matcha's my favourite dessert flavour and I love drinking the tea too, you've just gained a fan :)
ReplyDeleteLove the article and what fabulous dessert and shots! I love the adding of cardamom!
We've said it before, but the two of you are so much like the two of us (and your description of P is JP to a tee) and we celebrate just the 3 of us (he, I and Marty) or this year our two sons will be here as well. Quiet, calm but luxurious. JP has been asking me to make a Mont Blanc and now I have your stunning recipe to follow. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI love being introduced to new desserts. Thanks for the great post.
ReplyDeleteOh my word! This looks soooo good! What a yummy looking treat!
ReplyDeleteI just want to live in those autumn photos..gorgeous colours.
ReplyDeleteHow cool that you even made the mont blancs!
Sorry about the family drama!! Your bday is the 25th, hoew cool!! Rosa this is stunning, congrats!!
ReplyDeleteRosa, so elegant your dessert...love everything about it...perfect for this Season. Beautiful, beautiful pictures...always.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a wonderful week ahead and thank you for this nice inspiration :-)
Magnifique dessert, les photos sont sublimes.
ReplyDeleteBonne soirée.
As always, your post is real and heartfelt.
ReplyDeleteFrom me to you...Happy Holidays.
A very unique, spectacular dessert! I love the flavors in your Meringues and absolutely in love with the idea of matcha whipped cream!
ReplyDeleteWhat a heartfelt post. My fiance and I share similar feelings about Christmas.
ReplyDeleteYour Mont Blancs are gorgeous, and that photo of those beautiful auburn leaves is so breathtakingly beautiful!!
Waouh! Encore plus joli que Chez Angelina. Personne ne résiste très longtemps à la crème de marrons.
ReplyDeletesuperbe dessert de fêtes, j'adore
ReplyDeleteinteresting recipe! Great blog!
ReplyDeletetotally mesmerized by your photos.
ReplyDeleteMont Blanc is my all time favorite dessert, just so you know. Unfortunately, in Sweden is impossible to find chestnut puree and so the only option is to make it out of the fresh fruit. Did it once but is a lot of work! wish i could taste your perfect interpretation of Mont Blanc. By the way, I know what you mean when you talk about family reunions. Oh... and Happy Birthday!
Quel Raffinement!! J'adore ta présentation:) Bon mardi!!xxx
ReplyDeleteRosa, what a fascinating and creative recipe! The combo of flavors and textures is so dramatic.
OMG i looooooooooooooove all the pictures especially the third one is classic.. love mont blanc and this looks stunning .
ReplyDeleteYou never fail to take my breath away:) gorgeous post as always.
ReplyDeleteThese look absolutely gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteYour Mont Blancs is beautifully done, Rosa. As if you have dust some magic on the dessert...
ReplyDeleteI'll steal your flavour combination for sure - matcha, cardamom, and chestnut, I can't believe I have not thought about it so far! It is real genius.
ReplyDeleteça a l'air divinement bon!! bravo
ReplyDeleteRosa, that's such a unique and gorgeous dessert. Love the use of matcha in it.
ReplyDeleteWhat a unique and gorgeous dessert :) I want to experiment in making pavlova's and definitely taste some chestnut! Soon, I hope!
ReplyDeleteJe salive !
ReplyDeleteBravo pour les photos.
I am in love with your photographs!
ReplyDeleteSuch pretty clicks and such wonderful flavours Roas, I have missed dropping by here n seeing your lovely creations. They are stunning as always ! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas !
Simply stunning, as always, Rosa! This looks incredible. Great presentation, too. :) xx
ReplyDeleteHowever you decide to spend Christmas, I'm glad it will be a meaningful and peaceful day for you. Your photography is stunning as always and that Monte Bianco - well, I've never seen such an inspired version.
ReplyDeleteLovely to meet you, Rosa. That's one if the nicest things about guest posts, isn't it? New connections.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea how you make food look so good! I hear you totally about the frenzy. I am caught up too in it during this time, but more i a good holiday spirit and stuffs with my children. We do not celebrate Christmas in a religious way and we do not have any family living in this country. To have a good time or even to celebrate.. for me would be to run away in solitude with my little family or even take a walk. Thanks for this simple gorgeous pictures of nature!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful clicks!
ReplyDeleteMagnifique cette recette, on se croirait sur un petit nuage!
ReplyDeleteThat's beautiful. Almost too pretty to eat!
ReplyDeleteTa recette de meringue me tente au plus haut point... Magnifiques, tes photos!
ReplyDeleteAnne Delisle
Ville de Québec
Very interesting collection of ingredients here. Sublime photos, as always!
ReplyDeleteJe vois souvent tes commentaires sur les blogs que j'ai l'habitude de visiter et ce soir je décide de cliquer sur ton nom pour visiter le tien. Quelle beauté, je suis éblouie par tes photos et impressionnée par tes recettes. Je te mets illico dans mes favoris sur l'iphone !!! bonne fin d'année. A très vite.
ReplyDeleteThe matcha and chestnut creams are sounding really good!
ReplyDeleteYour blog is simply amazing..........