Please bear with me! I can't blog much today, but, on Wednesday, I will post a gorgeous American recipe for a terribly scrumptious bar...Pardonnez mon absence et soyez patients avec moi! Aujourd'hui, je ne peux pas écrire trop, mais je vous promets que mercredi vous aurez droit à une recette divine(carrés) made in USA...
As a compensation, please accept those heart-shaped plum photographs (click on the pictures to enlarge). Comme dédommagement, je vous offre ces photos (clickez sur la photo pour agrandir) de prune en forme de coeur.
A year has passed since I joined "The Daring Bakers" and I really have to pinch myself to believe that it's true and that it's not just merely a dream. It's incredible how fast time tends to pass when you enjoy something!
Once again, the recipe which was proposed this month had everything to please me. It was savory, bread/yeast-oriented and versatile. September's challenge left us with much freedom and was also very easy to accomplish. Awesomely pleasant and not stressful at all. What more could you ask for, heh?...
Peter Reinhart's crackly "Lavash Crackers" are the absolute starter food and can be served at any occasion. They are not tricky to prepare nor do they keep you in the kitchen for hours. Those little nibblies can be seasoned with a wide array of sprinkles or pastes (seeds, herbs, spices, spice mixes, etc...) and are the perfect accompaniment to any kind of dips, relishes, chutneys, salsas, sauces, terrines, pates, hors d'oeuvres or cheeses.
Those dry biscuits are wonderfully crispy, toasty, highly satisfying, delightfully bready- as well as nutty-tasting, colorful and flavorful. A great and healthy way to start an evening of feasting without busting the calorie count, but without losing the sense of pleasure!
I really want to thank Shellyfish at "Musings From The Fishbowl" (France) -make sure to ckeck her wonderful site -for having chosen that gorgeous recipe and for introducing us to the world of vegan food and alternative eating!
Ingredients: 1 1/2 Cups (6.75 oz/202.5g) Unbleached bread flour 1/2 Tsp Salt 1/2 Tsp Instant/dried yeast 1 Tbs Sugar 1 Tbs Vegetable oil 1/3 to 1/2 Cup + 2 Tbs (90g/ml to 120g/ml) Water, at room temperature The toppings of your choice (I used za'atar)
Method: 1. In a mixing bowl, stir together the flour, salt yeast, sugar, oil, and just enough water to bring everything together into a ball. 2. Sprinkle some flour on the counter and transfer the dough to the counter. Knead for about 10 minutes, or until the ingredients are evenly distributed. 3. Lightly oil a bowl and transfer the dough to the bowl, rolling it around to coat it with oil. 4. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and ferment at room temperature for 90 minutes, or until the dough doubles in size. 5. Mist the counter lightly with spray oil and transfer the dough to the counter. Press the dough into a square with your hand and dust the top of the dough lightly with flour. 6. Roll it out with a rolling pin into a paper thin sheet about 38cm by 31cm (15 inches by 12 inches). 7. When it is the desired thinness, let the dough relax for 5 minutes. 8. Line a sheet pan with baking parchment. 9. Carefully lift the sheet of dough and lay it on the parchment. If it overlaps the edge of the pan, snip off the excess with scissors.
Remarks: You may not need the full 1/2 cup + 2 Tb of water, but be prepared to use it all if needed. The dough should pass the windowpane test (see this link for a discription of this) and register 25° to 27° C (77°to 81° F). The dough should be firmer than French bread dough, but not quite as firm as bagel dough (what I call medium-firm dough), satiny to the touch, not tacky, and supple enough to stretch when pulled. You can also retard the dough overnight in the refrigerator immediately after kneading or mixing. While rolling the dough, you may have to stop from time to time so that the gluten can relax. At these times, lift the dough from the counter and wave it a little, and then lay it back down. Cover it with a towel or plastic wrap while it relaxes.
Serving suggestions: Serve with the dip(s), cheese(s), pate(s), spread(s) or toppings of your choice (tomatoes, onions, fish, dried meat, etc...).
~ Roasted Bell Pepper & Refried Bean Dip ~ Recipe by Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums 2008.
Yields 1 bowl.
Ingredients: 2 Bell peppers, oven roasted (at the highest temperature) until well-roasted/burnt, then peeled 5 Tbs Refried beans (vegan/see my recipe) 2 Cloves garlic 1 Tbs Mushroom-flavored soy 1 Tbs Olive oil 1 Tsp Red Tabasco sauce 1 Tsp Ketchup 1/2 Tsp vinegar 1/2 Tsp Pimentòn or Hungarian smoked paprika) 1/2 Tsp Ground cumin 1/2 Tsp Onion powder 1/2 Tsp Dried oregano 1/2 Tsp Sea salt Ground black pepper, to taste
Method: 1. Put all the ingredients in a mixer and blend until it ressembles a homogenous puree.
Etant donné la longueur du texte original, je n'ai malheureusement pas pu faire une traduction française de ce billet et je m'en excuse auprès de tous mes amis lecteurs et blogueurs francophones!
C'est pourquoi je vous suggère de vous rendre sur les blogs mentionnés ci-dessous. Vous y trouverez cette recette en version française.
Last week, when I went out for a walk, I found that nature had changed a lot since the crisp bise air had settled again...
The trees are no longer verdoyant green, but have that brownish-green color that is so particular here, in September. Yes, fall has arrived through the big door and there's no need to trick ourselves into believing that summer's not quite finished!
Two years ago, I posted one of my favorite bread recipes on this blog. At this time, I had a hilariously cheap camera, no particular photographic skills and blogged only in English... Il y a deux ans de cela, j'ai publié une de mes recettes de pain préférées sur ce blog. A cette époque, j'avais un appareil photo plus que bon marché, je n'était pas une photographe expérimentée ni talentueuse et je ne bloguais qu'en anglais.
Since then, many months have passed and things have changed. I have now switched on to a reflex camera on the level of my small budget (Nikon D40), I take better pictures (at least, I hope...) and I now translate all my recipes to French (a titanic job). Depuis, pas mal de mois ont passé et beaucoup de choses ont changé. Maintenant, j'ai un appareil reflex en phase avec mon budget limité (Nikon D40), je prends de meilleures photos (enfin, c'est ce que j'espère...) et je traduis toutes mes recettes en français (un travail de titan).
Today, my aim is to make you rediscover one of my baking classics: The King Arthur Flour's (KAF) "Hamburger Buns" . On this occasion, I have eliminated the old pictures from my old post, replaced them by new ones and added a French version. Aujourd'hui, mon but est de vous faire découvrir un de mes classiques en boulangerie: les "Pains A Hamburger" de The King Arthur Flour (KAF). A cette occasion, J'ai enlevé toutes les veilles et moches photos de mon ancien billet, je les ai remplacées par de nouvelles images et j'ai traduit ma recette dans la langue de Molière.
Those "Hamburger Buns" are some of the best I've come to eat. They look like real "Burger Buns", but taste a whole lot better than any bought plastic version and they are damn easy to make. It is impossible not to madly fall in love with those fantastic buns, so I hope you'll like this recipe as much as me! Ces "Pains A Hamburger" sont parmis les meilleurs qu'il m'ait été donné de goûter. Ils sont beaux, tels de vrais Burger Buns, mais leur saveur est supérieure à celle des pains plastiques du commerce et, de plus, ils sont si faciles à faire. C'est vraiment impossible de ne pas tomber amoureux de ces merveilleux "buns", alors j'espère que cette recette vous plaira!
Follow that link for the complete post: see here. Pour voir la recette, cliquez ici.
"This is the second time I have made these hamburger rolls. F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S.... and so quick and easy. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. Try these with Chicken or Shrimp Salad.. Wow." ~ Anonymous ~
"I made these buns this evening and they were great, way better than store bought. Thanks for sharing the recipe." ~ Amber at "Amber's Kitchen" ~
Lately, I have felt a little overwhelmed by life. This has resulted in an overall feeling of tiredness and laziness that slightly affects my blogging (but not my love for this activity)...
It is for that reason, that, although I very much like receiving awards and enjoy doing memes, I have not really given any following to your friendly posts. All you people have been ever so kind to me and I can't thanks you enough for your sweet words regarding my blog. I am ever so grateful for each of your visits, comments and prizes. The interest you show to "Rosa's Yummy Yums" fills me up with endless joy and happiness! It means a lot to me!
Here are all the awards I got during the last weeks...
"I Love You this Much" award by Nazarine A at "Giddy Gastronome" (USA).
Unfortunately, I will not pass along those awards to anybody in particular as there are too many blogs I enjoy and people I respect, but I want to salute all of those whom I visit regularly, my faithful readers and my worldwide blogger friends. You know who you are!
This week, Amar & Luna at "CatSynth" (USA) are happy to announce that they are hosting Weekend Cat Blogging #172...
To submit your kitty picture(s), you can either leave a message in their blog's comment section (with your permalinks) or contact them via e-mail without forgetting to give all the needed information.
Finally, I have been able to take a few great shots of Maruschka! Her beautifully silky, yet unphotogenic black coat always makes it hard to capture good pictures of her, because it reflects too much the light... Look how sweet she is! Definitely not camera shy.
It really seems that summer has gone away, without warning. From one day to another, the temperatures fell and the sun has started to get shy...
Don't get my wrong, I love fall (one of my favorite seasons), but every year, when summer draws it's last breath, I always tend to feel nostalgic. It is as if something in me dies. But, at the same time, autumn makes me euphoric, fills me with hope and loads me with a kind of energy I can't describe!
As you've learnt a little earlier (see my post), I am a big fan of plums and never get tired of eating this marvelous stonefruit. Yet, strangely enough, until now, I have only posted two recipe using plums ("Tatsch With Plum Compote" & "Triflemisù")... So, I thought that it is about time that I remediate to that terrible situation by sharing with you one of Dorie Greenspan's most popular recipes.
I have already made Dorie Greenspan's "Dimply Plum Cake" a few times before as it is very versatile, quick to prepare and ever so good. Sometimes I follow her recipe by the letter and other times, I play a little around.For instance, when I baked it last Saturday, I decided to replace the orange zest by lemon zest, kept the ground cardamom, but paired it with 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon and used peanut oil instead of canola oil. Needless to say that this combination also worked incredibly well!
This beautiful "Dimply Plum Cake" is a wonderfully fragrant, autumnal and pretty cake which is very soft and has a nice crisp exterior. The sweetness of the cake dough contrasts marvelously with the pleasant tanginess of the plums. Thanks to the spices, the brown sugar, the zest and the oil used as well as to the gorgeous combination of ingredients, this cake has a fantastic flavor that will keep you coming for more. It is perfect in many ways. Not only does it taste great, but it also looks nice and is quickly made. An appealing coffeecake which will never fail to rejoice you and your friends/guests as it is ideal for afternoon tea, brunch or breakfast!
Ingredients: 1 1/2 Cups (191g) All-purpose flour 2 Tsps Baking powder 1/4 Tsp Salt 1/4 Tsp Ground cardamom 1 Tsp Ground cinnamon (optional) 5 Tbs (75g) Unsalted butter 3/4 Cup (180g) Packed light brown sugar 2 Large eggs (~63g) 1/3 Cup (70ml/g)Canola oil (see remarks) Grated zest of one lemon 1 1/2 Tsps Pure vanilla extract or 3/4 Tsp Vanilla paste 8 Purple or red plums, halved and pitted
Method: 1. Preheat the oven to 180° C (350° F). 2. Butter an 20x20cm (8x8 inches) baking dish or a glass pie plate and set aside. 3. Combine the flour, baking powder, salt, ground cardamom and ground cinnamon. 4. In a stand mixer (or with the help of a handmixer or by hand), cream the butter with the brown sugar. 5. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. 6. Beat in the oil, lemon zest and vanilla. 7. Reduce the speed and add the flour mixture. 8. Pour the batter in the prepared dish, smooth the top and arrange the plums on top, cut side up. 9. Bake for about 40 minutes or until a knife/toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. 10. Let cool on a wire rack for at least 15 minutes before serving.
Remarks: You can omit the ground cardamom and only add ground cinnamon or ground star anise. The original recipe only calls for 1/4 Tsp ground cardamom which can be easily substituted by any other spice of your choice. Instead of using orange zest (original recipe), I used lemon zest, but any other zest is fine (lime or even grapefruit). I used peanut oil instead of canola oil, but you can use any neutral-tasting oil for this recipe. You could make this cake with any fruit of your choice (apricots, mirabelle plums, peaches, nectarines, blueberries, blackberries, apples, cherries, etc...). Keep this cake wrapped, at room temperature, for up to 2 days.
Serving suggestions: This cake can be served warm or at room temperature and decorated with sifted icing sugar. It is delicious when served with whipped cream, crème fraîche or even "Vanilla Custard Sauce".
~ Gâteau Epicé Aux Prunes ~ Recette tirée du livre "Baking From My Home To Yours" de Dorie Greenspan et adaptée par Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums.
Pour 8 personnes.
Ingrédients: 1 1/2 Tasses (191g) de Farine fleur/blanche 2 CC de Poudre à lever/cake 1/4 CC de Sel 1/4 CC de Cardamome en poudre 1 CC de Cannelle en poudre 5 CS (75g) de Beurre non-salé 3/4 de Tasses (180g) de Sucre brun clair, tassé 2 Gros oeufs (~63g) 1/3 de Tasse (70g) d'Huile d'arachide(voir remarques) Le zeste d'un citron 1 1/2 CC d'Extrait de vanille naturel 8 Quetsches ou prunes, coupées en deux et dénoyeautées
Méthode: 1. Préchauffer le four à 180° C (350° F). 2. Beurrer a moule à cake de 20x20cm (8x8 inches) et mettre de côté. 3. Mélanger ensemble la farine, la poudre à lever, le sel, la cardamome en poudre et la cannelle en poudre. 4. Dans un robot (ou à l'aide d'un batteur ou à la main), fouetter le beurre avec le sucre afin d'obtenir un une pommade légère. 5. Ajouter les oeufs, un par un, tout en continuant de battre le mélange après chaque ajout. 6. Incorporer, tout en battant à vitesse moyenne, l'huile, le zeste de citron et la vanille. 7. Incorporer délicatement/doucement le mélange farine/poudre à lever/sel au mélange précédent. 8. Verser l'appareil dans le moule à cake carré, lisser le dessus et placer les prunes/quetsches (côté coupé à l'air/rangée 4x4), en appuyant légèrement afin de les enfoncer un peu. 9. Cuire pendant 40 minutes ou jusqu'à ce qu'un couteau inséré en son milieu sorte propre. 10. Laisser refroidir sur une grille pendant au moins 15 minutes avant de servir.
Remarques: Vous pouvez omettre d'utiliser de la cardamome en poudre et n'utiliser que de la cannelle ou de la badiane en poudre. La recette originale ne contient que 1/4 de CC de cardamome en poudre. Cette épice peut être remplacée par n'importe quelle autre épice de votre choix. Au lieu d'utiliser le zeste d'une orange (recette originale), j'ai incorporé le zeste d'un citron dans l'appareil à cake, mais n'importe quel autre zeste sera parfait (lime ou même grapefruit). J'ai utilisé de l'huile d'arachide au lieu de l'huile de canola que D. Greenspan propose d'utiliser pour cette recette. N'importe quelle huile neutre fera aussi l'affaire. Vous pouvez faire ce cake avec d'autres fruits (abricots, mirabelles, pêches, nectarines, myrtilles, mûres, cerises, pommes, etc...). Ce cake se conserve emballé, à température ambiante, pas plus de 2 jours. Serving suggestions: Ce cake peut être mangé tiède ou à température ambiante. Décorez-le avec du sucre en poudre et servez-le avec de la crème fouettée, de la crème fraîche ou de la "Crème Anglaise".
The plum season has already started and I am indulging in those wonderful fruits which mark the beginning of fall and the end of summer...
It is one of my favorite fruits, along with berries and the exotic kind (lychees, rambutans, mangoes, jackfruit, etc...). During 10 months (our plum harvest time lasts from the middle of August till the end of September), I long for that smooth-skinned, luscious purple-blue gift of nature. Plums are very healthy, so versatile, gorgeously fragrant, refined tasting, beautiful and debilitatingly delicious that it is (nearly) impossible for me to compare them to any other fruits. No other fruit is as addictive as plums!
Every week, I buy one to two kilos (2-4 pounds) plums. I gobble them raw, use them to make compote, tarts, cakes or any baked treat. I never get tired of their scrumptiousness and, if possible, I could serve them at every meal (lol)... Why can't that dreamlike harvest time never end?
Recipes that can be made with plums: Beer Clafoutis (see recipe/replace the apricots by plums) Cobbler (see recipe/replace the rhubarb by plums) Flan Tart (see recipe/replace the apricots by plums) Fluffy Quark Clafoutis (see recipe/replace the apricots by plums) Tatsch With Plum Compote (see recipe) Plum Triflemisù (see recipe) Upside-Down Pudding (see recipe/replace the rhubarb with plums)
Recipe links (plum-oriented): All Recipes (see link) Cook It Simply (see link) Just Fruit Recipes (see link) Recipezaar (see link)
This week, Breadchick and LB at "The Sour Dough" (USA) are happy to announce that they are hosting Weekend Cat Blogging #171...
To submit your kitty picture(s), you can either leave a message in their blog's comment section (with your permalinks) or contact them via e-mail without forgetting to give all the needed information.
Fridolin's photogenicity allows me to make the most interesting portraits of him. He seems to enjoy posing for me and is very interested in what I'm doing... He stares at me with a semi-amused and intrigued look as if thinking: "Why is she making such a fuss of me? And what's this weird object she's prodding at my face? Oh my, humans can sometimes act really strange...".
Whether we want it or not, summer is fading away and fall is starting to install itself within our life...
Although, it can still be quite sunny and warm, certain signs don't lie. Dusk comes earlier every evening, the sunlight has this special golden-red touch, mist is starting to lick our mountain tops and hover over the rivers and landscapes, rain starts to fall a little more, the trees are turning red, most birds have migrated away from our latitudes, apples, plums and pumpkins are invading our market stalls and we are more and more craving comfort food!
Enjoy some of the last pictures (click on the pictures to enlarge) depicting Veyrier in the late summer.
As I had a bag of nearly out of date dates (lol) and I had been eying Joan Nathan's mouthwatering "Charoset" recipes since a while (too long), I decided that it was about time for me to test this intriguing, interesting and highly symbolic speciality...
"Haroset", "Charoset" or "Charoses" is a jewish paste which is lumpy, sweet, dark-colored and is made with fruits as well as nuts. It is generally served during thePassover Seder(Pesach). Because of it's color and texture, it symbolizes the mortar with which the Israelites bonded bricks when they were slaves and built cities in Ancient Egypt. "Charoset" derives from the Hebrew word "Cheres" meaning "clay".
Today, the date, raisin and nut "Charoset" recipe I am presenting before you comes from Morocco. Depending on where the "Charoset" originates, it is made with different ingredients. But, there are two main categories, two distinctive types of "Charoset": the Ashkenazi "Charoset" which is not cooked and is made with nuts, apples, cinnamon and wine (sometimes also honey and sugar in order to bind the "paste") and the Sepharadi "Charoset" which is usually cooked (not always, though) and contains raisins as well as ingredients native to the Middle East (dates, figs, sesame seeds, etc...).
Those little truffles are not only healthy, but also surprisingly scrumptious. The flavors of the dried fruits, nut, wine and cinnamon blend so well together in order to create luscious little balls that are quite addictive and refined both in look and taste. A sweet treat that is ideal to take on walks as they are energetic (a little similar to those fruit bars you can buy in health stores) or to eat when in need od something comforting, yet wholesome and nutritious at the same time. They also make the perfect gift (instead of offering chocolates) for Christmas, Passover, birthdays, Ramadan, etc... Those "Charoset Truffles" are really worth trying, believe me!
~ Moroccan Charoset Truffles ~ Recipe taken from "Jewish Cooking In America" by Joan Nathan and slightly adapted by Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums. Makes about 60 truffles.
Ingredients: 2 Cups Pitted dates 1/2 Cup Golden raisins 1/2 Cup Dark raisins 1/2 Cup Walnuts 1 Tsp Ground cinnamon (optional) 1-2 Tbs Sweet red Passover wine (see remarks) Castor sugar, for coating (optional, see remarks)
Method: 1. Process the dates, raisins, and walnuts in a food processor until the mixture is finely chopped and begins to stick together. 2. Add the cinnamon and enough wine to make a sticky mass. 3. Line a baking sheet with waxed paper. 4. Drop slightly rounded measuring teaspoonfuls of the mixture onto the lined sheet. 5. Roll each mound with moistened palms into hazelnut-size balls. 6. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours or until firm. 7. Roll them in the sugar. 8. Serve. Remarks: You can use any other nut of your choice. For extra flavor, try adding orange rind. I had no sweet red Passover wine at home, so I used Porto instead. You can also moisten the "Charoset" with orange juice or any alcohol or liquor of your choice (Sherry, Whisky, orange liquor, etc...). You can also coat those truffles with chopped roasted walnuts or even melted chocolate (like with chocolate truffles).
Serving suggestions: Those "Charoset Truffles" can be eaten at any time of the day with a cup of tea or coffee. Just remember that they are made with highly dangerous (purgative/laxative) ingredients, so don't eat too many of them (lol)...
~ Charoset Marocain ~ Recette tirée du livre "Jewish Cooking In America" de Joan Nathan et adaptée par Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums. Pour environ 60 petites truffes.
Ingrédients: 2 Tasses de Dattes dénoyeautées 1/2 Tasse de Raisins secs blonds 1/2 Tasse de Raisins secs foncés 1/2 Tasse de Noix de Grenoble 1 CC de Cannelle en poudre (en option) 1-2 CS de Vin sucré pour Pessa'h (voir remarques) Sucre cristallisé, pour recouvrir les truffes (voir remarques)
Méthode: 1. Mixer les dattes, raisins et les noix dans un blender jusqu'à ce que le mélange soit homogène (purée fine) et commence à former une boule. 2. Ajouter la cannelle et assez de vin afin que ça forme une masse collante. 3. Recouvrir une plaque de papier sulfurisé. 4. Y placer des petits tas (1 CC) avec la masse. 5. Former des petites boules de la taille d'une noisette avec vos mains, au préalable humidifiées. 6. Mettre au réfrigérateur pendant 3 heures ou jusqu'à ce qu'elles soient fermes. 7. Les rouler dans le sucre cristallisé. 8. Servir.
Remarques: Vous pouvez utiliser d'autres noix (noisettes, pécan, cajou, etc...). Pour plus de saveur, rajoutez un peu de zeste d'orange. Comme je n'avais pas de vin sucré pour Pessa'h, j'ai utilisé du Porto. Vous pouvez aussi mouiller votre "Charoset" avec du jus d'orange ou avec la liqueur de votre choix (Sherry, Whisky, liqueur d'orange, etc..). Au lieu d'utiliser du sucre cristallisé pour recouvrir vos truffes, utilisez des noix de Grenoble torréifiées et hachées ou même du chocolat fondu (comme pour les truffes au chocolat).
Idées de présentation: Ces truffes peuvent être mangées à toute heure de la journée, accompagnées de thé ou de café. Attention: N'oubliez pas que ce mélange de fruits secs est hautement dangeureux (laxatif et purgatif), alors allez-y mollo avec les quantités (lol)...