I must admit that nothing compares to this "Perfect Hamburger Buns" recipe as it is simply incredible! Those breads look and taste exactly as all "Hamburger Buns" should: PERFECT! They have a light sweetness to them and texture-wise they just send you to the 7th heaven. Like most good "Hamburger Buns", they are extremely light, soft and smooth to please, but they are solid enough in order to great wichever hamburger filling you decide to use (meat patties, fried onions, mayonnaise, ketchup, etc...) as they never disintegrate.
So, if you were always used to buy your breads, I really recommend you to try out this uncomparable recipe as you'll never go back to commercial buns again! And if you already made your own breads, then do widen your horizon as you'll not regret being unfaithful to your old recipe; in fact, it's the best decision you could ver take!...
I just reached a new hight in hamburger making and I know that I'll never be able to go back to my old habits (old recipe or exceptionally buying the buns) again!!!... MIND-BLOWING!

Recipe taken from the book "The King Arthur Flour Baker's Companion" by The King Arthur Flour and adapted by Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums.
1 Cup (240g/ml - 250g/ml) Water, lukewarm
2 Tbs (30g) Unsalted butter, at room temperature and creamed
1 Egg (~63g)
3 1/4 Cups (433g) Plain white flour
1/4 Cup (53g) Castor sugar
1 Tsp Salt
1 Tbs Instant yeast
1 Egg yolk (+ 1 Tsp water)
Sesame seeds
1. Sprinkle the yeast into the water and leave for 5 to 10 minutes, until frothy. Stir to dissolve.
2. In a big bowl, combine all the ingredients and mix well.
3. Turn the dough out on to a lightly floured working surface and knead for about 10 minutes until you've made a soft, smooth dough.
4. Place the dough in a clean and lightly greased bowl.
5. Cover it with a towel and let rise for about 1 (or1-1/2) hour, until doubled in size.
6. Divide the dough into 8 pieces and shape each piece into a flattened ball.
7. Place the buns on greased baking sheets, cover with a towel and let rise 30 to 40 minutes, until they're quite puffy and doubled in size.
8. Preheat the oven to 190°C (375°F).
9, Glaze the buns with the egg yolk and water mixture, then sprinkle with sesame seeds.
10. Bake the buns for 12 to 15 minutes, until they are golden brown.
11. Remove them from the oven and cool them on a wire rack.

If you wish, you can also add 1 Tsp onion powder and 1/2 Tsp dried minced onions to the dough.
In the original recipe, the buns were not glazed nor sprinkled with sesame seeds, so that's up to you if you want to add that kind of finishing or not...
Serving suggestions:
Split and use for burgers (see recipe here) or sandwiches.
When making hambugers, try buttering the split sides of your buns and frying them (buttered side down) until they are golden brown and warmed through.

Recette tirée du livre "The King Arthur Flour Baker's Companion" par The King Arthur Flour et adaptée par Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums.
1 Tasse (240-250ml/g) d'Eau tiède
2 CS (30g) de Beurre non-salé, à température ambiante et battu en pommade
1 Oeuf (~63g)
3 1/4 Tasses (433g) de Farine Fleur/blanche
1/4 Tasse (53g) de Sucre cristallisé
1 CC de Sel
1 CS de Levure séchée/en poudre
1 Jaune d'oeuf (+ 1 CC d'eau)
Graines de sésame
1. Mettre l'eau tiède dans un petit bol. Saupoudrer avec la levure, laisser reposer, à température ambiante, jusqu'à ce que le mélange devienne mousseux, pendant environ 5 à 10 minutes, puis mélanger pour dissoudre.
2. Dans un grand bol, bien mélanger ensemble tous les ingrédients.
3. Sur un plan de travail fariné, pétrir pendant 10 minutes, jusqu'à ce que la pâte soit souple et élastique.
4. Mettre la pâte dans un grand bol légèrement huilé/beurré et faites tourner la pâte dans le bol afin de bien l'enduire d'huile/de beurre.
5. Couvrir avec du film alimentaire, puis avec un linge. Laisser lever, à température ambiante, jusqu'à ce que la pâte ait doublé de volume, pendant 1 à 1 1/2 heures.
6. Diviser le pâton en 8 parts égales/morceaux. Bouler et applatir légèrement afin d'obtenir la forme désirée.
7. Placer chaque pâton sur la plaque recouverte de papier sulfurisé, couvrir avec un linge et laisser lever pendant 30 à 40 minutes, jusqu'à ce qu'ils aient doublé de volume.
8. Préchauffer le four à 190°C (375°F).
9. Les badigeonner avec le glaçage au jaune d'oeuf et saupoudrer avec les graines de sésame. 10. Cuire pendant 12 à 15 minutes, jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient dorés et sonnent creux.
11. Les retirer du four et mettre les pain à reffroidir sur une grille.

Si vous voulez, vous pouvez aussi ajouter 1 CC d'oignon en poudre ainsi que 1/2 CC d'oignons séchés (rôtis) à la pâte.
Dans la recette originale, les pains ne sont pas glacés et saupoudrés de graines de sésame, alors c'est à vous de voir ce que vous préférez faire en ce qui concerne la finitions de vos pains...
Idées de présentation:
Couper les pains en deux afin d'en faire des "Hamburgers" (voir ma recette de Burgers "cochons") ou des sandwiches.
Au lieu d'utiliser vos pains tels quels, essayez cette version: beurrez l'intérieur de vos pains et grillez-les à la poêle (faces beurrées côté poêle), jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient dorés et bien chauds.
(Hamburger Haven -Pic by www.janetkruskam.com)
(Girl With Hamburger -Pic by www.complementarycolor.com)
Rosa, je ne peux qu'être d'accord avec toi!! C'est aussi une adaptation de cette recette que j'utilise toujours pour mes hamburger buns:
et je l'adore!! Mais tu vois, comme quoi les goûts varient aussi selon les traditions, je mets beaucoup moins de sucre justement pour que mes buns aient plus un goût de pain et ne soient pas briochés comme ceux du commerce qui se rapprochent trop pour moi d'un pain pour petit déjeuner!!
Je ne dore pas non plus mes buns pour la même raison, mais j'avoue que j'aime beaucoup la jolie couleur dorée des tiens!!
Dear rosa
ReplyDeleteI have to enlarge your Hamburger Bun pic, and yes It's realy perfect. thank you !! ;) :-)
Ta recette me semble assez géniale, je vais l'essayer car à Paris, je ne parviens pas à en trouver de bons !
ReplyDeleteTu as raison Rosa, une fois qu'on les a essayes, on ne peux plus retourner aux buns du commerce. Je fais la recette publiee par Avital, c'est absolument delicieux.
ReplyDeleteLecker, Ob ich das auch hinkriege? Was ist castor zucker?
ReplyDeleteOh man, these look absolutely perfect! I have to try them - I'm not very fond of commercial hamburger buns! :)
ReplyDeleteOh, they look adorable... love the cheeky kid too ;)
ReplyDeleteThey do look perfect!
AVITAL: Oui, ces buns sont fabuleux! Les tiens sont magnifiques!
ReplyDeletePour ma part, j'aime bien les buns qui sont légèrement sucrés, mais chacun a ses habitudes et je comprends très bien ton point de vue. En fait, j'aime bien changer et certaines fois, je les prépare autrement...
Chanit: I'm glad that you like this gorgeous recipe! I'd love to see how your look...
FABIENNE: Oublie les buns achetés et teste cette recette sans tarder car ils sont à mourir!...
GRACIANNE: Tu as bien raison! Rien n'est comparable au pains faits maison...
DILEK: Danke, Dilek! Ich denke, dass Du das auch hinkriegen wirst ;-)! "Castor Sugar" ist Feinkristallzucker...
ANNE: Thank you ever so much for the kind comment! I undertsand you regarding commercial buns; it's the same for me. Do try those buns, as you'll never go back to anything else after!...
SHER: Thanks! It seems that nobody here (even in the US) is satisfied by the buns in stores... Thankfully, such great recipes exist ;-)!
BONNIE: Thanks, Bonnie ;-)! Yes, the kid is cute...
PAZ: I'm happy to hear that, Paz ;-)!...
. . . I found this site/recipe because I want to make my family hamburgers tonight that will be a bit "special". A notch above the ordinary. This will be perfect.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing!
JUDITH: Thanks for vising my blog and for the kind comment! I hope that your hamburgers were fine and very special! Cheers...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great recipe! I made these a little while ago and they were fantastic.
ReplyDeleteMINDY: Thanks for passing by and for the kind comment!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that you liked those breads...
Do you think I could use an automatic bread machine to make this dough recipe? If so, what changes, if any, do you think would need to be made?
ReplyDeletePAULA: Thanks for passing by! I guess that you have to add the ingredients in the following order: water, egg, flour, butter, sugar, salt and finally yeast. Then set on "dough" cycle... No changes need to be made. I hope that it will help! Cheers, Rosa.
ReplyDeleteOh my Gosh, I bake alot and theses hamberger rolls are amazing. Still finishing in the oven ( took longer than 12 minutes in Florida) I added the dried minced onions in kneeding and topped with garlic salt instead of seseame. The product is perfect for my famous Sloppy Chris burgers
ReplyDeleteThank you, Chris Hale
I made this recipe. I used wheat and white flour, but they look so ymmmy. Thank you for what so far appears to be a wonderful hamburger bun recipe.
ReplyDeleteCHALEDESIGNS: Thanks for passing by! I'm göad to hear that those rolls turned out great! Your version sounds amazing...
ReplyDeleteJONI: Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm happy to hear that you liked this recipe! With wholewheat flour, they must taste wonderful...
i will definitely be bookmarking this link - YUMMMMMM!!
ReplyDeleteKRISTIN: Thanks for passing by and for leaving a comment on my blog! I hope you'll love those buns as much as I do!
Hi Rosa,
ReplyDeleteJust had to let you know that I'm in the process of preparing my Come To A Kettledrum blog for National Hamburger Month in May and these buns look perfect to include. I'm linking and hoping to bake them before month's end.
Love your blog!!!!
LOUISE: Thanks for the kind comment and for passing by! I'm very pleased to hear that you like my blog :-D! Thanks for the link and have fun baking them!
ReplyDeleteI made these buns this evening and they were great, way better than store bought. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
This is the second time I have made these hamburger rolls.
ReplyDeleteF-A-B-U-L-O-U-S.... and so quick and easy.
Thank you so much for sharing this recipe.
Try these with Chicken or Shrimp Salad.. Wow>
AMBER: Thanks for the comment! I'm glad to hear that :-D!
ReplyDeleteANONYMOUS: Thanks for the kind comment! I'm ever so happy to hear that! Yes, I'll have to try them with something else than beef patties... I bet it's yummy!
J'ai une recette de buns sur mon blog qui ressemble à la tienne mais la prochaine fois que j'en fait je teste ta recette que je viens de découvrir
ReplyDeleteà bientôt
Je connais certains enfants qui seraient ravis de mordre à pleine dents dans tes pains, bien dorés bien dodus, hum j'ai faim
ReplyDeletebonne soirée
merci pour la traduction ;-) je suis un peu flemmarde en ce moment !
ReplyDeleteCela semble délicieux et c'est tellement meilleur quand c'est fait maison !
I found your site in search of hamburger bun recipes, and was supprised to see a picture of the church in Veyrier. My father lives right accross from it. I just opened a restaurant in Santa Fe, NM and we specialize in burgers all kinds we grind our own beef, chicken and bison, make our veggi burgers fresh everyday and now we can make our own buns as well, Thank you
ReplyDeleteANONYMOUS: You are welcome! Thanks for passing by and for leaving a comment! The world is really small ;-P! I live close to the church... I'm happy to hear that you'll make those buns for your restaurant! I hope they'll be on the level of your expectations.
ReplyDeleteHi Rosa,
ReplyDeleteI am glad that you like Turkish food:) Today, I tried this hamburger rolls and became just PERFECT. We ate a few buns with my Turkish style meatball( big size) Thank you very much for your helping and keeping this your blog perfectly.
BANU: It is one of my favorite cuisines... I'm ever so glad to hear that the rolls were perfect! A nice combo!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouragement and kind comment :-D!
Hey Rosa, I've been looking for a perfectly soft burger bun and i came across your site. Just wondering if I were to make some now, will it last til new year? I mean, would it go stale for just after a week? or can it be kept for a long time? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteANONYMOUS: Thanks for passing by! No, you can't keep them that long. They are better eaten the same day. But, you can freeze them in platisc bags (after having fully baked them and let them cool) for up to 2 weeks. The day before, you just have to remove them from the freezer and let them defreeze in the refrigerator. On the same day, bake them no longer than 5 minutes at 350° F... I hope that helps!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the recipe! We made it tonight for the first time and everyone loved them. I even replaced half the flour with 70% whole wheat. They were still light and that much healthier.
ReplyDeleteYAAKOV: You are welcome! I'm glad you liked those buns! I bet they were delicious with whole wheat flour. Happy Holidays!
ReplyDeleteDelicious. I made them the other day and now I'm making them again. This time I'm going to make 16 instead of 8. They were huge. I let the dough rise in the fridge over night after the first rising.
ReplyDeleteANYNYMOUS: Thanks for the comment and for passing by! I'm glad you liked these buns... Yes, why not make 16 instead of 8 and let the dough rise in the fridge, overnight! A great idea.
ReplyDeleteI googled for bun recipes and was so glad I decided to try yours (who wouldn't with those beautiful pictures!?) They turned out delicious! I actually put green food coloring in them though for St. Patty's day for my kids. Thanks! Delicious!
ReplyDeleteWow. I just made these. They were absolutely perfect! I'll never have to use those nasty ones from the store again!
ReplyDeleteMade these yesterday - tasted like heaven! Now I´ve to make more cause my friends ate them all and want more :)
ReplyDeleteJESSIE: I'm so glad you like them! yes, they are better than the nasty ones from the stores!!!
ReplyDeleteANONYMOUS: I'm so happy to hear that you and your friends loved these buns! They are quite addictive, I must say ;-P! Thanks for passing by...
NICOLE: Thanks for passing by and for the kind comment! I'm so pleased to hear that you found these buns delicious!
ReplyDeleteI have been making these since around the time you first published this recipe on your site. They are absolutely delicious. I worked as a baker and pastry cook for 8 years and these are my favorite for hamburgers or hotdogs/sausages. Delicious! I always make 12 instead of 8, slice, and freeze them. I can pull them from the freezer and toast them up directly.
ReplyDeleteANONYMOUS: Thanks for passing by and for the kind comment! I'm so happy to hear that you like this recipe! These are my favorites too ;-P...
ReplyDeleteHi Rosa,
ReplyDeleteThank-you so much for posting this recipe! I find these buns easy to make and they turn out perfectly every time. It is for this reason that I was hoping that you might have some 'bread' recipe suggestions that might be just as easy to follow and practically infallible. I haven't had a lot of successes in my bread making adventures as I end up with loaves that are heavy or salty or tough or (worst of all) haven't risen at all).
Thank-you for your help.
ANONYMOUS: Thanks for passing by and for the comment! I'm glad you liked that recipe!
ReplyDeleteHere are breads that are easy to make:
. Bagels
. Batbout M'khamer
. Buttermilk Honey Bread
. Challah Bread
. Ekmek Bread
. English Muffins
. Honey and Seed Bread
. Hot Dog Rolls
. Irish Soda Bread (without yeast)
. Pain au Lait
. Plain white Bread
. Ricotta Brioche
. Tex Mex Cornmeal bread (without yeast)
. Wheat Flour Tortillas (without flour)
I hope that helps!
Monsieur Y et moi te remercions pour cette excellente recette de pain hamburger !
ReplyDeleteOn l'a récemment testée et franchement on a adoré.
Peut-être que l'on mettra un chouilla moins de sucre la prochaine fois mais à part ce détail, l'ensemble de la recette nous a parfaitement convenu.
Génial !
Je la publierai sur mon blog prochainement en mettant bien sûr un lien chez toi.
Merci beaucoup
ReplyDeleteMerci pour ce gentil commentaire! Je suis vraiment contente de savoir que mes pains vous ont plu! Généralement, les hamburgers sont un peu sucrés, mais si on aime pas trop ça, alors on peu mettre moins de sucre... Je me réjouis de voir tes buns et ton billet!
Thank you for the clear instructions. My first attempt making hamburger rolls! The rolls were so soft and delicious. I will never buy store rolls again. My 2 1/2 year old helps me make them. We make double the recipe once a week. He loves his "baps". Thank you!
ReplyDeleteANONYMOUS: You are welcome! I'm glad to hear that you liked those baps! Thanks for passing by...
ReplyDeleteHi from stockholm, Sweden!! love your bun recipe! I love burgers, homemade one´s, and I do want to bake my own buns! this is the ultimate recipe for that!!
ReplyDeletenow I will try your pizza dough recipe since our local pizzaplace have new owners and the pizzas doesn´t live up to the old standard anymore! Marie
ANONYMOUS: Hi! Thanks for passing by and for leaving a comment on my blog! I'm glad you have found the recipe you were looking for. have fun making that pizza dough and bon appétit ;-p! Cheers.
ReplyDeleteHi, gonna bake these next week ;) can't wait to try, bcz i see it's good recipe. I'll let you know how it is ;)
ReplyDeleteRosa, I have just made these. Wonderful! Such a good recipe, thank you!
ReplyDeleteMy sister-in-law made this several times and she was literally blown over by it. So she gave me your link to make this. Book marked to try it out.
ReplyDeleteThese were fantastic. I doubled the recipe and it worked great. Thanks for your post.
ReplyDeleteI've been looking for a while for this recipe.
ReplyDeleteMerci bien
EMIL: De rien. I hope you'll like it! :-)
ReplyDeleteFound this on Foodgawker and just made them tonight. Simply put...AMAZING! Made the perfect bed for my burger! Light and good flavor. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteBonsoir rosa je suis tombé sur ton blog par hazard et j'ai pas hesité à essayé cette recette et le resultat etais just waw je te remercie pour le partage