Most of you didn't know what this strange looking brown powder was and I can't blame you

Unfortunately, Rosa, Katie, Auntie Jo, Nathalie and Burekaboy didn't get it right, but gave some very interesting answers (Rice Bubbles, oatmeal, peanut sauce). The only one who got very close to finding out was Aurely. She wondered if it was not "Manioc Flour"...
Yes, indeed, this mysterious speciality is made with "Manioc Flour" which has been processed!!!
The powder in question is "Farofa Amarela" ("Yellow Farofa"), a typical and very popular Brazilian dish (also found in other South American countries) dating back to the colonial period and which is made with toasted "Cassava Flour" (or "Manioc Flour", "Yuca Flour", "Tapioca Flour") better known under the name of "Farinha De Mandioca" in Portuguese. This special flour is a product made from the "Cassava Root" (see link) which cannot be consumed raw as it contains cyanogenic glucosides, a toxic substance...

Many variations of this dish exist and are possible, depending on the region where it is prepared and the people's taste. For example, you can add onions, dried shrimps, garlic, beaten eggs, olives, sausages, bacon, prunes, apples, bananas, nuts (especially cashew nuts), etc... At South American markets, it is not rare to find industrial ready-made "Farofa", but generally, most people prefer to prepare it at home according to family recipes.
Taste-wise, "Farofa" is very interesting. It has a nutty as well as round, buttery flavor. Although, it is delicious, it is an acquired taste as the dendê oil adds a strong perfume to the mix. "Farofa" is delicious when it is soaked in the juices in your plate or sprinkled over rice. It really brings up the flavors in a very unique and pleasant way! An enriching experience and discovery of one of Brazil's most loved seasoning.
This recipe was taken from Michael Bateman's "Café Brazil" and slightly adapted. It is a small cookbook that contains many great recipes and superb pictures. A gourmet's favorite!
Brigitte of "Café Créole", I wish to dedicate this post entirely to you in order to warmly thank you for the immense generosity you showed when you offered me this magnificent book!
You beautiful gift has opened up new culinary horizons and rejoiced my palate. Now, I can't stop dreaming about this distant country and it's 1000 flavors exotic cuisine! You could not have made me more happy...
Merci, danke, taak, grazie, thank you, xie xi, arrigato, gracias, obrigado, etc...!!!
Serves 6
225g Tapioca/cassava flour
2/3 Tsp Sea salt
3/4 Tsp Garlic powder (optional)
1/3 Tsp Onion powder (optional)
3 Tbs Dendê/palm oil (see info)
1. Place a frying pan over medium heat.
2. Add the tapioca/cassava flour with the salt.
3. Add the dendê oil and let the flour fry for a few minutes, stirring continuously.
4. As soon as the flour becomes golden brown, add the garlic and onion powder. Continue frying for about 1 minute over low heat while stirring.
5. Transfer the mixture to a cold plate and let cool.
Instead of using "Dênde Oil", you can take unsalted butter, but the final taste will be different as palm oil has it's own character...
Serving suggestions:
Serve with the Brazilian stew (see recipe 1 & recipe 2) or rice dish of your choice.
You want to learn more? Then, here's a short video for you (see link)! It shows you how to make "Yellow Farofa". Have fun watching it!
(Cassava -Pic by
(Campos Gerais -Pic by Jose Augusto Hauer
(Manioc -Pic by
La recette pour moi, c'est l'exotisme total... mais la photo du ciel embras&... Ffff, cest trop.
ReplyDeleteRosa, mes pauvres notions d'anglais m'attristent... je ne comprends pas grand chose et c'est frustrant vu les photos ça doit être génial.... Mets nous un petit traducteur s'il te fille de Mamina m'en a donné un mais le pb c'est que y a pas pour la traduction française...
ReplyDeleteGrosses bises... comment s'appelle ta minette noire?
Rosa, i'm so happy you like it.
ReplyDeletejust a few words
Couac is like cous cous and cassave is used as bread.
i'm snding some pictures in your mailbox.
C'est vrai que les francophones manquent tes beaux billets.
so thaaat's what it is!! :D i actually had no clue so i figured the brown colour was close enough to peanut butter..... couldn't see the close up of it in your other post.
ReplyDeletenever had cassava before either. interesting, nonetheless. thanks :)
J'avais joue au quizz, mais il ya eu un pb, mon message n'est pas paru. Heureusement finalement, j'etais tres tres loin de la reponse. Tout cela est tres interessant; la video est extra. Merci pour toutes ces infos!
ReplyDeleteMAMINA: En effet, cette recette est très exotique! Il faut aimer...
ReplyDeleteINCHARLOTTE: Voilà, le traducteur est en place! Mon chat noir s'appelle Maruschka. Merci pour ta visite et ton commentaire...
BRIGITTEGUYANE: Merci pour tes informations! Les photos sont très intéressantes...
BUREKABOY: Yes, I agree with you. It could have been something like peanut butter or peanut meal ;-).
You should investigate in that direction, then...
CONFITUREMAISON: Oui, il y avait un problème avec Blogger. Je suis contente de savoir que ce billet t'a plu!...