I have always been a big fan of carrot cakes (be they Swiss, American, Swedish, etc..., you name it!), but growing up as I child I very rarely got to eat that delicious speciality as my family didn't like that treat. And until now, at home, I never made any as "supposedly" my boyfriend doesn't like them...
Well, the other day, I was able to prove him that he did like carrot cake and that his aversion to this baked good was based on stupid preconceptions. Never had I seen a carrot cake hater GOOBLE a carrot cake with such enthusiasm LOL!You see, with the arrival of spring, I had been craving carrot cake more than usual as I have been seeing it everywhere lately. Magazines, blogs, sites, stores, all present their own version. After seeing countless pictures of carrot cakes and having been deprived of that goodie for so long, it was impossible not to cave in. I HAD to bake a carrot cake no matter if I was going to be the only one eating it...So, I looked a round and found a recipe that would both fulfill my carrot cake and Bundt cake (remember, I am also a Bundt cake amateur) cravings. Nicole Weston's blog "Baking Bites" offered the solution: a delightful "Carrot Bundt Cake" with icing.
This "Carrot Bundt Cake" is without a doubt very delicious and is a lot fluffier than classic carrot cakes baked in sheet cake pans. It is incredibly moist, super tender without being chokingly compact, heavy or annoyingly wet. It also has a wonderful buttery taste and is perfectly spicy. Not forgetting that the orange flavored icing adds some extra oomph to it. A well-balanced and lipsmackingly luscious cake that will disappear fast!~ Carrot Bundt Cake ~Recipe taken from the blog "Baking Bites" (USA) and slightly adapted by Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums 2010.Makes 1 cake/serves 12-14.Ingredients for the "Bundt Cake":2 1/2 Cups All purpose flour2 Tsp Baking soda1/2 Tsp Sea salt2 1/2 Tsp Ground cinnamon1/2 Tsp Ground allspice1/4 Tsp Freshly ground nutmeg2 1/2 Cups Sugar3 Large eggs2/3 Cup Unsalted butter, melted and cooled1/2 Cup Orange juice (fresh, if possible)zest of one organic orange1 Tsp Pure vanilla extract3 Cups Shredded carrots (from about 4 large carrots)1 Cup RaisinsIngredients for the "Orange Glaze":1 Tbsp Unsalted butter, very soft2 Tbsp Orange juiceA few drops orange extract1 Cup Powdered sugarFood coloring
Method for the "Bundt Cake": 1. Preheat oven to 180° C (350° F). Grease and flour a 10-inch bundt pan.2. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, salt and spices.3. In the bowl of a mixer, whisk together sugar, eggs, butter, orange juice, orange zest and vanilla until smooth.
4. Pour the dry ingredients into the wet mixture and stir until almost combined. Stir in shredded carrots, followed by raisins (Batter should have carrots and raisins evenly distributed and no dry streaks of flour remaining).5. Pour cake batter into prepared pan. Bake for 45-50 minutes, until a tester inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.6. Let cake cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn cake out onto a wire rack to cool (cake will be dark on the outside from the caramelization of sugar against the pan; don’t worry if it looks a bit darker than you’d expect) completely before frosting.
Method for the "Orange Glaze":1. Whisk all ingredients together until smooth. Add in a few drops more orange juice in the event that the frosting is too thick to pour easily.
2. Scrape glaze into a plastic bag and snip off the corner. Drizzle over finished cake (it is best to have the cake on a serving platter or on a wire cooling rack, where the excess can drip off if it runs down the sides of the cake) as desired.
Remarks:You can replace the raisins by any other dry fruit or nut of your choice.
This cake can be left plain, but I find that the icing is a great addition.
Serving suggestions:
Serve this cake with whipped cream and a cup of coffee or tea.

~ Cake Bundt Aux Carottes ~
Recette tirée du blog "Baking Bites" (USA) et légèrement adaptée par Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums 2010.Pour 1 cake/pour 12-14 personnes.Ingrédients pour le "Cake":320g de Farine blanche2 CC de Bicarbonate de soude1/2 CC de sel de mer2 1/2 CC de Cannelle en poudre
1/2 CC de Poivre de la Jamaïque en poudre
1/4 CC de Noix de muscade en poudre525g de Sucre cristallisé3 Gros oeufs160g de Beurre non-salé, fondu et à température ambiante120ml de Jus d'orange (frais si possible) Le zest d'une orange bio
1 CC d'Extrait de vanille naturelle315g de Carottes rapées finement (~4 grosses carottes)158g de Raisins secsIngrédients pour le "Glaçage A l'Orange":15g de Beurre non-salé, très mou
30g de Jus d'orangeQuelques gouttes d'extrait d'orange120g de Sucre en poudre
Colorant alimentaire
Méthode pour le "Cake":
1. Préchauffer le four à 180° C. Beurrer et fariner le moule à Bundt (25cm de diamètre).2. Dans un bol moyen, mélanger la farine, la bicarbonate, le sel et les épices.
3. Dans le bol d'un robot de cuisine, battre ensemble le sucre, les oeufs, le beurre fondu, le jus d'orange, le zest et la vanille afin d'obtenir un mélange homogène.
4. Incorporer les ingrédients secs au mélange et mélanger. Ajouter les carottes et les raisins secs (les raisins et la carotte doivent être bien distribués dans la pâte).5. Verser la pâte dans le moule et cuire pendant 45-50 minutes, jusqu'à ce que la pointe d'un couteau enfoncée dans le cake en resorte sèche.6. Faire refroidir le cake dans le moule pendant 10 minutes puis le démouler sur une grille afin qu'il refroidisse complètement avant de le glacer.
Méthode pour le "Glaçage A l'Orange":1. Mélanger tous les ingrédients afin d'obtenir un glaçage homogène. Si le glaçage est trop sec, ajoutez un peu de jus d'orange.2. Glacer le cake.
Si vous n'avez pas de moule à gâteau Bundt, alors un moule à Kougelhopf fera l'affaire.
Vous pouvez remplacer les raisins par d'autres fruits secs ou des noix.
Ce cake peut être servi sans glaçage bien que je pense que ça serait dommage car le glaçage se marie parfaitement au cake et ajoute une touche gourmande.Serving suggestions:
Servez ce cake avec de la crème chantilly et une tasse de café ou de thé.