Friday, September 14, 2012


Ce monde fascinant a pourtant vite fait d'envahir votre quotidien, au point de changer votre manière de voir la nourriture...
Au bout d'un moment, vous ne verrez plus les aliments tels quels mais comme un mélange de couleurs, de formes et d'idées prêtes à être imprimées sur une photographie pour transmettre toutes ces complexes sensations...
- Mouna Abdelli 
 "Photo Gourmande: Conseils d'Une Blogueuse Culinaire" par Mouni Abdelli

Au printemps dernier, la talentueuse blogueuse, photographe autodidacte (elle travaille également pour l’agence Sucré-Salé) et pâtissière passionnée Mouni du blog français "RDV Aux Mignardises" a eu l'extrême gentillesse de me faire parvenir son premier livre entièrement dédié à la photographie numérique culinaire. Un geste qui me remplit de joie...

Bien enetendu, comme je suis un procrastinatrice notoire, il m'a fallu plusieurs mois avant de m'atteler à la tâche et enfin écrire une critique de son merveilleux ouvrage. Mais comme dit l'adage "mieux vaut tard que jamais", donc voici mes impressions!

Articulé en cinq chapitres*, "Photo Gourmande" (disponible aux Editions Eyrolles ou sur est un livret qui passe en revue les informations techniques et artistiques a maitriser afin que vous puissiez réaliser correctement vos photographies ainsi que les améliorer:
- Le premier vous aidera à bien comprendre les bases de la photo pour obtenir le meilleur de votre boitier numérique.
- Le second aborde le stylisme et la composition.
- Les chapitres 3 et 4 vous expliqueront les notions de lumières naturelles et artificielles et comment les utiliser.
- Le cinquième chapitre explique le post-traitement des fichiers.
Enfin, en annexe, vous découvrirez un chapitre bonus avec notamment la participation des 11 blogueurs gagnants du concours de photographie culinaire dont 5 y partagent leur propre expérience.

Un manuel complet que je conseille vivement aux gastronomes blogueurs et notamment aux photographes débutants qui désirent se familiariser avec les bases de le photographie de même qu'au amateurs moyennement éclairés qui veulent se perfectionner et aller plus loin dans leur démarche créative. Ce guide en format de poche très pratique est astucieux, riche en illustrations et truffé de conseils détaillés pour réussir vos images tel un pro tout en restant à la portée de tous. Parfait pour construire de bonnes bases, explorer l'univers de la capture de clichés gastronomiques et immortaliser ses meilleures plats! 

*Le Contenu:
Le bon matériel - Le « triangle d’exposition » - Les modes créatifs - À quoi sert la balance des blancs ? - Le format de fichier : JPEG ou RAW ?
La préparation de la scène - Composer - Chercher l’inspiration
Observer la lumière - La qualité de la lumière - Adoucir et diffuser
Photographier au flash - Sous les projecteurs ! - Ampoules « lumière du jour » - Pas à pas : Fabriquer sa boîte à lumière
Chacun son logiciel - Logiciels de traitement des fichiers RAW - Développer simplement un fichier RAW - Et après ?
Making of - Paroles de blogueurs - Pour se former et persévérer - 10 conseils

Apple Juice 1 4 bis
- Drinks On A Terrace -
(Taken with a 50mm f/1.4 lens at aperture f/5, shutterspeed 1/160s and ISO 200)

Exercises In Food Photography #5 - Adding Some Life To Your Photographs

After having intensely used my basic NIKKOR 18-55mm f/5.6 lens for the last 4 years, I decided to treat myself to a new one. Yes, as you can see, I finally bought a NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4 with my meager savings (once I hope I'll be able to upgrade my DSLR) and I'm really thrilled about my purchase!!!

Now, it follows me everywhere I go as it is a a killer prime lens which gives me the opportunity to take brighter and sharper pictures without being too tributary of the intensity of the light (more efficient in situations when natural or artificial luminescence is low). Perfect for food photography with shallow depth of field and for urban/landscape/travel sceneries as well as portraits.

As I need excercise, I thought that it would be a good idea to carry my camera with me when P. and I went our for a drink around the lakeside in Hermance. So, while we were enjoying our cold apple juice and ice tea on the terrace of the little camping site café, I used that setting for creating summery photos and incorporating my boyfriend into them.

I am still getting acquainted to my 50mm lens, but for a first try, the results were really satisfying and following that successful experience, I'm ready to shoot more staged food photography in the near future. I feel that we are going to have some fun time together!

Please note that this is my participation to"Exercises In Food Photography #5", an event created and hosted by Aparna at My Diverse Kitchen.

P 1 4 eyes bis
- P., Unwillingly Playing The Model And  Giving Me A Dirty Look -
(Taken with a 50mm f/1.4 lens at aperture f/5, shutterspeed 1/160s and ISO 200)


  1. Congratulations on the new lens, how exciting!! (Love the photos that you're taking with it so far.) xo

  2. Love your photos - I've been considering a 50mm for a while and I think it's time to take the plunge!

  3. Congrats! Your photos always look amazingly good, but if I'm correct, the new lens is a bit sharper. The glass bottom and P's hand look very sharp :)

  4. You know that my new camera came with the 18-55mm lens and I so want the 50mm - the guy I bought the camera from let me use his for a few weeks and I loved it. Your photos are stupendous! And I'll have to check out this book. Thanks!

  5. Congrats on that new lens! Wishing you happy shooting and I am looking forward to see the results in your food photography! Happy weekend, dear!
    Hugs, Sandy

  6. Very cool shot..You do have great talent.
    I still cannot figure out what lens is good for what..?I look at food photography in some and wonder what lens they use..they get so much in one photo up close?
    If you have any idea:)
    my small 50mm is 1 1.8..not like yours..

  7. The 50 mm is on my wish list! Also, the D90, but what should come first?! Can't wait to use it...

  8. How exciting Rosa. You already are very good, but with more hours to practice, you'll be really really good.

  9. Your photos have always been top notch, but this new lens seems to make things even better, if that's possible.

  10. I would love to have a camera like yours one day. I like all your photos! Have a nice weekend et gros bisous.

  11. Congratulations on your new lens. I know you'll enjoy it.

  12. Haha! Thats a great picture. My husband will grumble and hide behind just about anything to avoid having his picture taken.

  13. great photos as always - congratulations on your new lens.

  14. LOVE that last photo! I get the evil eye when I take photos of the men in this family, too. Congrats on the new lens~

  15. I recently got a 50mm lens and it has made the world of difference. Your photos are stunning as always.

  16. Congrats dear Rosam your pics always are amazing and beautiful!

  17. On a bien sûr toujours des choses à apprendre, mais la qualité de tes photos fait de toi une élève déjà très avancée. Je me procurerais bien ce livre, moi par contre ;-)

  18. Congrats on your new lens, Rosa! I've always loved your photos and now you'll outdo yourself!

  19. I ll tell my aunty to check out that book for me and bring it to goa when she comes. It sounds very interesting!

    I am so thrilled for you that you got a new cam! How is the lens? Whats the difference in shooting with a 50mm lens compared to a normal one. I am always using my 14mm-42mm lens, that came with my olympus cam, so I dont know if there is a huge difference as such.

  20. Tu es déjà très douée et je pense que tu aurais pu écrire un livre aussi.
    Par contre je le vois bien chez moi. Il y a ici du matériel de pro...dont je ne sais hélas pas me servir ! Et le pro est toujours par monts et par vaux à photographier autre chose que moi. Nous n'avons pas les m^mes priorités. Bisous et bon WE

  21. Congratulations Rosa!You deserve it, as your photos are absolutely stunning and I always love them!
    Cheers and hope you have a fantastic weekend,

  22. Congrats on your new lens. What a nice-looking model P makes. :-)

  23. Have fun with your new lens! We've ONLY got a 50mm at the moment which is killing me as it's very hard to do straight down shots with and get the whole plate/bowl in. Just waiting for Mr LTT to get some work in where he needs to do product photography and then we're going to get an 18-55mm.

  24. What a treat!! Looking forward to see all the pics with that baby.

  25. Felicitaciones querida rosa sus fotos son absolutamente hermosas y de buena calidad,siempre me gustan,abrazos hugs,hugs.

  26. OMG I promise you Rosa you would love your 50mm 1.4 as much as I do. I depend on it so much. Most of my photos in the last year are with that magical lens. Congrats!

  27. Yay!! Congratulations on your new lens Rosa! You're gonna love it! I love mine to bits. When I want to travel light it is all I bring with me as its perfect.

  28. I also have a 50 mm/f 1.4 and its my favorite lens.
    Enjoy it sure with you it is going to give marvellous pictures

  29. Je suis toujours admirative devant tes photos et devrai en prendre de la graine. Bon dimanche

  30. Congratulations Rosa for your new acquisition. Look forward to seeing your new photos with your new lens.

  31. Amazing pictures, Rosa! I wish I have 50mm lens :D

  32. That picture of P. is killer - really good. I assume you have a crop camera (DX) since you've been using the 18-55? (I have a crop camera and that lens too - quite nice for such a modestly priced lens). I think 50mm is perfect for food photography. I have an old manual focus AI 50mm f/1.8 that I use sometimes when I want shallow depth of field (a technique I don't use that often for food). I've thought of getting the new f/1.8 or 1.4 - it'd be nice to be able to auto focus (my eyesight isn't as good as it used to be, and the viewfinders in DX cameras are tiny). I do have the f/1.8 35mm, which is quite nice and inexpensive (and which I find more useful for nonfood photography). You're such a great photographer I'll be interested to see what you do with your new lens!

  33. Your photos are always stunning - looking forward to seeing how they change with your new purchase! I really must get round to updating to a DSLR sometime, my little pink camera is a bit old now!

  34. Congrats~ on the new lens!! I can't wait to see what you shoot next!

  35. Dearest Rosa, Congrats on the new cam and lens!!! How exciting! Your photos are always beautiful :)

    Hugs <3

  36. HELENE: It is really helpful if you are a beginner... In fact, I only got a new lens. No new camera. The same old NIKON D40. ;-P xx

    ALDY: Thanks! I have only bought a new lens! I'll have to wait to buy a new camera.... ;-)) xx

  37. Congratulations Rosa! Your pictures are just stunning! I can't wait to see what you come up with next. :)

  38. Je l'aime bien le livre de Mouni aussi ... très utile !
    je vois que tu t'amuses bien avec ton nouveau joujou, très bon choix ! J'ai aussi un 50 mm, mais j'avais pris la focale 1.8, à l'époque je n'avais pas le budget pour du 1.4 (je le regrette un peu aujourd'hui, mais les deux sont très bien tout de même) !

  39. what can i say, splendid

  40. currently i am using my kit lens. 18mm-105mm. hmmm thought of buying 50mm... awesome photos! very sharp

  41. I like how you have captured his expression on the second photo.

  42. I really like your nature photos Rosa! They make me want to visit Switzerland! :)

  43. I love getting a new lens, it always opens a whole new world of photography possibilities :)

  44. I have to say no matter what you use (camera or lens), you have a style and talent to take good pictures. Your picture of BF looks awesome! I'm excited as much as you and I'm looking forward to seeing your new pictures with the lens!

  45. Congratulations on the new lens, Rosa. Beautiful photos, as always!

  46. Your photos are already amazing, so I'll look forward to all the new ones with the new lens.

  47. Your talent is so amazing, Rosa! Every visit here leaves me feeling inspired to keep my camera more handy.

  48. Congrats on the 50mm, I Love it and know you'd too :)

  49. That lens almost never leave my camera... love it :D
    LOL... love P's expression :D

  50. Toi, tu n'as pas besoin de manuel - et tu as fait d'enormes progres depuis le debut de ton blog. Je suis admirative, toujours. Etr j'aime beaucoup la photo de P. (il t'as permis de la mettre en ligne sans probleme?)

  51. Congratulations on getting a new lens! Can't wait to see all the great photos you take with it.

  52. Woo hoo! New toy! LOL
    Congrats on the new lens purchase. A fast lens makes life a whole lot easier. ;)

  53. Je suis convaincue ! le blog est charmant les photos magnifiques....j'ai commandé le livre ! quand je vois votre talent à tous et toutes je me dis que j'ai encore des progrès à faire....
    bises Rosa à très bientôt....

  54. Without natural light..I'm sort of hopeless for the time being, but know that your photography is always an inspiration to me. I strive for tha kind beauty one day! Congrats oin the new lens! The photos are gorgeous!

  55. congratulations on a new lens. The pictures look great - especially the last one. Have fun with it and show us some more pictures :)

  56. What a treat you bought yourself such a nice lens. Congrats!

  57. Congrats on the new lens, Rosa! I got a new one, too, before I left for my trip and haven't had a chance to use it. Looking forward to becoming better acquainted with it this weekend. Your pictures are great--especially love the look you captured on P. :)

  58. A huge congrats on your new lens, Rosa! Your photography is always stunning.

  59. Congrats on that new camera!! I can't wait to see all of your sparkly new images :)

  60. I have recently bought this lens too and love it, it's one I use the most but also have a macro.
