Since that very day, I have been very keen on testing Greece's various recipes and informing myself on it's antique, humble yet rich and unique cuisine/culinary traditions. In that place, there's areal philosophy behind eating as it's considered a big pleasure...
Although I discovered many different dishes, there's one speciality (along with "Moussaka") I ate a lot when i was still at home and loved long before going to Greece: "Lemon Roasted Potatoes". As it is a recipe that is very dear to my heart, I thought that I must share it with you as it would be a "crime" to keep it all for myself...
Those "Greek lemon Roasted Potatoes (Ellinikos Lemoni Patatas)" are maybe simple and basic, but they are nonetheless succulent, mind-blowing, very summery and tasty! They are so deliciously lemony, delicately herby, perfectly aromatised with olive oil and scrumptiously garlicky that it's hard to resist them...
If you want to invite the sun at your table, then that's the right dish to prepare!
~ Greek Lemon Roasted Potatoes ~
Recipe by Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums
Serves 4 people.
1kg (2 pounds) waxy potatoes, peeled and cut into 6 or 8 wedges
1/3 Cup Olive oil
The juice of 1 or 2 lemons (or more to taste)
3-4 Cloves garlic, crushed
Dried oregano, to taste
A hint of paprika (optional)
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste
1. Preheat the oven to 200° C (400° F).
2. In an ovenproof dish, add all ingredients and stir well.
3. Bake the potatoes for 1 to 1 1/4 hours and stir every now and then during cooking to coat with the herby oil/sauce.
4. Serve when the potatoes are cooked through.
You can add more lemon or olive oil. It all depends you, therefore I recommend you to taste the sauce first and then, correct the seasonings if needed.
The potatoes are ready when cooked through (test with a knife), golden and crispy.
Serving suggestions:
Eat this as a main course with a salad or use it as a side dish to accompany roasted/grilled meat like lamb, chicken or pork.
You can also serve with feta cheese...

Très appétissante ta recette, je suis bien tentée de l'essayer.
Yum ! it sounds very good ! I'm gonna try it and tell you then...
ReplyDeleteMiam, c'est vrai qu'on a grandement besoin d'un peu de soleil. Je vois bien ca avec un poulet.
ReplyDeleteTous ces parfums me plaisent beaucoup!!
ReplyDeletemiam :! j'en prendrai bien une part !
ReplyDeleteMiammm!!!! ça à l'air bon!!!
ReplyDeleteJ'ai bien envie de goûter ces pommes de terre au citron. Ce doit être extraordinaire. Merci Rosa de partager.
ReplyDeleteBises amicales
Pas mal, je pense que le paprika apporte un plus intéressant à la recette...
ReplyDeleteCe plat a l'air délicieux surtout avec tout ce bagage de souvenirs.
ReplyDeleteJ'adore tes recettes, c'est sûr ! mais ce que j'adore, c'est la façon dont tu les racontes ... "Scrumptiously garlicky" ... Pour un peu, je mordrais mon clavier ... ;o)
ReplyDeleteJ'adore les pommes de terre. J'en prends note.
I have a weakness for roasted potatoes and like the idea of this lemon-flavour. Will definitely try it.
ReplyDeletewho would say no to this? :)
ReplyDeleteComme elles ont l'air bonnes ces pommes de terre! Jamais je n'aurais pensé associer citron et pdt... Il faut vraiment que j'essaie.
ReplyDeleteMagnifiques tes photos, comme d'habitude Rosa :)
ReplyDeleteJe testerai ta recette de pommes de terre, je n'avais jamais testé avec le citron vert !
Merci :)
i've been quite crazy about baked potato dishes..been making two versions of potato gratin over the last few weeks. gonna give this a try. thanks for the recipe!
ReplyDeleteI have never tried Greek food before hmmm....I don't think there is one here in Singapore.
ReplyDeleteIt looks yummy Rosa!
Des pommes de terre bien parfumées comme je les aime
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'm getting more and more intimate with your blog, so it's not surprising my soon to come question will be : "When am I invited!?"
ReplyDelete...to eat greek potatoes in Switzerland; what exoticness!!!
I don't understand all but I love potatoes and your plate is beautiful I will try it
ReplyDeleteThis sounds so so good! I love Greek potatoes!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to The Foodie Blogroll!
La bonne idée que voilà ! et fraîche avec ça, je vais tester sans tarder...
ReplyDeleteCOOKY MONSTER: Merci! Je te la recommande vivement...
ReplyDeleteCATHERINE: Thanks! I hope you'll enjoy it. I'm looking forwards to hearing your remarks...
GRACIANNE: Merci! Oui, avec du poulet, c'est fameux...
MINOUSCHKA: Merci beaucoup!
HÉLÈNE (cannes): Un grand merci pour ce beau compliment ;-P! Bises...
CAMMU: Merci! Bien du plaisir avec cette recette...
CYNTHIA: Thanks! I hope you'll like that recipe! Do tell me how you found it...
BUREKABOY: Nobody ;-P!!! It's so fine...
MISS DIANE: Merci! J'espère que ce plat sera à ton goût!
MAOKA: Merci pour ta visite et ton commentaire sympathique!
IZOU: Merci :-D!
MARIE FLO: Merci! J'espère que cette recette te plaira... Bises!
TIUSCHA: Merci! Oui, en effet...
ERYN: Merci infiniment :-D! En fait, ces pommes de terre sont au citron jaune... J'espère qu'elle te plaira!
KEL: Thanks for visiting my blog and for the kind coment! I hope you'll like it!
SHIONGE: Thanks! Do try this dish, it's fabulous!
VIBI: Thanks for visiting my blog! You can come anytime ;-P! I'd be pleaed to offer you such a dish...
ANNE H: Thanks for the visit and kind comment! I hope you'll like it!
JENNDZ - THE LEFTOVER QUEEN: Thanks for your visit, for the kind comment and for adding me to your blogroll :-D!!!
PATRICIA: J'espère que cette recette sera à ton goût! Merci...
J'aime la Grèce, j'aime sa gastronomie. Je vais adopter cette recette lorsque mon panier présentera des pommes de terre nouvelles. Merci beaucoup pour avoir dénicher cette recette simple et je le sais, très goûteuse.
ReplyDeleteC'est le soleil qui nous manque, cette recette.
ReplyDeleteIl semble que cette recette manque encore à notre maison. QUand la temperature redescendra, je la ferais en coupant les pommes de terre en forme de frites pour que ca cuise plus vite. Pour l'instant je mettais seulement du paprika ou du cumin avec huile d'olive dans les frites au four.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting! we tried your recipe and the potatoes were quite tasty :)
ReplyDeleteANONYMOUS: Thanks for passing by and for the comment! I'm very happy to hear that you liked my recipe :-D!
ReplyDeleteExcellent! And I loved the Type O Negative video too! (and I NEVER leave comments...this is the first)
ReplyDeleteANONYMOUS: Thanks for passing by and for the kind comment! Yes, TON is a great band! Cheers.
ReplyDeleteI have made this many times now. It is my favorite lemon potato recipe. I will try it with Feta next time!
ReplyDeleteANONYMOUS: Thanks for passing by and for the kind words! I'm glad you like this dish. I'm sure it will taste amazing with feta. :-)