Saturday, January 10, 2009


This week, Breadchick and LB at "The Sour Dough" (USA) are happy to announce that they are hosting Weekend Cat Blogging #188...

To submit your kitty picture(s), you can either leave a message in their blog's comment section (with your permalinks) or contact them via e-mail without forgetting to give all the needed information.

A beautiful stranger...
"To some blind souls all cats are much alike.
To a cat lover every cat from the beginning of time has been utterly and amazingly unique."

~ Jenny de Vries ~


  1. j'avoue, je ne suis absolument pas physionomiste avec les humains...Mais je reconnais les chats déjà vus à coup sur...C'est grave?

  2. Ton p'tit minet me fait littéralement craquer hihi!! Il est tellement mignon;)

    Bon samedi à toi ma belle Rosa:)
    ~Lexibule~ xxx

  3. On sent bien l'ex fauve aux aguets !!!!
    Je te propose un petit jeu rigolo

  4. Your pictures of your kitties never fails to make me miss my own, of course my clothes are still covered with cat hair so right now it's hard to miss them too much.

    Also, Rosa I have something very sad to tell you, which is that the chilies I was bringing you (which were easy to find at my local Fiesta mart in Houston) to make mole were tragically confiscated by British customs on my layover in London. I tried to convince them that I was only spending six hours in the country during which I was only going on a bus to another airport, but they did not care and declared them "agricultural products foreign to the British Isles" and have certainly destroyed them by now. They also were unamused by my claim that since Canada is still technically a part of the UK, North American produce can't really be considered "foreign". You have to watch out for those island nations.

  5. ..ces photos sont absolument vivantes......


  6. What a cute cat - love the spotted nose!

  7. Ton ti minou ressemble à ma chatte Molly:)
    Qu'on les aime donc ces petites bêtes!!

  8. Who is that kitty? What a cutie! What is he trying to say?

  9. Interesting triangles on this cats face. A beauty.

  10. Rosa,
    What do you mean "stranger"? Is she/he one of your neighbor's?
    You know that we actually have 2 cats love to visit our garden for years and stay (especially) in my herb garden. They are very shy cats, so every time I try to say hello, they ran. One day I took photos from my kitchen, but it turned out pretty blur. So, I went out, there again she ran. Oh well.

  11. ELRA: I came across this cute cat while walking around the village. I was able to caress him/her. This kitty was very friendly... A pity these two cats are shy. Cheers, Rosa.

  12. Comme il est mignon ce chat, j'aurais bien envie de l'adopter ! Félicitations pour les photos, j'adore !!! Tu es une artiste ! bises

  13. sublimes photos, j'adore les chats, c'est si gracieux..

  14. a force de voir ces chats si heureux tous le sdimanches, je veux me reincarner en chat!!!

  15. What an adorable cat. Et les photos sont vraiment bien réussies, quelle lumière !

  16. oooh il est magnifique!
    avec les feuilles ça fait de jolies photos!

  17. Rosa,

    I love the pictures you took of your village friend.

    Thanks for joining LB and I this weekend for Weekend Cat Blogging.

  18. Très belles photos de ces chats !
    Bisous, Doria

  19. Je passe toujours faire un petit tour pour voir les superbes photos de chats ... Très reposant après une journée de garde ... Merci, Rosa !

  20. Okay she's adorable!

  21. What beautiful markings this kitty cat has, Rosa...such a beautiful face. I'm always partial to Fridolin, but they are all so gorgeous. :-)

  22. Il est superbe sous le feuillage de la dernière photo ! :o)

  23. Parfois, je rêverais être un chat... t'ai déjà souhaité meilleurs voeux pour cette nouvelle année ! si c'est non, alors plein de bonheur et surtout la santé !

  24. Unique indeed. Oh, what a beautiful kitty. I love the nose and the eyes. Our Abby has eyeliner around her eyes like this. It is absolutely gorgeous.

  25. This stranger is certainly beautiful! Love the photos!
