After a few researches, I discovered that "Terra" is American (see link) and produces exotic vegetable chips as well as normal potato chips. They create "chef-inspired masterful combinations of unique vegetables with a variety of fabulous flavors". Not only are they innovative chips, but they are also healthier, because they contain 50% less fat, 90% less sodium and are very natural ingredient-wise.
Now, thanks to Migros, they are produced under license by Bischofszell (see link) and available all over Switzerland (see the Swiss "Terra" link)!

- Randen chips (limited edition)
- Natural chips
- Greco chips
- Paprika chips
- Wasabi chips
The "Randen Chips" are very pretty and flavor-wise really interesting. In that packet, you can find both normal potato chips and randen (beetroot) chips, thus adding a nice contrasting color to your table (they present well). Those chips are spiced with some sea salt, coarse black pepper and apple vinegar which is very pleasant. Their overall taste is quite rootish and "soily" in a delicate way, sweetish and peppery.
The "Paprika Chips" are like a luxurious version of your usual chips. Their paprika flavor is nicely present and strong, but their overall taste isn't too overpowering, just well-balanced and a little sweet. Spicy and delicious.

Les chips au paprika doivent être extras !
ReplyDeleteNow you're hooked! I LOVE this brand of chips. My favorite is Yukon Gold Chips cooked in olive oil. They are so good!!!
ReplyDeleteEveryone's been talking about these Terra chips and they look good! Unfortunately I haven't seen any here in Frankfurt :-( We don't have Migros either.
ReplyDeleteEt bien on peut dire que tu as apprécié, c'est une avalanche d'adjectifs :)
ReplyDeleteJe les ai aussi goûtées ... Je confirme que ces chips sont délicieusement bonnes
ReplyDeleteBonne journée Rosa!
je ne suis pas tès gourmande en ships mais j'avoue que par curiosité je gouterai bien à celles ci
ReplyDeleteC'est le deuxième article élogieux que je vois sur ces chips. Elles doivent être réellement bonnes.
ReplyDeletecela donne envie de tester pour un pique nique cet été!
ReplyDeleteI often stay away from packaged crisps but darn, these look good.
ReplyDeleteSYLVIE: Oui, ils sont délicieux!
ReplyDeleteSHER: Yes, I'm hooked! Here, we can't buy the same variety as in the US, so I don't know those chips...
WOKANDSPOON: They are great! A pity that you can't buy them in Germany...
MARIE, PARIS: Oui ;-P!!!!
BEBOP: Bienvenue au club ;-P! Bonne journée à toi aussi et bises...
MOUNET: Je dois dire que ces chips n'ont rien d'industriel...
EGLANTINE: Elles le sont!!!
VALÉRIE: Et bien je te les conseille!
CYNTHIA: I love good chips and here in Switzerland we are lucky to have a great Swiss brand (Zweifel) which produces the best chips ever. They are delicious! those TERRA chips are as good, so that's a good point for them ;-P!...
Ta photo est très belle et même si je ne suis pas une grande amatrice de chips, elles donnent envie de goûter!
ReplyDeleteJe suis fan de chips et il faut que je trouve celles ci pour les goûter car tout le monde à l'air de les apprécier
C'est très sympa comme chips, je ne connaissais pas.
ReplyDeleteBisous, Doria
Hi Rosa,
ReplyDeleteI know Migros very well. :)
In Turkey, we have got a lot of MM Migros. :) It is a really good supermarket.
I just try to figure out what " "SUNDAY BRUNCH MEME" is about.
As you know, we are very new here. :)
So, is this a kind of online activity ?
Oh yes, I like the Terra chips too. I am glad they have nice flavors for you in Switzerland!
ReplyDeleteRosa!!!! It's ten to twelve, I've had my glass of milk (and piece of sugarless fudge), I'm ready to check out and what do I see? Salty chips?!!!! Now I won't be able to get to sleep, just craving a few nibbles! You witch ;-D!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Did you ever try putting orange peel in your curry paste? Essaies et donnes-m'en des nouvelles. Ça apporte toute une autre dimension au curry.
c'est quand l'apéro? j'arrive!!!
CHRIS: Merci! Ces chips valent le détour...
ReplyDeleteEDITH: J'espère que tu les trouveras chez toi...
DORIA: Oui, c'est tout nouveau (ici en Suisse). Bises...
AYSEYAMAN: Wow, there's a Migros in Turkey! Do they sell their own products like here in Switzerland?
The "Sunday Brunch Meme" is a game. The participants have to show what they eat for brunch or breakfast... Cheers.
LANNAE: Yeah, they are grrrrreat!!!
GATO AZUL: Hehe, happy to make you crave for that forbidden food just before you go to sleep! Did you dream about them? Merci pour le conseil, j'essaierai ça bientôt. sympa cettte idée...
AUNTIE JO: Heu, chaque weekend ;-P!
Hi Rosa,
ReplyDeleteyeah, they sell their products, too. :) They are always cheaper then other products :)
I dont know very much about games and food events yet. There are many of them here but hopefully we will learn everything soon. :))
You added lovely new posts I am going to check them now. :)
cheers! :)