Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Orange is a stimulating color that can be associated with health, energy, warmth, appetite, fire, strength, joy, etc... It has very positive vibrations that tend to make us feel well and happy.

A wide variety of oranges (the color) exist, especially when it comes to what can be eaten. It seems that we all appreciate the food items that are particularly colorful and flamboyant, thus we are attracted to them. Who can be impassible or marble-like when confronted to a pumpkin, an orange, an apricot, a mango, cheddar cheese, a carrot, a melon, a bell pepper, sweet potatoes, curcuma, ...? Nobody!

Let's not forget that except the fact that this wonderful color is vibrant and pleasurable to look at, antioxidants abund in all vegetables and fruits that are orange. Is it the reason why nature made the most healthy food radiate and glow in such a powerful way? To attract us?...

The simple beauty of an apricot in the sunlight...
Thai dried shrimps...
A tartlet made with leftover pastry and apricots...


  1. La 1ère photo est superbe et va me donner de l'énergie pour la journée !

  2. J'adore la dernière photo ! Merci pour tes visites et tes commentaires sur mon blog :)

  3. Quelle jolie tartelette. Et quel dommage que je ne comprenne pas l'anglais, je suis frustrée !!! Tu as des photos tellement jolies et appétissantes !
    Merci pour ton petit message sur mon blog, je te souhaite une excellente journée.

  4. SYLVIE: Merci infiniment! Bonne journée, alors!

    CAT: Merci pour ta visite et ton gentil commentaire :-D!

    MAMINA: ;-P!!!

    DOMINIQUE: Merci pour ton commentaire sympa et ta visite! En fait, j'ai un traducteur dans la marge à droite, après l'horloge violette et le compteur... Une très bonne journée à toi aussi et à bientôt! Bises...

  5. Well, it seems I'm not the only one who takes pictures of an apricot... lol! My whole family made fun of me when they read (or rather saw ) my post about my one and only apricot... ;-)
    Thanks for your comment on my blog!

  6. may i have a oiece of tartlet ?
    i'm going a week on the riverwith some friends visiting us.
    see you soon

  7. C'est beau et c'est vrai que le orange est une couleur éclatante très dynamisante!

  8. Orange is one of those colors that is oh so seductive on food, but not so much on clothes. Not that I mind, I'd much rather eat my colors than wear them!

    Ari (Baking and Books)

  9. LACATH: Yes, we are two now ;-P! My boyfriend also makes fun of me when I'm photographing food, especially when he has to wait to eat... Bises!

    BRIGITTEGUYANE: Yes, of course ;-P! Have a nice week then and come back with lots of photos and stories for your blog! See you soon...

    CHRIS: Merci! Tout à fait..

    ARI: I share the same opinion. It is not always very flattering as it's just too flashy, but I don't mind that color when it's in my plate ;-P...

  10. Such beauty, such life, such colour.

  11. All are PRETTY! and of course delicious looking too!

  12. CYNTHIA: Thanks, Cynthia!

    LANNAE: Thanks very much .-D!

  13. Je n'avais pas vu ces photos. Elles sont extraordinaires. J'adore!
