Well, today, I have decided to share with you another recipe of this famous Chef's beautiful cookbook. This time, I've decided to speak about a universal seasoning called "Berbere".
I guess that by now, you've understood that the foodie that I am loves spices and collects them meticulously as well as religiously, in a contemplative way. I just love the multiple cooking possibilities associated to by their use and I just simply can't live without their wonderful voluptuousness, fragrance and flavor!
It is for that reason that I very much appreciate anything exotic, zesty and highly aromatic... And my love for spices and foreign foods has nothing to do with any kind of trend, because, as far as I can remember, I've always been a total fan of spices and unusual dishes.
"Berbere" (pronounced bear-BEAR-ee) is a traditional mild Ethiopian and Eritrean spice mix/rub which takes days to make and is generally made in huge amounts. It is a key ingredients of the cuisines of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Every family has their own recipe, with varying degrees of heat and spiciness. Traditionally, it is used to flavor stews, but you can use it as pleases, because you'll soon discover that it is quite addictive with it's mild, sweet, smokey, round, pungent and warm taste!
Here's what the food editors at "O" magazine (December 2007) said about Markus Samuelsson's great "Berbere" spice blend:
"...one whiff of Marcus Samuelsson's Berbere- a smoldering blend of smoked paprika, and chipotle, laced with soul-warming ginger and cardamom-stokes the appetite...".
~ Berbere ~
Recipe taken from "The Soul Of A New Cuisine" written by Marcus Samuelsson.
1 Tsp Fenugreek seeds
1/2 Cup Dried serrano chilies or other ground dried chillies
1/2 Cup Ground paprika
2 Tbs Salt
2 Tsp Ground ginger
2 Tsp Onion powder
1 Tsp Ground cardamom, preferably freshly ground
1 Tsp Ground nutmeg
1/2 Tsp Garlic powder
1/4 Tsp Ground cloves
1/4 Tsp Ground cinnamon
1/4 Tsp Ground allspice
1. Finely ground the fenugreek seeds with a spice or coffee grinder, or mortar and pestle.
2. Stir together with remaining ingredients in a small bowl.
3. Use as pleases.
Store in a airtight container/jar in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.
Serving suggestions:
"Berbere" goes perfectly well with red lentils, chickpeas, vegetables as well as any kind of meat or fish and gives a zesty flavor to your dishes and sauces (tomato sauce, ratatouille, omelets, etc...).
You can mix some of that powder with oil and rub chicken thighs, lamb, beef or fish with this paste.
If you are looking for a great recipe, check Markus Samuelsson's "Chicken Stew" (see recipe) and visit the following links:
"Ethiopian Red Lentils", "Chicken Berbere", "Beef Stew", "Minted Couscous Salad", "Braised Lamb Shanks", "Spicy Vegetable Stew"...
1 CC de Graines de fénugrec
1/2 Tasse de Piments serrano séchés ou de piments moulus et séchés d'une variété différente
1/2 Tasse de Parika en poudre
2 CS de Sel
2 CC de Gingembre en poudre
2 CC d'Onions en poudre
1 CC de Cardamome en poudre, si possible fraîchement moulue
1 CC de Muscade en poudre
1/2 CC d'Ail en poudre
1/4 CC de Girofle en poudre
1/4 CC de Cannelle en poudre
1/4 CC de Tout épices en poudre
1. Moudre le fénugrec en une poudre fine, à l'aide d'un mortier ou d'un moulin à café/épices.
2. Dans un bol, mélanger tous les ingrédients ensemble.
3. Utiliser comme bon vous semble.

Garder dans une boîte/pot hermétique qui sera placé(e) au réfrigérateur (pas plus de 3 mois).
Idées d'utilisation:
Le "Berbere" se marie à merveille avec les lentilles corail, les pois chiches, la viande, le poisson et apporte une touche épicée à vos sauces et plats (tomate, ratatouille, omelettes, etc...).
Vous pouvez mélanger un peu de "Berbere" à de l'huile et frotter vos cuisses de poulet, viande d'agneau, viande de boeuf ou filets de poisson avec cette pâte/marinade.
Voici un lien qui porra vous intéresser: "Poulet En Sauce ou Doro Wat".
J'ai tout ce qu'il faut, merci pour la recette !
ReplyDeletemerci pour cette découverte, bises
ReplyDeleteTu vas faire des heureux avec ce tte recette. Tes photos d'epices sont magnifiques.
ReplyDeleteje ne connaissais pas ce mélange , il a une très jolie couleur et a part le fénugrec , j'ai tout
ReplyDeletea tester
Just beautiful photos!! I love the colour of your "Berbere" so vibrantly stunning!!
ReplyDeleteRosie x
Je suis bien content de connaître le nom et la composition de cette épice ramenée de Djibouti, et qui est indispensable dans le fameux what, en plus de deux autres dont je connaitrai peut-être le nom si je consulte le livre dont tu donnes la référence. Merci!
ReplyDeleteIl me plaît bien ton mélange et la couleur est top !!
ReplyDeleteTon mélange est ensoleillé. Quelle saveur! merci Rosa
superbes photos! c'est super ces épices! biises
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful colour, I'd love to put my nose into this fine mixture :-) Thanks for making me discover this spice mix, it must be delicious with meat...
ReplyDeleteI love exotic spice mixes. I'm curious about this one but I'm afraid I'm too lazy to make it ;)
ReplyDeleteUne recette que je vais donner à la parisienne, je suis sûre qu'elle va aimer.
ReplyDeleteMoi qui suis un passionné d'épices je ne peux que découvrir avec plaisir ce mélange que je ne connaissais pas encore !
ReplyDeleteYum, I love the spices in Berbere...and that cookbook is on my wish list! Thanks for reminding me to pick it up soon. :)
ReplyDeleteI bought premixed berbere a couple of months ago and we love it on braised meat. Thanks for the recipe, I can't wait to mix up my own.
ReplyDeleteJe sens que ces épices feront merveilles sur mes cuisses de poulet.
It's beautiful--and new to me! I love the ingredients, so I have to make some!
ReplyDeleteCARPE DIEM: De rien!
ReplyDeleteCUISINEPLURIELLE: C'est un plaisir pour moi de vous faire découvrir certaines recettes! Bises...
GRACIANNE: Oui ;-P! Merci!
MOUNET: Bien du plaisir, alors!
ROSIE: Thanks ever so much! XoXoXo
PATRICK: Je suis contente que tu aies pu enfin mettre un nom sur ce mélange d'épices! Il est très important dans la cuisine Ethiopienne... Ce livre est vraiment intéressant!
MERCOTTE: Merci, Mercotte!
MARIE FLO: Merci et bises!
MICKYMATH: Oui!!! Merci et bises!
MARION: You are welcome! Yes, that spice blend is delicious with meat!
LINDA: That's a pity ;-P...
LA CUISINE DES 3 SOEURS: J'espère qu'elle trouvera ce mélange d'épices à son goût...
DORIAN: Je suis contente de t'avoir fait découvrir le Berbéré!
COOKWORM: You really have to buy that book ;-P!
MAGGIE: You are welcome! It tastes gorgeous with meat!
HELENE: Oui ;-P!!! Bises...
SHER: Thanks! You really have to make it as it's fabulous!
Rosa- Thanks for telling us about this, it looks so good. As I was finishing reading I was thinking, I hope there is a recipe. Chick peas is a favorite and will try it out on them. Great photos.
ReplyDeleteJe n'ai jamais tenter de faire moi-même mes mélanges d'épices pourtant je m'en sers souvent!
ReplyDeleteJ'essaierai ce mélange si je trouve tous les ingrédients.
quelle couleru merveilleuse..je n'imagine pas le goût avec toutes ces épices mais la couleru est splendide
ReplyDeleteJe garde précieusement ta recette ! Merci
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I made my own barbere too, only mine has corriander seeds in it. Have you tried to make the Enjira/Injeera? I bet you have!
I've made Doro Wat and posted on my blog on Jan 5, 2008. I've been meaning to make injeera, I even have the flour (Teff); I just need to force myself to do it!
quelle belle couleur!
ReplyDeletemerci pour la recette - de quoi épicer les plats en beauté et saveur!
Un grand merci pour ce mélange, c'est une nouveauté pour moi. La photo de ce paysage est superbe.
ReplyDeleteBon mercredi, Doria
Ca doit parfumer les plats à merveille !
ReplyDeleteHi Rosa,
ReplyDeleteIhave read through your blog and I have to say it is a great one.
I have also found out that you have recently visited my website (www.rhubarbrecipes.co.uk) and bookmarked my site with Google.
I was just wandering if you would be interested to write a post including the link to my website, as I would do the same and link to your blog.
Keep writting this good stuff.
KIM: Thanks for passing by and for the kind comment! I hope you'll like that spice blend as much as I do...
ReplyDeleteLYDIAN: Je ne peux que te recommander de faire ce mélange toi-même! Bises!
SAB: Merci beaucoup!
INOULE: De rien!
ELRA: Interesting! I have made Injera, but from a recipe found in Joan Nathan's cookbook "Jewish Cooking In America"... It has yeast in it. I don't know where to find Teff in Switzerland :-(... I also have to make Doro Wat soon!
AUNTIE JO: De rien et merci!
DORIA: Merci!
SYLVIE: Oui!!!
ALES: Thanks for passing by and for your kind comment!
I love your site too! Yes, I'd be interested in doing that! Why not! Keep up with the good work!
Les photos sont très belles et donnent sacrément envie de préparer ce petit mélange qui me conviendrait bien je pense !
ReplyDeleteMerci pour cette recette !
Ah,mon! Comment j'aime le berbere ! Un jour je ferai mes propres. Vibrant, Rosa!
ReplyDeleteRosa, I'm so glad you posted this because my girlfriend spent a month in Ethiopia and brought a bag of berbere for me. I had no idea what to do with it, but now I'm going to try some of your suggestions :) Thank you!!