This feast originates from the Celts and Pagans who celebrate(d) "Imbolc" (see link) on the 1st of February, thus marking the beginningss of Spring and the coming back of light. It is also known under the name of "Brigid" or "Feast Of Lights".
Canada also celebrates "Groundhog Day" on that very day.
At the same time, here (Switzerland), in the Lötschental Valley (Valais/Wallis), we have a unique and terrifying local custom which takes place and involves the so-called "Tschäggättä" (see video) or "Wild Men". They are frightening ugly figures wearing furs and sinister carved wooden masks that roam through the valley and streets under the cover of darkness, preying on unsuspecting victims, ringing large cowbells and tossing soot at their unsuspecting victims. They are heathen relics of an old worship cult/tradition which was meant to scare away the spirits of winter as well as to symbolize the return of the ancestors who give out praise or punishment to the living.
For many people, religious or non-religious alike, this day is also the feast of "Pancakes" (see link) and it is a very good excuse to stuff yourself with gorgous tasting "French/American Pancakes" 'till your literally explode!!!
Of course, it is not the only time of the year during which you can have a "Pancake" party, but it is nonetheless the best way to honor this delicious treat...
For those who want to celebrate "Candlemas", I thought that it would be a good idea to give you "Pancake" recipes and links that will rejoice your gourmet palate.
My recipes (sorry for the mediocre quality of my -old- pictures):
French Pancakes (see recipe)
American Pancakes (see recipe)
Tatsch From Grisons/Graubünden (see recipe)
Interesting recipe links:
All Recipes (see link)
Awakened Woman (see link)
Bellaonline (see link)
Epicurious (see link)
Family Fun (see link)
Food Network (see link)
Recipezaar (see link)
Suite 101 (see link)
The Craft Nook (see link)
The World Wide Gourmet (see link)
(Saint-Brigid Pic by Theresa Lucero)
(Lichtmess In Lötschental Pic by www.myswitzerland.com)
(Tschäggättä Pic by http://hitomiiie.free.fr)
Hum.., vraiment pas rassurants vos bonshommes! Je préfère notre marmotte qui devrait montrer sortir de son terrier demain matin. Si elle ne voit pas son ombre, l'hiver achève. Aujourd'hui, 1er février, c'était jour de tempête en Ontario et au Québec. Je me demande si elle osera se montrer le bout du nez!
ReplyDeleteCes horribles figures, je les ai déjà vues pendant le carnaval en forêt noire, là où nous habitions. Il y avait toujours des groupes suisses invités. Au début les enfants, entre les sorcières et les Tschägättä, étaient terrifiés.
ReplyDeleteinterressant ce post , il me permet de découvrir d'autres coutumes
ReplyDeletece soir toute ma famille est réunie et ce sera soirée crèpes : miammmmm!!!!!
Merci pour tous ces liens gourmands et bon week end à toi!
ReplyDeleteIls sont assez effrayants en effet !
ReplyDeleteMerci pour ces recettes et ces liens intéressants Rosa.
ReplyDeleteEffectivement, les personnages masqués ont un côté effrayant ! Mes grandes adoreraient mais la petite serait sans doute terrifiée !
Hi Rosa`s
ReplyDeleteExcellent post! You are Master.
Hello Rosa
ReplyDeleteJ'ai reçu tous les commentaires des autres internautes sur mon hotmail. Je ne sais pas pourquoi et si j'ai activé qqch...
Sais-tu comment faire pour désactiver ça ?
merci Céline de fine bouche
Strange and interesting post of your local customs. I would be terrified to be chased by hairy masked men under cover of dark and get soot thrown at me! In which case I might find solace with lots of pancakes... awesome pictures!
ReplyDeleteJ'adore tes billets :-)