If like me you have abused a little to much of goodies during the Christmas holidays, then you might want to calm down and start eating more healthily again as I'm pretty sure that you are not willing to change your whole wardrobe or stop wearing those cute skinny jeans that you cherish so much because they make you look so slim...
I am not ashamed to confess that for the past 3-4 weeks I have been devouring (like crazy and without thinking about the effects such mindless scarfing might have on my waistline) big quantities of sugar-loaded, butter-rich, calorie-laden cookies, breads, chocolates, cakes and desserts of all kind. I carelessly and happily wolfed down quantities of sweet treats, and had much pleasure indulging in such a naughty fashion!
When the God of Gluttony possesses you, there is no way you can escape. You just have to accept it's taking over your soul and bend to it's will. If you resist, it will whisper in your ears words that'll awaken your craving until you give up the fight and sacrifice yourself on the altar of epicurism. It is impossible to struggle against the urge to "sin".
As a result, my size 36-38 (size 6-8 US) trousers are slightly too tight now and I feel not really comfortable in my body anymore. But hey, what the heck? Eventhough I care about my weight, find it important to exercise regularly and control my diet I also have food desires like everybody else and sometimes have to fulfill them. The delight and beatitude conferred by this nosh marathon was so big that the few centimeters I had gained around my waist, hips and thighs were not that dramatic.
Anyway, once you get back to your normal routine you will lose the extra fat you had acquired and get fit again (as a matter of fact I've already lost most of it), so why be afraid of a short break in your regime. If it happens once in a while and it is not a habit, then it can't be bad. You just have to be in control of things and know when to stop. It's only once it becomes an addiction that it develops into something dangerous and negative. Then you have to raise the alarm and consider taking your problems seriously.
All year long (most of the time, festive holidays aside), I try to eat well and to follow my usual dietary pattern which consists of meals that are mostly vegetarian (80% of the time), poor in carbohydrates (sugar, cereals, starchy vegetables & starches), rich in protein (eggs, dairy produces, legumes, nut, seeds & animal products) and vegetables. This way of feeding is what fits me best. Since I've started preparing less carb-loaded dinners I have more energy, feel a lot less hungry all the time and more comfortable in my body. Not forgetting that it is also very budget-friendly as you don't need to buy tons of overpriced meat.
Although I love meat I cannot cook it more than twice a week otherwise it'll affect my well-being. So, in a way I am nearly a full-time vegetarian. I don't mind being a carnivore, but I also love veggies since there are so many ways you can cook them. At my place, eating vegetarian meals isn't synonymous of boring and bland, all the contrary!
One of my favorite meat-free recipes that I cook at home is a groovy terrine made with cornflakes. This original vegiloaf is very versatile, tasty and nourishing. It has a pleasant herby, corny and nutty flavor, and a soft as well as moist texture. This "Vegetarian Cornflake And Hazelnut Terrine" can be pan-fried, eaten either cold or hot, served for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner and accompanied as well as presented in many different manners.
A multi-faceted dish which is easily prepared, good for the health and which will not ruin you. Perfect!
~ Vegetarian Cornflake And Hazelnut Terrine ~
Recipe by Rosa @Rosa's Yummy Yums 2011.
Serves 4.
500ml Milk
160g Cornflakes
100g Ground hazelnuts, lightly toasted
2 Big eggs
1 Big Onion, finely chopped
1 Tsp Nutritional yeast
1/2 CC Garlic powder
A pinch Ground paprika
A pinch Curry powder
A few drops of Tabasco (optional)
1 1/4 Tsp Italian herbs
A pinch dried thyme
Sea salt (fine), to taste
Pepper, to taste
A bit of butter to grease the pan
1. Preheat the oven to 220° C (420° F).
2. In a big bowl, crush (coarsely) the cornflakes.
3. In a medium bowl, beat together the eggs with the milk, garlic, spices, Tabasco, herbs, salt and pepper.
4. Pour this mixture over the cornflakes, add the yeast, hazelnuts and onion and mix well.
5. Butter generously your rectangular cake pan and cover the bottom with sulfurised/baking paper.
6. Scrape the mixture in the pan and smooth the top.
7. Bake for aboput 30-40 minutes (test with a skewer).
8. Remove the terrine from the oven and let it rest for about 5 minutes before releasing it delicately from the pan.
9. Serve.
you can replace the hazelnuts by any other ground nuts of your choice, but don't forget to roast them a little.
You can also use the herbs (fresh or dried) and spices of your choice.
Serving suggestions:
Serve hot or cold, with tomato sauce, steamed or stir-fried vegetables, a seasonal salad or pan-fried mushrooms.
~ Terrine Végétarienne Aux Cornflakes Et Aux Noisttes ~
Recette par Rosa @Rosa's Yummy Yums 2011.
Pour 4 personnes.
500ml De lait
160g de Cornflakes
100g de Noisettes moulues, toastées
2 Gros oeufs
1 Gros Oignon, finement haché finement
1 CC de Levure nutritionnelle
1/2 CC d'Ail en poudre
Une pincée de paprika en poudre
Une pincée de poudre de curry
Quelques gouttes de Tabasco (en option)
1 1/4 CC d'Herbes italiennes
1 Pincée de Thym séché
Sel de mer fin, selon goût
Poivre, selon goût
Un peu de beurre pour le moule
1. Préchauffer le four à 220° C.
2. Dans un grand bol, concasser grossièrement les cornflakes.
3. Dan un bol moyen, battre les oeufs avec le lait, l'ail, le Tabasco, les herbes, les épices, le sel et le poivre.
4. Ajouter le mélange liquide au cornflakes et ajouter les noisettes ainsi que l'oignon. Bien mélanger.
5. Beurrer généreusement un moule à cake rectangulaire et recouvrir le fond de papier sulfurisé.
6. Verser le mélange dans le moule et lisser le dessus.
7. Cuire pendant 30-40 minutes (vérifier la cuisson avec la pointe d'un couteaux).
8. Sortir la terrine du four et la laisser reposer 5 minutes sur une grille, puis la démouler délicatement.
9. Servir.
Vous pouvez remplacer les noisettes moulues pour d'autres noix moulues, mais n'oubliez pas des les torréfier avant.
Vous êtes libres d'ajouter les épices et herbes (fraîches ou séchées) de votre choix.
Idées de présentation:
Servir cette terrine chaude ou froide, avec de la sauce tomate, des légumes vapeurs ou sautés, une salade de saison ou des champignons légèrement poêlés.
Coucou Rosa! C'est vraiment une belle recette de terrine que nous présente là! Tes photos sont toujours aussi superbes et j'allais oublier, j'adore la musique que tu fais jouer! À bientôt, Caroline B.
ReplyDeleteWhen I read the title of the post, I did not expect to find something so yummy looking and sounding like this beautiful terrine! It is definitely something that I am going to try!
ReplyDeleteRosa, this is such a fun loaf-terrine for any time of day. think I need to try this pronto! The cornflakes are a great idea. Gotta admit I don't cheat over the holidays - but portion control & lots of healthy fat keeps me in check. xo
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea!! I would love to try this! Must be really good!
ReplyDeleteLove your terrine Rosa look amazing and delicious!! This is my type of food! gloria
ReplyDeleteThis sounds so delicious! I have never heard of terrine before.. Ive gotta try this!
ReplyDeleteC'est une idée géniale d'utiliser des corn flakes pour une terrine végétarienne! J'en mangerai bien aussi pour l'apéro!
ReplyDeleteLes photos sont superbes! (food et paysage!)
Bon week-end!
Chouette musique!
ReplyDeleteChouette idée de plat aussi!
Et hyper chouettes photos!
delizioso cake originale con i cerali come sempre molto interessanti le tue ricette!
ReplyDeleteBuon fine settimana^^
I know what you mean by having been possessed by the god of gluttony! I am trying to go back to healthy eating as well...this is a great recipe, thanks for sharing, beautiful pictures!
ReplyDeleteI love this recipe, Rosa! Will definitely bookmark and give it a go!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing :-)
Rosa, je salive devant cette terrine qui m'a l'air délicieuse! Une recette plus santé ça ne fait pas de mal à personne hein? ;)
ReplyDeleteBonne journée ma chère :)
This is new to me, but I love the combination of cornflakes, nuts and all the spices.
ReplyDeleteI'm a most-of-the-time vegetarian too, and this sounds like a great meat-free dish! Love the tabasco in it too.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree with you, indulging is good, once in a while. I'm so going to try that terrine, it looks just delicious and I've been searching for great vegetarian dishes. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great way to use cornflakes! I definitely overindulged this year. Thanks for the recipe!
ReplyDeleteI would never know that corn flakes would be in this savory cake, sounds delish!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds fabulous with rich flavors that the whole family would enjoy. I like your way of eating. It matches my own.
ReplyDeletewow, what a great recipe! sounds yummy with onion!
ReplyDeleteFortunately, I don't have a sweet tooth, so that helps me in the gluttony department during the holidays. Really a unique way to use cornflakes - healthy and quick, too. Love it!
ReplyDeleteThe terrine looks fabulous! Like you, I am a vegetarian, most of the days. Its fun and certainly not boring!
ReplyDeleteU worry being a size 2-4??? u WORRY??? I wish I had ur worry then ;)
ReplyDeleteI gain weight even if i breathe, so heck, leave it all aside and hand me them goodies!
The terrine looks FAB!
Vraiment sympatique cette recette ma chère Rosa !! Tu nous gâtes en tout:)
ReplyDeleteBo week~end ma belle Copinaute de l'autre bout du vill"âge" XX
Hi, Rosa! What wonderful looking recipe! I love all those exotic spices!
ReplyDeleteWow! I'm impressed...corn flakes? The photos look delicious and the ingredients have me intrigued! Thanks for sharing Rosa!
ReplyDeleteMANASI: Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI got the size wrong. In fact I am a 6-8 (avarage/medium)... ;-P I don't have the body of a little girl.
You are so funny! :-))
Cornflake terrines sound so interesting! I bet they are good to go with Milo ice cream or milk ice cream. Perfect dessert breakfast food!
ReplyDeleteLooks really healthy Rosa!
ReplyDeleteHow bequiling with the cornflakes and the curry. I bet the texture is amazing.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds so unique, wow! I would love to try a slice for sure!
ReplyDeleteRosa. This looks beautiful. And healthy. Tell me - where do you purchase nutritional yeast in Switzerland? I ask because I usually bring it from the U.S. for my parents (who have become almost vegetarian, such as you) and friends. FInally, apologies for not commenting on your gorgeous blog in way too long. I always read faithfully :)
ReplyDeleteThe god of gluttony? LOL! Yes, you're right. ;-) This is a wonderful-sounding meal that you've made.
ReplyDeleteOh Rosa, you are a great photographer! Your recipe no doubt is great but what I love most about your posts are the nature photographs. They make me wanna come visit where u live :-)
ReplyDeleteLovely, I would like to try this one! Or something similar using up cornflake boxes....
Well said Rosa, it's good to indulge ourselves once in a while as long as we aware of it. Love the snowy wonderland and your creative cornflake terrine!
ReplyDeleteI too have been indulging and am keen to get healthier again without giving up tasty things. This is such a great recipe that doesn't even make you feel you're missing out so thanks for the inspiration. Lovely to see the snow too.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know what to expect when the title popped up. My goodness the flavours sound amazing.
ReplyDeleteCornflakes in the goodie! Can never find out. Lovely clicks.
ReplyDeleteIt's BEAUTIFUL, Rosa! And the photos of winter that you shared ... I love.
ReplyDeleteWonderful, and new!! never saw anything quite like this, gotta try it very soon. Have a question thouhg: what exactly is nutritional yeast? active, chemical, fhesh bread yeast? Thnx.
ReplyDeleteCette recette de terrine est bien originale. J'en prendrais bien un bout!
ReplyDeleteThe holidays seem to be all about excess Rosa, but once the new year rolls around we have high hope for ourselves.
ReplyDeleteterrible cette terrine Bravo Rosa !Pierre
ReplyDeleteWhat an interesting meal! I'm definitely intrigued by the cornflake terrine!
ReplyDeleteBeaucoup de mes repas sont végétariens par choix. Je trouve intrigant cette terrine. Magnifiques photos.
ReplyDeleteWhat an exciting use of cornflakes! I think the end result is just wonderful.
ReplyDeleteça ne peut être que delicicieux
ReplyDeleteSounds perfect for weekend brunch. Hazelnut and corn flakes seem like a perfect pairs here.
ReplyDeleteHey Rosa, I think a lot of people are in your position right now. The holidays have a way of bringing people up a size or two for sure. Just remember the more you eat that stuff, the more you want it more emotionally and chemically. If you keep that in mind, you most likely will get back to normal indulgence levels (smile).
ReplyDeleteOoh, and it looks like you already are! This terrine looks & sounds awesome:)
That looks so scrumptious!
ReplyDeleteThis terrine looks beautiful and the texture is like a cake.
ReplyDeleteWhat a delicious loaf! I fear I need to avoid ALL food. I have not lost an inch of baby weight. Oh dear .....
ReplyDeleteRosa, awesome idea, I need to try this recipe ASAP! Lovely pics! Cheers!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful terrine and a lot of common sense. Great combination!
ReplyDeleteoh ben c'est drolement original ça !!
ReplyDeleteJ'avais une recette du même style il y a très (très) longtemps, je la faisais souvent, j'adorais... je l'ai malheureusement égarée! Merci Rosa, tu me permets de la refaire à nouveau et de la faire connaitre autour de moi...
ReplyDeleteI must admit that when I read the title I was saddened, it is unlikely that my family would go for a cornflake loaf. However, I read through and was delighted by both the story and the photos. Of course, I must admit to being a bit jealous of your size (and that you can put your measurements up so proudly for all to see); however, that is what New Year's resolutions are for!
ReplyDeleteWaw!! This cornflake terrine looks just beautiful & luscious too! That salad is tasty too!
ReplyDeleteMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM,...! Great food!
I just moved my blog to wordpress.com.Come over & check it out! You may want to update your RSS!
Very origianl recipe.
ReplyDeleteLooks really delicious x
Thinking of my waste line I am happy not to be a sweet tooth and not to crave cookies. But your terrine looks great!
ReplyDeleteVery new recipe for me..sounds healthy n delicious Rosa!
ReplyDeleteUS Masala
First time I see a cornflake terrine...I must try it!! I wish I had it now..Ate too much last night!
ReplyDeleteLovely photos as usual!
Géniale ton idée pour utiliser les Corn Flakes , c'est extra , merci pour ce partage .
ReplyDeleteLove, love, LOVE this, Rosa! And it just so happens that I have a box of cornflakes in my pantry right now! ;)
ReplyDeleteGreetings and Happy New Year Rosa!
ReplyDeleteI am intrigued by your cornflake terrine and like the idea of serving it with fresh tomato sauce or a small green salad. Thanks for sharing your recipe and the words of encouragement to take of the 'extra' weight we lovers of eating seem to find around our waistlines after the holidays:-)
Sounds delicious!
ReplyDeleteTrès sympa et comme tu dis, le dieu des gourmands passe chez toi pour t'inspirer l'originalité et les saveurs... Bises
ReplyDeleteThe cornflake idea is inspired. What a delicious sounding dish. I'm with you in that I eat mostly veggies, and this just sounds like a terrific dish to start off the new year.
ReplyDeleteThat's a nice, savory bread. The spices and herbs are great for your metabolism. You're not the only one trying to get back to healthy eating after the holidays. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI do the same thing as you; I always over indulge around the holidays. Then I try to get right back to eating more healthy. I have never had a terrine, but it sounds wonderful. I really need some wholesome treats right now:)
ReplyDeleteYou make me want to make a loaf tonight.
ReplyDeleteLucky you to be that tiny! Yes, I have added poundage over the entire year!! YUCK! So, yes, time for nice and healthy foods! Cheers!
ReplyDeleteRosa, What a original- healthy recipe! Beautiful Terrine!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your recipe:)
humm ton cake est superbe et puis il y a tellement de saveurs!
ReplyDeleteJ'aime beaucoup l'idée des cornflakes, BRAVO! =)
oh miam! tu n'as pas menti, c'est absolument magnifique. je note les ingrédients et aussitôt que possible, je m'y mets. je te redirai!
ReplyDeleteJ'aime beaucoup cette jolie terrine qui peut plaire aux végétariens comme aux non-végétariens, bravo !! bises
ReplyDeleteWhat a great recipe!
ReplyDeleteSounds very delicious & healthy.
Thanks for sharing Rosa.
Everything is amazing as always:)
I think we all go a little food crazy over holidays! But it never takes too long to lose the extra pounds. (It's mostly water anyway, right?)
ReplyDeleteYour recipe is a fascinating way to use cornflakes..and it looks positively delicious!
j'adore cette idée très originale et saine !!!
ReplyDeletelove this original savory treat! It's also perfect for a vegetarian diet. I'm thinking of serving them as appetizers, using cookie cutters.
ReplyDeleteWhat an interesting dish! Your food philosophy is great, although I could not be so vegetarian (tried it for 10 years and didn't work for me..). Love how inventive you are!
ReplyDeleteVALERIE: Thank you! I buy nutritional yeast from health stores.
ReplyDeleteLUC: Thanks! Nutritional yeast is not bread yeast. It is deactivated yeast. You can use it as a condiment (malted flakes).
How interesting with the cornflakes! This sounds wonderful!
ReplyDeleteVery beautiful recipe Rosa.This one of the most innovative recipe with cornflakes.Sound awesome!
ReplyDeleteIT LOOKS SO GOOD!!! i have way more fun making vegetarian meals than i do ones with meat. the flavors, colors, textures, all of it- i love <3
ReplyDeleteExcellente idée que cette terrine aux céréales, je les intègre souvent à des pâtes sucrés, je vais tester en version salée, cette terrine toute légère et épicée.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting and yummy sounding dish. Never heard of a terrine with corn flakes, nuts etc. This is dangerously good
ReplyDeleteRosa, what a nice idea...the loaf looks so yummie, absolutely gorgeous...who would imagine with corn flakes :-)
ReplyDeletevery true rosa, I induldge way too much..and now am trying to get back on trakc, great use of cornflakes, a perfect way to head into the new year!
Je suis exactement dans le même état d'esprit. Je me sens beaucoup mieux quand je ne mange pas de viande sans dire pour autant que je suis végétarienne. Le canard seulement n'a pas d'effet négatif.
ReplyDeleteCette terrine est très originale. Je n'y aurais pas pensé plutôt habituée à utiliser des flocons d'avoine.
Just love the texture of this terrine, looks nutty and delicious! And the photos are inspiring as always :-)
ReplyDeleteRosa, When I saw th etitle on twitter I thought to myself hmm...but you raise corn flakes to a sophisticated level. My little cornflakes muffins baking while my son was growing up were delciious but straight forward. This savory corn flakes recipe looks amazing!
ReplyDeleteTasty and healthy appears to be found in your very appetizing cereal terrine...how interesting.
ReplyDeleteWho says it's difficult to eat well and take good care of yourself at the same time :)
The scenery is breathtaking and so inviting ;o)
Ciao for now,
You really can make something utterly delicious out of the simplest ingredients....
ReplyDeleteand the house pic is gorgeous :)
this sounds so yummy.. i've never had this before and i know i would love it. thank you for sharing this. have a great day:)
ReplyDeletethis recipe sounds wonderful. love the use of cornflakes in this recipe sounds just amazing. thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteSuch an unexpected ingredient list. It looks wonderful. I had intended to start the new year off eating better, but maybe next week.
ReplyDeleteGood for you for being such a healthy eater most of the time, Rosa! I want to work in nutrition later, but am not even that good in my habits yet. I also eat mostly vegetarian and have been wanting to try something loaf-shaped (like a meatloaf substitute). This looks just perfect and I'm bookmarking it right away.
ReplyDeleteYes the Holidays have left us all feeling a bit too indulgent...
ReplyDeleteThis is quite unique and very lovely!
Very interesting recipe out of simple cornflakes! Love the spices you've used in the recipe. Looks great and yum!
ReplyDeleteElle est vraiment originale cette terrine. J'adore l'idée surtout que comme toi je ne mange pas beaucoup de viande.
ReplyDeleteBonne journée Rosas
What an interesting recipe Rosa! I thought I was seeing things when I saw the title! :)
ReplyDeleteRosa, I am fascinated by this recipe! I may have to lie to my family about what is in it but I'll bet they'll gobble it down! Husband is trying to lose the extra pounds not gained during the holidays but during all of last year (due to all of my baking)! We are now dieting furiously yet will allow ourselves one evening a week to go out and enjoy any meal we like, with dessert! Love this post! You had me giggling from top to bottom!
ReplyDeleteYou are right, it's time to eat more healthily! Looks great!
ReplyDeleteC'est une excellente idée, la texture de la terrine fait vraiment envie !
ReplyDeleteThis looks and sounds wonderful, love the photos too. The snow is so picturesque, I don't get much of it out here in Los Angeles but I did enjoy it in Tahoe over New Year's and my goodness was it beautiful. I agree about the holiday gorging, I'll definitely try this recipe on a quest to eat healthier!
ReplyDeleteHey Rosa = ) LOVE the entrance to the church? I did a double take when the saw the title cornflakes = )
ReplyDeleteI do to try and eat well, but, I mostly stick to that just one serving rule (for the exception of tasting) when baking sweets... and sometimes it's really hard, right?
Gosh, Rosa, this looks scrumptious.
Your Terrine looks sensational so does your spring!
ReplyDeleteElle me fait très envie cette terrine, les noisettes torréfiées, ça donne un parfum, une texture que j'adore!
ReplyDeleteLovely Rosa! as always
ReplyDeleteI had a different idea of what a terrine is but thanks for introducing us to something new. I don't know much about terrines so I'll have to find out more about it but it does sound very interesting, kind of like a cake.
ReplyDeleteoh and there's curry in there too? wow. i do love this flavor-combo. i like terrine done this way lol
ReplyDeleteYou had me a cheap and healthy! Looks interesting and tasty.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds so extremely unique with hazelnut, curry and cornflakes!! and if you want snow, you are so welcome to come to Dallas :-) right now.