I've always been a big lover of pies. Having been born into an Anglo-Swiss family this pastry has never been unknown to me. As a matter of fact our table was regularly graced by pies of all kind...
Since I have English roots the pies that we ate were exclusively of the British kind. The ones my mother and gradmother made were mostly composed of fruits (apple pie, black currant pie, gooseberries pie, lemon meringue pie, etc...) or meat (steak & kidney pie, pork pies, etc...). American pies were unknown to us and it is only when I started baking for myself and developping a strong interest for the US cuisine as well as it's culture that I ate my n°1 New World pie. Conquered by this land's baked goods I broadened my culinary horizon by preparing more of them (pumpkin pies, pecan pies, sweet potato pies, cream pies, etc...).
It has to be said that with ferociously monarchy-worshipping and patriotic grandparents who entertained that very typical old-fashioned and unreasonable British chauvinist thought pattern (that thankfully only a small bunch of people entertain in the UK) and parents who had a bad conception of America (mainly politically and usually in a narrow-minded manner - lumping everybody in the same group) there was no way I would have come any close to the wonderful gastronomy of this country (we did eat homemade hamburgers, though LOL). In both my house and my grandparent's America was a taboo subject.
Anyway, I might share the same blood as my family and be proud to have English origins, but I am far from having such stubborn, conservative and bigoted opinions. Great Britain's kingship and colonial history means nothing to me - I despise it - and I refuse to judge an entire nation by it's leaders. I know better than that...
Since the tender age of 6 I have fed a passion for the USA. It started when I began reading the cartoon book Yakari and when my admiration for Native Americans was born. Then, it grew a little bigger as I began discovering Heavy Metal music and became besotted with my favorite bands whose musicians I worshipped. Finally it reached a higher level when I embarked on my culinary journey in 1998 and discovered the world of blogging in 2003.
Being a foodie and feeding an interest for all things cultural that are linked to the States it is quite naturally that my knowledge of traditional American food expanded with the years. Not only do I love surfing on US blogs, but I also appreciate reading cookbooks by writers/bakers/cooks hailing from the "Land of Opportuinity" and being in contact with people who come from this part of the world as generally they are far more laid-back, easy-going and accessible than the Swiss folks. That is how I read about "Shoofly Pies" for the first time.
I find the name of that pie, it's origin as well as it's composition very intriguing. So after years of promising myself that I would try making it I finally transposed my wishes into reality and created my own "Shoofly Pie" recipe.
This molasses pie comes from the Pennsylvania Dutch who are descendants of Germanic emigrants originating from Southwestern Germany and Switzerland, but it is also rooted deep into the Southern culinary traditions. Apparently it holds it's name from the fact that it attracts flies that have to be "shooed away". This speciality shares simiarities with "Montgomery Pie", another Pensylvanian treat that varies very slightly in it's composition (lemon juice added to the molasses filling and instead of being topped with crumble it is garnished with buttermilk cake batter).
Traditionally this pie is made with sugar cane molasses, but as I love breaking the rules I decided to try something different and original. My version of "Shoofly Pie" can be quite surprising, yet it isn't extremely different to the original one.
Instead of making the filling with that backstrap by-product sugar beet or sugar cane which has quite a strong, tangy, spicy and bitter flavor I used carob molasses which has a milder, fruitier and sweeter aroma. This thick brown uncrystallized syrup is made by soaking milled carob pods (fruits from the carob tree) in water and then reducing the extracted liquid.
This fruit which is quite popular around the Mediterranean Sea (it is native of that region) can be employed as a sweetener, to make refreshing drinks, delicious spreads, cakes and desserts. It is very versatile, healthy, contains no fat, is rich in iron, calcium and nutrients.
During the 1970's it was used as substitute for chocolate. But, we all know that it is a terrible error to make a parallel between carob and cacao. Fistly, there is NO replacement for chocolate and secondly, carob has a flavor of it's own. If you expect it to taste like chocolate then you will be bitterly disappointed and will have a negative impression of it. It is for that reason that the tragic misuse of carob led people to hate and criticize it violently (I bet some of your still shudder with revulsion at the memory of eating those carob brownies that your hippy mom made LOL). I find that so sad as carob is such a valuable as well as unique product that cannot be compared to anything.
I am so glad to have integrated that delicacy into my "Carob Shoofly Pie" as it could not have been sublimed in a better fashion. I am particularly fond of the divinely earthy, nutty, slightly tangy, complex and delicate date-like fragrances the carob molasses confers to the pie.
The filling is marvelously gooey as moist, the flaky (no wet bottom here) crust's salty note contrasts remarkably well with the pie's overall sweetness and the crumble add's a perfect touch of spiciness and crispiness to the whole. What an amazing combination!
Needless to say that the "Carob Shoofly Pie" devoured hastily...
~ Carob Shoofly Pie ~
Recipe by Rosa @Rosa's Yummy Yums 2011
Makes one 23cm (9 inch) pie.
Ingredients For The "Pastry":
300g Plain white flour (no self-raising flour)
1 Tsp Fine sea salt (you can add 1/2 Tsp more if you like the taste of salt)
150g Unsalted butter (or 100g Unsalted butter & 50g Lard)
~ 80 ml Water
Ingredients For The "Filling":
1 Cup (480g) Carob molasses
1 Big Egg
3/4 Cup (180ml) Milk
1 Tbs Cornstarch
Ingredients For The "Crumbs":
1 1/2 Cups (190g) Flour
1/2 Cup (120g) Light brown sugar
2 Tsp Cinnamon
1/4 Cup (60g) Unsalted butter
3 Tbs Water
Method For "The Pastry":
1. Sift the flour and salt into a bowl/bassin.
2. Add butter and rub between the fingers until the mixture is flaky.
3. Pour in the water, gradually, while continuously cutting and stirring with a knife. Stop adding water when the dough is stiff. It should not be sticky or wet. Gather up into a soft ball and place it in the fridge while you prepare the filling.
4. Preheat the oven to 190° C (375° F).
5. Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to a 33cm (13 inch) round.
6. Line your buttered 23cm (9 inch) pie dish with the pastry and trim the edges, then crimb them decoratively. With a fork prick the bottom of the pie.
7. Place in the freezer for about 10 minutes.
Method For The "Filling":
8. Meanwhile mix the milk together with the cornstarch (to dissolve it), then add the molasses and the egg. Set aside.
Method For The "Crumbs":
9. In another bowl combine the flour, sugar and cinnamon.
10. Add the butter and work it into the flour with a pastry blender. Add the water and continue the process until you obtain a crumbly mixture.
11. Pour the molasses mixture into the pie crust and spoon the crumbs on top of it.
12. Bake for 40 minutes.
13. Let cool on a wire rack.
Always lift the flour out of the bowl while rubbing; it makes the butter/flour mixture airy.
Be careful not to add too much water as the pastry should not be stick to the touch.
While mixing the water to the flour/butter mixture never work the pastry like a bread dough, otherwise you would end up with a stiff, hard and elastic pastry.
You can replace the carob molasses by any other molasses (apple, grape, pear, pomegranate or sugar cane molasses).
Serving suggestions:
Serve warm or at room temperature with a dollop of whipped cream.
~ Pie A La Mélasse De Caroube ~
Recette par Rosa @Rosa's Yummy Yums 2011
Pour un pie de 23cm.
Ingrédients Pour La "Pâte Brisée":
300g de Farine blanche/fleur
1 CC de Sel de mer fin (ajouter 1/2 CC si vous aimez votre pâte un peu salée)
150g de Beurre non-salé, coupé en petit dés (ou 100g de beurre + 50g de saindoux)
~ 80ml d'Eeau très froide ou assez afin que la pâte forme une boule
Ingrédients Pour La "Garniture":
480g de Mélasse de caroube
1 Gros Oeuf
180ml de Lait
1 CS de Maïzena
Ingrédients Pour Le "Crumble":
190g de Farine blanche
120g de Sucre brun clair
2 CC de Cannelle en poudre
60g de Beurre non-salé
3 CS d'Eau
Méthode pour la "Pâte Brisée":
1. Tamiser la farine et le sel dans un bol moyen.
2. Ajouter le beurre et frotter la farine et le beurre entre les doigts afin d'obtenir un mélange qui ait la texture sabloneuse.
3. Verser l'eau, graduellement, tout en mélangeant bien (n'ajoutez plus d'eau quand la pâte aura atteint la bonne consistance/ni trop mouillée, ni trop collante). Former une boule puis la mettre au frigo pendant que vous préparez la garniture.
4. Préchauffer le four à 190° C.
5. abaisser la pâte sur une surface farinée afin d'obtenir un rond de 33cm.
6. Garnir le moule avec la pâte et couper les bords, puis créer des motifs décoratifs. Avec une fourchette piquer le fond.
7. Mettre la pâte 10 minutes au congélateur.
Méthode Pour La "Garniture":
8. Pendant ce temps préparer la garniture. Mélanger ensemble le lait et la maïzena (elle doit être complètement dissoute) et ajouter la mélasse et l'oeuf. Mettre de côté.
Méthode Pour Le "Crumble":
9. Dans un autre bol, mélanger la farine avec le sucre et la cannelle.
10. Ajouter le beurre et sabler du bout des doigts. Ajouter l'eau et sabler à nouveau afin d'obtenir un crumble.
Méthode Pour La "Cuisson":
10. Verser la préparation à la mélasse dans le fond du pie et saupoudrer le dessus avec le crumble.
11. Cuire pendant 40 minutes.
12. Laisser refroidir sur une grille.
Soulevez toujours la farine lorsque vous la frottez avec le beurre: ç a apporte de l'air au mélange.
Faites bien attention de ne pas ajouter trop d'eau à votre pâte. Elle ne doit pas être collante.
Pendant que vous mélangez l'eau au mélange farine/beurre, ne la travaillez pas telle une pâte à pain, autrement votre pâte sera dure, élastique et pas manipulable du tout car vous aurez libéré le gluten contenu dans la farine.
Vous pouvez remplacer la mélasse de caroube pour la mélasse de votre choix (pomme, raisin, poire, grenade ou mélasse traditionnelle).
Idées de présentation:
Servir tiède ou à température ambiante avec un peu de crème fouettée.
Such an interesting recipe Rosa! I've never used carob, but I'm intrigued! Have a great weekend! x
ReplyDeleteRosa: I love reading about your Anglo-Swiss heritage. I am relatively new to the US (having married an American and living in the US since 12 years). I found out about this pie from one of his family members (from Pennsylvania...) and found it such an interesting dessert. Your photographs are so lovely...I really like how you juxtapose the pie to the scenary... very idyllic... have a great week-end!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous and breathtaking photography!
ReplyDeleteI've never tried Carob, but I am sure it's delicious.
Delicious looking! it's totally new to me, but it'd love to try it soon!
ReplyDeleteSounds really delicious. Heston has a golden syrup pie recipe. Molasses would give a much nicer flavour I recken.
ReplyDeleteLove the music...:)
I LOVE shoofly pie, and yours looks incredible! I bet that molasses makes it great - I hardly ever use black strap, too strong!
ReplyDeleteI am so deeply touched by your words about America. It's true, things aren't perfect here, but thank you for loving us despite our faults.
What a unique pie!
ReplyDeleteShoofly Pie is definitely a classic Rosa.
ReplyDeletenie gehört, nie gesehen, nie geschmeckt !
ReplyDeleteMoi aussi j'aime beaucoup tout ce qui a trait à la cuisine US ainsi qu'à l'"american way of life" en général.
ReplyDeleteL'origine de la cuisine US est européenne et c'est très enrichissant de s'y intéresser pour voir comment ont évolué nos grands classiques.
Pour ce qui est de la "caroube", je ne connaissais absolument pas et je suis enchantée d'avoir pu découvrir une recette qui ne soit pas déjà vue-revue-rerevue sur tous les blogs.
Au fait, où as-tu acheté ta mélasse de caroube. A voir le pot, je dirais Aldi ou Liddl ou un grand centre Coop ???
What an interesting read, i like reading about how people think and are different yet there is at least one common thread that binds them!
ReplyDeleteThe pie is so droolworthy, love the crumbly top.
Hummmmmmmmmmmm, j'ai envie de cela tout de suite ! Pas possible...Pffffffffffffffff ;-)
ReplyDeleteSuper magnifique recette que je vais tenter rapido.
ReplyDeleteEt ces photos toujours... que du bonheur!
Bon we à toi.
That was interesting to read and I love your pictures, they are always beautiful. Never tried carob but sounds delicious!
ReplyDeletejolie recette ! c'est sympa de changer de recettes ! un autre pays...d'autres saveurs ou manières de les assortir ! super et merci
ReplyDeleteExcellent picture I really love it!! and your pie looks delicious ;d
ReplyDeleteTrès jolies photos, bravo !
ReplyDeleteWhat a delicious pie. What a pity my carob syrup has finished otherwise I would have made it. Bookmarked for another time.
ReplyDeleteI've never made a shoofly pie, but yours looks absolutely delicious! I've never tried carob molasses either. I need to do both of these things!
ReplyDeleteI've never made a shoofly pie, but yours looks absolutely delicious! I've never tried carob molasses either. I need to do both of these things!
ReplyDeleteComme toujours tes desserts US me plaisent je suis très tentée de le reproduire seul la mélasse de caroube sera le point d'interrogation pas certaine que je puisse en trouver facilement ...je serai attentive lorsque je ferai le plein de produits nouveaux
ReplyDeleteMerci Rosa
Bon week-end
Bises Sacha
Growing up I never knew what a pie was and it was not before I came to the US that I tasted one and now I'm a HUGE fan! But this particular type is so new to me and so intriguing too!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
Gorgeous photos as usual!
I love it! Glad to learn more about your here Rosa. Great texture, I have to give this one a try.
ReplyDeleteRosa, this is reminiscent of mince meat pie and I love the crumble on top!
ReplyDeleteHi, my eyes are wide open looking at your delicious tart.
ReplyDeleteDo you know that carob trees are typical in the southern Portuguese region of the Algarve where I originally come from?
Outstanding work ♥
i had never heard of shoofly pie until moving to pennsylvania. this looks so delicious and it's so pretty!
ReplyDeleteThis is my first time hearing about the carob tree. :)
ReplyDeleteshoofly, don't bother me! this is one of my favorite pies, and it's so rarely made! i like your version of it, rosa--well done!
ReplyDeleteYour post brings me memories of my macrobiotics-addicted Mum giving me carob "chocolate" bars, which tasted (in those days) nothing like chocolate...
ReplyDeleteThis carob pie looks really good, I am particularly intrigued by the carob molasses. Do you think it could be used as substitute for the regular molasses?
I have a great love for American food too, especially all their great pies. I'd never heard of carab molasses but hopefully I'll be able to find it here. Your pie looks so delicious so it's no wonder it didn't last long.
ReplyDeletegorgeous, gorgeous pie!
ReplyDeleteJe ne connais pas la mélasse de caroube.
ReplyDeleteI love great food period.
ReplyDeleteIt could be recipes generated from anywhere in our vast world and enjoyed completely on its merits. As long as the quality is in the ingredients and my nose leads the way...I'm a happy foodie ;o)
My very Italian Father was incredibly narrow minded about what was set on our table, although, thankfully my Italian Mom who was born in Quebec interestingly broadened our spectrum in the acceptance of food from other cultures...albeit mostly through sneaky outings ;o)
Love the story behind this pie and hopefully I'd enjoy carob molasse way more than the carob chocolate replacement that never convinced me either ;)
Have a great weekend,
Great post Rosa, I grew up in Asia but we watched a lot of syndicated American TV (mostly sitcoms), so I have had a love affair with the country right from an early age :) I've heard lot about shoo-fly pie, never attempted it though. Yours looks delicious and thanks for introducing carob molasses to us, I had never heard of it before.
ReplyDeleteLovely post and nice pictures, lovely pie look delicious, gloria
ReplyDeletecrumbles is the bomb
ReplyDeleteI really love your pictures!
ReplyDeleteIt's funny, I never heard of shoefly pie until a tv show I saw about three years ago. But, I guess the US is big enough that there are regional specialties that some of us simply never come across.
I do love making pie, though. My grandma prides herself on making the best pies in the area!
"Shoofly Pie" is new to me, but a pie with molasses filling and streusel topping sounds really scrumptious.
ReplyDeleteWow looks delicious and tempting!
ReplyDeleteYour photos are awesome :) love the pie too :)
ReplyDeleteI`d like to try this filling :)
ReplyDeleteGorgeous photos - dreamy and delicious all rolled into one! I really enjoy a nice slice of shoofly pie; but, sadly I have never tried making one, nor have I had a carob one. If we lived closer, I'd invite myself over for a slice - don't worry, I'd bring the coffee!
ReplyDeleteYes, yes please treat me to a slice of shoofly pie. The carob molasses are a must try too :) Thanks for introducing me to that idea.....xo
ReplyDeleteThis pie looks truly amazing. I love your pictures!
ReplyDeleteI love that you created an American pioneer classic with a Lebanese molasses that is a traditional food stuff in our region; my grandmother, aunts and even myself and my kids, love to eat carob molasses with tahini and some plain cookies or bread. This pie sounds luscious, creamy, rich , dark, decadent and I am really tempted to try it!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds delicious Rosa.
ReplyDeleteI love pies, too. And by the looks of your shoofly pie, I think I'm in love with it. ;-)
What beautiful looking pie, Rosa! My Pennsylvania born husband loves this pie from childhood! :) Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteInteresting story, Rosa! And your photos are beautiful!
ReplyDeletej'adore ce pie so british Bravo Rosa !!Pierre
ReplyDeleteI absolutely LOVE shoofly pie and your version looks fantastic Rosa! Wish I had a piece! ;)
ReplyDeleteHullo pal , sorry have been here after awhile , always want to and dont end up !
ReplyDeleteLove meeting u on FB though:-)
Am so excited with this post , i am already looking for the carob molasses , soo wonderful....gosh can i keep raving about this pie , i love the high crust , the history, u r story , and Ahh , ur pie plate:-)
Where did ya get the plate babe?
Sure am book marking ur pretty pie....
Hey is that a fiesta pie plate:-)
ReplyDeleteHi Rosa,
ReplyDeleteCarob molasses, how interesting, I can imagine your ShooFly pie is extraordinary:-)
Your photos are beautiful!
GOURMANDISE CHRONIQUE: La mélasse de caroubier est moins forte que la mélasse habituelle. Son goût est plus doux et fruité (un peu comme les dattes)... La consistance est à peu près la même.
ReplyDeleteANA POWELL: Yes! I wonder what you make with it in Portugal...
SWEET ARTICHOKE: Yes, you can use it as a subsitute...
Encore une découverte ce soir, chez toi. Les photos sont plus que convaincantes. Bonne soirée
ReplyDeleteGreat pie with Molasses. Fab idea!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely post! I think the US rocks, too. :) Believe it or not I've never tasted shoofly pie.
Rosa - This really struck a chord. My husband grew up not far from the Pennsylvania Dutch country and every time we went back there, we had to buy a shoofly pie. Your take on it with the carob molasses looks so much better than any pie we ever bought.
ReplyDeleteWhat an intriguing idea, I have not had carob in long time and certainly not like this. I look forward to trying it you have me very intrigued.
ReplyDeleteI guess you know more about the U.S. than me..lol I am born and brought up here but have never heard of this pie. It sounds wonderful. I will definitely have to try it:)
ReplyDeleteThis is so intriguing! A gorgeous pie and spectacular presentation Rosa!!
ReplyDeleteUS Masala
awesome recipe Rosa! I have never ever used carob but now I will after seeing your beautiful post!
ReplyDeleteMagnifiques photos encore une fois. Il faut que j'essaie cette recetet un de ces jours, si je trouve de la melasse de caroube. Les pies, tous les pies, me font toujours envie. Celui-ci est superbe.
ReplyDeleteWhat a perfect and delicious pie! As usual your photos are amazing!
ReplyDeleteIl reste une tite part pour moi ?? Je suis curieuse:)
ReplyDeleteBonne semaine ma belle Rosa XX
This pie sounds amazing, very unique with the filling using Carob molasses, I would love to try this!
ReplyDeleteYour pie looks familiar to me, shows similarity to some Swiss pies, and surely tastes great.
ReplyDeleteI never used any carob product, neither molasses nor anything else.
Are those Pennsylvanian Dutch also called Amish?
Lovely post and photos, Rosa! This looks very enticing!
ReplyDeleteHOUDINI: Thanks. It reminds me a little of a Vaud speciality (tarte au vin cuit). Yes, they are also called Amish.
ReplyDeleteUne vraie découverte, moi qui pensait qu'il s'agissait uniquement d'un épaississant....
ReplyDeleteC'était bien intéressant. Et tentant!
Rosa, beautiful pie...it is a shoofly pie right...but this one will sure not shoo me away...looks delicious...and the photos are gorgeous ;-)
ReplyDeleteI have never even heard of this pie or seen carob molasses. I fear that growing up in an Italian family didn't broaden my food horizons much until I married a man from London. Only then did I discover the world of food out there. I loved learning a bit of your history and of course, this delicious looking pie.
ReplyDeleteThis looks delicious, Rosa! I definitely learned the error of replacing chocolate with carob as my mom's health food-loving friend gave me lots of carob "brownies" that made me dislike that substance quite a bit. Carob molasses is completely new to me, though, and from the sound and looks of this pie, may redeem carob in my eyes after all this time :).
ReplyDeleteSo interesting! This is going directly onto my to-do list! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI am a pie lover too! Yet I have never tasted such a pie! I might have to run out and make this ASAP!
ReplyDeleteI loved reading your post and learning more about your background and also your views on the US. So interesting to hear it from a different perspective! My family is from Pennsylvania, and so I know about shoo fly pie! :)
ReplyDeleteI really like shoofly pie and really wanted to make it after hearing the name which is so cute! :)
ReplyDeleteJ'adore le crumble, la cannelle, et par conséquent cette recette ! Merci Rosa ! Des bises !
ReplyDeleteShoofly don't bother me, shoofly don't bother me,
ReplyDeleteShoofly don't bother me, I belong to somebody!
This pie certainly does! ME!!!!!
What a gorgeous looking pie Rosa!Your post has such visual warmth..love it.
ReplyDeleteLa mélasse est un produit que je ne connais pas très bien. Je l'expérimente depuis que je vis proche des côtes canadiennes. Je n'arrive pas à faire la différence entre le Golden Syrup, la mélasse et la nouvelle sorte que tu nous proposes entrant dans la composition de ce délicieux pie.
ReplyDeleteLovely post, Rosa! And coming from a southerner, I can say you've done a magnificent job with a Shoofly Pie! Carob molasses is new to me, but it certainly looks good. Love the salty crust too.
ReplyDeleteWish I had a piece for lunch!
this pie sounds just lovely:) beautifully done my dear. have a great day.
ReplyDeleteLooks splendid Rosa. Your presentation is impeccable!
ReplyDeleteI've saved this recipe and will try it soon!
Rosa, I really enjoyed reading this post. I learn something new and interesting every time I visit. Your passion for food and culture are reflected in your blog style. I love it!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love pies myself, enjoy eating them every chance I get, but rarely make them. However, on Thanksgiving Day, my table is covered, with traditional pies.
There is an saying that "It's as American as Apple Pie"
Cheers to you!
P.S. Have you traveled to the states?
Yum, what an interesting and delicious sounding/looking pie! I have yet to make my own pie but I need to!
ReplyDeleteElle est très belle cette photo de la façade avec les ombres projetées des branches d'arbre.
ReplyDeleteCeci étant dit, ton intérêt pour les USA m'aura fait découvrir la shoofly pie !
Comme il me fait envie ce pie moelleux et croquant un bonheur ! bises...
ReplyDeleteDonne moi ton tel je viens bientôt, j'aimerais bien te faire un petit coucou !!
I've never seen carob molasses before. Love the idea of a crumble-style pie :)
ReplyDeleteI've never used carob before. This pie looks quite good ... I love the topping, the crust and the filling sounds delicious!
ReplyDeleteI remember the rhymes about shoofly pie, but for the life of me, I never really knew what the heck was in that pie. Now, I know, and it looks pretty dang tasty to me. ;)
ReplyDeleteOH Rosa... I didn't know... YOU and I have so much in common.. i'm anglo-saxon & french... I swear, I thought my family was the only one's who knew about this pie.. I would tell my friends about ... and I'd get one of those looks...
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to read this post...I can take solidarity in knowing, others do KNOW about his pie as well.
Delicious looking pie! I want to grab a slice from the screen. You have outdone yourself, Rosa.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great pie!
ReplyDeleteYour posts make me so happy:)
ReplyDeleteJe découvre ton blog que j'adore!!!Je croyais qu'il était en anglais.
Merci !
very original pie. I love al-wady products. I have some of their fig sesame jam.
ReplyDeleteI love that food blogging has brought the whole world together! This pie sounds very delicious.
ReplyDeleteI've never tried carob, but this pie looks delicious! Very interesting post :)
ReplyDeleteI love carob molasses, we eat it a lot in Lebanon mixed with tahini. Your pie looks absolutely divine, a must try recipe :)
ReplyDeleteI'm always attracted by recipes with funny names and this one reminds me of that Homer Simpson song "Shoofly don't bother me" hehe. Beautiful pictures too.