Thursday, December 21, 2006


Around Veyrier, the opportunities to have a pleasant walk are multiple. You don't need to go very far in order to find an interesting corner.

One of my favorite places is very close to home (10 minutes), along the river Arve in France. I had already blogged (see link 1, link 2 & link 3) about this special little paradise and will surely do it again and again and again. This spot is so beautiful if you want to witness the subtle changes of the seasons!...

A mysterious little path on the side of the Arve, in France...
My beloved Salève playing with the mist...
A rather dry Arve offering us a vision of it's winter look...
The grass is still green, but the air is now crisp and winter is timidly appearing...
In the distance, the church of Veyrier and a misty Salève are being looked upon by a shy, yet authoritative sun...


  1. Merci pour ces jolies photos !

  2. Seeing Saleve so many times in your blog, I feel strangely close to those mountains - though I don't even know how their name is pronounced! :-)

  3. Ici aussi, Mr Winter est arrivé, la gelée blanche est partout et le matin, les toiles d'araignées sont givrées... superbe.

  4. That is SOOOO beautitul! I wish I could go there now...

  5. such beauty, only in switzerland. :)

    (tu sais, blogger n'a pas laissé sortir mes autres commentaires).

  6. COLETTE CAYENNE: De rien!...

    FABIENNE: Merci à toi pour ce commentaire fort sympathique!

    SHER: Thanks for that heart warming comment :-D!

    SUNSHINE: Thanks for passing by and for your kind comment! You pronounce it "salaive"...

    MAMINA: Tu as raison, ça doit être magnifique comme spectacle hivernal...

    KROSS-EYED KITTY: Thanks ;-P!!!

    BUREKABOY: Not only :-D... (Oui, Blogger semble avoir eu quelques problèmes...)
