Thursday, December 14, 2006


The colder winter-like days have now arrived and nature is slowly starting to go to sleep. Everything looks dead, but if you try to appreciate each and every season, then there's always something to see, even when it all looks quite sad outside.

What characterizes this period of the year is the dreamlike mist licking the contours of each and every mountain, the crushingly thick fog that stands over our heads, the fabulous sunsets, the crisp clear skies, the frost that makes the scenery look so magical or the snow which softens all landscapes like a cotton blanket. There's so much to admire...

This picture was taken at the very beginning of Autumn and it was the first morning mist of the season... A misty morning with aeroplane trails drawing geometrical patterns in the sky... A red Salève on a typical middle of autumn evening... The Salève looking splendid when bathed in warm autumnal sunset light...
A vision soon to come: a morning view of the frost bitten Salève (picture taken last year)...


  1. Le Salève, je l'ai vu bien des fois, avec ses "parapentistes"... ta vision est comme toujours magnifique.
    Hier, pour une fois, beau coucher de soleil, bien sûr, je n'avais pas mon appareil!!!

  2. mon dieu!! que c'est beau!! comme je regrette d'

  3. I liove the artistique effect of the sun and the sky...they are lovely photos you got here!

  4. Your photography is amazing. Lovely!

  5. Sooooooooo beautiful! I always enjoy coming here to enjoy the phtots of magnificent sceneries. It's my virtual trip to your country.

  6. You always have the most wonderful pics of your area. Sigh.

  7. MAMINA: Merci, Mamina! Et oui, il faut toujours être prête ;-P...

    MICKYMATH: Merci beaucoup!

    RELLY: I'm very pleased to hear that. Thanks, Relly!

    KRISTEN: Thanks for the visit and the kind comment!

    OBACHAN: That's nice of you, Obachan!...

    ROSA: Many thanks for the compliment, Rosa :-D!
