To submit your kitty picture(s), you can either leave a message in their blog's comment section (with your permalink) or contact them via e-mail without forgetting to give all the needed informations.

Generally, he lies there with his sister Maruschka from morning till evening, and even spends the night there...

I love his rabbit body and his far niente face.
P.S. Have you seen how the pillow is matted with cat hair (no matter how often I clean it!)?
If you want to see the two monsters in their baskets, then here's a link to a very cute video:
See Fridolin and Maruschka here.
See Fridolin and Maruschka here.
great video -- up close and personal.
TABOO & WHALESHAMAN: Thanks for the kind comment! Have a nice Sunday...
ReplyDeleteThat is the cutest cat paw I have ever seen!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet sleepy-faced kitty! I LOVE that 1st pic!
ReplyDeleteCould you hear me giggling when I saw the first picture of Fridolin? That is so CAT! One of the reasons I love them is the adorable poses they strike! Fabulous. I so enjoyed that! :):)
ReplyDeleteTrop zen...
ReplyDeleteKITIKATA-SAN: Thanks! I love their funny little paws...
ReplyDeleteJELLY: Thanks you! That's his usual happy and comfy face...
SHER: I did hear you giggling LOL! Yes, those positions are very cat-like. Kitties are capable of posing in very unusual ways...
MAMINA: C'est LE mettre incontesté en matière de Zen!!!
ReplyDeleteJ'essai de comprendre ce "weekend cat blogging"....j'ai un beau gros chat alors j'aimerais bien participer! Alors il faut transmettre nos photos à la personne responsable pour la semaine et cette personne doit choisir entre toutes les photos? Ou c'est à moi de poster mes photos sur mon blog...?
What a lovely stretch! Love those expressions of fridolin.
ReplyDeleteDe superbes chats heureux!!
ReplyDeletewhat a sweet paw.
ReplyDeletethis first picture looks great, love the pose *giggling*
I loves these pictures beautifuls cats!!
ReplyDeleteI love the uninhibited way that cats sleep, with limbs sticking out all over as relaxed as can be. It's so darling!
ReplyDeleteCARJA: Merci pour ta visite!
ReplyDeleteC'est simple comme bonjour! Chaque weekend, un bloggeur se désigne comme hôte. De mon côté, j'écris un billet que je poste (avec photos). Après je vais sur le blog de l'hôte et je lui laisse un commentaire avec le permalien de mon billet et j'attends que cet hôte ajoute mon lien (et une de mes photos, si il désire) à sa liste de participants... J'espère cette explication t'auras été utile!
BOO_LICIOUS: Thanks, Boo! He has great expressions...
CHRIS: Merci, Chris!
ASTRID: Thanks! I love their paws. Fridolin knows how to pose ;-P...
MISS LOLA: Merci pour ta visite et ton gentil commentaire! A bientôt...
KATE: Thanks! Me too! Cats look so funny when they contort in that way...
Oh I see they love doing what cats are doing the most - enjoying life, what cuties:)
ReplyDeleteJ'adore tes chats! Les photos sont extraordinaires.
ReplyDeleteTOES! What great pictures... I can not resist Kitty Cats in their natural state, enjoying life as it should be!
ReplyDeleteSending our purrs and love your way.
On dirait ma cachou
ReplyDeletePIA K: Thanks for your visit and comment! Yes, you are right! Being lazy is a philosophy of life for cats...
ReplyDeleteMARIE FLO: Merci beaucoup!
BAD KITTY & MEGAN: Thanks for your comment and visit! I also love their toes... X0X0X0
CACHOU66: ;-P....