Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I'd like you to tell me what this speciality is (click on the picture to enlarge), where it comes from, what it's made of, if it's savory or sweet and how it's eaten...

All I can say is that it's not from here and that it's not hard...

Will you find out. I'm looking forwards to your guesses!


  1. I like this cake a lot, every time I'm going to the asia shop or the asia caterer I buy one that I devour in 2 seconds!!! It's made of soy paste and soy flour with sugar. The middle is limp and the other lays are more solid... Delicious and so strange at the same time

  2. It is squares with lemon

  3. I know what it is !! it's a perfect and delicious lemon's biscuit !! I've done it !! you can see my recipe there http://matyldacuisine.canalblog.com/archives/2007/03/04/4194157.html

    but sorry I'm a french girl and I hope my english isn't too bad !!

    see U !!

  4. Je dirais une pâtisserie asiatique, gluante. Mais je n'y ai jamais goûté...

  5. Bonsoir et merci pour ta visite à la maison ;o)

  6. Un gâteau chinois au riz...?

  7. Pate de riz et garniture coco? En tout cas, ca accompagnerait bien mon petit the!

  8. Qui dit mieux? La réponse sera donnée sous peu...

    Anybody else wants to guess? The answer will come soon
