Friday, October 8, 2010


Bread Rolls Picnik collage 1 bis
The other Friday I could not find one bread recipe I wanted to make. Although there internet, my files and books offer plenty of them, there was not one which inspired me at that very moment (don't get me wrong, those mediums offer great recipes, but on this day I found nothing to my taste). After going through Tastespotting, Yeastspotting, Foodgawker, my books, magazines and files for the 100th time I was starting to feel highly irritable, extremely frustrated and particularly pissed (I hate not getting what I want LOL - some of you might know that feeling)...

So, after losing a lot of precious time looking for the bread Grail, I decided that I was going to create my own recipe in order to satisfy my craving for rustic and healthy bread. I went throug
h my cupboards and started collecting what interested me (different flours, seeds and dandelion petals). Then, while keeping the correct measurements that are required for making bread, I started improvising like a madwomen (Remember, I'm a freejazzer in the kitchen. I love my little jam sessions!). That's how I ended up making lovely "Chestnut And Whole Wheat Flour, Dandelion Flower, Sesame and Flaxseed Bread Rolls" that ended up being perfect and exactly what I was looking for.

Those bread rolls are not only healthy, but they are also packed with taste. With their crunchy crust, soft as well as chewy inside, nutty aroma, smoky notes and round grainy flavor it is impossible not to fall in love with them.

"Chestnut And Whole Wheat Flour, Dandelion Flower, Sesame and Flaxseed Bread Rolls" pair perfectly well with all kinds of cheeses (Cantal, Brie de Meaux, Cheddar, Gruyère, Cancaillotte, Chavroux, Fourme d'Ambert, Reblochon, Appenzeller, Mutschli, etc...), Bündner dried meat, dried sausages and pate. They also make the most wonderful sandwiches (ham, roastbeef, cheese, pastrami, Chicken, hummus, fish, etc...). Lipsmackingly good!

This post is submitted to Yeastspotting.

Bread Rolls Picnik collage 4 bis
~ Chestnut And Whole Wheat Flour, Dandelion Petals, Sesame & Flax Seed Bread Rolls ~
Recipe by Rosa @Rosa's Yummy Yums 2010.

Makes 8 rolls.

300ml Warm water (105°-115° F/40.5°-46° C)
2 Tsps (1 envelope/7g) Active dry yeast
1 Tsp Light brown sugar
300g (10.5oz) Unbleached all-purpose flour
100g (3.5oz) Whole wheat flour
100g (4oz) Chestnut flour
6 Tsps Sesame seeds
2 Tbs Flax seeds (linseeds)
1 1/2 Tbs Dandelion petals
2 Tsps Sea salt
1 1/2 Tsps Malt powder
A little milk for brushing the rolls
Kosher salt for sprinkling

1. Pour warm water into a small bowl.

2. Sprinkle yeast and sugar over the surface of the water.
3. Stir to combine and let stand until foamy, about 10
4. In a large bowl (or in the work bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a dough hook), mix together the flours, seeds, malt, dandelion petals and salt.
5. Add the yeasted water and mix well until a shaggy dough is formed.

6. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and knead about 10 minutes, until dough is smooth and springy and passes the windowpane test (you can also knead the dough in your stand mixer).
7. Place dough in a greased bowl. Turn dough once to grease the top and cover with plastic wrap or kitchen towel.
8. Let rise at room temperature until double in size, about 1 1/2
9. Gently deflate dough with your fist. Turn dough out on a lightly floured work surface.
10. Divide the dough into 8 equal pieces.
11. Shape into Kaiser rolls (method by the King Arthur Flour)
12. Place the rolls on a baking tray and cover with a humid towe
l, let rise for about 40 minutes or until double in size.
13. Twenty minutes before baking thge rolls, preheat the oven to 190° C (375° F).
14. Brush top of loaves with milk and sprinkle with salt.

15. Put the baking tray in the center of the oven and bake about 20-25 minutes, or until rolls loaves are golden brown and sound hollow when tapped with your finger.
16. Remove the rolls from the oven and place them on a coolin
g rack. Cool completely before eating.

Bread Rolls Picnik collage 2 bis
While kneading the bread, don't forget to dust your work surface with flour (only 1 Tbs at a
time) if the dough tends to by sticky.
Once you have brushed the loaves with the milk glaze, you can sprinkle them with the gourmet salt of your choice (I used Hawaiian red salt).

Serving suggestions:

This bread is delicious with almost anything (cheese, jam, pate, etc…) and can be enjoyed at any time of the day.


Bread Rolls Picnik collage 6 bis
~ Petits Pains A La Farine Complète, Farine De Châtaignes, Pétales De Pissenlit Et Aux Graines ~
Recette par Rosa @Rosa's Yummy Yums 2010.

Pour 8 petits pains.

300ml d'Eau tiède (à pas plus de 46° C)
2 CC (ou un sachet de 7g) de Levure sèche
1 CC de Sucre brun clair
300g de Farine blanche/fleur
100g de Farine complète
100g de Farine de châtaignes
6 CC de Graines de sésame
2 CS de Graines de lin
1 1/2 CS de Pétales de fleurs de pissenlit
2 CC de Sel de mer
1 1/2 CC de Poudre de malt

Du lait pour badigeonner les petits pains
Du sel en gros grains pour saupoudrer

1. Verser l'eau dans un petit bol.
2. Saupoudrer avec la levure et le sucre.

3. Bien mélanger et laisser reposer pendant 10 minutes, jusqu'à ce que le mélange soit mousseux.
4. Dans un grand bol (ou dans le bol d'un robot électrique avec le crochet pétrisseur), mélanger ensemble les farines, les graines, le sel, le pissenlit et le malt.

5. Ajouter le mélange levure/eau/sucre et mélanger jusqu'à ce qu'une boule de pâte se forme.
6. Mettre la pâte sur un plan de travail légèrement fariné et pétrir pendant 10 minutes, jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit douce et élastique (vous pouvez aussi pétrir la pâte dans un robot).
7. Mettre la pâte dans un grand bol légèrement huilé/beurré et faites tourner la pâte dans le bol afin de bien l'enduire d'huile/de beurre. Couvrir avec du film alimentaire, puis avec un linge.
8. Faire lever, à température ambiante, jusqu'à ce que la pâte ait doub
lé de volume, pendant 1 1/2 heures.

Bread Rolls Picnik collage 5 bis
9. Dégonfler la pâte et la mettre sur un plan de travail fariné.
10. Diviser la pâte en 8 morceaux égaux.
Façonner chaque pâton en petits pains de l'empereur (méthode).
12. Placer les petits pains au fur et à mesure sur la plaque de cuisson en les retournant (face nouée dessous) et couvrir avec un linge humide et laisser lever pendant 40 minutes, jusqu'à ce que les petits pains aient doublé de volume.
13. Vingt minutes avant d'enfourner les petits pains dans le four, préchauffer le fo
ur à 190° C (375° F).
14. Au dernier moment, badigeonner les petits pains avec du lait et les saupoudrer avec le sel.
15. Cuire les petits pains pendant 20-25 minutes, jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient dorés et sonnent creux.
16. Sortir les petits pains du four et les faire refroidir sur une grille avant de les déguster.

Lors du pétrissage, si votre pâte colle, saupoudrer la d'un peu de farine (1 CS à la fois) sur votre plan de travail.
Après avoir badigeonné vos pains, vous pouvez aussi les saupoudrer avec du gros sel (j'ai utilisé du sel rouge de Hawaii).

Idées de présentation:

Ce pain est délicieux avec presque n'importe quoi (fromages, pâtés, confitures...) et peut être mangé à toute heure de la journée.

Bread Rolls Picnik collage 3 bis


  1. so many healthy and delicious things packed into one fluffy and amazing bread! well done, rosa!

  2. Salut Rosa-
    Another beautiful post. These rolls look gorgeous and I will try them soon.
    Thank you for sharing your talent:)

  3. They are really good looking rolls. I don't bake but if I did, I'd want to try these. Love your photos too.

  4. Wonderful and nutty rolls, I am going to buy chestnut flour asap.

  5. My tape of Bread Rosa , Beautiful...

  6. So creative. I would love to taste your bread. And your pictures, as always, are superbes!

  7. Beaux et bons a la fois: ca se termine bien quand tu ne trouves pas ce que tu cherches! viens dans le train avec nous, tu nous feras le pain :)

  8. Bread is on my November to do list. Yours looks perfect!

  9. These look amazing! I might bake them somewhen too.

  10. The bread looks really yummy! I love the ingredients in that rolls. Thank you for the recipe. Hope you're enjoying your day.
    Cheers, Kristy
    p/s the photos are beautiful.

  11. I've never seen or used or tasted chestnut flour before! I am jealous... send some over my way rosa! Your rolls look fantastic!

  12. these buns looks ideal for a delicious breakfast! :)

  13. Rosa this bread look awesome and yummy I love it! gloria

  14. Hi Rosa,

    I am fixated on the images? I take pictures (amateur, but very motivated). I could not help but notice the Polaroid quality of the images? Is that taken with a Polaroid? or processed to be like a Polaroid. Amazing effects.

    the bread is as rustic and beautiful as it gets.

    Lovelyp ost

  15. Bread rolls looks delicious.

  16. I have been eating bread made from scratch here in Greece and its out of this world!
    I will look into your post further when I return home!

    Cheers Rosa!

  17. COmme c'est intéressant l'idée des pétales de pissenlit!
    Doivent être extra goûteux ces jolis petits pains.

    J'aime bien la musique que tu as mise. Les graves du piano; j'adore.

  18. Rosa, it really looks amazing, well done! cheers!

  19. Rosa! These rolls look amazing! I love the combo of ingredients...Have a great weekend
    Cheers, Eva

  20. Pure art, lovely the swirls.
    Great shape.
    Wishing you a great weekend ♥

  21. Really very healthy and gorgeous looking rolls.

  22. These are beautiful...inside and out. Such a great recipe, love it :)

  23. Is that me you see hanging out on your doorstep and waiting patiently for a crumb ot two:D

  24. OMG! These sounds amazing. and you have brought together the ingredients i would have never thought of!! what a wonderful recipe.

  25. These look healthy and wonderful! Thank you!

  26. Wow! These look wonderful! I love the healthy ingredients you used. They must taste delicious. Excellent creation you came up with:)

  27. JHONNY WALKER: Thanks for your kind comment and for passing by!
    I used a program (Picnik & Photoshop) to process my pictures!
    Cheers, Rosa.

  28. What unique and delicious bread rolls! Love the dandelion petals here!

  29. Superbes pains Rosa... En plus d'avoir l'air bons, ils sont vraiment tout mignons!

  30. I sometimes cook up dishes just to get rid of things in my pantry. That is quite a motivation to improvise. :D

  31. your bread rolls are amazing! I have never cooked with chestnut flour and seeing chestnuts sold in the street now, I am tempted to try! love the idea of using dandelion flowers too. the way you shaped them is so clever and stylish too.
    Love that pic of the hawthorn berries!

  32. oh,so much beauty around here!it's perfect for this morning,so,can i have a little bread for my breakfast,rosa?:)

  33. That is one healthy roll and beautifully twisted. I have yet to cook with chestnut flour and have now been encouraged to do so - should I find some where I am (Scotland).

  34. looks perfect and beautifully done..

  35. Gorgeous rolls. Such a great recipe!

  36. I'm craving for healthy bread as well...dandelion flowers? interesting... loving how you knotted the bread ;)

  37. Rosa...I so get what you mean about having a bookshelf of recipe books...and sooo many other sources to choose later concoct some precious creation of your own. That's a uniqueness you should celebrate ;o)

    These breads seem wonderful enough for me to b.mark them for when I'll be ready to tackle making bread...not there yet ;o)

    Ciao and looking forward to your next jazzed up recipe!

  38. je les vois bien avec du fromage !pierre

  39. These rolls look absolutely fabulous!

  40. Voilà une recette qui pourrait me permettre d'utiliser un paquet de farine de châtaignes qui attend désespérément qu'on l'utilise à bon escient.
    Bien à toi et bon week-end

  41. Brilliant, Rosa. You have packed this loaf with so many healthy things and it looks delicious! You are so inventive.

  42. Wow, I'm so impressed that you came up with this recipe by rummaging through your cupboards. I think I would have given up in frustration! I can totally relate to spending hours looking for the perfect recipe but never finding it. Homemade rolls are irresistable so I'll have to give these a try. Amazing photos. Have a great weekend.

  43. That photo of your rolls, and the cheese behind? It's MY idea of paradise !!!! well....with some wine?
    Thanks Rosa!

  44. Wow, these rolls look amazing, perfectly golden! :)

  45. You know my weakness for breads! I have changed over to organic sprouted whole grain bread (flourless!)macoin. Your bread looks luscious!

  46. I'm going to have to find me some chestnut flour. Yum!

  47. Oh, I know that feeling! :)
    These look yummy, Rosa. Nice work!

  48. Tu fais toujours des pains superbes. Il me semble avoir de la farine de chataignes dans mes placards.
    Je te souhaite un bon dimanche

  49. Lovely clicks and a perfect bread roll!

  50. Molto buono questo pane con farine particolari e rustiche, ciao

  51. Sounds like a wonderful recipe. I wish I could get some chestnut flour.

  52. It would be a great day to have a piece of this bread and that cheese...drool

  53. What beautiful rolls, Rosa! And I love how healthy they are!

  54. Rosa, this looks gorgeous. I love all the ingrediants. OOOH cant wait to try this. And i love the knot. Beautiful...

  55. This is so lovely Rosa! I would love to use more chestnut flour and I'll have to find dandelion petals! I've only ever tried dandelion in tea, but it sounds great and is so healthy too!

  56. Wow! De toute beauté ces tits pains! Je me sauve avec un,merci:)

  57. Je n'ai pas encore essayé les pétales de fleurs dans le pain, quelle bonne idée, ce doit être beau, et bon!

  58. Wow, this bread is loaded with lots of goodies! yum!

  59. Completely understand your frustration.

  60. This is bread is so small and pretty - and yet so good for you! Totally love it :)

  61. you own creation is really fantastic... it sounds good, I know it must taste super good!

  62. Great creation.... love the rustic look and the simple braid..

    Sawadee from Bangkok,

  63. Waouh! Ils sont superbes Rosa. J'aime de plus en plus ton blog, il est très inspirant. Désolé pour la langue française je comprends très bien l'anglais, mais je ne le parle pas couramment malheureusement. Au plaisir, Caro B. xxx

  64. The seeds and grains look delicious. You invented something great!

  65. Incredible. I just bought my first bag of chestnut flour and I'm now inspired to make this recipe. Thanks!

  66. These are so creative and beautiful. There was no way you would have found this bread anywhere else. The chestnut flour sounds very yummy :) xo

  67. Your rolls look absolutely perfect!

  68. these look sooo very delicious!

  69. I had never thought one could add 20% chestnut flour, I haven't even tried to add any. I will now, after your post! We bake all our bread at home, mill the wheat flour ourselves.

  70. trop mignons tes petits pains :-)

  71. defintely a classic bread to indulge! :)

  72. I never would have thought of using half those ingredients... fabulous idea to have dandelion flowers and chestnut flour in a roll... bread that's good for you is a wonderful thing to make!!

  73. Kaching! Rosa, darling, you have created this recipe for me and I have just found THE recipe for my day's bread baking session. Fabulous! I love the flavor blend, adore chestnut flour and your rolls are simply gorgeous! Things of beauty!

  74. oh wow rosa, the pictures on your blog is just stunning. i love coming back to check out your lovely post. hope you have a great day ahead!

  75. Une merveille tes petits pains avec ce tressage!
    Ils sont appétissants!!

  76. That looks so good Rosa! I love how you just made up your own bread and come up with something so delicious!

  77. The rolls looks delicious and the mixture of diffrent flours and seeds is mouthwatering.

  78. le faconnage est très beau et voilà bien ce que j'aimerais à cette heure ci pour accompagner mon thé ..;
    bon week end

  79. Those bread rolls look so yummy! I wish I could have one - or 2! - just right now and spread some salted butter on it! thanks for the recipe, your blog is fantastic!

  80. They also make the most wonderful sandwiches (ham, roastbeef, cheese, pastrami, Chicken, hummus, fish, etc...). Lipsmackingly good!

  81. I keep coming back to your recipe, it's a win every time!
