Tuesday, September 21, 2010


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Whether you want to admit it or not, autumn has definitely arrived. Since a few weeks there are undeniable signs that cannot be refuted. Although, officially autumn starts tomorrow, we have nonetheless been experincing it for quite a while now (already since the 2nd part of August)...

It is impossible not to notice that the quality of the light has changed (golden, redder and hazier), that there is mist licking the Salève and building up around the rivers, that the temperatures are much fresher (even chilly) in the morning and evening, that the leaves on the trees are slowly turning yellow and falling, and that the birds don't sing in the same way as during the summertime.

Although I love fall it is always heartbreaking to say goodbye to
summer, to the dreams as and hopes that are linked to this sunny season as well as to all the happy-go-lucky feeling that it gives you. When you realize that summer is finished you get quite a shock and have to start a process of mourning (in fact I feel the same every time a season ends - I am a very nostalgic person). Anyway, autumn offers so much to rejoice about (beautiful fruits, vegetables, sceneries, cocooning, etc...) that I am very excited it has appeared!

Well, today, as my a farewell to summer and a welcome to autumn, I have decided to post a "Tomato Tart" recipe. Regional tomatoes are still available, but will very soon be taken away from our stalls, so we'd better profit once more of this fantastic fruit before it is too late.

This "Tomato Tart" is wonderfully flavorful and so easy to make. The pastry is delightfully buttery, flaky and pleasantly salty, the sweetness of the tomatoes is counter balanced by the light acidity of the balsamic cream and the different condiments add a herby as well as spicy roundness to the whole. A real ray of summer sunshine on our fall table!

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~ Tomato Tart ~
Recipe by Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums 2010.

Makes a 26cm tart.

Ingredients For The "Shortcrust Pastry":
300g Plain white flour (no self-raising flour)
1 Tsp Salt (you can add 1/2 Tsp more if you like the taste of salt)
150g Unsalted butter (or 100g Unsalted butter & 50g Lard)
~80 ml Water

Ingredients For The "Filling":
5-6 Tomatoes, cut in thin slices
1 Big onion, thinly sliced
2 Cloved garlic, finely chopped
A few leaves basil, chopped finely
Dried Italian herbs, to taste
5-6 Tbs Olive oil
3-4 Tbs Dark balsamic cream
Sea salt, to taste
Black pepper, to taste

Method For The "Shortcrust Pastry":
1. Sift the flour and salt into a bowl/bassin.
2. Add butter and rub between the fingers until the mixtur
e is flaky.
3. Pour in water, gradually, while continuously cutting and stirring with a knife. Stop adding water when the dough is stiff. It should not be sticky or wet. Gather up into a soft ball.

4. Dust your working area and rolling pin with flour and shape the pastry by rolling away from you and always turning the pastry around in order to achieve a round shape.
5. Place it in the tart pan and trim the edges.
6. Prick the bottom with a fork.

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Method For The "Filling":
7. Preheat the oven to 200° C (400° F).
8. Garnish the tart with the sliced onions and tomatoes.
9. Sprinkle evenly the chopped garlic, basil, herbs, olive oil and the cream of balsamic.
10. Salt and pepper to taste.
11. Bake in the middle of the oven for 20 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180° C (350° F) and bake for another 25-35 minutes, or until the crust is golden brown, crispy and the tomatoes have caramelized.
12. Let cool for about 5 minutes on a rack and serve warm.

Always lift the flour out of the bowl while rubbing; it makes the butter/fl
our mixture airy.
Be careful not to add too much water as the pastry should not be stick to the touch.
While mixing the water to the flour/butter mixture never work the pastry like a bread dough, otherwise you would end up with a stiff, hard and elastic pastry.

Idées de présentation:
Eat this tart with a salad (oakleaf lettuce and rocket).


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~ Tarte A La Tomate ~
Recette par Rosa @ Rosa's Yummy Yums 2010.

Pour une tarte de 26cm.

Ingrédients pour la "Pâte Brisée":
300g de Farine blanche/fleur
1 CC de Sel de mer (ajouter 1/2 CC si vous aimez votre pâte un peu salée)
150g de Beurre non-salé, coupé en petit dés (ou 100g de beurre + 50g de saindoux)
~80ml d'Eeau très froide ou assez afin que la pâte forme une boule
Ingrédients Pour La "Graniture":
5-6 Tomates, coupées en tranches assez fines
1 Gros oignon, coupé en fines tranches
2 Gousses d'ail, hachées finement
Quelques feuilles de basilic, hachées finement
Mélange d'herbes italiennes, selon goût
5-6 CS d'Huile d'olive
3-4 CS de Crème de balsamique

Sel de mer, selon goût
Poivre noir, selon goût

Méthode Pour La "Pâte Brisée":
1. Tamiser la farine et le sel dans un bol moyen.
2. Ajouter le beurre et frotter la farine et le beurre entre les doigts afin d'obtenir un mélange qui ait la texture sabloneuse.
3. Verser l'eau, g
raduellement, tout en mélangeant bien (n'ajoutez plus d'eau quand la pâte aura atteint la bonne consistance/ni trop mouillée, ni trop collante). Former une boule.
4. Fariner votre rouleau à pâtisserie et votre plan de travail. Etalez la pâte avec un rouleau à
pâtisserie (du milieu jusqu'à l'extérieur) afin d'obtenir une forme ronde.
5. Posez la pâte sur votre moule et découpez l'excédent de pâte.
6. Piquez la pâte avec une fourchette.

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Méthode Pour La "Garniture":
7. Préchauffer le four à to 200° C.
8. Garnir la tarte avec les tranches de tomates et d'oignon.
9. Saupoudrer avec l'ail, le basilic, les herbes, l'huile d'olive et avec le crème de balsamique.
10. Saler et poivrer selon goût.
11. Cuire au milieu du four pendant 20 minutes, puis baisser la température à 180° C et cuire pendant encore 25-35 minutes, ou jusqu'à ce que la croûte soit dorée, croustillante et que les tomates aient un peu caramélisé.
12. Laisser refroidir sur une grille pendant 5 minutes et servir chaud.

Soulevez toujours la farine lorsque vous la frottez avec le beurre: ça apporte de l'air au mélange.
Faites bien attention de ne pas ajouter trop d'eau à votre pâte. Elle ne doit pas être collante.
Pendant que vous mélangez l'eau au mélange farine/beurre, ne la travaillez pa
s telle une pâte à pain, autrement votre pâte sera dure, élastique et pas manipulable du tout car vous aurez libéré le gluten contenu dans la farine.

Idées de présentation:

Manger cette tarte avec une salade (feuille de chêne et roquette).

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  1. Superbes photos ! cette tarte est un bel hommage à l'été qui finit (qui a été quasi inexistant en Lorraine). Ces belles couleurs réchauffent l'automne qui arrive à grands pas !

  2. The tart sounds wonderful Rosa. Here we have tomatoes all the year round and sometimes they are cheaper and better during the winter.

  3. Beautiful tart! I love autumn in the southern hemisphere. This will be my first autumn here, and it seems it will be wonderful... :)
    Recently I made a tomate tart, from a Vincent Klink recipe, with fresh and dried tomatos, pinenuts or almonds, eggs, milk, sourcream... simple delicious.
    I'll try your recipe soon.


  4. It looks like pizza and it is done so well...very yummy tart

  5. That tart looks so yummy ... I'd be up for a slice of it today!

    Yes autumn is definitely here ... we had snow yesterday already, though it was such wet snow it is all gone. Still, a shock to wake up to a white world. The worst thing about fall/winter are the lengthening nights.

  6. Rosa, your tart is lovely and a very fitting way to say au revoir to summer. I am a summer person from head to toe, so I go into fall kicking and screaming. But with a tomato tart - what a way to go!

  7. What can I say it is sublime !!! A wonderful goodbye !

  8. Gorgeous and super delicious tart, yum!

  9. Beautiful beautiful tart!! Brava Rosa!
    Un bacione

  10. Looks beautiful rosa...a great recipe to keep in mind for our upcoming summer!

  11. Your Tomato tart bliss was a wonderful way to say farewell to summer.
    Rosa...Fall happens to be my very favourite season...even though, I'll miss on all the fresh produce and dips in the fresh waters ;o)

    Ciao for now,

  12. Oh dear, that looks luscious!
    I never made my tomato tart all summer long because it was too hot to bake. And now, here's your delicious creation staring me in the face, and I have not one darn summer tomato to my name. Why.

  13. Dark Balsamic cream for this tart sounds really delicious Rosa.

  14. Gorgeous photographs! I love tarts :-)

  15. Hmm..mm... this looks so seducing! Love it so much. Thank you so much.

  16. Wow - those look amazing! I'm heading to my little garden right now and grabbing some tomatoes!

  17. Looks gorgeous and well presented

  18. It looks absolutely gorgeous and tasty!

  19. Simple et délicieuse cette tarte avec une belle pâte épaisse!!

  20. I generally don't like goodbyes.. but if it comes with these gorgeous tart, I think I'll change my liking, after all! :))

    Lovely lovely tarts!

  21. What a beautiful tart! Love the addition of the balsamic cream!!

  22. Your tomato tarts looks really good. Am glad to have the cooler weather.

  23. how delicious! love the photos as well :)

  24. J'admire toujours les personnes qui réussissent à faire une pâte brisée; j'adore les tartes a la tomate, toutes simples, mais bizarrement, je ne pense jamais à en faire; la tienne est une merveille.

  25. Rosa, the tomato tart looks so elegant...and SO good. Love the herbs in it.

  26. I'm sure you're aware of my tomato tart addiction so I'm dying to try this, probably on Friday when the working week is over. Stunningly photographed too - nice job! Change from summer to autumn is also tinged with melancholy for me, seeing the days grow shorter but I also love the comfort of autumn food.

  27. I love Fall too, but yes, it is hard to say goodbye to fresh tomatoes!

    Lovely tart!


  28. Je crois que je ne me lasserais jamais de cette belle tarte aux couleurs encore chaudes du soleil. Bises

  29. Cette tarte à la tomate à l'air vraiment délicieuse! J'aime beaucoup ce type de délice salé. Tes photos sont superbes!

  30. What a gorgeous tart! The flavors come together beautifully!

  31. I love tomatoes. The tart looks ownderful!

  32. Coucou Rosa,
    Quelle tarte ...
    Je crois qu'une fois sur deux je te laisse le même commentaire, à savoir "Que Tes Photos sont Belles !" mais ce n'est pas de ma faute huhuhu ;)
    Grosses Bizzz Mademoiselle !

  33. oh that looks lovely!! the textures amazing! :)

  34. It's mooncake festival today! And chuseok! Truly autumn has begun!

  35. What a great way to end the summer season! Your tart looks fantastic.

  36. Rosa, this tomato tart looks amazing. Yes, we are saying goodbye to summer...but my favorite cooler seasons are on their way. This will be perfect for the Fall/Winter seasons. xo

  37. Rosa I absolutely love the simple combination of tomatoes with pastry and the tang of balsamic. Very simple and classy. beautiful images, as always. S :)

  38. Wonderfully beautiful post, Rosa. :-) Love the colors in this tart. I always like visiting your blog because your photos make me feel warm and like I've come home. :-)

  39. Very very beautifully done..can almost taste the herbs and the juiciness of the tomatoes..the crust came out really well too !

    US Masala

  40. Must try making one of these lovely tarts before all the summer heirlooms disappear for the year.

  41. Beautiful tart and perfect for the season!

  42. Une tarte à la tomate toute simple, c'est ce que je préfère ... les couleurs sont magnifiques et les photos très belles.

  43. i love tomato, so your post invites me to follow your delicious recipe. Your photos are lovely, cheers!

  44. warm tomatoes... that`s something for me :)

  45. Your tart is a tribute to the end of summer as well as the tomato Rosa.

  46. Je n'ai jamais cuisiné de tarte avec des tomates mais tes belles z'images donnent envie en titi lol!!

    Bonne journée ma belle Rosa xx

  47. Beautiful indeed! Love your description of the sadness of leaving the past season and many great things to look forward to.

  48. Looks very pretty! I like tomatoes prepared in this way too.

  49. This tart has to be so sweet with the very ripe tomatoes!

  50. That tart looks GORGEOUS! and the picture of that tomato.... what a color! BEAUTIFUL.... makes me think of cold evenings and steaming hot tomato soup, yum :)

  51. I love tomatoes and tarts. This is perfect and absolutely a ray of sunshine. I've been meaning to make a tomato tart like this for awhile.

  52. Fabulous and super delicious tart, Double Delicious :))

  53. Rosa im totally loving this recipe! Looks fresh and tasty! Perfect!!!!! Yumm!

  54. I just slow roasted a big batch of roma tomatoes. They are going to be such a good compliment to this tart! Thanks for the yumminess!

  55. Looks wonderful and tempting with all those herbs. I am hoping to try this soon.

  56. ohhh looks so gorgeous...as always your blog never fail to impress! you are amaizing!

  57. Je la fais vendredi !!!! Me réjouis !!! Merci ! Toujours une source d'inspiration ton blog ! Bises ! L'art et la cuisine, quel doux mélange !

  58. J'adore cette tarte que je fais souvent ou du moins sa petite soeur !! mais jamais je n'en ai fait d'aussi belle et lumineuse !!

  59. This looks so yummy and is reminding me of the fact that I'm trying not to eat so much pizza! Not that this is pizza, but it looks like it...maybe, instead of pizza, I'll eat tarts instead!

  60. There is fall, here is still too cold days.

    Rosa those enticing aromas of the tomatoes coming from the screen! Wow
    beautiful tart :)

  61. I love this tart, Rosa! Beautiful.

    I also love seeing how the light changes with the seasons - I'm ready for Fall.

  62. What a fantastic way to use tomatoes!

  63. Je n'ai qu'une seule hâte que l'été arrive enfin par chez nous... Et pouvoir déguster une excellente tarte à la tomate comme la tienne !

  64. Delicious. I love tomato tart.

  65. Lovely recipe, Rosa! I've made a similar one with puff pastry but I love the short pastry idea. It looks delicious!

  66. That looks great Rosa, it's almost a pizza!

  67. Avec toi, les choses les plus simples prennent une dimension poétiquement nostalgique (ça se dit ça ? ;) J'aime le regard que tu nous fait partager sur le monde qui nous entoure et sur parfois ce qui pourrait sembler insignifiant à d'autres. Des bises sucrées (en ce moment).

  68. i certainly can't think of a finer way to bid farewell to summer's lusciously juicy tomatoes. gorgeous tart!

  69. Rosa look absolutely delicious and tempting!! delicious! x gloria

  70. that tomato tart is simply lovely!

  71. i truly agree with you tis isthe bestartrecipe I would find, simple and delicious! :)

  72. look gorgeous!
    really nice blogg

  73. C'est une très belle tarte qui prolonge un peu l'été !
    Très bonne soirée de ce jeudi,
    Bisous, Doria

  74. Ta tarte est magnifique! =)
    Un grand bravo..
    Bise & Bonne soirée

  75. Absolutely delicious! Oh so Scrumptious!

  76. You are so right - what a beautiful way to say goodbye to summer! Fabulous!

  77. We are just starting Spring over here in Australia. I do love the changes of seasons and the new foods that come with them :) The tart looks perfect for a picnic lunch

  78. I am always sad to see summer go too, but I do love the fall, the beautiful colors and the crisp air. I also would love to try your beautiful tart. It sounds incredibly delicious:)

  79. truly beautiful way to end summer, you tart looks amazing..


  80. I love une tarte tomate...can in fact have it very season. but yes, it is with a little sadness that we enjoy it at the end of summer, making sure we taste that sun in the tomatoes! so now we'll wait for the quince?

  81. Beautiful! This really does say summer! I often make dough for either pizza or focaccia but this will be an amazing change and fantastic meal!

  82. Une de mes tartes préférées Rosa. On prolonge encore un peu l'été chez toi. Bises et bon week-end

  83. Superbe ta tarte aux saveurs d'été !
    Les grands esprits se rencontrent, dis-donc !!!
    Bien à toi

  84. I have to admit that I hate to see summer go. In here it is still very warm, like the summer elsewhere during peak summer and we are fortunate to have a month more of it.

    This is a wonderful tart. i am bookmarking it - the dough is one of the simpliest I have encountered. Reminds me of the Greek Ladenia with the plentiful tomato topping.

  85. I love this tomato tart, it looks so gorgeous and delicious!

  86. I always love tomato tart! Delicious!

  87. Rosa your writing is pure poetry - it is such a wonderful way to bid adieu to summer. The tart is exquisite.

  88. Trop forte. Merveilleusement appetissante. Un bel hommage a l'ete qui s'acheve.

  89. Tu nous gâtent en photos

    Superbe tarte

    Bonne journée


  90. Rosa I had bookmarked this recipe and made it today. Thank you lovely for such an easy but awesome recipe. The crust was a breeze to make. I made little changes, but basically followed all of yours. Thanks a lot!

  91. asking permission:

    Rosa i will post the tomato tart recipe with your link and mention and the changes I made. Would u mind if I quote you on the notes? as is it is in your blog? I followed all of it and would not want to reword it as mine. let me know (ecurry.admin@gmail.com).
    Thanks again.

  92. Yum, you have lived up to your name. This tart sounds amazing. What a delicious treat to capture the yummy bounty.
