Although it takes a certain time to prepare (3 hours of rising), I hope you'll find this "Baguette Parisienne" recipe as interesting as me...
Yields 3 loaves

2 1/2 Tsp Dried yeast
375ml Water, lukewarm
500g Plain white flour
1 1/2 Tsp Salt
1. Sprinkle the yeast into 300ml of the water in a bowl.
2. Leave for 5 minutes and then stir to dissolve.
3. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl and make a well in the centre.
4. Pour in the yeasted water and with the help of a wooden spoon, draw enough of the flour into the yeasted water in order to form a soft paste.
5. Cover the bowl with a tea towel and leave to "sponge" until frothy and risen, about 20 minutes.

8. Put the dough into a clean bowl, cover with a tea towel and leave to rise until doubled in size, about 1 1/2 hours.
9. Knock back, re-cover and leave to rise for a further 45 minutes.
10. Knock back again, re-cover and leave to rise until doubled in size, about 45 minutes.
11. Divide the dough into three equal-sized pieces and shape into two 30cm long baguettes *(see explanations).
12. Place on a floured baking sheet or baguette tray and cover with a tea towel.
13. Prove until doubled in size, about 50 minutes.
14. Cut several diagonal slashes across the top.

16. Cool on a wire rack.
The dough should be soft and sticky, so avoid adding extra flour while kneading.
Serving suggestions:
Eat baguette when you want; it's just heavenly at any time of the day!
With a "Baguette Parisienne", you can make bruschette or garlic bread and, of course, your sandwiches will be awsome with this bread!

Flatten the dough with the lightly floured palm of your hand to expel any gas bubbles. Keep the dough in a round shape. Take one end of the dough and fold it into the centre. Press gently to seal the fold. Fold the other half of the dough into the centre, so that the two folds overlap along the middle of the loaf. Gently press along the length of the outer seam, using the palm of your hand to seal the two folds together. Use the thumbs of both hands to create an indentation in the centre of the dough. Before bringing the top half before you, rest your fingertips along the top of the dough and give a firm, short push forwards. Gently press down with the palm of your hand along the seam to seal the fold. Place the dough seam-side down. Press with the palm of both hands and roll the dough backwards and forwards while moving both hands outwards along the loaf to achieve the desired length and shape.
(Bakery In Paris -Pic by http://www-rocq.inria.fr/~gouet/)
(Baguette -Pic by http://dahlin.typepad.com)
Waou, i want to try your recipe, i love too baguette parisienne ...
ReplyDeleteFABIENNE: This recipe is really great; I love it! Please do tell me when you've baked them, I want to see how yours look!...
ReplyDeleteDes baguettes parisiennes suisses?? lol
ReplyDeleteRosa, je te suggère de faire le coup de buée pour que tes baguettes aient une belle couleur dorée et une vraie croûte croustillante de baguette parisienne
et si je peux me permettre un conseil concernant tes incisions: elles doivent être presque parallèles au pain et se chevaucher sur 3 cm environ.
Et tu dis de diviser en 2: avec cette quantité de farine pour une longueur de 30cm, ce sont plutôt des pains que l'on devrait obtenir il me semble..
AVITAL: Oui, oui, on connait aussi les baguettes parisiennes en Suisse ;-)))!
ReplyDeleteMerci pour le conseille. La prochaine fois je ferai aussi le coup de la buée...
Pour ce qui est des incisions, tu as parfaitement raison, alors encore une fois je suivrai tes conseilles précieux!
En fait, moi aussi je trouve qu'il y a trop peu de pâtons pour la quantité de farine, alors j'avais déjà divisé en trois la pâte (comme tu peux le voir sur mes photos)...
SYLVIE: Merci bien!!!
Mmmh, it looks delicious. I will try this recipe soon!
ReplyDeleteC'est quoi "le coup de la buée"?
ReplyDeleteZORRA: C'est quand on place un récipient rempli d'eau dans le four lorsqu'on le réchauffe et que le pain cuit...
ReplyDeleteDo try this recipe, it's fabulous!
Ah, merci, ça je fais toujours. Yes, I will try it.
ReplyDeleteZORRA: ;-)))
ReplyDeleteUne bonne french baguette ! c'est la première fois que j'en découvre une recette. J'aime lire ton blog, çà me fait réviser mon anglais !
ReplyDeletePULCO: Merci pour ta visite et ton gentil commentaire! Je suis contente que tu aimes mon blog et que par ce biais tu peux améliorer ton anglais... En fait, je ne crois pas que je suis la seule à avoir posté un billet à ce propos.
ReplyDeleteet tres beau blog@
Do you not need to feed the yeast with sugar or something like that to get it to rise?
ReplyDeleteMATT: No not at all. It rises by itself and feeds on the flour. Cheers.
ReplyDeletecan you also use fresh yeast and if so how much?
ReplyDeleteANONYMOUS: Thanks for passing by! Yes you can. You'll need 14g fresh yeast. Cheers.
ReplyDeleteDon-UK I have used this recipe many times and it is very good indeed. I use a double baguette pan and they rise so much in oven they come out well joined together along edge. Excellent recipe. Only diff with mine is I use fresh yeast.
ReplyDeleteDON: Thank you for passing by and for the kind comment! I'm glad to hear that you like this recipe. :-) Cheers.
ReplyDeleteChar: Hi All! I followed this recipe with a GF mix of quinoa, rice and tapioca and added both guar and xanthan gum for stickiness, plus I upped the liquid...it's relish but closer to a ciabatta...any suggestions on how to make more like French stick?