Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Muschki August 2012 1 13 bis
Maruschka noun (mah-rOOsh-kah)
A.k.a. Muschki, Schmutzli, Bouboule, Panzerfaust, Munschi, Mon Chichi, Yammertante, Fresssack, Pissheraus, Big Eye Smith and Moumouli.

German name given to a female or to a sweet black cat born in April 1995 in Graubünden, Switzerland.
Died on the 24th of October 2012 in Geneva, Switzerland after suffering a few major strokes.
Lived a peaceful life surrounded by love and her family (Rosa, her mother, P., her father and Fridolin, her brother 1995-2011).
Maruschka, we already miss you dearly and will never forget your beautiful face, piercing sapphire-like yellow eyes, elegance, cuddliness, lush black coat, cuteness, calm temperament, deep guttural yowls, uniqueness and comic manners.

You were a joyful, brave and uncomplicated kitty with a strong willpower, a divine being with a golden soul who was sent to us by the Universe in order to make our life merrier and bring some much needed sunshine to our monotonous existence.

We wish to warmly thank you for all those wonderful years spent in your graceful company! Hopefully you received all the attention you deserved...

♥ ♥ ♥ Rest In Peace ♥ ♥ ♥

Muschki August 2012 1 6


  1. RIP Maruschka <3 hugs to you Rosa

  2. I'm so sorry Rosa, such a devestating moment when they leave you... She looks so much like my black cat... Take care x

  3. j'ai la gorge serrée en lisant ton texte.....trop de souvenirs ...tous les chats sont différents mais tous laissent cet immense vide qui se ravive quand un autre disparait....
    Bon voyage Maruschka, va galoper au paradis des chats

  4. Sorry to hear this.
    I can feel your pain as I am also a pet lover and I know how much it hurts to loose your pet :( Hugs Rosa, Take care.

  5. I am so sorry, it is tremendously hard to lose a furry friend. Your beautiful post brought tears to my eyes...

    she was beautiful, and I know you will miss her every single day

  6. ohhh poor cat :( :(
    un abbraccio!!!!!!

  7. Das tur mir leid. Wie einem der Tod eines lieben Gefährten doch so nahe gehen kann.
    Liebe Grüsse, Robert

  8. Quel magnifique chat!
    C'est si triste...

  9. Such a beautiful pet, RIP Maruschka and take care Rosa xx

  10. I'm so sorry for your loss Rosa. She was a wonderful cat and you will always have fabulous memories of her.

  11. rosa! i'm so sorry that you lost your kitty--how beautiful she was, and i love the name! i'm glad that you had so much time with her in your life. :)

  12. Oh Rosa, I'm so sorry for the loss of your little one. ♥

  13. Such a sweet, beautiful little spirit. I know you'll miss her so much! Sending you much love. xoxo

  14. Oh how this made me cry! Such a gift. Sending love to you Rosa! xox

  15. Oh Rosa... I'm so sorry to hear this news. :( You will always have great memories of her and the time you spent with her. Thinking of you!

  16. Such a touching post. Last night I had to put a lovely and sweet 17 year old kitty to sleep. I so understand your pain. Nothing getting done today, needless to say. xo

  17. It is very hard to realized that she will not be around anymore. I hope you well Rosa. I am thinking about you.

  18. I feel sorry for your loss but looking forward to have you back right here.
    With all the best and big hugs,

  19. Aaaah ... so sorry to read of Maruschka's passing. Pets are such a joy and comfort I know you will miss her. You've taken some lovely pictures of her over the years and while at first to view them will bring some tears, as time passes your memories will be sweet.

  20. Aww, so sorry for your loss. My baby looks just like her and is the same age too!

  21. She was a beaut! Condolences to you.

  22. Rosa, sorry to hear. Pets are incredible, but we end up losing them too soon.

    Hugs to you!

  23. RIP Mariuska dear Rosa I understand how you feel dear!

  24. Rosa, I am sorry to read about your beloved cat. Two years ago, we also said good bye to our beloved furry family member who is now buried beneath our fig tree.

    Much sympathy to you.


  25. I am so sorry about Maruschka. such a wonderful tribute.

  26. So sorry to read of your loss. They are never "just" pets - they are truly a part of the family. Sending you big hugs XO

  27. Sorry for your loss Rosa, she was such a beauty! Take care and all my thoughts with you!
    Gros bisous,

  28. Rest in peace, sweet Maruschka. Sending hugs and good thoughts your way, Rosa. xo

  29. Marushka was a beautiful cat, Rosa. Your heart must be broken. You have wonderful memories of her.

  30. So sorry to hear your little beauty has passed on. How sweet you are to pay tribute to her. I'm definitely of the mindset that pets are part of the family. Sounds like she was very much loved :)

  31. What a beautiful kitty! I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye.

  32. A lire ces lignes, je suis sûre d'une était très très aimé maruschka a eu la plus belle des vies : pleine d' pense à toi Rosa !
    bises Agnès

  33. Oh Rosa, I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to Maruschka. We lost our puppy a little more than a year ago. I can tell you from experience that after our fur babies have gone they never really leave your side. They continue to live in us and their spirit is all around. She was beautiful! Sending you a big hug.

  34. Oh Rosa, je suis sincèrement désolée. Je compatis totalement à la peine que tu ressens. Je sais ce que c'est,malheureusement.
    Les chats sont des êtres à part, incroyables, qui nous donnent tant,mais ça tu le sais déjà.

  35. So sorry to hear this - you have my deepest condolences. We lost our beloved Maine Coon cat, Sebastian, a few years ago, and still miss him. I'm more attached to people than animals, but it's interesting how a special animal can find an everlasting place in your heart. RIP, Marushka.

  36. quelle tristesse, je compatis de tout coeur même si je sais qu'aucun mot ne saura effacer la douleur de cette perte et ta peine. Je comprends d'autant mieux que j'avais un chat qui ressemblait à elle et qui a disparu un jour, sans jamais savoir ce qui lui était arrivé, elle s'appelait " Réglisse " je l'ai cherché partout en vain et j'ai mis très longtemps à me remettre de sa disparition. Plein de gros bisous pour toi pour apaiser ton chagrin :(. Elle veille de là-haut sur ses bien-aimés maîtres qui l'ont chéri j'en suis certaine ;)

  37. What a beautiful ode to Marushka. She was very lucky to grow up in your house, with lots of love. May she RIP.

  38. I am so sorry for your loss; Maruschka must have been a very sweet friend. May the pain of your loss be gently replaced with cherished memories.

  39. (((Hugs))) Rosa! I am so sorry for your loss!

  40. Beautiful kitty. So sorry for your loss :(

  41. My sister has a cat, and I can see how they become part of your life and family. I'm sorry for your loss.

  42. Oh Rosa, je suis désolée, je sais à quel point tu l'aimais, ça se voyait au travers des photos.

  43. Sincèrement désolée !
    Elle a rejoint Fridolin ...
    J'espère continuer à pouvoir voir tes belles "cats pictures" sur le blog
    Amicalement, Sandrine.

  44. Such a sweet tribute to your beautiful cat. It's so hard to loose a pet. I'm so sorry.

  45. I am so sorry and are touched by your post this morning. Thinking of you!

  46. Such a sweet tribute ~ I know how much you loved (love) her :)

  47. Oh Rosa, I am so sorry for your loss. I remember Maruschka well through your beautiful photos. Big hugs, my friend. <3

  48. RIP sweet Maruschka, she had such beautiful jet black fur against which her eyes sparkle so, but I especially love the single white whisker! I hope you find comfort in her fond memory

  49. Very sweet post Rosa... Gizmo just passed away today. I know we talked about but I had never expected it to happen so quickly after Maruschka... At least they are now in cat heaven together!

  50. RIP, Maruschka. You were a beautiful kitty.

  51. My heart goes out to you, Maruschka was beautiful! Hugs to you!

  52. So sorry to hear, Rosa. I still sometimes think I "see" one of my 2 childhood pet cats move out of the corner of my eye, or feel them jump onto the bed at night. Sending you a huge hug x

  53. quanto mi dispiace Rosa...era bellissima ed é stata coccolata da una bella famiglia che l'adorava questo che conta!
    ti abbraccio

  54. Aw! I am soo sorry for the loss. I am so used to Kimchi tormenting me I can not imagine waking up to him not here.

  55. Rest in peace, dear Maruschka. You came from a wonderful and loving family.

  56. Hugs to you Rosa. I know how difficult it is to love and lose a beloved pet.
