"Time is the only thief we can't get justice against."
- Astrid Alauda
No time, running. How many of you people have said or heard that sentence before? Too many, unfortunately. Sadly, most of us regularly struggle with a life that is far from being relaxed and suffer from that situation.
We always seem to be rushing and stressing like crazy, because our days are not long enough and we are engrossed in work and in doing chores. We are not capable of coping with the fact that hours pass incredibly fast and that we rarely get anything done as expected. I don't know about you, but although I don't mind being busy and having lots of things to do, I hate being on the run or put under pressure. It is just not a Feng-Shui/Zen lifetsyle. As a matter of fact, it is not for no reason that my favorite expressions is "trrrrranquile!" (pronounced with a Spanish accent)...
I have no clue why suddenly time started to fly by with infinite velocity, but I remember that when I was a college girl I went to school from 8am 'til around 5pm, then I studied for a while, listened to some music/CD's, wrote letters to my penpals, read novels, roamed town with friends and even had leisure to get bored or lie on my bed daydreaming. Nowadays, I barely can do half of those things and I'm continually keeping a concentrated eye on the clock!
- Astrid Alauda
No time, running. How many of you people have said or heard that sentence before? Too many, unfortunately. Sadly, most of us regularly struggle with a life that is far from being relaxed and suffer from that situation.
We always seem to be rushing and stressing like crazy, because our days are not long enough and we are engrossed in work and in doing chores. We are not capable of coping with the fact that hours pass incredibly fast and that we rarely get anything done as expected. I don't know about you, but although I don't mind being busy and having lots of things to do, I hate being on the run or put under pressure. It is just not a Feng-Shui/Zen lifetsyle. As a matter of fact, it is not for no reason that my favorite expressions is "trrrrranquile!" (pronounced with a Spanish accent)...
I have no clue why suddenly time started to fly by with infinite velocity, but I remember that when I was a college girl I went to school from 8am 'til around 5pm, then I studied for a while, listened to some music/CD's, wrote letters to my penpals, read novels, roamed town with friends and even had leisure to get bored or lie on my bed daydreaming. Nowadays, I barely can do half of those things and I'm continually keeping a concentrated eye on the clock!
You see, as antagonistic as it may sound, despite being a messy and chaotic individual, I am also somebody who needs structure in life, who likes a certain routine and things to be square, otherwise I tend to feel insecure, stressed and panicky. Is it bad or is it good? I don't believe it is, yet I must admit that the motives of this behaviour pattern elude me. I'm pretty sure a psychologist would find a concrete explaination, but I know that's how things work for me. I profoundly dislike having a disorganized agenda. The only places where I like anarchy and clutter to reign supreme are in my computer room, my kitchen or in arts (painting, photography, cinema or music).
For example, if I can't blog as planned I become very fidgety and anxious. Some mornings, I wake up with my heart beating loudly and an unhealthy need to run out of bed in order to sit in front of the computer. Although blogging brings me joy and fulfills my soul, it can also be a burden and a heavy weight for a disciplined perfectionist like me who has high expectations and seldom values herself positively. I am constantly afraid of never being able to deliver quality articles/recipes that are cunning enough.
I really have to find a solution to this problem as my painstaking fussiness and hairsplitting manners can be a real hindrance to creativity and productivity. I should learn how to be a little more laidback and cool when it comes to my blog, otherwise I am likely to end up loathing that activity, loosing your mojo and ending up with a burn-out, and that is something I have come dangerously close to experiencing lately...
When what you like becomes a "punishment" that brings pain, tension and confusion, then it is a sign that you are doing it the wrong way. Such destructive feelings can completely eradicate all the pleasure you used to feel while exercising your hobby and disgust you to the point of no return. Bad and really not constructive, so don't forget not to take blogging too seriously and be casual!
Anayway, despite my hectic mood and difficulty to deal with my "overbooked" agenda, I have nonetheless been able to prepare a post to share with you. I might be someone who needs a lot of energy to get out of her slumber, but it is always a joy to kick myself in the ass for you, my dear readers! So, this Friday I am presenting you one of my fetish recipes for a traditional pizza-like treat that hails from beautiful Turkey.
"A quick poll of our friends revealed that most did indeed think of Turkish food as being limited to endless versions of oily braised eggplant, with a few sticky pastries and limp doner kebabs thrown in for good measure. Yet we had read plenty of books that described Turkish food as one of the greatest cuisines in the world, and numerous magazines and newspapers were busily printing stories about a revitalised Istanbul - the new 'cool' travel destination."
- Greg and Lucy Malouf
Apart from having amazing landscapes, photogenic sceneries and astonishing monuments, to die for eats, unique atmosphere and being romantically exotic, this incredible country placed at a crossroads between Europe and the Middle East is also the beholder of incredible culinary traditions that blow my mind away. With its Central and Far East Asian, Persian, Arabic, Balkanese and Mediterranean influences, the refined cuisine from "the land of the Turks" is so stunning and bewithchingly authentic that it is quite impossible not to fall under its irresistible charm.
Being a big fan of the gastronomy from this part of the world and a fervent admirer of the great Australian Lebanese-born chef Greg Malouf, I constantly crave the dishes that can be found in his three marvelously written as well as illustrated award-winning food and travel compendiums "Turquoise" (Turkey), "Saha" (Lebanon & Syria) and "Saraban" (Persia). They are a fantastic source of recipes and inspiration.
I have already tested a few of the specialities that this talented cook dispenses in his remarkable cookbooks. One in particular has been on the menu more than once and has never failed to sweep us off our feet. His succulent "Cheese, Suçuk And Olive Pide Pies" are terrific and so addictive.
Those scrumptious boat-shaped tarts known under the name of "Sucuklu Pide" are made with simple bread dough which is enriched with olive oil and garnished with halloumi, kasseri (or Mozarella if you can't find this Greek/Turkish stringy cheese), Kalamata olives, green bell pepper and a pungent sausage called suçuk. A wonderful delicacy that is lipsmackingly spicy, cheesy and bready. There sure is more to the Turkish cuisine than kebabs!
Submitted to Yeastspotting!
~ Cheese, Suçuk & Olive Pide Pies ~
Recipe adapted from Greg and Lucy Malouf's, "A Chef's Travels In Turkey: Turquoise".
Makes 3 medium (or 2 big) pide pies.
Ingredients For The "Pide":
1 x Pide dough (recipe follows)
250g Halloumi cheese, finely sliced (see remarks)
150g Mozarrella, finely sliced
12 Pitted Kalamata olives, cut in 4
1 Medium-sized green pepper, seeded and cubed
1 (240g) Suçuk sausage, sliced
Kirmizi biber (Turkish chilli powder, see remarks), to taste
Ground black pepper, to taste
1 Egg yolk
2 Tbs Milk
Ingredients For The "Pide Dough":
1/2 Tbs Dry yeast
A pinch castor sugar
190g/ml Warm water
250g Bread flour or all-purpose flour
3/4 Tsp Fine sea salt
2 Tbs Extra-virgin olive oil
Method For The "Pide Dough":
1. In the bowl of your mixer, dissolve the yeast in half the warm water and sprinkle with the sugar, set aside in warm place for 10 minutes or until frothy.
2. Incorporate enough flour to create a sloppy paste (similar in texture to pancake batter) and cover the bowl with a clean kitchen towel and let rest for 20 minutes in a warm place or until bubbly.
3. Add the remaining flour, the salt, water and the olive oil. Using the dough hook attachment, knead on low speed until the dough is smooth, springy and passes the window pane test, about for 10 minutes (add a little flour or water according to need - the dough should be slightly sticky, but not be tacky).
4. Transfer the dough to lightly oiled bowl, cover with plastic film, and let rest until doubled in size, about 1 1/2 hour.
5. Cut the dough into 3 equal portions and set aside.
Method For the "Pide":
6. Preheat the oven to 250° C (450° F).
7. Roll each piece of dough into a long 30 x 10cm (14 x 4 inches) rectangle.
8. Scatter 1/3 of the topping over the dough (start with the halloumi, then the mozarella, the olives, the pepper and the suçuk), leaving about a 2cm (1 inch) border around the edges.
9. Fold up the two long sides of the dough, bringing them up and over the topping, but without meeting in the middle, then squeeze the sides together at each end, twisting them together slightly to create a long "canoe/boat" shape. Sprinkle with the chilli powder and black pepper.
10. Repeat the operation with the rest of the dough.
11. To make the egg wash, mix together the yolk and the milk. Brush each pide with the egg wash.
12. Bake one Pide at a time for about 7 minutes, or until the bread is golden in color and the cheese has completely melted.
13. Serve hot.
If you don't have any halloumi, suçuk or kirmizi biber, you can replace them with quality Edamer cheese, Calabrese/dried or raw chorizo sausages and the chilli powder of your choice (fragrant and medium hot).
Serving Suggestions:
Serve with onion slices and a salad (tomato & cucumber or lettuce).
Sprinkle with additional olive oil and fine sea salt if you wish.
~ Pide Au Fromage, Aux Olives Et A La Saucisse Suçuk ~Recette adaptée du livre "A Chef's Travels In Turkey: Turquoise" par Greg and Lucy Malouf.
Pour 3 pide moyennes (ou deux grandes).
Ingrédients Pour La "Pizza Turque":
1 x Pâte à pain pour pide (la recette suit)
250g de Halloumi, tranché finement (voir remarques)
150g de Mozarrella, tranché finement
12 Olives kalamata, dénoyautées et coupées en lamelles
1 Poivron vert moyen, nettoyé et coupé en petits cubes
1 (240g) Saucisse suçuk sausage, coupée en rondelles
Kirmizi biber (poudre de piments turque, voir remarques), à volonté
Poivre noir, moulu, à volonté
1 Jaune d'oeuf
2 CS de lait
Ingrédients Pour La "Pâte A Pizza Turque":
1/2 CS de Levure sèche en poudre
190g/ml d'Eau tiède
Une pincée de sucre cristallisé
250g de Farine à pain ou farine blanche
3/4 CC de Sel de mer fin
2 Cs d'Huile d'olive extra vierge
Méthode Pour La "Pâte A Pizza Turque":
1. Dans le bol de votre robot, dissoudre la levure dans la moitié de l'eau, puis saupoudrer avec le sucre. Laisser reposer à température ambiante pendant 10 minutes, jusqu'à ce que le mélange soit mousseux.
2. Ajouter assez de farine afin de former une pâte visqueuse (telle une pâte à pancake). Recouvrir avec un linge de cuisine et laisser la "pâte" lever pendant 20 minutes à température ambiante.
3. Incorporer le reste de la farine et de l'eau, le sel et l'huile d'olive, puis pétrir dans votre robot (à l'aide du crochet) à basse vitesse pendant 10 minutes (ajouter de l'eau ou de la farine selon besoin - la pâte ne doit pas être collante) afin d'obtenir une pâte douce et élastique (elle doit passer le test du "vitrail").
4. Mettre la pâte dans un bol huilé, recouvrir avec du film plastique et laisser lever pendant 1 1/2 heures (la pâte doit avoir doublé de volume).
5. Couper la pâte en trois parts égales et mettre de côté (recouvrir avec un linge humide pour pas qu'elle sèche).
Méthode Pour La "Pizza Turque":
6. Préchauffer le four à 250° C.
7. Abaisser la pâte en un rectabgle de 30 x 10cm.
8. Recouvrir la pâte 1/3 de la avec la garniture (commencer avec le halloumi, puis continuer avec la mozarella, les olives, le poivron et la saucisse suçuk) tout en faisant attention de laisser un bord de 2cm de chaque côté.
9. Rabattre les deux bords de 30cm vers l’intérieur, sur la garniture, sans les faire se joindre (seulement les 2cm de pâte qui doivent être repliés), puis entortiller les bouts afin d'obtenir une forme de bâteau ("canoe"). Saupoudrer avec la poudre de piments et le poivre noir.
10. Répéter l'opération avec les deux autres parts de pâte.
11. Mélanger ensemble le lait et le jaune d'oeuf, et dorer les bords à l’aide d’un pinceau culinaire. 12. Cuire pendant environ 7 minutes, ou jusqu'à ce que la pâte soit cuite, dorée et que le fromage ait fondu.
13. Servir.
Si vous ne trouvez pas de halloumi, de suçuk ou de kirmizi biber, vous pouvez les remplacer par du Edamer de qualité, de la saucisse de Calabre/du chorizo cru ou séché de qualité et dela poudre de piments de votre choix (parfumé et pas trop épicée).
Idées de présentation:
Manger chaud et servir avec des oignons en rondelles et une salade (tomate et concombre ou laitue).
Si vous le désirez, vous pouver aussi ajouter un giclée d'huile d'olive et saupoudrer avec un peu de sel de mer fin.
Oh, gracious. Divine!
ReplyDeleteRosa, this looks delicious, I have never before taste a Turkish pizza. I love how the sausage looks, not greasy at all. The rolled up crust....crispy, just the way I like it.
ReplyDeleteHave a great day :)
Oh la la, quelle pizza appétissante! Je vais tenter de la faire en l'adaptant sans gluten et en ne mettant des olives que sur un côté... pour l'homme. Merci Rosa!
ReplyDeleteThe Pizza looks yummy! I posted a turkish dish today as well. Same pinch?? :). I love all your pictures.
ReplyDeleteLooks so yummy! I've never had any turkish food before. Pizza is a great way to try something new. I want to make this. And your pictures are beautiful as always, so inspiring.
ReplyDeleteHad most memorable lahmacun and pide in Istanbul - at shops with wood-burning ovens...sublime! You did a bang-up job and the sujuk is a yummy.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos of a fantastic looking dish. I've recently discovered some ethic markets; sort of all gathered in one area in Denver not too far from me. It has opened up a whole world of new cooking experiences and I'm eager to step outside of my traditional cooking comfort zone. It might have to include a Turkish pizza pie!
ReplyDeleteDear Rosa you need to slow down. You have a lovely Blog and your photography is beautiful. Do not be so hard on yourself. You have been my most loyal follower for this past four years and I so appreciate that as my blogging efforts are nowhere near as talented as yours.
ReplyDeleteThe Pide Pie looks and sounds wonderful x
Heureux hasard; j'ai concocté hier des saucisses végétaliennes qui feront merveille dans ce plat. Quels parfums heureux se mélangent ici!
My favorite! Love the author as well. Can't have enough of this delicious pide.
ReplyDeleteHmm, perhaps you need a break from blogging Rosa. Recharge your batteries and return revitalized and rested. Your readers will still be here.
ReplyDeleteYou do such an amazing job with your blog! You deserve it :)
I love the Maloufs! I have the "Saha" cookbook and I absolutely adore the recipes in it.
Your pide looks amazing! Suzuk or soutzouki as we call it in Greece is my favorite sausage. I use it a lot in my cooking.
Looks delicious, much nicer than the very few pides I have eaten.
ReplyDeleteÇa a vraiment l'air délicieux ! Ici je trouve le halloumi (des années de recherches pour en trouver alors qu'il y en avait à Bahadourian... L'évidence même...) Mais la saucisse et le poudre depiment... je vais donc devoir retourner à Bahadourian pour voir s'ils en ont.
ReplyDeleteBonne soirée
Rosa, you are not alone. I too like everything tight and orderly, and like you, if I don't blog (or at least check in), I panic. But at the same time I obsessively check my stats which only leads to more panic. Minds are quite silly sometimes. :-)
ReplyDeleteYour pizza looks scrumptious! I'm sure it would comfort an over-working brain.
I am a huge fan of Turkish food, Rosa! Though I can see why folks who haven't tried a lot of it would think it consisted only of those limp, oily items you listed. :-) These look SO good!!!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful, thin crust. :)
ReplyDeleteEh ben! J'ai fait a peu près le même plat; sans la recette de Malouf, juste parce que j'avais acheté une énorme saucisse sujuk et qu'il fallait l'écouler! La prochaine fois, je vais m'inspirer de ta recette qui me plait beaucoup.
ReplyDeleteCa l'air tellement bon! Je ne connais pas beaucoup la cuisine Turque, merci de me faire découvrir ce délice!
ReplyDeleteNe sois pas dure avec toi même, si t'as pas le temps de poster, on va t'attendre jusqu'à que t'en auras. Ta vie personnelle et ton boulot passe avant tout! Ton blog est parmi les meilleurs sur le net et je l'aime beaucoup! Gros bisous à toi et passes une très bonne soirée.
What a gorgeous pide pie!
ReplyDeleteWhere has this been all my life?
ReplyDeleteRosa, I wish I were familiar with Turkish pizza, alas, I wasn't even aware of Suçuk sausage.
However, as delicious as it looks, it's bound to make it to my table as soon as I find some of the featured ingredients.
Enjoy your weekend!
Hum elle est magnifique cette pizza! Je comprends cette impression de courir après le temps, on vit dans une société où tout doit aller vite et parfois on a l'impression que ça ne s'arrête jamais. Mais bon, on arrive toujours à se trouver des moments "coupures" que l'on apprécie d'autant plus!
ReplyDeletei begin to feel panicky when there isn't enough sun outside--when we go for days without it. That drives me insane.
ReplyDeletei can only imagine how good this pie must taste. happy weekend!
Isn't it always lovely to discover a country through it's cuisine? Thanks for the introduction to this lovely bread
ReplyDeleteBe still my beating heart! The pide with all thse divine toppings is indeed worthy of a blog...no matter how busy you are! Overall, great words of advice Rosa. Sometimes it pays to step back and assess the situation. Enjoy your weekend!
ReplyDeleteyummy, I would really enjoy this for dinner tonight it looks wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI remember the story my dad told us coming back from one of his journeys to Turkey .He was describing how in restaurants ebfore meal they serve you constantly with small apetizires and he was able to choose his own fish he wanted for dinner.
ReplyDeleteThis pide looks fantastic and I make Turkish faklt bread myself :)
Cette pizza turque a l'air vraiment fameuse ma chère Rosa. J'aimerais bien mettre la main sur une de ces saucisses!
ReplyDeleteWe should all learn to relax and not take things so seriously. I'm glad you were able to put up a blog post, even though you are busy. Delicious-looking meal.
ReplyDeleteI'm not too familiar with pide dough? My goodness does this look delish Rosa. Also, you have such beauty around you.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Pide, Rosa
ReplyDeleteFirst had it in Sydney and loved it since... :D
Tu sais les pizzas et moi c'est une histoire d'amour, et encore plus lorsqu'elles sont faites maisons avec d'aussi bons ingrédients!
ReplyDeleteyou prepared another beautiful post!:)
ReplyDeleteje suis trop fan des pizza turcs. J'en ai jamais fait par contre, alors merci pour la recette, il faudrait que je tente ca vite !
ReplyDeletebeautiful and tasty : I like !
ReplyDeleteI discovered turkish cooking during an "unwanted trip" to Istanbul. yes unwanted, as Istanbul was at that time on the deep bottom of triping list ! Can you imagine !
And when back, I was totally under the charm of this wonderfull city.
I went back to my trip list and throw it away !
Regarding rushing and time escaping : I have the same filling. is it because we have grown and that now we have conciousness of time running too fast that we are overbooking our agenda ?
Anyway, It was nice ti read you
J'adore le côté "exotique" et les parfums venus d'ailleurs qui composent ce plat ! C'est un vrai délice !! :D
ReplyDeleteThe pizza looks fantastic..love the topping..mmm..delicious.
ReplyDeleteSuch a fun surprise to see miss Rosa making Pizza! Love this. I have never had that sausage before, but I will be on the lookout for it. Love halloumi cheese. xo
ReplyDeleteSo true that when we feel a lack of time our hobbies can seem more like chores. I'm always trying to prevent that! This recipe makes me want to learn more about Turkish food. Looks delicious, and I need to read that book.
ReplyDeleteYou are not alone dear Rosa. Oh how I would love to throw caution to the wind at not keep my eye on the clock.
ReplyDeleteIt reminds me of a story I once heard about 5 men stuck in a deep hole for days. One man was wearing a watch while the others weren't. During the process of getting rescued, the others would constantly ask the man with the watch the time. A quick shake of the head and the time was noted and dismissed. However, for the man with the watch, it was a constant reminder which remained until the next inquiry was made. When they were finally rescued days later, the man with the watch was the only one to have perished.
Experiencing Turkish food for the first time is not a moment one easily forgets. I have Turkish friends who are now back home in their native home of Istanbul who I will never forget. Not only is their food served with warmth and fragrance, much like this lovely dish you have presented to us today, but the depth of flavors resonates for a lifetime.
Thank you so much for sharing yourself, your eyeful beauty and this Turkish Pizza with us...
My mom always said that when I was older time would flash by so enjoy my childhood and not be in a hurry to grow up...she of course was right, so I would savour every bite of this pizza.
ReplyDeletePide is one of my favourite treats, though it is not tha common here. I have the Turquoise book and the recipe bokmarked, and now you've given me the kick in the ass I needed to make it! Yours looks amazing.
Rosa, your pie looks divine. Love those flavors!!
ReplyDeleteLove your photos! This pizza looks amazing, which I could get some great Turkish ingredients so easy!
ReplyDeleteWhat a scrumptious, pie! Looks like a great lunch.
ReplyDeleteHi !! Thanks for sharing our delicious Turkish Pizza ; SUCUK is something crazy delicious;I don't know if you have tasted the real spicy one...but if you ever come to my country,Turkey; AFyon is the hometown of all the SUCUKS in the country....and when it comes to PIDE, that is another issue....you must try the ones we make for RAMAZAN...:D...
ReplyDeleteThat first pie picture looks soo tasty.Turkish flavors appeal to my taste buds instantly.
ReplyDeleteI m a fan of your recipes & pictures both- cant have enuf of either!
Superbe pizza ! Et bien sur jolies photos qui mettent en appétit.
I've been eyeing off this book for a while. Very keen to get it now. This looks just lovely, Rosa! :)
ReplyDeleteI just love the look of that pizza and I misses dropping by here.. vacation's over so you'll see more of me..
ReplyDeleteCa a l'air super bon ! Je ne connais pas la saucisse en question mais toutes ces saveurs me plaisent bien (et me donnent envie de partir en vacances!)
ReplyDeleteNB : Plus que quelques jours pour me montrer ton plus beau cheesecake et tenter de remporter le livre du même nom ! N'hésite pas à checker les modalités du concours sur mon blog, les 3 gagnant(e)s qui recevront le livre ne seront pas déçu(e)s !
Simple, but a fabulous meal I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteAlmost looks like a type of pizza. And I do so love me a good pizza. ;)
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean - I can get that way too! These pies are so full of flavour!
ReplyDeleteI've always admired how you seem to be able to manage reading everyone's blogs so quickly and have time to do that! And yes life can be hard to manage at times! Just take care of yourself as a burnout is not something you'd want! Love this Turkish pizza! Looks delicious!!
ReplyDeleteConfession? I have never tried this Turkish delight, and I would love to have this today (I promised my girls to go on a pic nic)
ReplyDeleteI would love to hear you saying "Trrrranquile" ;D
ici j´ai juste tous les voisins qui regqardent sur quel site je suis...tellement photos et recettes sont magnifiques je vais mettre le café internet en ébullition...
ReplyDeleteTurkish is one of the most underestimated cuisines and it ought to be given more respect. Since I am in the middle east now and get to sample a lot of authentic turkish delights, its come as a revelation.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos and a great post, Rosa.
My best,
My husband and I both love Turkish cuisine! I can guarantee you that we'd fall in love with this meal! It looks wonderful! :) I would love to make it! :)
ReplyDeletenever had a turkish pie before but it looks absolutely sublime!
ReplyDeleteAh... le fromage halloumi... Tu me fais envie...
ReplyDeleteSchönes Rezept. Dein Gedanken über das Bloggen kann ich gut mitfühlen...
ReplyDeleteyou have to find, and you will find a solution for the problem, that we bloggers suffer sooner or later. Liebe Grüsse, Robert
Oh goodness, this looks like a bite of heaven. I have yet to try Turkish food but I definitely will not hesitate now. Great photos of the food as well.
ReplyDeleteWow ~ simply sensational! Those pies looks so gorgeous, rustic n perfectly done!!
ReplyDeleteUS Masala
delicious! great ingredients combo! would love to have a slice, with a glass of wine! sounds perfect.
ReplyDeleteI did not know this chef, but I am a huge fan of Turkish cousine. In Germany there are many Turkish restaurants and markets, but most ready made food is really of poor quality and heavily adapted to German's tastes. SO any recipe to prepare those delicacies at home is very welcome.
ReplyDeleteAfter this great post, I hope your confidence has increased a bit. You definitely deserve it!
That looks fantastic Rosa-so delicious. Yes time is a very precious commodity!
ReplyDeleteElle est splendide Rosa, j'adore quand tu nous fais ce genre de cuisine.
ReplyDeleteAnd promise, I will never take blogging seriously and try to remain casual :)
wow delicious pizza, turkish? even better! ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you found the time to post this, Rosa -- it looks incredible! So full of delicious flavors...I bet it all comes together perfectly!
ReplyDeleteThis looks crazy good!
ReplyDeleteoh.. so nice post.)
Love your blog.))
I now spend a survey of bloggers with such questions.
1. Why did you create a blog?
2. For whom you taking him? Want to be popular?
3. How long will it keep going?
Rosa...knowing that you've been blogging for over 5 years...I can only imagine that your talented passion along with constraints of time can be questioned at times.
ReplyDeleteLately...I've felt some similar qualms about my desired hobby. I am being very careful not to overstep my respected boundaries...all this because I would hate abandoning my Foodessa...a journey that has brought me so much so far.
Turkish dishes have always put a smile on my tummy. The ingredients in your pizza are just perfectly blended. Buon appetito.
Ciao for now,
This pie has my name all over it, sounds just incredible. I am starting a list of ingredients as I do not have the sucuk, but this is certainly something to look forward to,
ReplyDeleteoh boy !!! this looks so delicious. I shouldn't blog hop at night .. now i will dream of this :)
ReplyDeletehumm elle est trop bonne cette pizza ! Et quelle couleur .. j'adore !! =)
I kept nodding my head as I was reading this, thinking how I often feel the same way. Thanks for sharing so honestly what I'm sure we must all have felt at some point.
ReplyDeleteHad a good read! Wow, you take lovely pictures. This recipe looks very interesting and loved reading your post. You have a great collection of recipes. Do visit my curry blog at
Une découverte très gourmande et merci pour la ballade avec tes magnifiques photos. Bises!
ReplyDeletelooks gorgeous...very inviting clicks..:)
ReplyDeleteTasty Appetite
I am constantly impressed by bloggers. You have jobs, families and lives to live and yet you still find time to post recipes. When I was younger and raising my kids, I would never have taken the time. So I kudos to you, Rosa, for posting even when you don't have time.
ReplyDeleteWhat I don't like to read is that blogging is a chore or stressing you out. That is NOT a good thing. Take some time off blogging and commmenting if you need to. Life is too short not to look around and enjoy life, expecially during a lovely summer!
Rosa - You have to take time for yourself. Your blog is great and you shouldn't fret if you don't post as often as you like. The Turkish pizza also looks terrific.
ReplyDeleteBARBARA: Well, I don't have a job (unfortunately) and have no children, but I nonetheless never stop running after time! My life is chaotic and stressful and blogging is really time-consuming...
ReplyDeleteI sometimes feel the pressure fomr bloggin, but I am always so unorganized..with the kids, college and daily duties it can get stressful. I then take abreathe and remember why I do it, fun! wonderful words and your such a bloggie pro, lovely pide pie..love the flavor of halloumi and olives!
Gourmande à souhait cette pizza!
ReplyDeleteUn régal!!
Goodness this looks too delicious! I'm going to have to try a gluten-free version. I love,love, love pizza...never tried a Turkish Pizza, but I soooo will!!
ReplyDeleteYour pizza look amazing!! like always (LOL)
ReplyDeletedear Rosa, take your time, breath and enjoy again Blogger is for have a lovely time, I know what you say sometimes is stressed (i have two kids) but I know like is, send you huggs, gloria
Your blog always will be amazing my dear!
i love this pizza, minus the sausage, but it sure does look deeelish! great pictures.
ReplyDeleteRosa, I would call this pizza kicked up like a million levels. This one is bookmarked..it looks too good not to try. You are one creative and talented cook/baker..plus photographer!
ReplyDeleteI totally understand, I need structure and planning in my life too.
ReplyDeleteThe pide looks gorgeous. I think it sounds better than a regular ol' pizza...deliciously complex.
Haven't made homemade pizza for some time due to my low carb diet at the moment. Your turkish pizza makes me wanna have one immediately.
ReplyDeleteQuelle merveilleuse recette !!!
ReplyDeleteEt les photos. Superbe.
It really does seem as though all of this gets overwhelming frequently actually...but you have given good advice here, remember to follow it and take time to enjoy :)
ReplyDeleteLovely dish, I discovered Turkish cuisine only withing the last year or so and find many dishes to be extraordinary...
Looks wondwrful Rosa. I love Turkish food and I love all the Greg Malouf books.
ReplyDeleteGod Rosa this is heaven and even more!!! I was enjoy my time hour amazing blog and I here at your amazing blog and I found this pizza...The crust,
ReplyDeletethe filling....
This for sure make living better for anyone
Love it...