Although, it was quite difficult to find seven things/truths about myself, I struggled and thought a lot and that's what resulted from my brainstorming, so enjoy your read...

- I am a very shy person who has to do immense efforts every time I meet someone that I don't know. It makes me stress, because I always tend to imagine what they would/could think about me. As I'm very critical towards myself and lack confidence, I generally don't see myself in a positive way. The unknown destabilizes me, but, strangely, once the first contact has been made, then I don't feel inhibited anymore...
- I'd love to live a simple countryside life somewhere in Canada or in the US and have my own deli, grocery/bakery store or diner...
- If I have to cook for others, then I can never make up my mind regarding the dishes that I will prepare! I need to think about it some time in advance (more than a week before), because I never stop changing my mind ragarding my choice of dishes...
- Food is my obsession. I think about it day and night! Cooking relaxes me and gives me a feeling of well-being. And as the saying says "You are what you eat.", I find it to be a very important thing in life in order to be fit, althought I'm not a health nut...

- Although I love my two kitties, I could sometimes "kill" them! Virtually, of course! Sometimes you really need a lot of self-control to not go totally bananas. They really know how to drive me crazy...
- I can be very impatient and never let the people finish their sentences or do it for them when I feel that it's going too slowly. It is not that I don't listen to what they say. It's just that I can't wait and hate silence. It's a VERY bad habit that I'm trying to get rid of, but it's not that easy...
- I hate to be the center of attention or to speak about myself. I am not capable of being egocentric or self-centered, therefore I am more interested in others. That's why you might not know much about me and my life...
Each person tagged gives seven random facts about themselves.
Those tagged need to write in their blogs seven facts, as well as the rules of the game.
You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog.
You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and need to read your blog.

Anybody who feels concerned or who hasn't yet done this meme...
(All three paintings by Georgia O'Keeffe
elles sont vraiment!!!!!!!!!sublîmes tes photos!! biiiises micky
ReplyDeleteMICKYMATH! Oui, ces peintures sont de Georgia O'Keeffe, une artiste américaine... Bises!
ReplyDeletei am very shy too and understand your anxiety around strangers :)
ReplyDeleteTHE TRINIGOURMET: It's a kind of "illness" ;-P...
ReplyDeleteTimide,,, ça demande beaucoup d'efforts...
ReplyDeleteC'est sympa d'en apprendre sur toi même si la curiosité est un vilain défaut...
ReplyDeleteOn en apprends un peu plus sur toi, c'est sympa
Where is the translating button ??
ReplyDelete( à vrai dire je ne suis même pas sure du bon sens de cette phrase !!)
MAMINA: Tu peux le dire ;-P!
ReplyDeleteEOL: ;-P!
EDITH: :-D! Bises...
ANSO1505: Il se trouve dans la marge à droite, tout en bas, après l'horloge violette et le compteur ("View this page in" => "select language" Choisir "French" => taper "Go")... Bises.
Rosa, je te rassure en "grandissant" on devient moins shy :-)
ReplyDeleteSi tu ouvre ce magasin aux Usa ou au Canada, i'll love to be your first client !!!
tu nous dévoiles de jolis secrets sur toi, merci
Je suis contente d'en savoir un peu plus sur toi Rosa. Tu as oublié de dire que tu étais très sympathique et très jolie. Non non ne rougis pas, c'est vrai et c'est un compliment sincère.
ReplyDeleteBises amicales
Tu as franchi le pas, et moi j'ai refusé !
ReplyDeleteComme toi j'ai horreur de me délivrer, ce n'est pas de la timidité mais de la retenue.
Merci pour ton gentil commentaire.
Merci de t'être prêté à ce jeu malgré ta timidité et ton peu de goût à parler de toi. Nous en savons un peu plus maintenant ! Sais tu que je fais d'énormes progrès en anglais depuis que je te fréquente !
ReplyDeleteThose are some interesting observations. I think you and I have some things in common: I am obsessed by food (well, fillet steak to be precise) and I am more concerned with others than I am myself. Actually, that second one is a blatant lie. I am a self obsessed siamese prince! xx
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this Rosa and like you I enjoyed cooking and don't know what to cook when I have guests over too :D
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing, Rosa. It's a pleasure to learn more about you. If you open your café in Canada, let me know... I'll be your first customer (and I don't talk (or type) slow! Mostly straight) ;-D
ReplyDeletebefore *killing" your kitties (only virtually, of course) I am willing to offer Fridolin and Maruschka lifelong asyle in my home (virtually, of course). Vraiment sympa, ce post et ton blog.
ReplyDeleteliebe Grüsse Robert
I love Georgia O' Keefe. I can't see how you could leave your beautiful home---but if you ever want to open a nice deli in the wine country of California, please let me know! I'll be your first customer.
ReplyDeleteI do the same thing of interrupting people when they talk.Bad Sher!
Comme toi je suis assez timide et ce n'est pas toujours évident...
ReplyDeleteLorsque j'invite je réfléchis beaucoup aussi à ce que je vais faire et cela bien à l'avance !
Contente d'en savoir un peu plus sur toi...Je suis aussi très réservée et plutôt timide et manque de confiance en moi. Il faut toujours faire beaucoup d'efforts pour aller vers les autres et ce n'est pas facile!
ReplyDeleteBonne journée.
Rosa, this could not have been easy. I sincerely appreciate you opening up yourself to us. It is a pleasure to know you.
ReplyDeleteJ'aime bien ces petits jeux !! Merci de te révéler un peu !!
ReplyDeleteBRIGITTEGUYANE: Merci! Oui, c'est vrai, on devient moins "peureuse" avec les années! Je serais trop contente de t'avoir parmis mes premiers clients ;-P...
ReplyDeleteMARIE FLO: Merci de tout coeur pour ces compliments qui me touchent (j'ai un peu rougis ;-P...)! Bises...
MICHETTE: Je suis retenue, mais maintenant j'essaie de m'ouvrir car ça me fait du bien!
EGLANTINE: Merci! Je suis contente d'entendre que ton anglais se porte mieux! Cool...
HRH YAO-LIN: Thanks! I'm happy to have things in common with you, dear Yao-Lin! You are such a lovely Siamese prince that I feel flattered ;-P...
SHIONGE: Thanks! Good to know that we have the same food problems ;-P!
GATO AZUL: Thanks! I'd love to have you as first customer, especially if you talk fastly ;-P!
LAMIACUCCINA: They thank you for your kindness ;-P! Merci pour ton gentil compliment! Liebe Grüsse...
SHER: Great to know you also like G. O'Keefe! You know, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence and I'd love to change my environment as well as experience new things! I'd love to have you as first customer (with Upsie and Sundance ;-P)....
SYLVIE: Tu as raison, ce n'est pas toujours facile dêtre timide... Pour ce qui est de réfléchir aux menus lors des visites, je suis imbattable car je peux changer d'avis chaque jours et cela des semaines à l'avance!!!
CHRIS: Merci! C'est vrai, être timide peut rendre les choses très difficile car on doit faire beaucoup d'éfforts...
CYNTHIA: Thanks, I'm glad you liked my revelations!...
INOULE: Merci! Contente de te faire plaisir...
Je me suis bien reconnue dans ce que tu dis a propos de tes "Kitties",moi mes fils me font le meme effet ;o)
ReplyDeleteMURIEL: J'ai bien rigolé à la lecture de ton commentaire ;-P!!!! Je peux te croire...