Yvoire is a medieval village in Haute-Savoie which is situated between Geneva and Evian, on the left side of the Lake of Geneva (Lac Léman), directly opposite Nyon in Switzerland. This village (fortifications) was erected during the 14th century (1306) and had a strategic importance due to it's geographical situation.
Since the 1950's, it has been understandably labelled one of the "most beautiful villages in France" and has won several prizes for it's notorious beauty and the magnificent flowers that are to be found everywhere!
Yvoire is a very special place with a magical atmosphere and many splendid jewels of architecture which I loved, but I must say that the terrifying amount of people who were visiting, the endless rows of touristic stores and restaurants ( I never saw so many in such a tiny place) overshaded the authenticity of this village. There was not one peaceful corner to be found nor was there a small space left that was not occupied by a store or a restaurant. That's what I disliked most about this place, because I had the impression that Yvoire was an empty shell without any soul! It was as if it's spirit had been sucked out by the quest for easy money and the frenesy which "animated" the place...
There were only a few interesting stores, two of which sold Haute-Savoire specialities like wine, dried sausages, jams, liquors, honey, dried ham, etc... In one of them, "La Cave" we bought some excellent wild boar dried sausages which tasted very natural and "real". Otherwise, most stores or restaurants had overpriced goods. Even for a Swiss person like me, the prices were extremely overdone (even higher than in Switzerland); two drinks nearly cost as much as when we take four in a Geneva coffee house!!!
All in all, the trip was very pleasant. We got some cool air on the boat, the day was beautiful (azure sky with cumuluses) and I finally got to see Yvoire after having ranted about this place for years...
Do I recommend you to visit Yvoire? Of course, yes! But you have to know what you get once you're there...

Great Pictures! and, belated blog birthday!!
ReplyDeleteC'est magnifique....
ReplyDeleteI don't know Yvoire, it's a beautiful village ... Many thanks for your reportage ...
ReplyDeleteWOW!! Stunning, I really need to come down to your neck of the wooks and go exploring!!
ReplyDeleteEncore une magnifique ballade en images. C'est dommage que le tourisme, comme tu le dis si bien, transforme ces lieux magnifiques en coquilles vides. Mes parents qui sont originaires de la region ont essaye de visiter Yvoire l'annee derniere, et ont ete obliges de rebrousser chemin tellement il y avait d'embouteillages autour du village. Peut-etre en hiver, en semaine...
ReplyDeleteThat is oh so beautiful!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSUNSHINE: Many thanks for the kind comment!
ReplyDeleteCOLETTE: Merci! Oui, c'est vrai que ce coin est très beau...
FABIENNE: You'll have to see this place once as it's very nice!
CUISINEGUYLAINE: Merci pour le commentaire et pour ta visite... Et bien, ça me fait vraiment plaisir de savoir que mes photos te plaisent. J'espère pas te décevoir en t'apprenant que mon appareil n'a rien de fantastique! En fait, c'est un appareil bon marché (malheureusement, je n'ai pas les moyens d'en avoir un meilleur), sans zoom (seulement un zoom digital) et made in China!!! J'ai donc un "Technaxx X6". Je dois dire que pour le prix, il me fait de bonnes photos bien qu'il soit limité et que la qualité de ses photos n'égale pas celle des appareils professionnels...
Ta remarque me fait très plaisir car je n'aurais jamais imaginé qu'avec un tel appareil mes photos puissent intéresser les autres! J'en suis toute émue...
PAZ: Many thanks for your nice comment, Paz! It is indeed a very beautiful place that deserves attention. It's a pity that you could not explore this place...
PAM: Thanks! I really recommend you to come down here and visit such a place like Yvoire or the canton of Geneva...
GRACIANNE: Merci, Gracianne! Je peux bien imaginer que tes parents ont été obligés de rebrousser chemin car le monde qu'il y a là-bas est inimaginable pour un si petit endroit! Je pense qu'en hiver ç doit être beaucoup mieux.....
PUSPHA: Thanks ;-)!