Friday, February 22, 2013


February is a suitable month for dying. Everything around is dead, the trees black and frozen so that the appearance of green shoots two months hence seems preposterous, the ground hard and cold, the snow dirty, the winter hateful, hanging on too long.
- Anna Quindlen, One True Thing

February, when the days of winter seem endless and no amount of wistful recollecting can bring back any air of summer.
- Shirley Jackson, Raising Demons
Although I am a big fan of winter, I have to admit that February and its uniform skies, blizzardy snowfalls, heavy sleet storms, anesthetizing as well as frigid north winds and fair share of viruses can be quite a trying, unforgiving and monotonous month. Although the season of renewal is getting closer by the minute and the first signs of spring can already be witnessed (catkins hanging from trees, chaffinches and blackbirds singing crazily, snowdrops flowering, daffodils and primroses peeking out of the ground, etc...), this in-between period of the year is definitely not my favorite as it has the aura of a dull Soviet no-man's land or of a waiting room in a Bolshevik hospital.

Painfully murky and depressingly characterless days endlessly follow one another until the point where all this blandness numbs us and the zombie mode kicks in. It is an indubitable fact that dense opaque fog, serious lack of sunlight, bitter air and polar temperatures get the best of us as this lethal combination contributes to weakening our immune system and deminishing our high spririts. Hence it is extremely important that we don't forget to take good care of our mental and well as physical wellness.

Beetroot & Orange Salad 1 5 bis
It is totally normal to feel exhausted and a little feeble when the weather is so unfriendly and our lifetsyles go against the cosmic rhythm. After all, we cannot constantly be 110% productive and ask our bodies to be invicible if we don't comply to earth's laws, pamper ourselves and accept that we are not limitless machines. So, eventhough our lives are full of unchosen obligations (going to work no matter how we are feeling and having to be equally productive on a constant basis, adopting artificial schedules dictated by our modern world, suffering from insufficient sleep and peace,  etc...), it is nonetheless our responsability to nurture our well-being and inner harmony as much as humanly possible given the circumstances.

This is the reason why I try add harmony to my existence, slow down whenever I can, have activities which uplift my soul (listen to music, read, watch movies, cook/bake, meditate, go out for walks, etc...) and eat particularly wholesomely during Jack Frosts' reign. As a result, illnesses rarely affect me (I usually only get a runny nose and sore throat), my energy level is mostly high, 90% of the time my brain is active like a rat, I am generally fairly chirpy and the only blues I experience is played by talented musicians...

Beetroot & Orange Salad 3 5 bis
The beet is the most intense of vegetables. The radish, admittedly, is more feverish, but the fire of the radish is a cold fire, the fire of discontent, not of passion. Tomatoes are lusty enough, yet there runs through tomatoes an undercurrent of frivolity. Beets are deadly serious.
- Tom Robbins

Salad "freshens without enfeebling and fortifies without irritating.
- Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826)
One of my preferred health allies is beetroot. Not only is this globe vegetable fantastically versatile, mighty scrumptious and remarkably colorful, but it is also a great source of potassium, magnesium and iron as well as vitamins A, B6 and C, folic acid, carbohydrates, protein, powerful antioxidants and soluble fibre; ideal for boosting stamina, reducing risks of osteoporosis, strokes and heart attacks, bringing down blood pressure, stabilizing blood sugar, lowering cholesterol, helping slow the progression of dementia, treating anemia and fatigue. A highly nutritious and powerful ball of goodness which I am never tired of transforming into mouthwatering meals and seeing in my plate!

I'm not sure if it has something to do with my body sending me subliminal messages or if Mother Nature's imminent awakening is in cause, but lately, beets, oranges and wonderfully crunchy raw vegetables have been a lot on my mind and I have been constantly dreaming of bringing vibrant hues to the table as well as yearning for citrusy flavors.

Cravings can be very strong and as a rule, it is rather difficult to get rid of them, unlless they have been fulfilled. Anyway, thankfully for me my urge for hearty fare was legitimate and represented no threat to my organism (I would have resisted it otherwise), so I had no other choice than to enter my culinary temple in a jiffy and proceed to create a delightfully tasty, psychedelic and nutrient-ladden "Beetroot and Orange Salad" which I served for supper.

This zesty, refined and substantial cold dish met a frank success and brought happiness to the dinning table. P. asked for seconds and thirds, and we fiercely devoured it, leaving no leftovers. Had it been a platter of homemade pasta or a juicy steak, I don't think it would have gone down any faster or better. Simply perfect!

Beetroot & Orange Salad 10 6 bis
Beetroot And Orange Salad 
Recipe by Rosa Mayland, February 2013.

Serves 2 (as main course) or 4 (as side dish).

Ingredients For The "Salad Dressing":
The juice of 1 organic lemon
1 Clove garlic, crushed (optional)
2 Tbs Olive oil
1 Tsp Mild soy Sauce
1 Tsp Yellow or sweet mustard
1 Tsp Runny honey
1/2 Tsp Sriracha
1 Pinch ground allspice
Sea salt, to taste
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Ingredient For The "Salad":
1 Big raw beetroot, peeled and finely shredded
2 Tarocco oranges, filleted (see method)
1/4 Cup (30g) Hazelnuts, roasted and coarsely chopped
The rind of one organic lemon 
Sprouted alfalfa

Beetroot & Orange Salad 2 5 bis
Method For The "Salad Dressing":
1. Whisk all the ingredients together and set aside.
Method For "Plating The salad":
2. Place the grated beetroot* on the plates.
3. Drizzle the salad dressing* over the beetroot.
4. Prettily arrange the orange segments* over the beetroot.
5. Sprinkle the hazelnuts* and the grated lemon rind* over the salad.
6. Top with a handful of sprouted alfalfa*.
7. Serve immediately.

You can replace the allspice by 1/2 Tsp ground cumin, the Tarocco oranges by Moro or Navel oranges and the sprouted alfalfa by any other sprouted seeds of your choice (beetroot, onion, sesame, etc...).
The clove garlic is totally optional. Instead, try flavoring your salad with an onion which you'll cut in half and slice very thinly, then arrange nicely over the grated beetroot (before adding the orange segments).

Serving suggestions:
Serve this salad as main course, with slices of pumpernickel bread or as side dish in accompaniment to a casseroles, gratin or some barbecued meat.

* In equal quantities (either 1/2 or 1/4, depending on how many people you are going to serve).

Beetroot & Orange Salad 7 5 bis
Salade De Betterave À l'Orange
Recette par Rosa Mayland, Février 2013.

Pour 2 personnes (plat principal) ou 4 personnes (plat d'accompagnement).

Ingrédients Pour La "Vinaigrette": 

Le jus d'un citron bio
1 Gousse d'ail, écrasée (facultatif)
2 CS d'Huile d'olive
1 CC de Sauce soja douce
1 CC de Moutarde douce
1 CC de Miel liquide
1/2 CC de Sriracha
1 Pincée de Poudre de piment de la Jamaïque
Sel de mer, selon goût
Poivre noir fraîchement moulu, selon goût
Ingrédients Pour La "Salade":
1 Grosse betterave crue, pelée et finement râpée

2 Oranges Tarocco, découpée en quartiers (voir méthode)
30g de Noisettes, torréfiées et grossièrement hachées

Le zeste d'un citron bio
Pousses d'alfalfa/luzerne (graines germées)

Beetroot & Orange Salad 9 6 bis
Méthode Pour La "Vinaigrette":
1. Mélanger ensemble tous les ingrédients pour la vinaigrette et mettre de côté.
Méthode Pour La "Présentation De La Salade":
2. Disposer la betterave râpée * sur les assiettes.
3. Verser la vinaigrette* sur la betterave.
4. Arranger joliment les quartiers d'orange* sur la betterave.
5. Saupoudrer avec les noisettes* et le zeste de citron râpé*.
6. poser une petite poignée de luzerne germée* sur le dessus de la salade.
7. Servir immédiatement.

Vous pouvez remplacer le piment de la Jamaïque en poudre par 1/2 CC de cumin en poudre, les oranges Tarocco par des oranges Moro ou Navel et la luzerne germée par les graines germées de votre choix (betterave, oignon, sésame, etc ..).

L'ail est totalement facultatif. Afin de donner plus de saveur à votre salade, un oignon finement coupé fera parfaitement l'affaire (ajoutez-le juste avant les quartiers d'orange).

Suggestions d'accompagnement:
Servir cette salade comme plat principal, avec des tranches de pain pumpernickel ou comme plat d'accompagnement avec un plat au four, un gratin ou de la viandes grillée.

* En quantités égales (soit 1/2 ou 1/4, selon le nombre de personnes que vous allez servir).


  1. I love everything about this salad!

  2. Oh yeah, I feel pretty much the same like you Rosa! A wonderful salad!

  3. I need your salad, right now! Mouthwatering - I am so tired of winter and need colorful food! Great clicks, Rosa!

  4. Such a refreshing and gorgeous salad. Warm weather can't come soon enough for me. Lovely post you have written.

  5. Voilà un mariage très heureux qui me plaît en tout points.

  6. Gorgeous salad! Citrus is so perfect for this time of year. I agree, February tends to feel a bit monotonous.


  7. A very different salad Rosa....... and stunning picture of those nuts....And i happen to hate February too.. some how stress seeks me out like murder during that month! inspite of Valentines et al

  8. This is such a healthy and vibrat Salad Rosa. I just loved everything about this post. But that picture of orange halves is to die for :)

  9. I adore Anna Quindlen..
    I article she wrote about being a Motherless daughter that I have kept..should have kept her books that I read also..but you cannot hold onto everything.

    Funny..I don't mind winter anymore.. even the grey days..SOMETIMES hold a certain charm for me..but it's the cold and wind..and ..this year so much snow accumulation!
    I am grateful for nice big windows that let in light..(and cold though when no sun!)..There's always a flip

    I would love this salad and love the Sirracha addition.

    Recettes bilingues..toujours un + Rosa.

  10. A wonderful, healthy salad and beautiful photos, as always!

  11. Rosa, I totally love your decrisption on February and winter...I've been feeling exactly the same and was cribbing to my hus saying that every Februrary we must plan a trip to some sunny beach anywhere in the world :-) I'm terribly waiting for spring n summer :-)

    Loved the salad, so simple yet with flavors that'll pop in your mouth!


  12. Such a pretty salad, I have serious plate envy! :)

  13. The salad sounds delicious. I must say that I have never tried raw beets before, which I would definitely like to try.

  14. What a beautiful salad!Love its ingredients and vivid colors!

  15. Ta salade est aussi simple que sublime à l'oeil !! Elle donne terriblement envie. Bien que l'hiver soit encore très présent chez moi, je consomme beaucoup de cru et notamment des betteraves ( en smoothie par ex ) ^^
    Orange-betterave : hum !! Et le croquant des noisettes est juste la touche finale parfaite. Je suis séduite.
    Des bises Rosa. A bientôt.

  16. In these black&white days a colourful surprise ! Liebe Grüsse, Robert

  17. Never had this salad before but would love to try it. Love the color and the crunch from the hazelnuts.

  18. Looks so very yummy! Love beets, cooked or raw.

  19. What a colorful salad -- love that you shredded the beets. Soo beautiful :)

  20. Hi Rosa,
    I love everything about this salad. Textures, colours, flavours, everything combines in perfect harmony!!

  21. It's so beautiful Rosa! Love the colours and the vibrancy of it all. I too am craving cold crunchy salads, which is weird because when it's cold my body repels all salads!

    Lovely photos as usual.

    Nazneen xx

  22. Absolutely love the colors and flavors of this salad!

  23. This sounds fabulous and it looks stunning! I love beets, I bet they dyed you a pleasant shade of magenta ;p .

  24. What a wonderful salad Rosa! So colourful and good for you too!

  25. Beautiful pictures and beautiful salad! Have a great day!

  26. Beautiful, soul soothing salad. Just what's needed this dreary time of year. :)

  27. Yes Rosa...the season of renewal is around the corner...and this salad has brought me an extra spring in my step...thanks ;o)

    Have a great week,

  28. Ah, Rosa, you have a way of expressing your distaste of this dreary season so poetically. February is a hard, thankless month when we huddle inside and comfort ourselves with food. But funny we always turn to the hot, thick and creamy rather than something fresh and tangy and alive like this beautiful salad? And orange and beets are the best for fighting winter's sicknesses and woes. Stunning!

  29. Superbe salade énergisante! J'adore cette combinaison!

  30. This cheery salad with brighten up the table despite these sunless winter days. I have never eaten raw beets, but it is now on the list to try.

  31. deliziosa, e le tue foto mi conquistano sempre :)

    un abbraccio affettuoso

  32. so tempting salad.. I do similar way too..

  33. It's a drizzly, grey day here Rosa and I just bought myself some roses to brighten the day. But having your delicious and exquisitely photographed salad would also cheer me. I can't believe how you managed to get such definition in those hazelnut shots.

  34. Healthy and colourful salad, I totally would love to try this.

  35. I love beetroot-its sweet earthiness is so delicious. And apparently people find it hard to get dark purple vegetables in their diet so they are perfect.

  36. Love the explosion of colour in this salad - beautiful!

  37. This month has begun to affect me too! At least it is the shortest month of the year. This salad reminds me of spring time and that fact that it is right around the corner. We plant a large shared garden with my parents every year and always include a row of beets. I am looking forward to trying this salad with our home grown vegetables!

  38. Gosh, I haven't read Shirley Jackson in years! You don't see her quoted all that much these days - I'm glad you did. Lovely looking salad, and I'll bet it tastes wonderful. Such great colors! Really so nice - thank you.

  39. What a pretty winter salad, Rosa. Great ingredient combination

  40. Hi Rosa,

    I love the first two quotes, they describe exactly how I feel. Winter is not my favorite season and the wait until spring seems too long. Your salad looks amazing! I love beets but never thought to pair them with oranges -- thanks for sharing!

  41. Your posts are amazing Rosa...Cant explain how many times i scroll up and down when you post something new!! loved the pics and the recipe..keep them coming !!!

  42. J'adore ta salade ma chère Rosa miam!! Bonne fin de soirée XX

  43. Absolutely wonderful!! The colours, flavours and textures of this salad appeal to me so much - and as you way, perfect for the late winter blues (is this weather EVER going to stop?!). And that Tom Robbins quote has totally made my weekend - he is one of my all-time favourite writers :)

  44. Je suis toujours autant bluffer par tes photos! Magnifique

  45. Je trouve cette idee delicieuse - et pourtant j'ai longtemps dedaigne l'humble betterave, mais la franchement, avec ces tranches d'orange comem des soleils, c'est tout ce dont j'ai besoin.

  46. what terrific colors, rosa! adding the hazelnuts was a great idea--that crunch is not to be skipped!

  47. I just love that hazelnut picture, Rosa, could it ever get any more beautiful than that? And it so happens that this kind of salad is my favourite too. I shall take the tips from you to slow down, good tips, thanks:-)

  48. My energy level is highest in the late PM, it's nearly gone. I think it's age. :)
    Always have loved beet and oranges together Rosa. A natural. Your salad is lovely with the added crunch.

  49. I don't usually mix beets and oranges together but I think I would like it a lot. Beautiful pictures :)

  50. rosa! i just bought some hazelnut meltaways today!
    oh my gosh they are so good, I need to recreate them.
    I saw your photo of the hazelnuts and was like "I need to get more" LOL

  51. Beautiful salad! Light and healthy, yum!

  52. A very delightful salade, Rosa. I love the colours.

  53. The colors in your photos are absolutely stunning! I can practically taste that fresh citrus and can't wait to make this salad. Thanks for sharing!

  54. We have so much snow on the ground and more coming tonight. I love eating bright food during this time of the year when everything is so gray. The salad sounds wonderful...especially with the dressing.

  55. Beautiful and delicious salad Rosa. Beets are the best! Hugs. Yelena

  56. Rosa, this looks gorgeous. You are so lucky to find hazelnuts, I have a hard time getting any here in DC.

  57. Moi je ne suis pas du tout une fan de l'hiver, je suis plutôt une fille du soleil! En tout cas comme pour moi février est un mois déprimant, ca me fait du bien de voir ces jolies couleurs avec ta belle recette colorée...

  58. Love the presentation of this salad! Beetroot and orange make a perfect match! Pictures are amazing as usual!

  59. This is very beautiful. I was just craving roasted beets and your salad includes flavors that I know must love being together!

  60. I remembered eating alot beetroots when I was touring Russia and it is usually soup. It was the first time for me and now I've seen them selling at our local market.

    Good idea to shred it I might just have a go.

    Rosa - I'll check your email and see if it reaches you :D

  61. What a wonderful post. I couldn't agree with you more...February can be a hard month, but with a little self-love, it can turn into a time of reflection, health, and growth. And this salad? How beautiful! Thank you for sharing...and brightening up a cold Wednesday morning. I hope you are having a great week!

  62. Was just talking about beetroot with my friend. Would love to try this. :-)

  63. I did not expect that the dressing would be Asian flavor! I love it! I'm a beetroot fan, and this sounds amazingly delicious - look how juicy oranges are... hmmm your salad really looks appetizing!

  64. Very inspiring pics here - love the colours

  65. I remember whn my mum first came home with beetroot, to say i wasn't impressed was an understatement but now i can't get enough of the stuff!I'm definetly going to try this recipe.

    When i'm feeling poorly or i've got a running nose, i've found that brewing up some apple and ginger with a dash of cinnamon makes a great brew to banish it all away.

  66. I just bought beets yesterday. This salad is a celebration of color and texture.

  67. Delightful quotes on the vegetables! :) So true and I never saw radish in that light. LOL

    The salad is gorgeous! such lovely colors that it brightens my day.

  68. Beautiful as always. Especially like the addition of the hazelnuts for that extra crunch.

  69. Gorgeous and refreshing salad! Perfect for New Years eve-) Dear Rosa, happy new year to you my dear! I am wishing you the best!!!


  70. This salad looks fantastic. I love beets! Thank you for sharing. :)

  71. I made my husband promise I would never have to be cold again and so "we follow the sun." I actually crave sunlight.

    What a lovely salad Rosa and so cheerful. The color combination is magnificent together. I don't think I've ever tasted beetroot. Happy New Year to you,
