Friday, February 10, 2012


Oreo 3 2 bis
A fellow who does things that count, doesn't usually stop to count them.
- Albert Einstein

A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses.
- Chinese Proverb
The blogosphere is brimming with heartwarming suprises and extraordinary individuals. Since I have started Rosa's Yummy Yums in 2005 it has never ceased to amaze me and blow my mind. This ever-growing community of culinary geeks and fanatics who share the same passion for cooking and baking is like a second family to me.

Throughout the years, I have met a load of fascinating people and made some very good friends among my fellow bloggers, some of which I have been lucky enough to meet physically and others I still dream of having a cup of coffee with in the future.

Of course, I am not exactly so naive as to believe that everything is shiny, pink and perfect in this virtual world. As a matter of fact, it is without a doubt no different from reality. Concurrence is big there too, so you'll sometimes come across a lot of rip-offs as well as mean and jealous trolls with a complex of inferiority and be the favorite target of anonymous psychos who get thrills out of insulting and harassing you.

Nonetheless, even if there were days when I felt discouraged, disgusted and depressed because a sad and ugly mofo with a twisted mind decided to vent his/her spleen on me in order to relieve himself/herself of his/her frustration, anger, hate and low self-esteem by bringing me down and making me feel bad, I have not let this adversity destroy me. What kept me going was the awareness that there is also a lot of kindness and generosity out there to outbalance the negativity.
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
- Leo Buscaglia

One man practicing kindness in the wilderness is worth all the temples this world pulls.
- Jack Kerouac
For example, last week, when I was feeling rather low-spirited and wrote about my life story, I received many supportive and attentionate comments as well as personal messages which showed me that I was not alone, gave me hope, encouraged me to follow my path and brought back a smile on my face. This display of attention touched me deeply and I wish to thank my readers and colleague foodies for their sympathy, solicitude and friendship. You rule!

Lately, I have also been blessed to win a few giveaways and to be offered a bunch of wonderful cookbooks. Speaking of which, a few months ago Isabelle Lambert of the popular "Les gourmandises d'Isa" sent me an exemplary of her first publication. How nice and thoughtful of her. I was extremely thrilled that she had thought of me...

I have known this young woman for quite long now - we started blogging and joined The Daring Bakers practically at the same time - and have followed every step of her journey as a gourmande, so it is a enormous honor for me to present her work on my site.

abelle was born in France and
has been living in Québec (Canada) for about a decade. She hails from a family of professional bakers/pâtissiers, butchers/pork butchers and caterers, and grew up being surrounded by cuisine enthusiasts who produced their own fare, hence it is no wonder that she cultivates a strong interest for the arts of the table.

This bubbly and dynamic lady decided to start a blog to stock all her recipes and constantly have them to hand, but after a while, comments came in and she began to realize that what she created impacted on others. As a result, she began to take this activity more seriously and put together posts with more detailed explanations and better pictures. Over the years, she gained many followers and ranks among the most influential French-speaking bloggers on the internet.

In her book, Isabelle shares 150 of her favorite recipes inspired by her love for Québecois and North American chefs. It is chock-a-block full a ideas for delectable savory dishes such as quiches, Flemish beef stew, caramel pork, rillettes de Mans, monkfish blanquette, chicken tajine with dried apricots, lobster rolls as well as  abunding with marvelous sweet treats (2/3 of the book is dedicated to desserts) such as piña colada muffins, maple syrup bars, creamy orange tart, bacon toffee, coffe éclairs, churros, salty caramel spread and many more.

Provided that you can read and understand the language of Molière (no translation exists),
"Les Gourmandises d'Isa" is a lovely compendium of family-style, easy-to-achieve and tasty specialitise which will satisfy your appetite for fullfilling and comforting grub.

After a lot of hard-thinking and endless flipping through the pages of this softcover (taking decisions isn't my strong point), I finally decided that I was going to share with you Isabelle's own version of the famous Oreos.
I am still convinced that a good, simple, homemade cookie is preferable to all the store-bought cookies one can find.
- James Beard

Noncooks think it's silly to invest two hours' work in two minutes' enjoyment; but if cooking is evanescent, so is the ballet.
- Julia Child
I occasionally buy the original cookies when I come across a packet in my supermarket and moderatly appreciate that confection, yet I can't say that I entirely understand the fad about them nor that I can really say I find them as irresistible as everybody does. Originally, I was attracted to them because I have an open mind, thus I like trying new things and because they are a symbol of a country - USA- I dream of visiting and which's gastronomy I adore. However, I prefer not to consume junk on a regular basis (only rarely and there are still things I categorically refuse to touch) as I try to ban as much industrial "food" as possible from my diet. As a result, Oreos have only graced the shelves of my cupboard twice and I am seriously considering ending my relationship (if there was ever one, though) with them right now considering that they can easily be replicated at home.
We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.
- Alfred E. Newman
High-tech tomatoes. Mysterious milk. Supersquash. Are we supposed to eat this stuff? Or is it going to eat us?
- Annita Manning
Homemade Oreos are by far my drug of choice. Not only are they made with 100% natural ingredients, but they have a finer taste too. It is impossible to compare them with those produced by Nabisco, a division of Kraft Foods and another big corporation whose interest is not your health, but rather to create monopoly control over the food system.

Unlike the palm oil-loaded, additive-ladden, nutrient-poor and fashionable wafers, Isabelle's Oreos (which I have slighty altered - salt added to the filling and I substituted the margarine with butter) don't have a cardboardy/dusty flavor or fail to deliver oomph. Those "Artisanal Oreos" are not overly sweet and offer an intense aroma of cocoa, vanilla and butter. Once you've bitten into one, you'll get hooked and will forget your addiction for the manufactured stuff. It is definitely worthwhile investing efforts into the baking of those babies as store-bought biscuits cannot compare to these!

Oreo 2 3 bis

~ Artisanal Oreos ~
Recipe adapted from Isabelle's book, "Les Gourmandises d'Isa".

Makes about 20 Oreos.

Ingredients for "Cookies":

80g (5 Tbs + 1 Tsp) Unsweetened cocoa
113g (7/8 Cup) All-purpose flour
1 Pinch Fine sea salt
125g (1/2 Cup + 1 Tsp) Unsalted butter

200g (5/8 Cup - 1 Tsp) Castor sugar
1 Big Egg (~ 63g)
1/2 Tsp Pure vanilla extract
Ingredients For The "Filling":
125g (1/2 Cup + 1 Tsp) Unsalted butter
125g (1 Cup + 1 Tsp) Icing sugar
1 Tsp Pure vanilla extract
1/2 Tsp Fine sea salt

Method For The "Cookies":
1. Sift the flour, cocoa and salt together. Set aside.
2. Cream the butter and sugar together in order to obtain a pale, fluffy and creamy mixture.
3. Add the egg and vanilla. Mix well until fully incorporated.
4. Add the dry ingredients and using a spatula, mix well until just blended (don't knead).
Wrap the dough in clear plastic wrap and store in the fridge for 15 minutes.
6. Preheat the oven to 160° C (325° F).
7. Sprinkle your work surface with cocoa, then roll out the dough to a thickness of 5 mm.
8. Using a fluted round cookie cutter (4 cm/1.6 inch in diameter), cut the dough into about 40 rounds (you can re-roll the scraps).

Oreo Snow Village 1 1 bis

9. Place cookies on prepared baking sheets 2.5 cm apart.
Place the cookie sheets in the freezer for 15 minutes.
11. Bake the cookies in the middle of the oven for 15 minutes.
12. Remove them from the oven and let them cool on a wire rack.
Method For The "Filling":
13. Beat the butter, until light and creamy.
14. Add the powdered sugar, vanilla and salt, then beat well until smooth.

Method For "Assembling The Oreos"
After cookies have cooled, put 1 1/2 Tsp of the filling between two cookies, putting bottom sides together.

It is very important to freeze the pastry rounds if you do not want the cookies to spread out while baking.

Serving suggestios:
Eat your Oreos with a glass of ice cold milk.


Oreo 1 1 bis bis tagged

~ Oréos Maison ~
Recette adaptée du livre "Les gourmandises d'Isa" par Isa du blog "Les Gourmandises d'Isa".

Pour environ 20 oréos.

Ingrédients Pour Les "Cookies":
80g de Cacao non-sucré
113g de Farine blanche
1 Pincée de Sel de mer fin
125g de Beurre non-salé
200g de Sucre cristallisé
1 Oeuf (~63g)
1/2 CC d'Extrait de vanille pure
Ingredients Pour La "Garniture":
125g de Beurre non-salé
125g de Sucre glace/en poudre
1 CC d'Extrait de vanille pure
1/2 CC de Sel de mer fin
Méthode Pour Les "Cookies": 
1. Tamiser ensemble la farine, le cacao et le sel. Mettre de côté.
2. Battre le beurre et le sucre en pommade, jusqu'à obtention d'une crème légère et pâle.
3. Ajouter l'oeuf et la vanille. Bien incorporer.
4. Ajouter les ingrédients secs et bien incorporer à l'aide d'une spatule, mais sans pétrir.
5. Réserver la pâte 15 minutes au frigo.
6. Préchauffer le four à 160° C.
7.  Saupoudrer le plan de travail avec du cacao, puis abaisser la pâte sur une épaisseur de 5 mm.
À l'aide d'un emporte-pièce rond cannelé de 4 cm de diamètre, couper la pâte en ~ 40 cercles (vous pouvez rouler les retailles).

Oreo Snow Salève 1 8 bis

9. Déposer les biscuits sur les plaques préparées, en les espaçant de (2,5 cm).
10. Mettre les plaques à biscuits au congélateur pendant 15 minutes (opération très importante, si on ne veut pas que les biscuits s'étalent).
11. Cuire les biscuits au centre du four pendant 15 minutes.
12. Les sortir du four et les laisser complètement refroidir bien à plat sur une grille.
Méthode Pour La "Garniture": 
13. Battre le beurre, jusqu'à l'obtention d'une préparation légère et crémeuse.
14. Incorporer le sucre en poudre, la vanille et le sel, puis bien battre le tout, jusqu'à obtention d'une texture homogène et légère.
Méthode Pour Le "Montage Des Oreos":
15. Retourner la moitié des biscuits à l'envers et couvrir chacun d'eux avec 1 1/2 CC de garniture.
16. Poser les autres biscuits sur le dessus de la garniture en pressant légèrement pour former des sandwichs.

Il est impératif de mettre les ronds de pâte au congélateur car sans cela, il vous sera impossible de les cuire sans qu'ils ne s'étalent.

Idées de présentation:
Déguster avec un verre de lait très froid.

Oreo 4 2 bis


  1. Ohhh there is the snow also there :) very beautiful glace landscape!
    i love oreo to much!!! i need t try this recept ;)
    the phrase of Jon Miro is really special!

  2. Un très beau billet avec des photos sublimes et des gourmandises très tentantes! Bonne fin de semaine...

  3. Ces oréos doivent être terribles, et puis ils sont très joliment mis en valeur par tes très belles photos !

  4. Ils ont l'air si gourmands ! si joliment photographiés...ça tombe bien ! ma famille de petits loups arrive..en vacances...on va cuisiner !
    bon weekend Rosa, bises

  5. These look delicious! I'd love some stacked high on a plate with a glass of milk. :)

  6. I think this is better than the nabisco stuff out there. i think cookies are not cookies when there's weird chemicals in there, if you get what i mean.

  7. merci, merci merci Rosa pour ce si gentil article :) même si on ne s'est jamais rencontré en vrai, je sais que tu es une vraie gentille :)
    Tu as sublimé la recette avec tes superbes photos...alors encore merci :)

  8. Quelle super idée avec ce temps. Ils ont l'air parfaits !

  9. je me suis déjà essayée aux oréos "maison"; quel plaisir lorsque l'on entend les gourmands admettre qu'ils sont meilleurs que ceux que l'on achète.

  10. Rosa, these look too good to resist. Is it at all possible to give measurements in cups and spoons? I know grams are more accurate but i don't have a kitchen scale yet. Thanks.

  11. Superbe recette et belles photos qui donnent envie. Une recette que je garde pour mes petits qui sont fans de ce biscuit, mais vu les composant, on limite la gourmandise. Ceux-ci sont sains et feront leur bonheur. Bisous encore très froids.

  12. aaah Rosa, wonderful (and nice pictures) my kids would love these!
    I think these oreos look more amazing than the others (lol)

  13. LA @ FOODSLICE: Thanks! I've converted the measurements. I hope it'll be ok as grams are definitely more acurate... Cheers. :-)

  14. I love the quotes you have used through your post..the chinese proverb has always been one of my favorites..
    Your photos are just so lovely..You have made Isabelle proud..
    i know so much more of her background now.

    She shares so much..I am happy for her success.Well deserved..she is helpful also! will be you:)

  15. I've made oreos from scratch before based on Thomas Keller's recipe. I really like his chocolate sable, but the filling didn't quite turn out right and I always have to edit it to make it the right consistency.

    I like that this recipe has more of a buttercream type of filling. :d

    They look fantastic by the way.

  16. I've made Oreo cookies before, but they didn't look nearly as lovely as these! I'll definitely add this recipe to the to-bake list.

    "I am still convinced that a good, simple, homemade cookie is preferable to all the store-bought cookies one can find." Exactly! :D

  17. Hi Rosa,

    Good for you for not allowing that negativity to affect you. I find it sad when people let themselves get caught up in it. You know in the end it is them, not the mean person, who looses out. Just my opinion.

    The Oreos look amazing. I can't find the other ones so I can't wait to try her recipe. Thank you :)

  18. I love the quote from Kerouac Rosa, so true. Your oreos look so pretty I just want to make them now!
    I love your winter pictures as well, so beautiful.
    Bises et bon weekend!

  19. Homemade Oreos, how perfect! No need to worry about all of those ingredients we can't pronounce in the package :)

  20. Rosa,
    I have been so busy so not only I haven't posted but I haven't read my favorite blogs in few days. I totally missed your post about your life and search for meaning. We have so much in common, I have been struggling professionally for years, have a dream of opening a bakery but not money to do it. There are days that I feel so depressed about my job situation and my self esteem is so low. I can totally relate to your situation.

    Weirdly though, after starting an horticultural program that only takes a day a week for 18 weeks, all of a sudden I get two job offers, two catering gigs, and few cake orders from friends. One job turned out too crazy, I took the one I know it will be good for me and I start Monday. I feel a little overwhelmed, but happy.

    I hope 2012 will be the year you find your path, or at least find a meaningful way to express your talent.

    Sending hugs your way!

  21. La composition des Oréos m'était jusqu'à ce jour inconnue. Avec du bon beurre salé, ces petits gâteaux vont faire un petit arrêt dans ma cuisine.

  22. Oh my, you made your own Oreos!
    I'm imagining "Rosa's Yummy Yums" embossed on it :D

  23. Ohlala, j'avais résisté à l'achat de ce livre, mais cette version des oreos risque de me donner une excuse ! Bon week end !

  24. I hve never attempted these, they look wonderful! I always freeze the cookies right before baking to prevent major spreading.

  25. Funny - I have always been able to keep Oreos in the house because I don't touch them - they are too sweet for me and temptation does not enter the equation. And then - I took a long, sweet look at your posted Oreos and knew that these were the real deal and I would have to get my fingers on them.

  26. Rosa, you've been blogging for such a long time and I can't imagine how much you have experienced through this time. And remember, everyone cares about you because you are always genuinely nice to us. You bring great readers because of how you are. ;-)

    I'd never thought of making homemade oreos because we can buy them so easily, but that's because I haven't had homemade oreos yet! I think I'd go crazy if I ever tasted homemade version! Great introduction of Isabelle!

  27. parfait cette recette je vais l'essayer rapidement et les photos sont magnifiques !!

  28. I don't get the fascination with Oreos either (although I too have tried them). However, I have to say I'd prefer the home made version you have presented today Rosa! They look magnificent! And please ignore the trolls!

  29. You truly inspire me! What a beautiful post. These cookies are stunning!

  30. These would most certainly be my drug of choice too!! Stunning Rosa...all of it!

  31. c drole on en voit partout placardés sur les panneaux pub en ce moment à paris les tiens sont plus beaux !!pierre

  32. J'adore les OréOs … je vais garder cette recette précieusement
    Merci Rosa
    Je te souhaite une agréable fin de semaine, en espérant une météo plus clémente.


  33. I never knew what all the fuss was about with oreos either. I bet these taste completely different, and much, much more delicious!

  34. Absolutely gorgeous photography and a wonderful recipe, Rosa. Thank you for sharing.

  35. The book sounds gorgeous - especially that salty caramel spread - so I do hope there is a translated version one day. These cookies look gorgeous, all the better for having natural ingredients and being homemade!

  36. Loved the quotes, Rosa. Especially the Beard and true.
    I am not an Oreo lover, but these look so elegant and delicious, that I've already copied the recipe!

  37. So beautiful, and I'm sure they taste great, too! Love your quotes.

  38. You now, you always have the best quotes. I think store bought cookies are awful. My kids get "one junk food" when we go to the market. One time they picked chocolate chip cookies and I heard about how gross they were for days!!!!

  39. Rosa, your cookies look so eyes appealing and delicious! I love the black and white contrast. The other pictures are just gorgeous! You're a great photographer!

  40. What amazing is the blogosphere and really good quotes.

    Homemade oreos? Why not! Your pictures are fascinating in colors and the black/white :)

    Good weekend!


  41. Through your post, I feel that you've started climbing that infinite mountain that felt a little heavy for you to bear. I'm so glad that our support cheered you up and left you in good company ;o)

    About these cookies...ohhh the memories. My brother and I used spend a full 15 minutes seeing who could resist. I lost every time!

    Isabelle sounds like an interesting blogger...I shall slowly add her to my short list.

    Thanks Rosa ;o)
    Ciao for now, Claudia

  42. Dernièrement j'ai acheté justement les emporte-pièces pour essayer cette recette qui est sur ma liste à tester depuis bien longtemps!!

    Tes photos sont super jolies et bien présentées:)

  43. The food blogosphere is certainly an interesting but mostly a supportive place. We are so lucky to come across such talented and supportive people with a common passion. To the negativity, well it's a waste of my time as it takes away from the good things I prefer to spend my time on. You said it all so well!
    By the way, these Oreos are the stuff of dreams and wouldn't last two seconds at my place :)

  44. Be like the sunflower, face the sun and the shadows will fall behind.
    Keep the positive attitude.
    Onto the oreo cookies, my son loves them and I hope some day I can make them, even half as beautifully as u have!

  45. oh Rosa, what a splendid oreo recipe. It was one of the cookies my kid could have growing up. Never crossed my mind to bake them. I should have!!

  46. I can think of only one way to enjoy these...with a tall glass of milk.
    Love your photography!

  47. Dear Rosa, You leave me speechless! The pictures of these lovely goodies are simply beautiful. These sweets look delicious. I can't find words to express. Blessings my friend, Catherine xo

  48. Bonjour Rosa, je n'ai jamais laissé de commentaire jusqu'à présent et j'en laisse très rarement quand c'est écrit en anglais car la traduction est longue et difficilement déchiffrable. Pourtant je pourrais le faire très souvent car j'aime beaucoup son contenu et pour le monde du net, je suis tout à fait d'accord, il y a de tout du bon et du mauvais malheureusement :( et en ce qui concerne les plats fait maison, cela n'a rien à voir avec ce qu'on achète et qui nous empoisonne à petit feu même les légumes (tomates) ne sont plus de vraies tomates, elles n'ont plus de goût. Tout est une question de profit avant la qualité et c'est bien dommage. Ce qu'on mange aujourd'hui est certainement en partie responsable d'une bonne partie de nos maux et maladies mais que faire. J'aime beaucoup les photos et recettes de ton blog dommage que les textes soient très longs et en anglais ce n'est pas ma langue maternelle, la mienne est la langue de Molière :). Très belle réussite ces petits gâteaux et surtout naturels en +, bravo et merci de nous régaler par tes photos et superbes recettes. Bon week-end !

  49. They really do look like artisan Oreos, so perfect with a nice cuppa

  50. je n aime pas les Oréos du commerce, mais les tiens sont tellement appétissants qu ils me donnent envie de tester la recette...
    tes photos les subliment...
    bon week end

  51. Froze by seeing the food clicks....very impressive and love those cookies...

  52. OMG homemade oreo... So yummy
    Love it too much

  53. What's better than Oreos? Homemade Oreos!

  54. Oreos at home!That is a treat or what! The cookies look adorable :-)

  55. Fabulous. I will be making these this weekend. Wonderful post and photos, Rosa, comme toujours.

  56. Beautiful photos as always. Nothing like a delicious cookie to get your spirits up :)

  57. Rosa, even though I have never had Oreos in my life (I have seen them in Switzerland but somehow their fat and sugar content was so badly advertised I have never felt like buying them), these look much more appetising than the supermarket ones. I am sure they taste great. If one day I'm really curious, I will make these Oreos instead of buying them. Thanks for introducing Isabelle.

  58. what great quotes, rosa! and your cookies are obviously fantastic. :)

  59. Gourmet Oreos? Oh, I am soooooo in heaven. ;)

  60. Homemade Oreos? That sounds terrific!

  61. Je ne pensais pas pouvoir les préparer home made. Tu obtiens le même goût? Tes photos donnent très envie.

  62. I love these Oreos, Rosa! I can't believe you made a home version of it! I like it very much! This is a precious recipe!
    Regarding to the ugly anonymous comments, blogosphere in Croatia have the same problem. I actually wrote about it few posts earlier. It's not about how somebody doesn't like you, it's all about how somebody envy your beautiful work. His/hers twisted mind doesn't allow him/her to think clear, so he/she want to hurt other people. I just don't want to believe we live amoung those people. Just keep up good work, Rosa! There are so much more good people who love you and your work :)

  63. Je n'Ai pas encore fait les Oreo d'Isa, mais il est vrai qu'ils ont l'air extra! J'adore le bouquin d'Isa! Superbes tes photos!

  64. I've been wanting to make homemade oreos for so long -- these look amazing, Rosa!

  65. HELENE PICKEN: Merci! En fait, ils sont bien meilleurs: une saveur plus cacao et de vanille (pure) plus prononcée et pas ce goût cartonneux.... ;-))

  66. The blogging community is filled with encouragement. The negative is few and far between. Keep dancing to your own drummer and if there is the occasional negative comment that means that people are actually reading your words. I see that as a bonus! As for the oreos, lovely!

  67. Je refuse de manger les oréos mais ceux-ci, c'est tout a fait autre chose! Quelle belle recette et quelles belles photos surtout!

  68. C'est d'une décadence absolument fabuleuse!

  69. I NEED THESE OREOS NOW!! Rosa, you have out done yourself! These look spectacular!

  70. Ceux-là je crois que je les aimerais bien plus que ceux en paquet.

  71. Quelle bonne idée ces oréos maison ils ont l'air vraiment exquis! Merci pour ce partage!
    Des bisous

  72. how sweet. sorry about the troll, sometimes people feel the urge to inflict us whith their venom. pay not attention. sending you hugs!

  73. Rosa, I always wanted to try making these!!!!!!!!! Yours look dunkin good.

  74. These cookies look just perfect!!

  75. Gorgeous landscape photos and these oreos look amazing
    Don't take too much in when things are negative, keep following your own heart :)

  76. They look delicious. Perfectly shaped and perfect thickness. A good choice from your new cookbooks

  77. Homemade oreos?!! You gotta be kidding girl! Looks totally scrumptious. Give me a sackful, pretty please!

    Happy Valentine's, my friend!

  78. I'm sorry you've had some horrible trolls leave nasty comments Rosa. You are wonderful, you are immensely talented and you truly have a photographic gift. Believe in yourself, as I know you do, and ignore the haters.

    Your oreos look fantastic, and I bet taste 1,000 times better than the packaged version. They really do look divine.

  79. Ooh, I do love Oreos! fantastic shot of the icicles too - crisp and clear!

  80. Happy Valentine's Day Rosa, lots of Love and Happiness! Hugs and gros bisous! I love that song on your blog.

  81. I always want to make some Oreos...these look great!

  82. Stunning photos, and a great recipe for the occasion -- who wouldn't love artisanal oreos?!?

    I want to eat it all :D

  83. The best looking Oreos I've seen. They look irresistible.

  84. I'm so glad to hear so many people gave you love and support after your last post, Rosa. :-) It is such a comforting thing to know you are valued and not alone. xo Thank you for introducing us to this dear friend of yours. I look forward to getting to know her better. :-)

  85. Gorgeous... I love the icicle photo :D

  86. No wonder why this cookie was named OREO (from the same Greek word meaning beautiful). I bet the homemade ones are ten times better.

  87. J'aime beaucoup cette citation de Miro, les choses essentielles, il faut savoir les regarder et toi, tu sais! Tes photos sont merveilleuses. Et tes oréos font envie ;-)

  88. The way you put down words on paper is exceptional, it's a gift. I am always looking forward to reading your posts. After reading the post I take a moment to reflect on life. You get me inside and don't let anyone ever stop you. I am so mad when a person tries to destroy another person, especially with a special talent like yours.

    You are beautiful inside and you work is art.

    Wish you Happy Valentine Day from Canada!!!


  89. Oh wow, these look really good! :) I haven't had an oreo in years, but I used to like them, especially the dark crunchy cookie. We all love you Rosa!

  90. Rosa, I totally understand how you is amazing how the blog world can get you connected with people all around the world. Moreover, you start to care for people that you never met and they start to be part of your are part of so many people's life Rosa...
    I could "use" some of your oreos now as I am sipping on tea.
    Have a wonderful week :)

  91. Je suis sûre qu'ils sont meilleurs que les vrais, que j'ai goûté une fois... et pas deux. ceux là sont vraiment appétissants, à lire la recette.

  92. Wow, you made oreos at home? They look so delicious, in fact better than the packaged kind. Yummy!!!

  93. I cannot stop eating oreos if I have them around, it is one of the few industrial products I cannot resist to. I can't imagine what would happen with artisanal ones.

  94. This post really has some impressive elements. Very well written, awesome photos and a delicious recipe! Enjoyed this one-keep them coming!

  95. Un régal ces biscuits fait maison!

  96. These look delicious. And I love your photos as usual!

  97. what i love most about this post is the fact that the filling is made with ingredients you can understand.
    those horrid cookies sold in the store are filled with so many chemicals.
    nicely done Rosa!

  98. I need some of these! And making them will make me feel better about eating them!

    And don't let the trolls get you down because there are plenty of us who love what you do!

  99. How amazing do these look and sound! As an Oreo addict I find them irresistible and know they will be infinitely better than the store bought ones. Bookmarked!

  100. Tes biscuits sont magnifiques, vraiment! Je suis d'accord, le fait maison est toujours mieux quand on peut, c'est moins cher, et puis même au goût, c'est souvcent meilleur puisqu'on peut controller la qualité des ingrédients. Je suis très touchée par ton message où tu parles de tes sentiments en tant que blogeuse. Je suis contente que tu ne te laisse pas décourager (crois-moi, ce n'est facile pour personne:-), car c'est un plaisir autant pour les yeux que pour les papilles de voir ton blog briller. Il est MAGNIFIQUE, et je suis loin d'être la seule á penser ca. Ca a été très réconfortant de te lire. merci aussi de nous présenter Isabelle, j'irais la "découvrir" un peu plus sur son blog. D'avance très bon week-end, Grosses bises de Stockholm!

  101. these cookies look fabulous and make us never want the commercial kind. I love all those statements you cited about food and your photos are stunning, as always.

  102. les photos sont magnifiques et ces oreos ultras gourmands!

  103. I so very much enjoy reading your post every time! The way you express your feeling with the right word and framing of sentence is amazing. It sounds effortless. You are a great writer .. an awsm chef and how can I forget your photography :)These cookies sounds just too delicious! I must try my hand on it sometime.

  104. Ils sont superbes et tes photos sont toujours aussi magnifiques ! Je suis fan !!!
    Bon week-end à toi Rosa.

  105. Tes photos sont vraiment top.
    Le livre d'Isa est génial en plus

  106. Oh, more of Rosa's yummy yums! We do a cake like this where you put it all together and make a big "oreo" log. We've always called it the Hog Log. Oh yes, so much better than the overly sweet cookies at the market!
    And yes, our blogosphere sure does bring comfort at times. Sending you warm thoughts and happiness.

  107. Rosa as always you outdo yourself on your posts, packed with beautiful photos, inspiring quotes, and delectable recipes. These oreos are a classic example

  108. C'est injuste ! Tu as beaucoup plus de neige que chez nous ! ;) (on a un faux hiver tout doux au Québec cette année) J'avais repérée la recette d'Isa… j'avoue que ça devient doublement tentant là. Et c'est intéressant ce que tu dis sur la blogosphère, aaaaahhhh.
    Et tes photos toutes enneigées sont superbes !

  109. what a terrific replication! i've always wondered what made up the middle of those little cookies, and now i know!

  110. These Oreos look so scrumptious and moreish. I'll have to try this recipe very soon...
    Cheers and thanks for sharing,

  111. Wow, that's quite a long time since you started blogging :-)Yes, food blogger community is so fascinating and I'm glad that I'm also a part of it ! Congrats on the giveaway wins !

    These cookies look wonderful and your photographs are to die for :-)

  112. Beautiful scalloped edge creme filled cookies. They are miles above oreos in every way.

  113. Home made oreos? Oh wow! They look wonderful!

  114. OMG! wait until my girls see this and I won't show it to them - read sneaky mom. I hate oreo and yes that cardboardy tste. But I can just tell that these are far away from those and does have plenty of ooomph in them. All the photographs are so beautiful.

  115. Looking at these makes me feel like a kid again!
    You know, Rosa, my son called these 'Romeos' when he was little. And it always made me smile. I'll bet making these for him would make him smile.

  116. These look every inch the same as shop bought oreos! Beautiful!
