I have only recently become acquainted with Muna's "MunatyCooking", but I must say that I enjoy her eclectic choice of dishes a lot as they cover a broad spectrum of foods. This lady hailing from the United Arab Emirates offers recipes that range from Western desserts and baked goods to Asian and Middle Eastern specialities. Although all of them look and sound particularly good, I am particularly enthralled by her pungent and savory dishes as I am a real sucker for the lipsmacking and exotic cuisine of those far away regions of the globe.
She edits a wonderful online magazine called "MunatyCooking" and is a talented cook/baker whom I have respect for as she is truly a foodie with undeniable qualities. So, when Muna asked me to write a guest post for her, the mere thought of it made me happy. No matter how big or small a blogger is, it is my pleasure to be welcomed into their homes as I believe that foodblogging is all about exchange, mutual respect, honest friendship and sharing (not always though, but that's what it should all be about).
My love for all things gastronomic has no borders nor does it care about your social status. I'm definitely not a snob who gives the cold shoulder to "newbies" (her site has been open since December 2010) as that is not an attitude I want to adopt or advocate. On the contrary, I despise elitists and cliquey people who look down on others, because they think that they are the shit/best.
Being quite humble in nature and remembering my quivery first steps as a beginner as well as how difficult it can be to get acknowledged during the early stages of blogging, I can only give my support to the ones who follow our tracks as I know too well how harsh, foreign/strange and vast this virtual world can be when you are a neophyte.
Many thanks, Muna, for oppening the doors to your lovely blog for me!
I don't know if you have the same uncomfortable feeling as me, but I have the impression that this year is passing extremely speedily and that we are more than ever racing against time without being able to get a grip on the present moment or connect with the now. It is insane and quite confusing...As incredible and shocking as it might seem, September has already arrived and so has autumn (and by the way, just in case you have already got the creeps, we are dangerously approaching Christmas - only 3 1/2 months to go before the ludicrous craze!). Even if you try lying to yourself, you cannot do anything else than witness that the hot season is over and that the slow decline of nature is taking its toll. As sad as it might sound, we have no other choice than to bid goodbye to the joys of summer and to the delightful and frivolous sensation of lightness it confers for cold, bleakness and gloom are installing themselves nonchalantly. All those changes are real, visible and can be perceived very clearly.
"Those cold nights are back again
Norway morning greet my daily toil
That old familiar smell
Fallen leaves return to our soil..."- Excerpt taken from the song "September In Norway" by Darkthrone.
The leaves on the trees are slowly turning, beginning to look a bit burnt and are losing their green pigmentation. Some of them have even scattered across the carpeted grass and are gracing the sides of the roads. Birds are quite silent lately, but one can already hear the mean yammering of magpies and crows in the distance. The mist gently licking the mountainsides and making them look eerily beautiful. The air has that familiar and distinctive clean, soily and firepit smell. Market stalls are once again being refurbished with wild mushrooms, pumpkins, sweetcorn, beetroots, grapes, figs, pears and apples.
Despite the fact all is very exciting, a part of me is sad......If you wish to read the rest of this post, see another set of pictures and discover the recipe for my "Raw Tomato Sauce", then please hop over to Muna's blog. Thank you!
Etant donné que beaucoup de mes lecteurs francophones ne comprennent pas forcément l'anglais et que malheureusement peu d'entre-eux auront la chance de lire mon billet invité et dernier article en date sur le merveilleux blog de ma collègue Muna de "MunatyCooking", je me suis permise de traduire la recette qui y figure afin que vous puissiez aussi en profiter car je pense qu'elle pourra vous intéresser (vous pouvez tout de même jeter un coup d'oeil à son site article car ses recettes sont très alléchantes et mon article contient d'autres images que celles exposées ici - essayez d'utiliser Google Translate pour toutes vos traductions, 4a marche assez bien).J'espère que ce plat sain, léger, savoureux et aux accents italiens vous plaira. Cette version personnalisée de la "Sauce Tomate Crue" traditionnelle est ma façon de rendre hommage à l'été qui a pris fin et de prolonger l'esprit des vacances encore un peu...
~ Sauce Tomate Crue ~
Recette par Rosa Mayland, Septembre 2011.
Pour 4 services.Ingrédients Pour La "Sauce Tomate":
2 Grosses tomates "coeur de boeuf", finement hachées
1 Gousse d'ail, finement hachée (en option)
1 Petit oignon blanc, finement haché
1 CS de Vinaigre de malte
1 CS de Vinaigre balsamique
2 CC de Worcestershire sauce
1 CC de Sauce de poissonTabasco (rouge), selon goût
3 CS d'Huile d'olive extra vierge (et + pour servir)
3 CS de Basilic frais, finement haché
1 CC de Marjolaine séchée
1 CC d'Origan séché
Poivre noir fraîchement moulu, selon goût
Sel de mer fin, selon goût
Méthode Pour La "Sauce Tomate":
1. Mélanger tous les ingrédients ensemble.
2. Laisser mariner pendant 20 minutes.
3. Servir.
Bien que l'ajout d'ail rend cette sauce encore plus savoureuse, il vous est possible de ne pas en utiliser, surtout si vous êtes soucieux de votre haleine.
Idées de présentation:
Servir cette sauce avec des spaghettis ou les pâtes de votre choix et saupoudrer avec des copeaux de Pecorino, Parmesan, Grana Padano ou Sbrinz.
Cette sauce est parfaite!
ReplyDeleteThat pasta looks fresh and fantastic! Can't beat beef tomatoes. On a different note, I completely agree and feel like this year is flying by. No idea where the year went.
ReplyDeleteRosa, I love your writing and haunting descriptions and observations of life. But I also enjoy your dishes and exotic style. With respect to this bruschetta-like tomato salsa recipe by your guest, I wish an English translation was available because it looks...delicious.
ReplyDeleteYour pictures are stunning Rosa!
ReplyDeleteDelicious recipe, beautiful photos. What a nice steak tomato you have there. I would eat this sauce with some penne or on toasted whole wheat bread.
Ce plat est encore une délicieuse réussite on le mange tout d'abord des yeux
ReplyDeleteJe te souhaite une belle soirée
This sauce is absolutely perfect...it looks beautiful, fresh, appetizing and there is no way it can be anything else but delicious!
voilà qui me plaît beaucoup : A faire !
ReplyDeleteThe pics are super gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteKrithi's Kitchen
Event: Serve It - Steamed
Je suis de retour de vacances, j'espère que t'as passée un bon été! J'admire ta philosophie quand à la blogosphère culinaire, c'est ainsi qu'on doit tous et toutes pensé! J'aime la simplicité et les personnes simples comme toi Rosa. Tu es modeste et tu as incontestablement des talents de créativité, photographie, cuisine, composition etc... largement de quoi faire un livre! Bravo pour ton intégrité. Gros bisous!
ReplyDeleteBy the way the sauce sounds perfect!
I love the flavour combinations you have used. Balsamic, Worcestershire, fish sauce and tabasco! Would never have thought of using these individual flavours together! Awesome!
ReplyDeleteBest use of summer tomatoes! I am sure it tastes delectable and refreshing.
ReplyDeleteJe le fais souvent ainsi avec quelques ingrédients en moins qui me plaisent...je vais noter et exécuter...
ReplyDeleteRosa, la photo de la ville, la rue est à Rome ? une rue qui conduit vers le Colisée ? si c'est le cas, c'est la rue où j'ai habité quelques jours à Rome...Un merveilleux souvenir...
bises et bon weekend
What a humble & warm person you are Rosa..such a pleasure to know you and your blog! Love the colorful salad and yes summer is going away...only to come back after a while!
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely weekend dear!
Penning down.Sometimes wonder how thsi simple ideas skip our attention..Went browsing on your guests side.She is a true find,,,thank you for sharing;)Could not see how to follow her as I do not have Facebook and alike;)
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely wrote up, and of course the tomato sauce, so tempting and fresh!
ReplyDeleteOne of my fave ingredients! Love the sauce...and I love it when you express yourself!
ReplyDeleteNothing is as beautifully irresistible as pasta with fresh tomato sauce. :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about time. This entire year has been a blur, and I cannot even think about Christmas just yet without feeling a bit queasy.
The tomatoes look a bit strange. hehe.
ReplyDeleteTes photos sont magnifiques, tes recettes aussi. Quand sors-tu un livre???♥
ReplyDeleteSo lovely your guest post, Rosa. This fresh tomato sauce looks absolutely delicious, and your photos gorgeous as always :)
ReplyDeleteYour tomato sauce looks PERFECT on top of that spaghetti. ;-)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful picture & excellent tomato sauce.
ReplyDeleteLove your nature pictures Rosa, somehow it brings me to different mode. Great post as usual.
ReplyDeleteSplendide ma belle Rosa! J'adore ta sauce tomates, c'est très santé :)
ReplyDeleteTes photos sont belles belles belles.
Bonne journée :)
Time really flies...sighs..
ReplyDeleteA perfect use of summer tomatoes! Love the sunset shot.
Cette sauce est superbe, j'adore! Bon week-end ma chère Rosa!
ReplyDeleteLovely dish and sentiment. Beautiful pics as always, Rosa!
Les morceaux de la sauce tomate est délicieuse, je m'émerveille de vos photos, pardonnez mon orthographe ... J'ai parfois l'aide d'un traducteur. Besos.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how quickly times flies by indeed... Love the look of this spaghetti Rosa and I will hop on over to your friends blog!
ReplyDeleteThose tomatoes are just so vibrant, so beautiful. I hear you about time flying. My bub turns one in five short days. Where did that go?
ReplyDeleteBeautiful !!!!
ReplyDeleteThe tomatoes sauce looks delicious...
Wonderful pictures rosa....
j'ai hélas abandonné toute idée d'avoir à Paris des tomates qui ont du gout Hélas !!!
Beautiful tomatoes! You made me hungry for pasta... yum.
ReplyDeletei'll be so sad when our fresh tomatoes are no more--they're one of my favorite parts of summer!
ReplyDeleteOh du soleil! merci :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post dear Rosa, and well you know your pictures are stunning!!! Love these the tomatos and the pics, other wonderful post Rosa, gloria
ReplyDeleteTes photos sont toujours sublimes !
ReplyDeleteBon dimanche
Absolutely gorgeous photos. I made a similar raw tomato sauce, but yours puts mine to shame. I wish summer would stay all year just for the wonderful tomatoes.
Merci d'avoir pris la peine de partager cette sublime recette toute en vitamines!
ReplyDeleteSounds very refreshing your raw tomato sauce!
ReplyDeleteSo gorgeous and fresh - I cannot get enough tomatoes right now!
ReplyDeleteMiammm! I have never eaten this sauce..I have to try!
ReplyDeleteTout est si parfait, la recette, et les superbes photos. Cette lumière magnifique.
Have to try this sauce.The pictures tempts me to grab the food from the laptop screen and eat them. Gorgeous clicks!
ReplyDeleteA perfect sauce when it's so hot you really don't feel like heating up the house further with any involved cooking.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post...one of my favorite ways to serve tomatoes :) Lovely!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe fall is almost here. Don't mention Christmas to me yet! It's too soon. Your raw sauce looks like a fantastic use of some of summer's last tomatoes.
ReplyDeleteUn peu comme la Salsa de tomate. J'aime bien évidemment, surtout qu'il me reste encore de belles tomates.
ReplyDeleteBon Lundi Rosa
Gorgeous sauce, Rosa, definitely one to make since I've been making fresh pasta lately - would be the perfect pairing!
ReplyDeleteI totally understand when you say life is passing too quickly. This year is an absolute blur!
Reminds me to stop and really savor each moment.
I am one of the lucky ones who also receive your warmth welcome as I am a newbie on the scene, and I am truly grateful, Rosa:-) Such a lovely post, I love all things tomato so this is bookmarked!
ReplyDeleteIndeed the tomato sauce looks fresh healthy and scrumptious, Rosa!
ReplyDeleteLà je craque, c'est le genre de recettes de pâtes que j'adore!
ReplyDeleteHey Rosa,
ReplyDeleteI am a huge fan of a raw tomato sauce. We make one with lots of gorgonzola, parsley, and fresh ground pepper. Here's to enjoying the last of summer!
Another sage post, Rosa. Your images are as mouth watering as usual:)
ReplyDeleteI also try to encourage "newbie" bloggers, Rosa. I appreciate their hesitation in testing the waters and how so many of them evolve into sharing, caring bloggers. As a matter of fact, I'm trying to find out when Adopt a Blogger Month is:)
Now, I'm off to visit your guest post. Thanks for sharing...
Wow...this tomato sauce looks delicious, indeed has a fresh look...love the flavor and the color. Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great week Rosa...and thanks for introducing us to your guest :-)
Such beautiful photos!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe raw tomato pasta sauce looks so delicious and healthy. Yum! I love tomatoes.
The recipe sounds so flavorful n the pics are enticing as ever Rosa! Its a treat to be here :)
Such a great post, Rosa...the sauce looks so bright and fresh! I love your outlook on life and blogging, and I feel the same way about newbie bloggers...we all had to start somewhere, right? I feel like the more you share with us on your blog, the more I realize we have in common.
ReplyDeleteAnd just earlier today I was thinking about how soon Christmas will be here! Time has sure sped up, hasn't it?!
gorgeous gorgeous photos! it's always very difficult starting out, and in fact I remember being very hesitant when I first started blogging less than a year ago.
ReplyDeleteThis dish looks so delicious and the color looks gorgeous too! Love that photo of blue sky with sunshine !
ReplyDeleteThose tomatoes look stunning! :D I love the look of tomatoes, they always signify bounty to me :)
ReplyDeletefresh and healthy sauce and a wonderful post ,congrats!
ReplyDeleteFish sauce in a Tomato delight such as this one felt a little odd to me. However, I get the feeling I would be quite pleased with the outcome. I will have to keep it in mind next time ;o)
ReplyDeleteRosa...that capture of the sunset sky should be hanging on a wall somewhere...absolutely breathtaking!
Ciao for now and here's to both of us enjoying our favourite time of the year.
CASINO PIER: Thanks so much! I'm glad you like that dish. You'll find the English version of my recipe on Muna's blog (see link in my post). Cheers.
ReplyDeleteUn régal ton plat de pâtes avec cette sauce fraîche!
ReplyDeleteJe raffole de ces tomates!!
Lots of interesting salty, tangy flavors in this sauce. How delicious.
ReplyDeleteLooking very refreshing! I saw the English version on Muna's already :)
ReplyDeleteI hope we get a few more weeks of those gorgeous tomatoes! Delicious and light dinner idea!
ReplyDeleteThis raw tomato sauce looks simply 'Heavenly', Rosa! The simplicity and beauty of this sauce make this post absolutely irresistible!
ReplyDeleteYou already know that I love tomato sauce :) and I'm also a HUGE fan of pasta --So this dish is making my mouth water!
Loving every pic!
Hugs <3
I liked what you said about the dish - a pure concentrate of life! Dried marjoram and fish sauce are interesting touches to the recipe..great one Rosa!
ReplyDeleteEspecially now that fresh tomatoes are in season and taste so good, raw tomato sauce is the way to go! Great recipe!
ReplyDeleteWonderful! These tomatoes remind me of the mountain tomatoes we get in Lebanon all summer and yes it is incredible how fast the year has gone by! I love your photos and dish, perfect and inspiring in every way.
ReplyDeleteje me demande ce qui me plait le plus, si c'est la sauce, si originale, ou cette tres belle photo du ciel d'automne. Joli post Rosa.
ReplyDeleteDeliciosa pasta con exquisita salsa me encanta,maravillosas fotos son como pinturas artísticas,abrazos .
ReplyDeleteça donne faim dès le matin ;-))
ReplyDeleteSuperbes photos! Miam!
ReplyDeleteAGNES: J'espère que cette sauce te plaira... Non, ce n'est pas à Rome, mais en vieille ville de Genève. Comme quoi, la Romandie est bien un peu latine. ;-P
ReplyDeleteA perfect use of tomatoes on a sweet note towards the ending of summer. Gorgeous photos :)
ReplyDeleteThis looks insanely delicious. I bought some tomatoes and basil, I want to try some "raw sauce" ...hopefully I remember before it becomes caprese. :p
ReplyDeleteRosa, these photos of the pasta and raw sauce dish are fabulous - I feel like you've made a styling change and I love them! And this is a wonderful, perfect sauce... now if I could only get back to Autumn...
ReplyDeleteRosa, your blog always transport me to beautiful places. The pictures, the food and the music work so well together.
ReplyDeleteSo relaxing.....
je l'ai surement déjà dit mais quel plaisir que de venir se balader sur ce blog! de magnifiques photos, des recettes savoureuses; bravo vraiment;