Here are some pictures of my two cats suffering because of the crushing heatwave we had to experience during the last weeks...

The only positive aspect of the heatwave was that he was a lot calmer than usual and didn't have any energy left to play the crazy monkey on acid that we get when he's losing his marbles during his five famous minutes of total cat mayhem!!!...

The heat even changed her habits; the "sticky" Muschki that we know (who is always after us asking for love and cuddles) was simply not looking forwards to any kind of close physical contact (kisses and cuddles)!
Maruschka was overwhelmed by the extreme temperatures...
You will also find those pictures as well as others on the great Eat Stuff blog from Sydney, Australia where you can discover Kiri's weekly pictures... If you also want to participate to Weekend Cat Blogging, then just leave your blog name, URL and permalink in a comment on Clare and Casey's site.