Monday, January 30, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006

On the occasion of WCB #34, Boo_licious of the great "Masak Masak" from Malaysia (her blog is worth checking out!) will host this weekend's edition as the cute Kiri and his family of "Eat Stuff" from Australia are away on vacation for a while...
So, you can send her your permalinks of your kitties and she'll put them up.
You can email Boo_licious at her Mum's email: or leave her the links at the comment sections: Haloscan for non-bloggers and Blogger for those registered on blogger.
Here are pictures of the other cute kitties from all around the blogosphere:
1. Say hi to Sophe Oki, Lomax and Mance from Cracker Jack'd. They're so adorable that I can understand why Aunty Kathy is so proud of them.
2. Gigolo Kitty continues the Snowy White and the Seven Stalkers story where Snowy White is forced to join the gym.
3. Lulu the dog has a sweet little kitty nicknamed Willow as her bed buddy in Why Travel to France?
4. Awwww, Honey the sweetie pie is now all grown up at ten months old in Anne's Food.
5. The kitties in Look Hunny, I Cooked are so peaceful in their tall perches. I must take Auntie Catesa's advice and share with my sister next time Mum brings home a new toy.
6. Tasha, the sleepy kitty from A Few of my Favourite Things is back in WCB. Welcome back to Bella, Tasha and Auntie Cin, glad to see you.
7. Happy Birthday to Morganna, Barbara's daughter from Tigers & Strawberries. She's having a Chinese dim sum feast for her birthday (I wish I could be there!) and hugging Lennier who looks so happy.
8. Maruschka from Rosa's Yummy Yums is waiting to be fed. I know that feeling as sometimes I use that stare at Mum to will her to move and fill my cat bowl with food.
9. Dutchie & Mao love their baskets which have a great view of the world in Kross-Eyed Kitty. I want some of that too!
10. Doc the cat has got a side-job, he is the official proofreader of Kiplog's posts. I hope the job pays well in terms of yummy food and more pats from the master.
11. Bow down to Princess Louise, the great kitty from Stalking the Waiter. If not, she may give you the evil eye.
12. Molly Doodlebug is a good kitty this weekend over at Farmgirl Fare. I wonder what mischief she has planned for the coming week.
13. Aggie is tubsitting over at Kayak Soup. I reckon it's because it's nice and cooling to sit in there? Sometimes I also jump into the tub with Mum before she switches on the shower.
14. Max shows off his whiskers in passionatenonchalance.
15. Kitty Bojangles has a moment of peace from Whiskey the cat in Just Braise. Happy Birthday Auntie Stacey - Mum was drooling over the Chocolate Coconut Fudge Cupcakes you baked.
16. Le Gros Noir from Lali et Cie gets no sleep as Lali's little girl loves to play with him.
17. Lucky the Cat gets a bath with his mummy in These Days in French Life.
18. Kashim and Othello, those adorable kitties play at their scratch posts at Paulchens Foodblog?!
19. Bussi enjoys her weekend by getting her priorities right at Basic Juice. I love the sequence of photos as that's exactly what I do too when I find a nice sunbeam at home.
20. We have Stella and Buddy wandering outside plus a bonus picture of Stella looking cute as a pie hiding in a bag over at The Poor Cracklins.
21. Widget and Max fight it out for the new kitty condo at Peanut Butter and Purple Onions. Hmmmm, I wonder if Mum can build me one too. Must go and bug her now with some pleading looks.
22. Xannon the black kitty joins us from Texas at Heather's Space. He looks so like the other black kitten we have at the other house, so sweet.
23. Samantha has a nice red ribbon that she loves to play with at the Websorceress Cooks. It looks really fun, let me bug Mum for a ribbon too.
(Muschki 1 & 2 -Pic by Rosa

This recipe was originally released in the N°86 (Juin-Juillet-Août) of the French magazine "Cuisine Et Vins De France". As usual, I have changed a few things in order to meet my own tastes...
180g Plain white flour
2- 2 1/2 Tsp Baking powder
3 Eggs (~50g)
100g Gruyère (or Fontina), grated
200g Feta (or Mozarella), cubed
6 Tbs Olive oil
100ml Milk
1/2 Cup Fresh basil and chives, chopped
A pinch paprika powder
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F).
2. Incorporate the baking powder to the sieved flour and mix in the salt and pepper.
3. In a big bowl, beat the eggs until fluffy and until they lighten in colour.
4. While continuesly beating, add the olive oil and milk.
5. Incorporate the flour to the egg mixture and mix well in order to get a homogenous dough. 6. Add the feta cheese, the gruyère and the fresh herbs. Mix delicately.
7. Pour the dough into a greased rectangular cake pan.
8. Bake for about 50 minutes.
9. Cool the bread and eat while it’s still warm.

If the feta is too fresh and tends to break, then you should not incorporate the cubes into dough at the same time as the gruyère. I recommend you to pour a bit of dough into the pan and to add the cubed feta on the top, and then to add again a bit of dough and feta and so forth until the you have incorporated the whole quantity of feta cheese…
You should better use medium-aged gruyère for this cake.
Serving suggestions:
Eat it warm, cut into slices (or small cubes) and buttered. It is ideal to serve this savory cake with olives and tapas or mezze. And, of course, I recommend you to accompany the food with a good sparkly Chilean, Californian or Italian Chardonnay wine or any dry white wine of your choice (Pinot Gris, Muscadet, Chasselas, etc...)!…
(Feta Bread -Pic by Rosa
(Chives -Pic by
(Feta Cheese -Pic by
Thursday, January 26, 2006

Blog your Valentine recipe (in English or German) before February 12th midnight, and send an email to
Please state the following in the email :
Subject line: Valentine cooking
Name of your blog
Your namePermalink to your post
Your physical location (optional)
As soon as she gets the first recipe, there will be a daily updated round-up of all entries.
=> to the round-up.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

and my sweet and delicate "Chinese White Sugar Sponge"...

(Gong Xi Fa Cai -Pic by
(Chinese Lemon Chicken -Pic by Rosa
(Chinese White Sugar Sponge -Pic by Rosa
Monday, January 23, 2006
I must say that I had to think a little before giving my "Five Cooking Challenges Of 2006" as I never tend to set myself a challenge regarding anything, and even when it comes to cooking!
But, thinking about it, I do have a few things I'd like to change, learn or do during the following monthes, so I guess that one can call them "challenges"!!!...

Now it's my turn to tag the following bloggers:
Susan of "Foodie Farmgirl"
Glutton Rabbit of "Pearl Of The Orient"
Boolicious of "Masak Masak"
Ivonne of "Cream Puffs In Venice"
Angela of "A Spoonful Of Sugar"
(AOC -Pic by
(The Silver Spoon -Pic by
(Cake Pan -Pic by
(Pain Au Chocolate -Pic by
(Kuih Lapis -Pic by
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Anyhow, a few months ago, I discovered that I was totally wrong!...
Ok, maybe it’s easier to open a packet of industrial crisps, but nothing can exactly compare with what is homemade with love and dedication! Not only are you free to choose the quality of the ingredients you use, but you are also free to spice those crisp with whichever seasoning you want to have…
I was really bluffed by the end result which was way beyond my expectations. The crisps were simply great looking and fine tasting, thus proving that your common packet crisps has nothing more to offer!
So, I warmly recommend you to try making your crisps the next time you plan to offer apetizers, because your crisps will be a real highlight!!!
Potatos, peeled
Curry powder
1/2 -1l Peanut oil
1. Cut the potatos in very thin slices.
2. Wash them in cold water, so that the starch is eliminated.
3. Strain and absorb the leftover water with a towel.
4. Heat the oil until it’s very hot.
5. Lower the heat and plunge the slices in the hot oil. Stir continuously so that they don’t stick together.
6. Once the slices are golden, get the crisps out with the help of a skimming laddle.
7. Strain and drain on absorbant paper.
8. Then, place the crisps in a plastic container and add the salt and curry powder.
9. Gently shake the bag in order to cover each crisp with the spices.
Be careful to fry the potato slices only once the oil is hot, otherwise they’ll be soggy with oil.
Serving suggestions:
You can sin at any time, 'cause nobody will blame you for gobbling them, since they are homemade crisps!!!
(Potato Crisps -Pic by Rosa
(Curry Powder -Pic

It does sound like a witch’s brew, but some of those ingredients are natural antiseptics, de-toxifiers, antibiotics, antinauseants and sedatives!!!…

Otherwise, it is also recommended to eat lots healthy nutrients like fruits, vegetables and stuff like liver in order to reload yourself with enough vitamins and minerals to fight against your cold. You should also drink a lot as it eliminates the toxins inside your body.

Now it’s my turn to tag the following people:
* Indira of "Mahanandi"
* Obachan of "Obachan's Kitchen And Balcony Garden"
* Cheryl of "The Baker Who Cooks"
* Anne of "La VIe Au Jour Le Jour"
* Elvira of "Tasca Da Elvira"
* Chanit of "My Mom's Recipes And More"
Of course, you don’t have to do the meme if you are not interested by it…
(Ginger -Pic by httP://
(Lavender -Pic by
(Cloves -Pic by httP://
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

This recipe originates from Gerard Fritsch& Guy Zeissloff’s book “Recettes Gourmandes Des Boulangers D’Alsace” and was proposed on both Fidji and Avital’s mouthwatering blogs. It has also been slightly changed by me for a better understanding and successful baking. Some of the bread making methods were adapted from Eric Treuille & Ursula Ferrigno’s “Ultimate Bread” book.
500g Plain white flour
2 1/2 Tsp Dried yeast
110ml milk, tepid
70g Castor sugar
1/2 Tsp Vanilla extract
4 Eggs (~50g)
2/3 Tsp Salt
120g Unsalted butter, softened and creamed
Chocolate (chips or raisins)
1. In a small bowl, sprinkle the yeast into 80ml tepid milk and leave for 5 minutes. Stir to dissolve.
2. Put the flour and salt into a bowl, make a well in the centre and pour in the yeasted milk.
3. Draw enough of the flour into the yeasted milk in order to form a soft paste.
4. Cover with a tea towel and leave it sponge until frothy and risen, about 20 minutes.
5. Mix together the leftover milk, the eggs, sugar and vanilla extract.
6. Add the egg mixture to the flour well and mix in the flour from the sides to form a soft dough.
7. Turn the dough out on to a slightly floured surface and knead for about 10 minutes until the dough is soft and elastic.
8. Put back into the bowl and incorporate the creamed butter.
9. Continue kneading for about 10-12 minutes until the dough is shiny, smooth and doesn’t stick anymore.
10. Place in a bowl, cover with a tea towel and let rise for about 1-1 1/2 Hours.
11. Knock back and leave to rest for 10 minutes.
12. Incorporate the chocolate chips and form 12 equal balls.
13. Let rise for about 40 minutes or until doubled in size.
14. Brush them with egg-glaze (1 egg + a pinch of salt) and cut a cross on the top of each ball with the help of scissors.
15. Bake for about 10 to 12 minutes at 210°C (410°F).

Always use a wooden spoon to work with.
The quantity of chocolate chips depends on your desire to be “dirty” or not.
Instead of using chocolate chips, you can use raisins.
For ultimate flavor, use only the best quality chocolate.
Remember that brioche bread is always better when the kneading is done for a certain length of time, but be careful not to overheat the dough by doing so!
Use the freshest butter and eggs to make the most flavorful brioche.
Be sure that all ingredients have been left at room temperature and that the butter has been left out of the refrigerator.
Serving suggestions:
Eat those brioche for the breakfast, mid-morning coffee or afternoon tea with butter.
(Alsation Brioche 1 -Pic by Rosa
(Castle Ortenbourg -Pic by Nicolas Dory
(Alsation Brioche 2 -Pic by Rosa
Monday, January 16, 2006

1. Be happy.
2. Travel to the places I’d love to see (Canada, USA, South-East Asia, Germany, Thailand, Greece, Australia, New Zealand, etc…).
3. Have my own little house and live in another country like Canada, maybe?...
4. Win the lottery, so that I wouldn’t have to work till the end of my life.
5. To have tested all the recipes I find interesting.
6. To have a goat, a dog, a donkey, a pig, a cow and many more cats.
7. Buy and read more books.

1. Drive.
2. Be a superficial person or a materialist.
3. Be dishonnest or fake.
4. I can’t throw away food, so I always have a lot of leftovers.
5. Be patient.
6. I can’t stand lies.
7. I can’t see a cute animal without totally freaking out or melting on the spot!!!

1. Get to meet many interesting people.
2. Get to share my interest in food with others who understand my passionate ramblings.
3. Something do do in order to make my momentary life situation more bearable.
4. To share the pictures of my cute kitties Maruschka and Fridolin.
5. To feel more confident with my ownself.
6. Something to be “proud” of.
7. Pure pleasure…

1. Bibi!
2. Nein Muschki or Fridi isch finito?!!!!!
3. Bloody hell!
4. I’m fed up of this tin box kitchen!
5. Mmmmhhhh!
6. Oh la la!
7. P*%&*?% de m*%&*!!!!!

1. All Anne Rice’s novels.
2. Anything by Stephen King.
3. Perfume by Patrick Süskind.
4. Dean Koontz’s books.
5. My three Culinaria books (Greece, South-East Asia and Caribbean) and other cookery books.
6. Yukio Mishima’s writings.
7. My books about North American Indians and many others. I love books, but can’t afford to buy (m)any at the moment…

1. Dead Man by Jim Jarmusch.
2. Avalon by Mamoru Oshii.
3. The Fast Runner (Atanarjuat) by Zacharias Kunuk.
4. Hana-Bi (and all films) by Takeshi Kitano.
5. Nightmare Before Christmas (and all films) by Tim Burton.
6. Lagaan by Aamir Khan.
7. 2046 (and all films) by Won Kar wai and many many more…..

1. Anybody
2. who
3. is
4. interested
5. in
6. sharing
7. thoughts!!!
(Castle Mountain, Canada -Pic by Norbert Woehnl
(Cute Animals -Pic by
(Dessert -Pic by
(My Kitchinette -Pic by Rosa
(Kachins -Pic by
(Atanarjuat -Pic by
(Penguins -Pic by

So, I'm very thankful to Adam from "The Amateur Gourmet" for having shared this recipe with us and for giving us moments of pure bliss!!!
450g Plain white flour
3/4 Tsp Salt
2 Tsps Baking soda
1 1/2 Tsps Ground cinnamon
1 Tsp Freshly grated nutmeg
1/4 Tsp Ground cloves
1/4 Tsp Ground allspice
470g Solid-pack pumpkin
180ml Vegetable oil (I used peanut oil)
495g Castor sugar
4 Large eggs (~50g), lightly beaten
2 Granny smith apples, peeled, cored, and chopped (2 cups)

1 Tbs Plain white flour
5 Tbs Castor sugar
1 Tsp Ground cinnamon
1 Tbs Unsalted butter, softened
1. Blend together flour, sugar, cinnamon, and butter in a small bowl with your fingertips until mixture resembles coarse meal.
1. Put a rack in the middle of oven and preheat oven to 180°C (350°F).
2. Butter two 22 X 11 cm loaf pans.
3. Sift together flour, salt, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and allspice into a medium bowl.
4. Whisk together pumpkin, oil, sugar, and eggs in a large bowl.
5. Add flour mixture, stirring until well combined.
6. Fold in apples.
7. Divide batter between buttered loaf pans.
8. Sprinkle half of topping evenly over each loaf.
9. Bake until a wooden pick or skewer inserted in center of bread comes out clean, 50 to 60 minutes.
10. Cool loaves in pans on a rack for 45 minutes, then turn out onto rack and cool completely, about 1 hour.

If you don't have any homemade pumpkin puree, then you can use a bought can.
The following apples can be used for baking: Golden Delicious, Gala, Breaburn, Empire, Pippin, Rhode Island Greening, Arkansas Black, Rome Beauty, York Imperial, Cornell Red, Chesapeake, Cortland, Criterion, Fireside, Gingergold, Goodland, Ida Red, Jonagold, Mutsu, Niagara, Opalescent, Russet, Wolf River, Fuji, etc...
Serving suggestions:
Butter the slices of this bread (optional, but very fine) and eat together with a good cup of tea.
Recipe by Adam from "The Amateur Gourmet" blog.
(Pumpkin Apple Bread 1 & 2 -Pic by Rosa -Pic by
Saturday, January 14, 2006

Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Thursday, January 5, 2006

This recipe was originally released for Brazilian television and created by Laka Brandao under the title “Laka’s Meatballs”. I adapted it and transformed it for more scrumptiousness….
500g Ground beef
70g Peanuts, shelled, toasted and finely ground
1/2 Medium onion, finely chopped
3-4 Cloves garlic, crushed
1 Tsp Grated ginger root
1 Tbs Fresh coriander, chopped (optional)
1 Pinch ground nutmeg
2 Pinch ground cinnamon
2 Tbs Quick oatmeal (thin flakes)
Ground black pepper to taste
Salt to taste
Oil for frying (peanut oil)
400ml Chicken stock
2 Tbs Cornstarch
1 Tbs Runny honey
Juice of 1 orange
Juice of 1 lemon
1 Tsp Orange rind
2 Tsp grated fresh ginger
Salt and pepper to taste.

1. Mix all the ingredients for the meatballs together and check salt. Form app. 1 1/2 tablespoon balls.
2. Cook in oil until golden.
3. Reserve in the oven at 120°C (250°F)
4. Blend the orange juice, lemon juice and honey together with the cornstarch.
5. Stir into boiling stock along with ginger and orange rind.
6. Season with salt and pepper.
7. Bring to the boil until it thickens.
8. Serve over meatballs.
Don’t let the meatballs get too dry when in the oven.
Serving suggestions:
Serve the meatballs with white rice (carolina, parboiled, basmati, etc…) and slices of oranges.
(Brazilian Meatballs -Pic by Rosa
(Botafogo Bay -Pic by Nicolas Pouche
Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Tuesday, January 3, 2006

This “SCRAPPLE” is my own invention, although it is based on different recipes which I came across on the net and descriptions I read in “Culinaria USA”. I have seen so many different versions of this dish that I decided to create my own by compiling what I found best in each recipe. No pork is used here, but as many “SCRAPPLES” were either made with ground beef, ground pork or sausage meat, I thought that corned beef would also do the trick very well and I was not wrong…
“CORNED BEEF SCRAPPLE” was a successful try and it was satisfying too!!!
1 Tbs olive oil
1 Medium onion, thinly chopped
1 tin (340g) Corned beef, crumbled up
340ml water
1 1/2 Tsp Dried sage
1 Tsp Dried oregano
1 Tsp Dried Thyme
1/2 Tsp Nutmeg
1 1/2 Tsp Garlic powder
1 Pinch paprika
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
110g Cornmeal
2 Tbs Flour
Breadcrumb dressing
1. In a mortar, pound the sage, oregano, and thyme together until coarsly ground.
2. In a pan, fry the onion in the olive oil until translucid, add the garlic powder, and the spices. 3. Stir for a few seconds and then add the corned beef.
4. Salt and pepper to taste.
5. Stir-fry for a few minutes.
6. Pour the water into the beef mixture.
7. Slowly incorporate the cornmeal in batches and the flour while mixing well.
8. Continue stirring energically for about 10-15 minutes until the mixture starts to detach from the pan and form a ball.
9. Put the mixture into a greased loaf pan, flaten and shape.
10. Chill for at least 12 hours.
11. The next day, remove from the tin and cut into 1 1/2 cm slices.
12. Toss the scrapple into the breadcrumb dressind and fry in oil or butter until golden.Remarks:
Instead of corned beef, you can use the ground meat of your choice (beef, pork, sausage, etc…) as long as the measures are respected.
If you wish, fresh chopped herbs can also be used.
When cutting scrapple into slices, dip the knife in water before processing.
Instead of using breadcrumb dressing, you can use flour to coat the slices.
When frying the srcapple, be careful not to burn the slices; they should be crusty and golden.
Serving suggestions:
Serve scrapple with either ketchup, maple syrup, apple sauce or butter and salt and pepper.
It is also a good breakfast meal when eaten with poached eggs and fried potatoes.
(Scrapple -Pic by Rosa
(Pennsylvania Barn -Pic by Linda Richters
Monday, January 2, 2006

This recipe was taken from a special issue of the French magazine “Cuisine Actuelle” (February-March 2003). As usual, I changed a few details and adapted it freely…
3 Ripe bananas, mashed
150g Castor sugar (or Light brown sugar)
250g Plain white flour
60g Unsalted butter, melted
1 Egg (~50g), beaten
200ml Milk
2 Tsp Baking powder
2 Tsp Ginger powder (or 1 Tbs Fresh ginger, grated)
60g Walnuts, coarsly chopped
1/2 Tsp Salt

1. Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F).
2. In a bowl, mix together sifted flour, baking powder, ground ginger, salt and walnuts.
3. In another bowl, beat the egg together with the melted butter, sugar, milk and mashed bananas until the mixture is homogenous.
4. Make a well with the flour mixture and pour in the banana mixture. Mix well until the batter is smooth and quite fluid.
5. Pour the cake batter in a pan/tin and bake for about 1 hour in the middle of the oven.
Don’t beat the cake batter for too long, otherwise the bread will lose of it’s lightness. Just mix gently.
Serving suggestions:
Cut the bread in slices and serve them buttered.
This “Banana Walnut Bread” is the ideal treat with a fine cup of coffee or a tea.
(Banana And Walnut Cake -Pic by Rosa
(Walnuts -Pic by