So that you have an idea of how certain mentionned places look like, I've decided to edit a few pictures on my blog... Hope you'll like them!

Appenzell, northeastern Switzerland.
(Appenzell -Pic by Albrecht Bijvank

Geneva lake-side, western Switzerland.
(Geneva -Pic by Michel Bobiller

( View on the Château de Chillon by the Leman lake, Vaud, western Switzerland)
(Vaud -Pic by Francesco Leto

(View on Vetroz and the valley, Valais, western Switzerland)
(Valais -Pic by Isabelle Louy
Un pays magnifique, la Suisse. Je connais un peu...
ReplyDeleteC'est un petit pays qui est grand par sa diversité culturelle et visuelle (beaucoups de cantons, tous différents tant en ce qui concerne les gens, les langues que les paysages)...